Twelve hours

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The ancient Chinese people took All day and night It is divided into twelve periods, each of which is called an hour. Twelve hours can refer to either a day or any hour. At twelve o'clock ancient The working people of China sum up according to the natural law of sunrise and sunset in a day, the change of sky color, and their daily production activities and living habits summary , original in the world.
Twelve hour system It was used in the Western Zhou Dynasty. In the Han Dynasty, it was named midnight, Jiming, Pingdan, Sunrise, Chenshi, Yuzhong, Rizhong, Japanese products, Fushi, Rijin, Dusk, and Rending. It is also expressed by the twelve local branches, with the time from 23:00 to 1:00 at midnight as the midnight time, the time from one to three o'clock as the ugly time, and the time from three to five o'clock as the yin time.
The twelfth hour is composed of twelve specific time nouns. People can trace the origin of these words from Chinese ancient books in the pre Qin period. Before the Han Dynasty, many of these terms were different. Until the early years of the Han Dynasty, China implemented Primordial calendar "It is based on the principle of twelve hours a day, and the discipline of the trunk and branches."( Zhao Yi New exam 》Volume 34) is basically finalized and named. The twelve hour clock is unique and has a long history Astronomical calendar It is also one of the splendid treasures of Chinese culture.
The twelve hour regimen in the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine is integrated into people's daily life through timing tools, reminding people of scientific regimen at any time, so that everyone can understand how to use《 Inner Canon of Huangdi 》Health preservation, which makes scientific health preservation popular, is undoubtedly revolutionary in improving people's physique and improving their quality of life.
Twelve hours equals 24 hours, and each hour equals 2 hours. [1] New Tang Dynasty Book ·It is clearly pointed out in the Calendar that "the ancient calendar divides days, starting from the half of the child" Midpoint of child time , that is, today's zero hour (24:00), is the beginning of the day.
Chinese name
Twelve hours
Foreign name
twelve hour
Timing method
Western Zhou Dynasty
shí èr shí chén


