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Outline of the 13th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China

the 13th Five-year Plan
synonym the 13th Five-Year plan The 13th Five Year Plan generally refers to the 13th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China
The People's Republic of China national economy and social development The 13th Five Year Plan, referred to as the 13th Five Year Plan (2016-2020), is based on《 Suggestions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the 13th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development 》It is prepared to clarify the national strategic intention, clarify the government's work priorities and guide the behavior of market subjects. It is a grand blueprint for China's economic and social development from 2016 to 2020, a common action program for the people of all ethnic groups, and an important basis for the government to perform its responsibilities of economic regulation, market supervision, social management and public services.
Five year plan , is China national economy An important part of the plan is a long-term plan. Mainly for major national construction projects productivity The distribution and the important proportion of the national economy should be planned to set goals and directions for the long-term development of the national economy.
Chinese name
Outline of the 13th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China
Foreign name
The thirteenth Five-Year Plan
the 13th Five-year Plan
time frame
Passing time
March 16, 2016
Adoption of the Conference
The Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress

guiding ideology

Hold high Socialism with Chinese characteristics The great banner, fully implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought Deng Xiaoping Theory The Important Thought of "Three Represents" Scientific Outlook on Development To guide and thoroughly implement The spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches , insist Completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects An expanded in-depth reform agenda A comprehensive framework for promoting the rule of law Seeing Party self-governance exercised fully and with rigor. Adhere to the strategic layout of "development is the first priority", firmly establish and implement innovate The concept of coordinated, green, open and shared development focuses on improving the quality and efficiency of development, takes the supply side structural reform as the main line, expands effective supply, meets effective demand, speeds up the formation of the system, mechanism and development mode that lead to the new normal of economic development, maintains strategic concentration, insists on seeking progress while maintaining stability, and makes overall progress economic construction Political construction Cultural construction Social construction Ecological civilization construction and Party building To ensure the completion of a moderately prosperous society in all respects on schedule The Chinese Dream Lay a more solid foundation. [1]
Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference The following meetings will be held: the fourth, fifth, sixth, thirteenth and fifth sessions of the twelfth session are included in the proposed five-year plan (2016-20452046-2099), the 13th and 16th five-year long-term plans, and the 13th and 16th five-year plans (2016-20202046-2050).

Objective requirements

The economy will maintain a medium to high speed growth. On the basis of improving the balance, inclusiveness and sustainability of development gross domestic product And the per capita income of urban and rural residents doubled over 2010, the industry moved to the middle and high-end level, consumption contributed significantly to economic growth, and the urbanization rate of registered population accelerated. Significant progress has been made in agricultural modernization, people's living standards and quality have generally improved, and the rural poor have been lifted out of poverty under the current standards in China, Poverty-stricken county Take off all hats to solve the overall poverty of the region. National quality and social civilization have improved significantly. The quality of the ecological environment has generally improved. Institutions in all fields have become more mature and stereotyped, and major progress has been made in modernizing the national governance system and capacity. [2-3]

research subject

According to the Announcement of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Selection of Major Topics for Early Research in the 13th Five Year Plan, colleges and universities, scientific research institutes, large enterprises, industry associations, international organizations and other institutions or organizations that meet the conditions after examination can apply. The content of the topic focuses on the relationship between the 13th Five Year Plan During this period, the major issues of China's economic and social development were studied. When selecting the topic, the applicant can refer to the《 Catalog of Major Topics for Early Research of the 13th Five Year Plan 》The research topics can also be determined by themselves around the key areas and directions determined in the Catalog.
The applicant unit can log on the website of the Planning Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, download the project application form and relevant materials from the Column of Major Topics for Early Research of the 13th Five Year Plan, and submit the application by mail or email as required before May 5.
Catalog of Major Topics for Early Research of the 13th Five Year Plan
The 13th Five Year Plan international environment Change and its impact on China's development
The 13th Five Year Plan Economic transformation and upgrading Research on dynamic mechanism and institutional environment
The 13th Five Year Plan Innovation driven Research on the Strategic Focus and the Construction of an Innovative Country
Promotion of the 13th Five Year Plan Education modernization And Talent power Powerful country in human resources Construction research
The 13th Five Year Plan Economic restructuring Research on the main direction and strategic measures of
The 13th Five Year Plan Expand consumption demand Research on long-term mechanism
The 13th Five Year Plan industrial structure Research on upgrading and layout optimization
The 13th Five Year Plan modern agriculture Development strategy and food safety strategic research
The 13th Five Year Plan information economy Development research
The 13th Five Year Plan strategic emerging industries Development research
The 13th Five Year Plan Service industry Research on development priorities and mechanisms
The 13th Five Year Plan Housing security system And the healthy development of real estate
China during the 13th Five Year Plan regional development Focus and Regional coordinated development Mechanism research
The 13th Five Year Plan Ecological civilization construction And institutional research
Research on the Key Points and Mode Innovation of Environmental Governance in the 13th Five Year Plan
The 13th Five Year Plan Global climate change And green low-carbon development research
Research on Building a Socialist Cultural Power in the 13th Five Year Plan
The 13th Five Year Plan Population development strategy And policy research
Research on Health Security Development in the 13th Five Year Plan
Research on Improving the Poverty Alleviation Mechanism during the 13th Five Year Plan
The 13th Five Year Plan Reform of state-owned enterprises and Non-public economy Development research
The 13th Five Year Plan public service Research on key points and financial security mechanism
Perfect during the 13th Five Year Plan financial market mechanism And risk prevention research
The 13th Five Year Plan Opening up Research on the new pattern of strategy and opening up
Research on the "Going Global" Development Strategy of Chinese Enterprises during the "13th Five Year Plan"
"13th Five Year Plan" starts well and lays a solid foundation