The time referred to in "midnight" refers to the time from 23:00 the previous night to 1:00 am this day (Beijing time, 24-hour system , the same below). This period is named after the local branch and is called the sub time.
Kong Yingda In Spring and Autumn, the seventh year of Duke Zhuang, I wrote the sentence "In summer and April, the stars disappear at Xinmao night": "The night is the name of the night from dusk to dusk." The section of the sky from black to light is called night. "Midnight" refers to the middle period between darkness and dawn, which is a natural phenomenon, while what people usually call "midnight" generally refers to all the time when it is dark, and its time often exceeds the two hours of midnight.
It is positive at the beginning of a year; The beginning of January is the new moon. China Today's lunar calendar takes January as the beginning and midnight as the starting point. Although the ancient books and records still have“ dawn ”Or "cock crowing", but people always use the midnight synch as the starting point to calculate the calendar.
The word "midnight" is often used by literati in poetry. For example:“ Hanshan Temple At midnight, the bell rings to the passenger ship. " Zhang Ji Night Mooring at Maple Bridge), Ask the ghosts and gods instead of the common people 。” Li Shangyin "Jia Sheng").
Pronunciation: [z ĭ sh í]
Child time refers to Internal Alchemy In the big and small Zhou Tian skill, the time to start a fire is also called Winter Solstice So use Twelve Earthly Branches The Zishi in is the beginning of the Six Yang Shi (Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si). Therefore, it is said in the Illustrated Wing of the Analects that "Zi is the beginning of Yang's life." The winter solstice also refers to this meaning. For example, it is said in the General Taboo · Filial Piety Sutra Aid God's Contract that "on the 15th day after the heavy snow, Dou Zhizi is the winter solstice, in the middle of November. The cathode is the beginning of Yang's life." The beginning of Yang is called the beginning of Yang's life, or the beginning of Yang's return, It is used for divination in the Book of Changes Fugua To represent. Because the five lines on the double hexagram are yin "-", and the initial line (the lowest line) has become yang "one". This hexagram is often used in ancient Qigong books. But this is just a comparison. As the "Four Hundred Words of the Golden Elixir" said, "when the fire is not working, the winter solstice is not in the child, and its bathing method, the prime prime is also empty". So when it's time to start a fire, you should master it according to the scene during the practice. As also said in the Resurrection of Pills, "You don't need to look for the winter solstice to practice pills. There is a yang in your body". Zishi that can ignite is divided into two types in Internal Alchemy, namely Viviparous time And Positive time
Midnight, also known as midnight, midnight: the first hour of the twelve. (From 23:00 to 1am). Rats are most active at this time.
Early midnight and midnight
Origin of early midnight time and midnight time ("early midnight time (also called" sub timing ")" and "midnight time (also called" sub timing ")")
Research chinese calendar All people know that Zishi has changed in the middle since ancient times.
Li Chunfeng When the "Linde Calendar" was formulated in the Tang Dynasty, it was clearly pointed out in the "New Tang Book Calendar" that "the ancient calendar divides days, starting from the half of the son", and the midpoint of the son time, namely zero hour (24 o'clock), is the beginning of a day.
The first hour of twelve o'clock is called "midnight". An example of the earliest use of "midnight" as a time noun can be found in the Sixteen Years of Zuo Zhuan, Aigong: "Give it away when drunk, and send it away in the middle of the night."
Historical concept
The Great Biography of Shangshu, written in the early Han Dynasty, also pointed out: "The Zhou Dynasty takes November as the positive month, the color is still red, and the midnight as the new moon."
In the Ming Dynasty, there was the concept of "midnight". Wang Kui wrote "Collection of Lihai · Calendar" (see: "Miscellaneous Categories of the Subordinates of Siku Quanshu" or "General Introduction to the Omission of the Ancient and Modern Integrated Calendar Dictionary"): There are many theories about a hundred engravings. There is no conclusive conclusion, but the only one is that the category is excellent. I thought that every moment would get 60 points, and every hundred quarters would get 6000 points. If I scattered at 12:00, I would get 500 points. In this case, it would take eight quarters and two tenths. Will eight Truncation The first quarter is divided into four quarters at the beginning, and the twentieth quarter is divided into ten minutes at the beginning... Zhao Yuandu once said that the twelfth quarter is divided into eight quarters at the beginning, and the ninety-six quarter is divided into the big quarter, but the remaining four quarters are divided into sixty minutes at every quarter, and the four quarters are divided into two hundred and forty minutes, and each quarter is divided into twenty minutes at a time. In this way, the eight big quarters at a time, the twenty small quarters at a time, and the cut into the first quarter, Each one gets ten cents. Others who get ten quarters each at midnight, nine quarters each at noon and prime time, or four quarters each at midnight... However, the midnight is just before midnight, so it is called Yezizheng. For example, the winter solstice is the beginning of the calendar, and it is in the middle of the atmosphere. So Yezi is just after the time of Hai, so there is only the first moment without the right moment; (Early) Zishi, however, has only the right moment without the first moment, which is obvious. (These paragraphs record how to use the "leaky carving" method to time in ancient times. "leaky carving" is a timing tool, which uses a copper pot to store water, and the leaky water looks at the scale to measure the time. For the structure of "leaky carving", see“ Integration of ancient and modern books ”。 The first and second paragraphs only define that one hour is equal to eight quarters and two tenths. In the third paragraph, there is an error in the method of defining other hours. In the fourth paragraph, there is a method of defining the midnight. From the words in the fourth paragraph, we can see that the hour after the time of Hai (there is an initial moment, but no positive moment) is "midnight at night", that is, the hour from 23:00 to 24:00. Since there is the concept of midnight, it implies that a day begins at "midnight", that is, at 0:00. Otherwise, why divide the child time into two parts? It is based on the fact that the ancient Chinese people did not exchange days at 23:00. How old are the ancient Chinese people here? According to the records in the "summary of the general items of the four libraries", Wang Kui was believed to be from the Song Dynasty, but according to Ji Yun They speculated that Wang Kui should be from the Ming Dynasty, whose thoughts were influenced by Shao Yong Great impact. In short, the term "midnight" had existed before the Ming Dynasty. In what dynasty did "midnight" appear earlier? No direct evidence has been found, which needs to be verified.)
Exploring the Origin of Fatalism
Exploring the Origin of Life Principle [Volume V]
In terms of time and the difference between midnight and midnight, Wan Yuwu said: at twelve o'clock in the day and night, there are eight big moments and two small moments. The total number of large carves is 96, the total number of small carves is 24, and the total number of small carves is six, so it is a hundred. Upper half hour
The fourth big moment is the beginning, the first first day, the second second day, the second third day, and the last small moment is the fourth day. The big moment in the second half is also called four, the beginning is called the right moment, the first is the first, the second is the second, the second is the third, and the last is the small moment
First four. If midnight, the first half is before midnight, which is yesterday, and the second half is after midnight, which is today. It is also like the winter solstice, when the sun comes, it is the beginning of heaven. In the ancient calendar, there are two hours
The time is the beginning, and each of the four major moments is followed. However, it is not as easy to plan as the current calendar. The saying goes, "Nine quarters each at noon and eight quarters at noon". According to Xingping Dacheng, Yu Chu didn't know what to say overnight and asked the prison officials
Friends never know. The son of the upright, today's early, not the evening of the day also. The night son is the night of today, not the morning of today. view Chinese Zodiac It can be seen from yin and yang. Cattle, rabbits, sheep, chickens and pigs belong to yin. Their hooves and claws are double, and snakes
There is too much overcast to see feet. Tigers, dragons, monkeys and dogs belong to Yang. Their hooves and claws are odd. The first two feet of a single mouse belong to Yin, four claws, and the last two feet belong to Yang and five claws. Therefore, the midnight belongs to Yin, while the midnight belongs to Yang. Such as Kangxi Xinwei
Spring begins at midnight on the 17th night of December, and it has not yet started at the end of the 17th Hai. If you don't know this, it will be a wrong year.
Press: If Jiayinnian On the tenth day of the first lunar month, the Spring Festival begins at midnight in the New Year, and on the tenth day of the first lunar month, after nine o'clock in the afternoon and before eleven o'clock in the afternoon, the year of Kuchou, the month of Yichou, and on the first day of the New Year
At the same time, push. For example, on the tenth day of the lunar month, after eleven o'clock in the afternoon and before twelve o'clock at midnight, it is called Jiayin year, Bingyin month, Xinyou day, and Gengzi time. (From the day of using ren to the day of Gengzi.) The so-called night of today,
It's not early today. For example, on the 10th day of the lunar new year, after 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the hour before midnight is just one o'clock, that is, the year of Jiayin, the month of Bingyin, the day of Renxu, and the time of Gengzi. The so-called morning of today is not the night of yesterday. if
You should be especially aware of the zero borrowing of fortune and the passing of life palace. [2]