Planning content

Chapter I Guiding Ideology, Main Objectives and Development Concept
Chapter I Development Environment
Chapter II Guiding ideology
Chapter III Main Objectives
Chapter IV Development Concept
Chapter V Main Line of Development
Part II Implementation of Innovation Driven Development Strategy
Chapter VI Strengthening the Leading Role of Scientific and Technological Innovation
Chapter VII Deeply Promote Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Chapter VIII Construction of Systems and Mechanisms to Stimulate Innovation
Chapter IX Implementation of Talent Priority Development Strategy
Chapter X Expanding New Space for Development Power
Part III Building a New System for Development
Chapter XI Adhering to and Improving the Basic Economic System
Chapter XII Establishment of Modern Property Right System
Chapter XIII Improve the Modern Market System
Chapter XIV Deepening the Reform of Administrative Management System
Chapter XV Accelerate the Reform of the Fiscal and Taxation System
Chapter XVI Accelerating the Reform of the Financial System
Chapter XVII Innovation and Improvement of Macro regulation
Part IV Promoting Agricultural Modernization
Chapter XVIII Enhancing the Safety Guarantee Capability of Agricultural Products
Chapter 19 Construction of Modern Agricultural Management System
Chapter 20 Improving Agricultural Technical Equipment and Informatization Level
Chapter XXI Improving the Agricultural Support and Protection System
Part V Optimizing the Modern Industrial System
Chapter XXII Implementing the Strategy of Building a Powerful Manufacturing Country
Chapter 23 Supporting the Development of Strategic Emerging Industries
Chapter 24 Accelerate the high-quality and efficient development of the service industry
Chapter VI Expanding the Space of Network Economy
Chapter 25 Building a ubiquitous and efficient information network
Chapter 26 Develop Modern Internet Industry System
Chapter 27 Implementing the National Big Data Strategy
Chapter 28 Strengthening Information Security Guarantee
Chapter VII Building Modern Infrastructure Network
Chapter 29 Improve Modern Comprehensive Transportation System
Chapter 30 Building a Modern Energy System
Chapter 31 Strengthening Water Security
Chapter VIII Promoting New Urbanization
Chapter 32 Accelerate the Citizenization of Agricultural Transfer Population
Chapter 33 Optimizing the Layout and Form of Urbanization
Chapter 34 Building a Harmonious and Livable City
Chapter 35 Improving the Housing Supply System
Chapter 36 Promoting the Coordinated Development of Urban and Rural Areas
Part IX Promoting Regional Coordinated Development
Chapter 37 Deeply implement the overall strategy of regional development
Chapter 38 Promote the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei
Chapter 39 Promoting the Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt
Chapter 40 Supporting the Development of Special Types of Areas
Chapter 41 Expanding Blue Economic Space
Chapter 10 Accelerate the Improvement of Ecological Environment
Chapter 42 Accelerate the Construction of Main Functional Zones
Chapter 43 Promoting the Economical and Intensive Use of Resources
Chapter 44 Strengthen Comprehensive Environmental Governance
Chapter 45 Strengthening Ecological Protection and Restoration
Chapter 46 Actively Responding to Global Climate Change
Chapter 47 Improve the Ecological Security Guarantee Mechanism
Chapter 48 Develop green environmental protection industry
Chapter XI Building a New Pattern of All dimensional Opening
Chapter 49 Improve the Strategic Layout of Opening up
Chapter 50 Improving the New System of Opening up
Chapter 51 Promotion "One Belt One Road" build
Chapter 52 Active Participation in Global Economic Governance
Chapter 53 Actively Undertaking International Responsibilities and Obligations
Part 12 Deepening Cooperation and Development between the Mainland and Hong Kong, Macao, the Mainland and Taiwan
Chapter 54 Support for the Long term Prosperity, Stability and Development of Hong Kong and Macao
Chapter 55 Promoting the Peaceful Development of Cross Strait Relations and the Process of National Reunification
Part XIII Fully Implement Poverty Alleviation
Chapter 56 Promote targeted poverty alleviation
Chapter 57 Support Poverty stricken Areas to Accelerate Development
Chapter 58 Improve the Supporting System for Poverty Alleviation
Part XIV Improving Education and Health for All
Chapter 59 Promoting the Modernization of Education
Chapter 60 Promotion Healthy China build
Part XV Improving the People's Livelihood Guarantee
Chapter 61 Increasing the Supply of Public Services
Chapter 62 Implementing the Employment Priority Strategy
Chapter 63 Narrowing the Income Gap
Chapter 64 Reform and Improvement of the Social Security System
Chapter 65 Actively Responding to Population Aging
Chapter 66 Guarantee for Women and Minors Disabled Basic equity
Chapter 16 Strengthening the Construction of Socialist Spiritual Civilization
Chapter 67 Improving the Civilized Quality of the People
Chapter 68 Enriching Cultural Products and Services
Chapter 69 Improving Cultural Openness
Part XVII Strengthening and Innovating Social Governance
Chapter 70 Improving the Social Governance System
Chapter 71 Improving the Social Credit System
Chapter 72 Improving the Public Security System
Chapter 73 Establishment of the National Security System
Chapter XVIII Strengthening the Construction of Socialist Democracy and the Rule of Law
Chapter 74 Develop Socialist Democracy
Chapter 75 Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of China under the Rule of Law
Chapter 76 Strengthening the Construction of a Clean and Honest Party Conduct and the Fight against Corruption
Part XIX Overall Planning of Economic Development and National Defense Development
Chapter 77 Comprehensively Promoting National Defense and Military Construction
Chapter 78 Promote the Development of Civil Military Integration
Part 20 Strengthening the Plan Implementation Guarantee
Chapter 79 Give Play to the Party's Leading Core Role
Chapter 80 Forming Joint Forces for Planning Implementation
See Xinhua for details: [4]

Planning interpretation

[Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Hu Zucai ]Give full play to the leading role of major projects and promote the comprehensive implementation of the 13th Five Year Plan. As we all know, on March 16 this year (2016), the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress reviewed and passed the Outline of the 13th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China. The next priority is to turn the blueprint into a better reality, implement the goals and tasks set out in the outline, and ensure the completion of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way on schedule.
The 165 major engineering projects identified in the 23 columns of the Outline are formed through careful planning and scientific demonstration on the basis of extensive solicitation of opinions from all sides, and are an important starting point to make the Outline deeper and more practical. As an aggregate, 165 major engineering projects fully reflect the requirements of adapting to and guiding the new normal of economic development, implementing the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, and promoting supply side structural reform. Its content covers all aspects of economic and social development, including major construction projects, major actions, major plans, major reforms and other major tasks, which are all related to the overall situation of economic and social development and play a fundamental, critical, leading and strategic role in the development of various fields. The implementation of these major engineering projects will seize the "bull's nose" of the implementation of the Outline, which is of great significance and role in guiding and driving the economic and social development during the "13th Five Year Plan" period.
First, these major projects are a powerful starting point for the implementation of the 13th Five Year Plan. In accordance with the requirements of "refreshing, pragmatic and effective", the Outline proposes a number of major projects and projects around increasing stamina, reinforcing weaknesses, promoting balance, and improving the level, mainly from five aspects of scientific and technological innovation, structural upgrading, infrastructure, ecological environmental protection, and improving people's livelihood to strengthen support for the objectives and tasks of the Outline. These projects highlight the pertinence of promoting economic development and solving prominent contradictions, the driving force of counter transformation, structural adjustment and upgrading, and the impact on promoting ecological protection, improving people's livelihood and social equity. Promoting the implementation of these major projects and the construction of major projects will strongly guide and drive the comprehensive implementation of the 13th Five Year Plan.
Second, these major projects are an important support for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. As the closing plan for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the Outline adheres to the goal orientation and problem orientation, closely focuses on the goal requirements of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, focuses on the obvious weaknesses in the fields of poverty alleviation of the rural poor, ecological environment protection, social cause development, livelihood security, etc., and proposes a series of major projects with strong pertinence and effectiveness. For example, in order to ensure that 55.75 million rural poor people can get rid of poverty under the current poverty alleviation standards, the Outline specifically proposes the key projects of poverty alleviation, that is, eight major projects, and specifies that more than 30 million people can get rid of poverty through poverty alleviation in characteristic industries, 10 million people can get rid of poverty through labor export, and 10 million people can get rid of poverty through relocation The rest of the poverty alleviation solutions are based on social security. As long as these major projects are implemented on schedule and play a role, they can provide strong support for the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.
Third, these major projects are boosters of economic and social development. These major engineering projects are proposed according to the idea of demand leading and supply innovation, focusing on expanding effective supply and medium and high-end supply, so as to better meet the growing, upgrading and personalized material culture and ecological environment needs of the people. Pushing forward the implementation of these major projects can not only expand effective investment and boost effective demand, but also increase effective supply, promote the conversion of kinetic energy and optimize the structure. It can be said that it benefits both the current stable growth and the long-term strong momentum. It is an important measure to enhance the driving force of sustainable economic development from the synergy of supply and demand. It will strongly support the evolution of the economy to a more advanced form, more optimized division of labor, and more rational structure, and keep the economy growing at a medium high speed to a medium high level.
Fourth, these major engineering projects are a big stage for social capital, especially private capital, to play a role. On the one hand, the 165 major projects identified in the Outline have gathered wisdom from all aspects, reflected the consensus of the whole society on development needs, reflected the requirements for the market to play a decisive role in resource allocation and better play the role of the government, and played an important role in guiding social investment, especially private investment, It can provide a broad stage and huge development opportunities for all market players. On the other hand, the smooth implementation of these major engineering projects also needs the promotion of all sectors of society and the extensive participation of social capital. It needs to fully stimulate the vitality and creativity of various market entities, fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the people, and form a strong joint force to promote the implementation of the Program.
The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the implementation of the Outline. General Secretary Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang have made important instructions and instructions for many times, clearly requiring to accelerate the implementation of major policies, major projects and major projects. In the past six months since the release of the Outline, all localities and departments have carried out relevant work in a down-to-earth manner in accordance with the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. From the current progress, various major engineering projects are actively and orderly promoted. A number of projects under construction are accelerating their implementation, a number of new projects have started, and a number of major projects are focusing on the preliminary work; There are also a number of major engineering projects, which are being actively promoted through the preparation of plans, the formulation of plans, the implementation of pilot projects and other ways, and the traction effect on economic and social development has initially appeared. In order to further accelerate the implementation of major engineering projects, the National Development and Reform Commission recently issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Implementation of Major Engineering Projects in the Outline of the National 13th Five Year Plan, making specific arrangements for the implementation of 165 major engineering projects.