Cock crowing

"Cock crowing", "Ciyuan" notes: "weapon name."《 unabridged dictionary 》Then he noted: "The Book of Songs - Qi Feng" title. Yuefu《 Xianghe Song 》Song title. Another name for Ge. " These two reference books lack the meaning of the word "cock crowing" in the twelfth hour.
Literally, "cock crowing" does mean "cock crowing", but it specifically refers to the time after midnight dawn The previous time period, that is, 1~3 o'clock after midnight, is called "Dizhi" 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.
Chickens were praised by the ancient Chinese people as "animals that know the time". Han Shiwaizhuan 》In praise of the chicken cloud: "The night watchman is punctual and trustworthy." in the first flush of dawn The cock crows, and people get up at dawn.
The word "cock crowing" originates from《 Justice of Zuo Zhuan in the Spring and Autumn Period 》In the sentence of "rooster crows and eats, obeys orders". In the sentence earlier than this example, even if there is "cock crowing", it does not refer to time specifically, but only means "cock crowing". For example:“ The wind and rain are like darkness, and the crowing of chickens continues 。” (The Book of Songs - Wind and Rain), etc. [3]

1 a.m. to 3 a.m.

Pinyin: [ch ǒ u sh í]
In ancient China, a day was divided into twelve hours, each of which is equal to two hours today. It is said that the ancient Chinese people named each hour according to the time of the animals in the Chinese zodiac.
[Ugly] Cock crowing, also known as Uncultivated chicken : The second hour of the twelfth hour. (1 a.m. to 3 a.m.). At this time, the cattle ate the grass and were ready to plough.