Next, we will further strengthen the promotion of major engineering projects, refine the implementation plan, and strengthen the preliminary work. For these major projects, in principle, the project proposal will not be examined and approved, and the feasibility study report will be examined and approved directly. For projects under examination and approval, all regions and departments should simplify the examination and approval procedures to the maximum extent and significantly reduce the examination and approval time. For major projects that have been approved but have not yet started, we should pay close attention to the implementation of construction conditions to ensure the timely commencement. For major engineering projects that have started construction, tracking services should be strengthened, problems in implementation should be solved in time, and implementation progress should be vigorously promoted and ensured. At the same time, we should also strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen the guarantee of construction land, funds and other elements, strengthen quality management, supervision and assessment, increase the guidance of market behavior and social expectations, and form a good atmosphere for promoting the implementation of major projects.
What kind of opportunities will these 165 major projects bring to private investment? How can we encourage private investment to participate in the construction of these major projects?
[Hu Zucai] Private investment is a matter of great concern to all sectors of society. The 165 major engineering projects identified in the 13th Five Year Plan outline have various impacts on private investment. As I mentioned in the previous introduction, 165 major engineering projects provide a big stage and an important opportunity for private investment. I think, first of all, the implementation of these 165 key projects itself needs to encourage and guide the broad participation of social capital, especially private capital. Some of the 165 major projects need to be led by the government, such as basic, especially public services. The government should also invite social capital to participate in the promotion by purchasing services and other ways. Some projects are jointly promoted by the government and private capital, and are mainly implemented by market forces. Therefore, the implementation of the project itself requires extensive participation of social capital and private capital. At the same time, these 165 projects are a collection of important projects in various fields. It can be said that the market opportunity is very huge, which actually provides a very large platform for private investment.
Second, these 165 major projects have defined the important development direction of relevant fields, and provided a good direction and guidance for private investment. Now there is a problem that private capital does not know where to invest. The planning itself has played a guiding role, and 165 projects have more clearly defined the areas that guide the market to work together.
Third, the implementation of these major projects has a driving effect, and the related industries are very strong. Through the implementation of these projects, the development of the related industry chain will be driven, which will bring benefits to social capital investment. For example, among the major environmental protection projects, there are comprehensive utilization of resources, recycling, air, water, soil and other pollution control projects, as well as enterprise emission compliance actions, which have brought great market opportunities for the development of environmental protection industry. These industries, whether providing equipment, technology or services, have great potential for private capital. The implementation of major projects itself and its driving role bring benefits or huge market opportunities to private capital.
This is a real stage for private capital brought by the implementation of 165 major projects. So how to make private capital widely participate in the implementation of these projects and the market opportunities brought by participation? As we all know, the central government attaches great importance to private investment and has issued a series of policies and measures to encourage social investment and private investment. In view of the sluggish growth of private investment, the State Council has carried out nationwide supervision in order to find existing problems and shortcomings. Now, according to the supervision, it has put forward some targeted policies and measures, The most important thing is to remove the policy barriers that prevent private investment from entering the market and major projects. Specifically, there are three key points:
First, to further promote "deregulation, regulation and service" is to reduce approval and institutional transaction costs. We should shift government functions from approval to fair market competition regulation and provision of good services.
Second, we should create a market environment of fair competition, especially for private investment, we should give equal treatment to the investment environment. The most important thing is to liberalize market access to the greatest extent. The State Council has made clear that it is necessary to establish a negative list of market access as soon as possible. In particular, it was mentioned that private airports, basic telecommunications operations, oil and gas exploration and development and other fields should be further liberalized, market barriers in infrastructure and public utilities should be eliminated, and more effective measures should be taken in the areas of people's livelihood such as medical care, pension, education, so that private investment can participate fairly. At the same time, it is also necessary to solve the problem of difficult and expensive private investment financing. The outline has a special column for the establishment of a financial market system, which also provides strong financing support for the development of enterprises and the real economy.
Third, innovate the participation mode of private investment. If it is suitable to purchase services, it should try to play the role of social capital by purchasing services; If it is suitable for PPP, it will attract social investment widely through the PPP model. In the 13th Five Year Plan, urban rail transit construction is a very important aspect. It is proposed to build 3000 km rail transit, which is a huge market. Local governments have already done a good job in attracting social investment and private investment. Recently, we will hold a special meeting to invite people from all over the world to introduce how to attract social capital investment and replicate and promote relevant experience. Now we have 42 cities that have approved rail transit plans, and we need to create more ways to make social capital easily and smoothly enter into major projects. In this regard, we must have a clear and predictable market environment for private investment. I believe that with the implementation of these 165 major projects, a large number of private capital will play a full and effective role. thank you.
[Xinhua News Agency] 165 major engineering projects have received great attention from the society since they were proposed. My question is, what was the original intention of proposing these 165 major engineering projects? What criteria or considerations are used to select these projects? What are the characteristics?
[Hu Zucai] I am very willing to answer this question, mainly because you can better understand the background and connotation of these 165 major projects.
As we all know, the Outline of the 13th Five Year Plan is the final plan for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, so this plan is extremely important. At the same time, our economic development has entered the new normal, and the characteristics of the new normal can be said to be more and more obvious. The most important thing is to promote the transformation of the development mode, promote the transformation of the driving force, complement the shortcomings of development, and solve the outstanding problems in development. From the very beginning of the planning, the leading comrades of the Party Central Committee and the State Council made it clear that a "refreshing, pragmatic and effective" plan should be formulated. At the same time, it is required to deepen and implement the "three major", namely, major policies, major projects and major projects. Therefore, I think it can be understood from two aspects. First, from the aspects of enhancing the pertinence, guidance and operability of planning, major engineering projects are a concrete embodiment of deepening and strengthening the planning outline. At the same time, the proposal of these major engineering projects will also solve the problems and weaknesses in development and support the realization of the goals and tasks of the 13th Five Year Plan.
On the other hand, organizing the implementation of major projects and projects is an important starting point to promote the comprehensive implementation of the planning outline, and it is a real starting point. From the early stage of planning preparation, we have organized all localities and departments to carry out "three major" studies. During the preparation of the outline, various forces were organized to demonstrate these major projects repeatedly. The preparation of the planning outline took more than two years, and the research, screening and demonstration of these engineering projects were carried out simultaneously. Through this process, around the goal and task of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, we screened major projects that played a key leading role in all aspects and fields, and formed the final 165 projects. These 165 items not only support the realization of the goals of the 13th Five Year Plan, but also lay the foundation for the realization of the second century goal and future development. There are three main characteristics:
First, it is highly systematic. These 165 major projects involve all aspects and are a systematic collection of key projects in various fields. It not only plays an important leading role in various fields, but also supports and organically links each other. It has concentrated on implementing the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, which plays a key role in scientific and technological innovation, industrial transformation and upgrading, environmental improvement, people's livelihood improvement and development space expansion. Systematically, these projects will play a leading role in the implementation of the 13th Five Year Plan and economic and social development.
Second, it has a strong strategy. These engineering projects adhere to the goal and problem orientation, focus on the strategic goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, complement the weak points of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and also aim to lay a good foundation for the realization of the "second centenary goal", which is both beneficial to the present and long-term. In the screening of major engineering projects, we also pay special attention to the direction of the world's scientific and technological development and the direction of industrial transformation. There are a number of major scientific and technological projects that can be said to be the cutting-edge technologies in the world today. Our quantum communication satellite was launched a few days ago, which is also in a leading or leading position in the world, and is also a concrete manifestation of the implementation of our major projects. At the same time, we have a very important project in promoting industrial transformation and upgrading, which is robot. Robot is the embodiment of the integration of modern information technology and manufacturing, and will profoundly affect the pattern of the world industry in the future. China's future development must conform to this general trend and strive to reach the top in the international competition. After repeated demonstration, the quality of these major projects is very high.
Third, it has a strong traction. The screening of these projects is proposed to make the planning outline practical and deep. Now the implementation of the plan has become our most powerful hand to pull the economic and social development and inject strong impetus into the sustainable development of the economy. During the discussion, there was a metaphor. If we compare the implementation of the 13th Five Year Plan outline to a giant ship, then the 165 major projects are its engines, driving our giant ship to break the waves in the right direction.
[China Radio International] 165 projects are a huge system. Do we have any measures to ensure the promotion of these projects? Could you please introduce the specific promotion arrangement and schedule?
[Hu Zucai] The key to the implementation of the project is whether it can be implemented, whether it can be implemented, and whether it can bring benefits into play. This is also what we often call "one point deployment, nine points implementation". The real effort depends on the effect of our implementation.
Indeed, 165 projects are a huge systematic project, involving all aspects, from scale to field. In order to ensure the full implementation of the Outline of the 13th Five Year Plan, the Development and Reform Commission and relevant departments drafted the Opinions on Improving the Implementation Mechanism of the Outline of the 13th Five Year Plan, which has been submitted to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. We should use mechanisms to ensure that the five-year plan truly plays a leading role in economic and social development.
As far as 165 major projects are concerned, we should not only give play to the role of the government, but also mobilize enterprises, society and the masses of the people to form a joint force and promote together. It mainly includes the following aspects:
First, we should give full play to the role of special plans, regional plans and annual plans. The outline is the top-level design and the general plan of the country. In the process of implementation, there are also special plans and local plans supporting the outline. Therefore, first of all, all special plans and local plans should reflect and refine these 165 key projects. The State Council has identified 22 key special plans, which are required to be fully introduced this year. This is also a summary of the issue of insufficient timeliness of previous special plans. As we all know, the "13th Five Year Plan" for scientific and technological innovation has been issued, which well reflects the column of "9+6" and is further refined, with specific measures, roadmap and timetable. Similarly, other plans are the same. For example, in the field of people's livelihood, we are working hard to prepare a plan for the equalization of basic public services, which is to implement some projects and tasks in basic public services. For another example, we are preparing the "13th Five Year Plan" comprehensive transportation system plan, which should specify the railways, roads, airports, avionics, subways and hubs in the outline. For example, by 2020, the high-speed railway will reach 30000 km. The specific projects must be clearly defined in the special plan, and then implemented one by one to ensure that the goal of 30000 km high-speed railway will be achieved by 2020. At the same time, other plans must be issued as soon as possible.
Second, efforts should be made to promote overall planning, coordination and classification. Many of our major projects are actually major tasks involving cross regions and cross departments. It is necessary to strengthen overall planning and coordination, and promote by classification according to different major projects. First of all, the main responsibility of each major project implementation should be clarified, and then the implementation plan should be refined. A clear implementation schedule and roadmap should be provided, especially the early work of the project should be strengthened. It is necessary to create conditions as soon as possible, promote the commencement of project construction, and implement major tasks to play a role. As I mentioned earlier, the overall progress is still good and is progressing in an orderly manner. We must speed up our work, implement it as soon as possible, and avoid lagging behind in our tasks, especially to achieve a good start this year. In the process of coordinated promotion, the government should strengthen the guarantee of land, funds, talents and other aspects, and encourage and guide the active participation of social capital, especially private investment.