Dictionary explanation

an ancient division of time from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.


Before the sun emerged from the horizon, it was called "Pingdan" when the sky was just beginning to shine, which is what we now call the time of dawn. This period is represented by land branch 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. That is, 3~5 o'clock every morning.
The fourth is the earliest use case of the word "Pingdan" we have seen. "Qi" in this sentence refers to "clouds in the sky". Later, the word "Pingdan" was also used in the article "Records of the Historian, Biography of General Li". For example, "Ping Dan, Li Guang is in his army." As for the later poems, they were used more often.


This word was first found in The Book of Songs · Juniper Wind · Lamb Fur: "The sunrise is glorious, and the lambs and fur are like water." "Sunrise" refers to the time when the sun rises above the horizon. Named after the local branch 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. This period refers to 5~7 o'clock every morning. At this time, the rising sun shines on the earth, giving people a sense of vitality.
In ancient poetry and prose, there are many examples of people using the term "sunrise". For example, according to Records of the Historian, the Book of Zen Buddhism, "to deliver the sunrise" is another example of the Jin Dynasty Huangfu Mi Gao Shichuan 》Volume I: "In the era of Emperor Yao, the world is peaceful and the people are free, Earthy father At the age of 80, he hit the earth in the road. The spectator said, 'The virtue of the Great God.' Rang's father said, 'I Work at sunrise and rest at sunset , dig a well and drink, plough and eat. What a virtue to me! '"

Eclipse time

The time of eating is the time when the ancient Chinese people "went to eat" (breakfast), that is, 7~9 o'clock every day. Named after the local branch, it is called 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.
The word "Shi Shi" appeared as early as in the Book of Rites. For example: "Therefore, a gentleman who is an official will not harvest, the field will not fish, the food will not be precious, the doctor will not sit on the sheep, and the scholar will not sit on the dog." (The Book of Rites · The Story of Fang) In addition《 Guanzi · Disciple Position 》There are also sentences using "when eating". For example, "As for food, sir will eat." Also, in Selected Works Ren Fang Of《 Wenxuan Wang Xingxing of Qi Jingling Mausoleum 》One article said: "Huainan takes its price from food." Liu Liang noted: "Wang An of Huainan in the Han Dynasty wrote a good book. The Son of Heaven, in order to make the" Biography of Lisao ", accepted the imperial edict and entered the imperial court at the time of food."

approaching noontime

The time near noon is the middle of the corner, that is, 9:00~11:00 in the morning, which is expressed as 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Huainanzi Astronomical Training 》Appear earliest“ approaching noontime ”One word: "The sun rises from Yanggu,... as for Sangye , is a predicate Yanshi As for Hengyang, it means Yuzhong; as for Kunwu It is the right middle. "
Duan Yucai Notes on Shuowen Jiezi 》Say "corner is corner", then what is the relationship between this corner (i.e. bevel) and time? If the author of Huainanzi, the Western Han Dynasty Huainan Wang Liu An Chang'an (now Xi'an, Shaanxi Province), the place where Su Fei and his disciples wrote books, is the observation point. People have been observing that Hengyang and Kunwu are both in the south. When the sun moves above Hengyang and has not yet moved over Kunwu, the connection between Chang'an observation point and the sun above Hengyang forms an included angle with the connection between the observation point and the sun above Kunwu. This included angle is the intersection angle formed by the two hours of midnight and noon measured with Chang'an as the reference location. This intersection angle is where the sun is approaching noontime At the beginning of the period, people called this period "Juzhong" because of its east tilt angle formed in the middle of the period.
According to the Five Years of Zhao Gong in Zuo Zhuan of the Spring and Autumn Period, "The sun is tens of days, so there are ten hours." (Western Jin Dynasty) Du Yu )Note:‘ Japanese products As a platform, the sun rises in the corner, and the Que is not in the younger brother. '" This note can also be used as an example of the use of the word "Yuzhong" in ancient Chinese.