Third, we should strengthen supervision and evaluation. Track and evaluate the implementation, and timely solve the problems existing in the coordinated implementation. We will open the implementation to the public and accept supervision. At the same time, we also encourage third-party evaluation to promote the implementation of 165 major projects. To strengthen publicity and guidance and form a good social atmosphere, we are also planning to carry out a series of reports to timely report and publicize the implementation progress of key projects highly concerned by the society, so that the society can understand and accept social supervision, which is also conducive to boosting market confidence and improving expectations. Therefore, we very much hope that all our friends from the press here can support and participate in the publicity of 165 major projects.
[Economic Daily] Director Hu talked about the supply side structural reform many times in his speech just now. We know that the supply side structural reform is the main line that runs through the 13th Five Year Plan. My question is, how do we reflect the requirements of this main line when we design 165 major projects? thank you.
[Hu Zucai] Promoting supply side structural reform is the main line of the 13th Five Year Plan outline, and also a major measure to adapt to grasp and lead the new normal. The purpose of supply side structural reform is to improve the quality and efficiency of the supply system and better adapt to the escalating consumer demand. At the same time, in the cycle of increasing effective supply and meeting effective demand, it will continue to inject new impetus into the economy. This involves optimizing the allocation of resource elements through reform, reducing ineffective supply, expanding effective supply, and making up for the shortage of effective supply. The 13th Five Year Plan outlines the supply side structural reform as the main line, and the 165 major projects are carried out around this main line.
First, promote the conversion of kinetic energy. From factor driven to innovation driven, many of the 165 major projects reflect this requirement. To achieve innovation driven, human capital, that is, talents, is needed first. Therefore, the column emphasizes the overall development of people, the accumulation of human capital, and the improvement of labor quality. At the same time, we pay special attention to the leading role of scientific and technological innovation in innovation driven, so scientific and technological innovation is very prominent in the column. The columns of scientific and technological innovation, major projects of educational modernization, talent projects, and labor quality improvement projects are all aimed at optimizing the allocation of capital and labor, improving innovation ability, and accelerating the transformation of old and new drivers.
Second, promote structural optimization. The main direction of supply side structural reform is to reduce invalid supply, expand effective supply and improve the adaptability of supply structure to demand structure. At present, China's low-end supply surplus and middle and high-end supply shortage coexist, not only products, but also a large number of people need insufficient service supply. Therefore, many columns in this outline focus on increasing effective supply, including major agricultural modernization projects, high-end equipment innovation and development projects, strategic emerging industry development actions, and major informatization projects. For example, the major informatization project is a decisive project to support the development of the information economy. The implementation of these projects conforms to the trend of upgrading residents' consumption and the direction of industrial upgrading, and will play an important role in optimizing the structure and improving the quality of supply in the future.
Third, we should complement the weak points of development. At present, a very important task of supply side structural reform is to remedy weaknesses. These 165 major projects focus on the layout of the most prominent weak points in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, including transportation infrastructure, energy development projects, water security projects, key poverty alleviation projects, key development projects in special types of areas, key projects in resource conservation and intensive utilization, environmental governance and protection, and livelihood projects. The implementation of these projects will, on the one hand, complement the weak points and make the economy and society more coordinated, on the other hand, increase effective supply, meet effective demand, effectively solve structural problems and improve the quality and efficiency of development. 165 major projects have long-term, overall and systematic considerations. Why do I emphasize the word traction again and again? It really has a significant role in traction. thank you.
[Reporter from the Central People's Radio] When we mention major national projects, we often make the public feel a little far away from themselves. What are these major projects related to the people, and what specific benefits will they bring? thank you.
[Hu Zucai] The starting point and goal of the "13th Five Year Plan" is to improve people's living standards and make people live a happy life. Therefore, we adhere to the people centered development philosophy. When choosing major projects, we pay special attention to improving people's well-being and enhancing people's sense of happiness and gain. These 165 major projects have many impacts on the people. We have set up special columns for the people's desire for better education, better health services and higher quality employment, which is very valuable. For example, in the field of education, it is proposed to make high school education more universal. In fact, our nine-year compulsory education has been extended to both ends. More are involved in the field of health. Recently, the Central Committee has just held a health conference, which has taken health as a strategic guideline for priority development. The outline of the 13th Five Year Plan also reflects such a strategic idea and sets clear targets, such as increasing the average life expectancy by one year, and there are corresponding safeguard measures in the column.
At the same time, we also pay more attention to the equality and accessibility of basic public services to enhance social fairness. For example, we made the list of basic public services for the first time. Don't underestimate this list. Each item of this list needs financial support. Finance should give priority to ensuring the implementation of the service items and contents of this list. We also attach great importance to the people's pursuit of a higher life, that is, consumption upgrading. The demand for spiritual products and services of the people, and the more urgent requirements for drinking clean water, breathing fresh air and eating safe food, are fully reflected in the column of key projects. Therefore, most of these 165 key projects are focused on improving people's livelihood. The basic public service project list, the employment promotion plan action, the social care action plan, the key projects of poverty alleviation, as well as projects in education, health, culture, environmental protection and other fields will directly benefit people's livelihood.
At the same time, we should focus on improving people's development ability. This is to promote the all-round development of people, and it is also the embodiment of the "people-oriented" thought, which provides human capital support for economic transformation and development, which is complementary. For example, the inclusive kindergartens in education, the popularization of high school education, the standardization of compulsory education, and the improvement of basic medical and health services, maternal and child health, disease prevention, food safety and other engineering projects are all aimed at promoting the all-round development of people.
We also attach importance to how to improve people's well-being, especially with the improvement of people's living standards and the upgrading of demand for material culture and ecological environment, we have arranged for better and effective supply in many key projects.
I believe that with the full implementation of these 165 projects, the people will directly feel the real benefits brought by the implementation of major projects. So it can also be said that our people centered development idea has been embodied and implemented through this major project. [5]

Social evaluation

To achieve economic transformation well, it is not the wishful thinking of the country or the efforts of local governments, enterprises or individuals. We need to optimize the convergence of technology, intellectual property, patent system, finance and other services, and need a wide range of exchanges and docking, so that economic transformation can play its due role. This is not an easy thing. Borrowing“ the 13th Five-Year plan ”One sentence in the planning proposal: "Realize‘ the 13th Five-Year plan ’The development goals of the period have bright prospects and heavy tasks. " Song Qinghui [6]
13th Five Year Plan for Agricultural Machinery
On January 5, 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture issued the 13th Five Year Plan for the Development of National Agricultural Mechanization, which proposed that during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, the comprehensive mechanization rate of agriculture should reach 70%, of which the comprehensive mechanization rate of three major grain cultivation and income should stabilize to more than 80%.
The 13th Five Year Plan for Coal Industry Development
December 30, 2016 [7] The National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration jointly issued a notice announcing the 13th Five Year Plan for the Development of the Coal Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Plan). It is worth noting that the Plan proposes that by 2020, China will strive to further concentrate its coal production and development to large-scale coal bases, with the output of large-scale coal bases accounting for more than 95%; Industrial concentration has been further improved. The number of coal enterprises is less than 3000, and the output of large enterprises above 50 million tons accounts for more than 60%. [8]
The 13th Five Year Plan for Cereals and Oils Processing Industry
December 26, 2016 [9] According to the 13th Five Year Plan for the Development of Grain and Oil Processing Industry released by the State Food Administration, during the 13th Five Year Plan period, the grain and oil processing industry will encourage and guide enterprises to adopt the form of joint-stock cooperation and mixed ownership, establish a modern enterprise system and property rights system, and form 30 or more backbone grain and oil enterprises with a main business income of more than 10 billion yuan by 2020. The industrialization rate of staple food will be raised to about 25%. The business income of grain and oil processing owners has maintained an average annual growth rate of 9%, and the industrial added value has maintained an average annual growth rate of more than 7%. [10]