China Japan

The sun has reached the middle of the sky, which is noon. Midday means 11:00~13:00 every day. This period is named after the land branch, called 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Ancient times People take the time when the sun goes to the middle of the sky as a time mark to trade in the market. The initial activity of such commodity exchange takes place at the middle of the day. As an example“ do business during daytime To the people of the world, gather the goods of the world, trade and return, and each has his own place. " (Yi · Xici II)
Liezi Tang Wen: "Yier said: 'At the beginning of the day, it is as big as a car cover, and in the middle of the day, it is as big as a car cover Dishpan , is it not small for those who are far away and large for those who are near? '" In addition, the Biographies of Sima Rangju in the Records of the Historian: "When you make an appointment with Zhuang Jia, you will meet at the military gate every day in China." "Japan China" is used quite frequently in ancient books.

Japanese products

"Product", "Shuowen" is interpreted as "Zai also in Japan." "Zai, when Japan is in the West, is also lateral."
Japanese products ”, named after the local branch, namely 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Refers to 13~15:00 every day.
This term of time was first found in the Records of the Historian · Tianguan Book: "When food comes to an end, it is wheat; when food comes to Japanese products, it is millet." Also in the Book of the Han Dynasty · Biography of Rangers: "When people go to the market to buy, they will find all the products that come to Japan." The meaning of "Japanese products" is that the sun slants to the west after the middle of the sky. With the mid heaven as the boundary, the sun and approaching noontime The day is relative.


In ancient times, Chinese people had a habit of eating. The second meal was in Pu Shi. Therefore, "Fushi" means "the second meal". This period is named after the local branch 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. It refers to 15~17 o'clock every day. In ancient times, "Pu" was connected with "馎". "Shuowen Duan Note": "馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎, 馎馎馎馎馎39310
"Pu" (馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎馎), first seen in the chapter of Huai Nanzi Astronomical Training: Sad Valley , is a predicate Hourly 。”
In the Zizhi Tongjian · Tang Ji, there is an example of using "Fushi": "When Fushi is, the door is broken. If there is no help to plead guilty in the city, go down the stairs." The ancient Chinese people often used the word "Fushi" instead of "Fushi" to write in their works, such as Du Fu Xu Bu (Xu Bu): "When walking in green and Wuhu, you will be hungry for shelter." Bai Juyi "Under the Flowers of Su Du Qu": "But the spring will be late, and the worry will be more and more serious."

Daily entry

As the name implies, "Sunrise" means sunset, which is the time of sunset. The ancient Chinese people's land use branch called this period 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. It refers to 17~19 o'clock every day. The chicken returns to its nest at this time.
Daily entry ”The word seems to have first appeared in the Spring and Autumn Annals of Zuo Zhuan Justice: "When the sun came in, Xu Yan ruled the right. Trophic radical For the right, Peng Mingyu Zuoguang. " There is a passage in Zhuang Zi Rang Wang:“ A good scroll He said: 'I stand in the universe, wearing fur in winter and puerarin in summer; Spring farming is enough for labor; Autumn convergence, body enough to rest. I work at sunrise and rest at sunset. I am carefree between heaven and earth, but my heart is content. Why do I regard the world as such? '"
In ancient times, people took "sunrise" and "sunrise" as signs of the arrival of day and night respectively. According to the Calendar Annals of the History of the Yuan Dynasty, "sunrise is the day, and sunrise is the night." At that time, people produced labor and recuperated by "sunrise"“ Daily entry ”For a basic simple timetable.


It refers to the time when the sun goes down and the sky is getting dark but not dark, that is, 19~21 o'clock. The land branch is expressed as 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Why do people use "dusk" to express this hour? The Shuowen says, "Yellow is the color of the earth." It also says, "Dusk is the color of the sun." The sunset is sinking, everything is dim, and the world is dim. The word "dusk" vividly reflects the typical natural characteristics of this period.
It was the great poet who first used the word "dusk" Qu Yuan In Li Sao, he wrote: "The past king and I spoke honestly, saying that at dusk, the Qiang changed their way."
The word "dusk" often appears in ancient Chinese literature, especially in poetry. For example:“ Willow Shoots on the Moon After dusk. " Ouyang Xiu "Sheng Chazi") It is very accurate for the poet to use "dusk" in this sentence as a good time for young men and women to have a tryst. The famous phrase "The sunset is infinitely good, but it is near dusk", which has always been popular, reveals the author Li Shangyin Sighing with regret at the end of one's life.