International evaluation

Implement the concept of innovative development and promote the construction of a scientific and technological power
——The international community made positive comments on China's high-quality development led by innovation during the "13th Five Year Plan" period
Science and technology are the foundation of a country's prosperity, and innovation is the soul of national progress. During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, China's science and technology has made historic achievements and undergone historic changes. The international personage interviewed by our reporter said that China has vigorously promoted scientific and technological innovation, which has injected a steady stream of new momentum into development. China has deeply participated in the governance of global scientific and technological innovation, and the globalization level and international influence of scientific and technological innovation have been growing, which has become an important driving force for global scientific and technological innovation cooperation.
"Chinese society has formed a good atmosphere of bold innovation, bold innovation and inclusive innovation"
The World Intellectual Property Organization recently released the 2020 Global Innovation Index Report, which shows that China ranks 14th in the global innovation index. In 2015, China ranked 29th in the global innovation index. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2019, China's national R&D expenditure exceeded 2.2 trillion yuan, with 13.3 invention patents per 10000 people; In 2015, China's national R&D expenditure was 1.4 trillion yuan, with 6.3 invention patents per 10000 people.
Robert Kuhn, chairman of the Kuhn Foundation of the United States, believes that the rapid development of China's innovation industry benefits from the encouragement and guidance of national policies, the formation of a cultural atmosphere supporting innovation in society and the deepening of the reform of the scientific and technological system. "The Chinese government attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation. Under the guidance of correct policies, Chinese society has formed a good atmosphere of bold innovation, bold innovation and inclusive innovation."
"China has stood at the forefront of the world through reform and innovation." Andrei Kalafilipovic, chairman of the Croatian China Friendship Association, witnessed the tremendous changes that have taken place in China in recent years, and believed that China attaches great importance to scientific research investment, pays attention to the cultivation of talents' innovation ability in professional fields, and so on, which has provided important support for China's steady economic development, It has become a huge engine for China's high-quality economic development.
As the only top international automobile exhibition in the world this year, the 2020 (16th) Beijing International Automobile Exhibition displayed 160 new energy vehicles, including 147 new energy vehicles from Chinese automobile enterprises. Frank Zelin, a German expert on China, pointed out that China's electric vehicles have reliable quality, strong endurance and relatively complete charging infrastructure, "which reflects the huge development of China's innovation industry from the side".
Nadia Hilemi, a professor of political science at Benisovev University in Egypt, believes that during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, China regarded innovation as the core force to promote high-quality development, constantly deepened reform to adapt to the new economic normal, constantly explored new economic growth points, vigorously trained talents, and introduced a series of policies to promote industrial upgrading and innovative development, Actively implement the concept of innovative development in the whole society, so that innovation becomes a common practice in the whole society.
"The transformation from 'Made in China' to 'Smart Made in China' and the acceleration of the transformation into a powerful country through scientific and technological innovation"
During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, the "heavenly eye" was activated, the "Jiaolong" went into the sea, the "Wukong" went into orbit, and the "Mozi" flew into space, The C919 large passenger plane flew into the blue sky, the quantum computer was successfully developed, and Chang'e-4 landed on the back of the moon for the first time in human history... Major innovative achievements emerged in a race, and some frontier fields began to enter the stage of parallel running and leading. The scientific and technological strength is making a qualitative leap from the accumulation of quantity, from the breakthrough of point to the improvement of system capability.
Valdivieso, director of the China Research Center of IE University in Spain, said that during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, China implemented the innovation driven development strategy and made outstanding achievements in the field of scientific and technological innovation. "China's smart phones and mobile payments, which cover and meet almost all the needs of daily life, are convenient and advanced. With the increasing added value of Chinese products, 'Made in China' is changing to 'Smart in China', accelerating to become a powerful country in scientific and technological innovation."
According to the KPMG Survey on Innovation in the Technology Industry in 2020, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong and Shenzhen in China are among the top 20 global hubs of scientific and technological innovation in the next four years, and China is the only country that occupies four seats in the top 20 list. "In the past few years, the number of Chinese patent applications in Europe has doubled, from about 5500 in 2015 to more than 12000 in 2019, and China has become the fourth largest patent applicant in the European Patent Office." Antonio Campinos, president of the European Patent Office, said, "The substantial increase in the number of patent applications in China reflects China's scientific and technological progress. China's position in the global science and technology field is constantly improving, changing the world's innovation landscape. "
Tang Longgong Wusentirangu, deputy director of Thailand China "Belt and Road" Cooperation Research Center, said that China actively promotes economic transformation and upgrading, pays more attention to the quality of economic growth and technological innovation, and China's high-quality economic development will have a positive impact on Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.
"During the 13th Five Year Plan period, China paid more attention to the quality of development, and made great progress in 5G, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, big data and other fields, promoting the industry to move towards the middle and high end of the value chain." Hu Yishan, senior researcher of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, believes that in the post epidemic era, China's high-quality development will also become a driving force for economic growth in neighboring countries, Southeast Asian countries will benefit from it.
"Helping developing countries make progress in science and technology through cooperation is conducive to global common development"
During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, China planned and promoted innovation from a global perspective, actively explored new models and paths of scientific and technological openness and cooperation, and significantly improved the internationalization of scientific and technological innovation.
Statistics show that China has established scientific and technological cooperation relations with more than 160 countries and regions, and has participated in more than 200 international organizations and multilateral mechanisms. China has actively participated in and made important contributions to many major international scientific programs and projects, such as the International Thermonuclear Fusion Experimental Reactor and the Square Kilometer Array Radio Telescope. Launch the "Belt and Road" scientific and technological innovation action plan, take the lead in establishing the "Belt and Road" international scientific organization alliance involving nearly 60 science and education institutions in 42 countries, jointly build a number of joint laboratories and technology transfer platforms with the "Belt and Road" countries, and launch international scientific programs such as "Pan Third Pole Environmental Research" and "Digital Belt and Road", It has established a multi field, multi-level and multi-channel exchange and cooperation mechanism with countries along the line.
"Scientific and technological innovation is not a zero sum game. The closer innovation cooperation is, the greater scientific and technological progress will be." Kuhn pointed out that "China helps developing countries make scientific and technological progress through cooperation, which is conducive to global common development."
David Monyaer, director of the Africa China Research Center at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, believes that China has an international perspective in innovation and actively explores new models and new paths of cooperation with other countries in the world. "Chinese enterprises have developed e-commerce in Rwanda, brought mature operation models and rich operation experience to the local area, and set an example for the scientific and technological innovation and development of other African countries."
Evandro Carvalho, head of the Brazil China Research Center of the Vargas Foundation in Brazil, pointed out that scientific and technological innovation must adhere to open cooperation. "China plans and promotes innovation from a global perspective and has become an important driver of international scientific and technological cooperation. The Belt and Road Initiative for Scientific and Technological Innovation Action Plan carries out scientific and technological people to people exchanges, co construction of joint laboratories, cooperation in science and technology parks, technology transfer and other actions, which will help improve the level of scientific and technological innovation in relevant countries and share the fruits of innovation and development."
Karafilipovic said that many plans and initiatives, including the "Belt and Road" scientific and technological innovation action plan, not only benefit countries and regions along the line, but also build a high-quality platform for scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation among countries, share advanced achievements and wisdom, and make important contributions to the world's scientific and technological development. [11]