People decide

This is the last hour of 12 o'clock in the day and night. It refers to 21 to 23 o'clock in the night. The name of the earth branch is 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. "Man set" means that it is very late at night, when people stop moving and sleep peacefully.
"Human determination" was first seen in "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty: Biography of Coming to She": "When the officials are determined at night, why people are injured by thieves? It is the key point of the officials."
The first long song in ancient Chinese folk songs narrative poem Southeast Fly the Peacocks 》There is a poem that says, "After dusk, the silent people settle down". There is a saying in Wu Zeng's "Man's Record of Changing Zhai" of the Song Dynasty: "In November of the second year of Xining, the capital has red qi every night. When you see the southwest corner, it is like fire, and people will be determined and destroyed." Knowing the concept of time of "people will be determined", you can correctly understand the meaning of this sentence.
Wang Chong The Chapter of Time, Volume 23 of Lun Heng, said: "A day is divided into twelve hours, dawn Yin, the sun rises. " Around the beginning of the first century, Twelve branches The names and twelve hour names have been used together and arranged in order. Later, in literary works, there appeared various types of "Twelve Seasons" songs. stay Mogao Grottoes Discovered Dunhuang Relics A large number of such works have been preserved in China. Interested readers may go to the recently published《 Chief Editor of Dunhuang Songs 》。

Nickname of the hour

Midnight [y è b à n]
Midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight midnight
Jiming [j ī m í ng]
Uncultivated chicken
Ping Dan [p í ng d à n]
In the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, in the
The first day of Sunrise's birthday dawned
When eating [sh í sh í]
Eating fleas at breakfast feast
Yuzhong [y ú zh ō ng]
Riyu Yuzhong
Japan China
At noon on the high noon on the high noon, at noon on the pavilion
Japanese products [r ì di é]
Day Ze, day twilight, day fall, day slant
Houshi [bu shi]
When the sun shines, when the sun shines, when the millet is eaten
Daily income [r ì r ù]
The sun fades, the sun sets, the sun dies, the sun dies, the sun dies, the sun dies
The twilight is the end of the day, the twilight is the end of the day, the darkness is the end of the day, the sun is the end of the day, and the twilight is the end of the day
Human determination [r é n d ì ng]
To settle down in the dead of night
① According to Gu Yanwu A textual research on the article "Ancient days were divided into twelve seasons" in Volume 20 of Rizhilu. In the Pre Qin and Western Han Dynasties, twelve names were used to record the twelve seasons in coordination with local branches, but a system was not determined yet, and the use was disorderly.

Birth relationship

Day and night are divided into twelve hours: Zi (z ǐ), Chou (ch ǒ u), Yin (y í n), Mao (m ǎ o), Chen (ch é n), Si (s ì), Wu (w ǔ), Wei (w è i), Shen (sh ǒ n), You (y ǒ u), Xu (x ì), Hai (h à i)
1. Son: Like a child in swaddling clothes. The original meaning of Zi is: young, egg. In ancient times, it refers to children. From 23:00 to 1:00, it is midnight in the dead of night, which is the critical moment of today and tomorrow. It can also be said that "tomorrow" is about to be born, or is already in its infancy. Zishi is the time when what is pregnant and what is incubated.
2. Ugly: The word "twist" is like a finger grasping something and twisting. Twist is also called rotation. After midnight, one to three points are ugly. The night was deep, but the "next day" had already begun. Invisibly, it seems that a big hand is turning the celestial bodies - the night is about to be turned, and the day is about to be turned.
3. Yin: Some people say it looks like Huang Quan is about to come out, while others say it looks like holding the arrow with both hands, that is, the ancient word "Yin". Lead can be interpreted as pulling, guiding, causing and leaving. The time from three to five before dawn is the time when the night is about to leave and the dawn is being pulled.
4. Mao: Some say it's like a door opening, and some say it's like a broken object, which is the original character of Liu. From five o'clock to seven o'clock at dawn, the sun comes out and people's doors should be opened. In Mao Shi, black and white are no longer confused, but are categorically separated.
5. Chen: There is a word that looks like a shell; It is also called "". I thought it meant to convey the cloud. There is a day above the clouds, which is called "morning"; If there is no day, the clouds will diffuse. Summer morning, seven to nine o'clock, fog.
6. It is said that the head protrudes and the body curls up like a fetus; It is also called the hieroglyph of snake. From 9:00 to 11:00 in the morning, the fog disappeared, and it was the warm moment when the snake climbed out of the cave.
7. Noon: It is said that it is shaped like a wooden pestle; It is also called "contradiction", Contradiction Is a contradiction. Stand a wooden pestle under the sun. The wooden pestle has no shadow, because the sun shines from above. In ancient times, Chinese people created characters according to their shapes and took meanings according to their shapes. Thus, during the middle of the day, from 11:00 to 11:00 Thirteen o'clock It is noon.
8. Not: like the overlapping of branches and leaves of trees, the taste of a thing will not come until it grows up. The original word of "taste". From 13:00 to 15:00 in the afternoon, it indicates that only when the sun shines strongly can the trees flourish and the fruits mature. Only ripe fruit can have taste.
9. Some say it is like lightning, and some say it is "God". From fifteen to seventeen, the wind and rain came with lightning and thunder. The ancient Chinese people did not know what lightning and thunder were. They thought that God did it in the sky.
10. You: Like a wine jar, the original word of "wine". From 17:00 to 19:00, in the evening, I worked all day. At this time, it was time to eat. Let's call it "drinking time" for short.
11. Xu: People and the Ge understand that people hold the Ge (weapons) to guard. From 19:00 to 21:00, the whole family should go to sleep after they have had enough food and drink. However, we should not be careless. We should also prevent the invasion of foreign enemies or wild animals, so we should hold weapons to protect them.
12. Hai: There are variants of the word "pig". There is grass root - say. From 21:00 to 23:00, the owner was awakened by the sound of the pig arching the trough - if you want to fatten the pig, you have to get up at midnight to feed it. In addition, grass roots are related to the tubers of plants, which are the feed for pigs.

Time origin

The best time to observe the sky should be in the dead of night, when there are many stars in the sky. At midnight (from 23:00 to 1:00), when the ancient Chinese people (astronomers or Taoists) looked up at the sky for a long time, they suddenly heard a small sound around them. They looked down and saw that it was rats. As time goes by, the ancient Chinese people found that the time when mice haunted frequently was midnight. Therefore, Zishi was connected with the mouse and became " Filial rat "And ranked first in the zodiac at the beginning of the day.
"Horses grow fat all night long," and so do cattle. Farmers farm with cattle, and feeding cattle well is a major event for farmers. At Ugly hour (from one o'clock to three o'clock), farmers will get up to feed cattle. When cattle are linked with ugly times, they become ugly cattle.
From 3:00 to 5:00 in the morning, the tigers that lie dormant in the daytime and walk at night are the most ferocious. Farmers often hear the roaring of tigers from a distance at this time. As a result, the tiger is linked with Yinshi and has "Yinhu".
From five to seven, it was dawn, and the rabbit ran out of the nest to eat the grass with dew. Therefore, the rabbit is connected with the Maoshi, and there is the "Maotu".
From seven to nine o'clock, it is easy to fog. It is said that the dragon can fly through the clouds, and only in the fog can the dragon see its head but not its tail. However, dragons are legendary animals, or "artificial animals" made up of "parts" of several animals, which cannot be seen in reality. Only in the fog can people have the illusion of dragons. In this way, the dragon will "appear" in the morning fog. The dragon is connected with the time, and then there is " dragon 」。
From 9:00 to 11:00, the fog cleared and the bright sun was in the sky. A snake with an unsteady body temperature climbed out of its cave to bask in the sun. Both poisonous and non poisonous snakes are terrible. The most active moment of snakes is "already". When creating characters, "Si" was drawn as a snake. The "already snake" is naturally linked.
11:00 to Thirteen o'clock The sun is burning. This "fierce" reminds people of the horse that is "one of the best assistants" of human beings. A red maned horse is a good horse, but its temper is as fiery as the sun at noon. When the horse is connected with noon, there is " Midday horse 」。
From 13:00 to 15:00, the sun has dried the dew on the grass. Don't forget that this is a good time to herd sheep. So, " Weiyang "Came into being.
From 15:00 to 17:00, the sun is in the west, or the weather is clear after rain. At this time, monkeys like to play and cry in the woods. People hear it and remember it in their hearts. They associate this moment with monkeys, so there is " Shenmu 」。
From 17:00 to 19:00, when the sun is going to set, it's time for domestic chickens to return to their nests; If you don't return to your nest, you will not be able to find it when it gets dark. The farmer's wife was worried, and called around, kicking the chicken into the nest. This time of eating and drinking is also connected with the chicken entering the nest, so there is the "Youji".
From 19:00 to 21:00, people should make an inspection tour before going to bed; They are followed by another "assistant" of human beings - dogs. It is just right to associate the patrol time with dogs and become "Xu dogs".
From 21:00 to 23:00, the owner was very happy to hear the sound of the pig arched the trough late at night. But if you want a pig to grow fat, you have to get up and feed it. At the time of 1911, nature was connected with pigs, so there was " pig 」。
The twelve characters representing the twelve hours are combined with the twelve Chinese zodiac signs to form: Filial rat , Ugly Bull, Yinhu, Maotu dragon , Sishe, Wuma Weiyang Shenmu , Youji, Xugou, Haizhu.

Hour conversion

Comparison table
Sub time (23:00 to 01:00)
Midnight, also known as midnight, midnight: the first hour of the twelve hours. [4]
Twelve hour vs. 24 hour control
Ugly hour (01:00 to 03:00)
Chicken crowing, also known as wild chicken: the second hour of the twelve hours.
In hours (03:00 to 05:00)
Pingdan, also known as dawn, morning and sundan, is a time when night and day alternate.
Maoshi (05:00 to 07:00)
Sunrise, also known as sunrise, dawn, sunrise, etc.: refers to the time when the sun has just appeared and is beginning to rise.
Hour (07:00 to 09:00)
Eating time, also known as breakfast, etc.: The time when ancient Chinese people "went to eat" was also the time to eat breakfast.
Shishi (09:00 to 11:00)
Yuzhong, also known as Riyu, etc.: it is called Yuzhong near noon.
Noon (11:00 to 13:00)
Rizhong, also known as Rizheng, noon, etc.
Not yet (13:00 to 15:00)
Japanese products, also known as "sunset", "central sun", etc.: When the sun goes west, it means "sunset".
Time application (15:00 to 17:00)
When feeding, it is also known as day shop, evening food, etc.
Unitary time (17:00 to 19:00)
Sunrise, also known as sunset, sunset and evening, means the time when the sun sets.
Xu Shi (19:00 to 21:00)
Dusk, also known as sunset, sunset, sunset, etc.: at this time, the sun has set, and the sky will be dark. The world is yellow and everything is dim, so it is called dusk.
HH (21:00 to 23:00)
People are calm, also known as calm and wait for calm, also known as calm and wait for calm: at this time, the night is already deep, people have stopped activities, and sleep in peace. People are calm.

Time attribute

Twelve hours.
Twelve hours: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai. Two hours is one hour.
Subtime [6 ]
1 a.m. to 3 a.m. [6 ]
Soil [7]
3 a.m. to 5 a.m.
5 a.m. to 7 a.m.
7 a.m. to 9 a.m.
9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
A day has twelve hours (one hour is two hours in modern times), one hour has eight quarters (one quarter is 15 minutes in modern times), and one quarter has three cups of tea( A cup of tea 5 minutes), one tea has two sticks of incense( A stick of incense 2 minutes and 30 seconds), one stick of incense has five minutes (one minute and 30 seconds), and one minute has six fingers( a flick of the finger Five seconds for closing Hyundai), and ten seconds for a snap finger (0.5 seconds for closing Hyundai). [5]