Beijing bicycle

In 2001, Wang Xiaoshuai directed the film
Seventeen Year Old Bicycle is a feature film produced by Beijing Film Studio and Jiguang Company, directed by Wang Xiaoshuai, written by Xu Xiaoming and Jiao Xiongping, and starred by Cui Lin, Li Bin, Gao Yuanyuan, Zhou Xun, etc. The film premiered at the 51st Berlin International Film Festival on February 17, 2001. The film tells the story of the dispute between Xiao Gui, a young migrant worker, and Xiao Jian, a young boy at the bottom of the city, in order to fight for a bicycle. In 2001, the film won the Silver Bear Award - Jury Award at the 51st Berlin International Film Festival, and was nominated for the Golden Bear Award. As of April 17, 2024, the film has grossed US $215854 in total worldwide >>>
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Seventeen year old bicycle stills
Entry picture

essential information

17 Year Old Bicycle Beijing Film Studio Produced by Hejiguang Co., Ltd Wang Xiaoshuai Directed by Xu Xiaoming and Jiao Xiongping, Cui Lin Li Bin High circle Zhou Xun Such as a feature film starring. The film was released on February 17, 2001 The 51st Berlin International Film Festival premiere [1] [16]
The film tells the story of the dispute between Xiao Gui, a young migrant worker, and Xiao Jian, a youth at the bottom of the city, in order to fight for a bicycle [17]
In 2001, the film won the Silver Bear Award - Jury Award at the 51st Berlin International Film Festival, and was nominated for the Golden Bear Award [18] As of April 17, 2024, the cumulative box office of the film in the world is $215854 [19]
Chinese name
Beijing bicycle
Foreign name
Beijing Bicycle
Other translations
17 year old bicycle [13] Bicycle [13] Beijing Bicycle [13]
Production company
Beijing Film Studio Jiguang Company
Production area
Chinese Mainland , China Taiwan France [13]
Shooting date
113 minutes
Release time
February 17, 2001 (Germany)
Dialogue language
Imdb encoding
major awards
The 51st Berlin International Film Festival Grand prix
The 51st Berlin International Film Festival New Talent Award Actor Award
Online broadcasting platform
Tencent Video [14] Bili Bili [15]
Production time


Beijing at the end of the 20th century. Petty expensiveness Cui Lin Decoration) When he came to Beijing from the countryside to work as a migrant worker, he found a job in a delivery company. He rode a bicycle to deliver express goods, and charged 10 yuan for each order. When he earns 600 yuan, he can buy the silver mountain bike lent to him by his favorite company. Xiao Gui works hard under the constant complaints from customers.
Just when he was about to save enough money, he lost his bike. He ran all over Beijing looking for his bike, and then on the street, he saw a student riding it. New owner Xiao Jian Li Bin Decoration) It was said that the car was bought in the garage, and Xiao Gui had to get his bike back, so they had to try to share the bike.

screen credits



Cui Lin Ornament Petty expensiveness
Dubbing -
Li Bin Ornament Xiaojian
Dubbing -
High circle Ornament Xiaoxiao
Dubbing -
Zhou Xun Ornament Red harp
Dubbing -
Li Shuang Ornament Dahuan
Dubbing -
Zhao Yiwei Ornament Little Strong Father
Dubbing -
Pang Yan Ornament Little hardy mother
Dubbing -
Zhou Fangfei Ornament Rongrong
Dubbing -
Thank you Ornament Express Company Manager
Dubbing -
Ma Yuhong Ornament accounting
Dubbing -
Liu Lei Ornament mantis
Dubbing -
Li Mengnan Ornament Qiu Sheng
Dubbing -
Huiwei Ornament Xiao Jian
Dubbing -
Ren Hougang Ornament A cheerful companion
Dubbing -
Changjiayin Ornament Xiaoxiao's classmate
Dubbing -

Employee List

publisher Xu Bingxi Fabienne Vonier
producer Li Huatong Jiao Xiongjian Anne Devauchelle Eric Lagesse Ma Zhongye Zhang Xia
Supervised by Jiao Xiongping Han Sanping Xu Xiaoming
director Wang Xiaoshuai
Associate Director (Assistant) Niule Yu Weijie Zhou Wei
Scriptwriter Jiao Xiongping Xu Xiaoming Tang Danian Wang Xiaoshuai
Photography Liu Jie Wei Chao Jiangyang
Soundtrack Wang Feng
clip Liao Qingsong Yang Hongyu Xiao Ruguan
prop Liu Guangbo
Art Design Cao Anjun Cai Zhaoyi
clothing design Pang Yan
lighting Yang Bin
sound recording Du Duzhi Chen Chen
Field record Tana
Scenery master Wang Wenjun
The above content comes from

Role Introduction

Petty expensiveness
performer Cui Lin
dubbing -
He was originally a poor rural man. He came to the city to do postal work. He was diligent and honest, and finally got a bike of his own by working. However, he was stolen. He did not give up looking for it, but found Xiao Jian who bought second-hand goods. Xiao Gui was beaten by Xiao Jian's classmates for many times and still insisted on it, so they shared a car. Xiaoxiao's new boyfriend mistook Xiao Gui for Xiao Jian's partner, beat him up and smashed his bike.
performer Li Bin
dubbing -
High school students from poor families. Unable to afford a bicycle, he stole his father's money and went to the black market to buy a second-hand car. It happened to be Xiao Gui's stolen car. They had a dispute and reached an agreement. They shared a car. Xiaojian beats Xiaoxiao's new boyfriend. It happened that Xiaojian came to hand over the car at this time. Xiaoxiao's new boyfriend mistook Xiaogui for Xiaojian's partner and beat them up.
performer High circle
dubbing -
High school student with beautiful appearance, Xiaojian's classmate. Xiaojian confidently chased Xiaoxiao when he had a bicycle, and Xiaoxiao became his girlfriend. After Xiaojian's bicycle disappeared, Xiaoxiao was chased by another boy with good driving skills. Xiaojian beats Xiaoxiao's new boyfriend.
Red harp
performer Zhou Xun
dubbing -
A poor rural girl, she came to the city to work as a nanny for the rich. She was a "city person" who was spied by the grocer every day. When her master was away, she often changed her master's clothes and high-heeled shoes secretly, and changed a suit of clothes in an hour, pretending to be a city person. At last, she was found by the owner, and her life as a "city person" ended instantly.
reference material [2]

Music soundtrack

The cover of the original soundtrack of 17 Year Old Bicycle
Main Melody
Run into You
Riding Bike
Take Turns
On The Duty
Look For
Run and Hit
Meet You First Time
Walking on the Road
Ending Credit
reference material

Behind the Scenes

  • The film was exhibited because it was not submitted for approval Berlin International Film Festival , prohibited from Mainland China Release [3]
  • In 2004, after the film was re submitted for review, it passed the examination of the Film Bureau of SARFT and was allowed to be released. The film had 8 scenes cut symbolically, but its name was changed to Bicycle. This is the first underground film released after the policy reform of the Film Bureau of SARFT [4]
  • director Wang Xiaoshuai It was revealed that the reason why the film was banned from being released was that "too many hutongs were filmed, and the modern side of Beijing was not photographed". The relevant parties believed that it was not conducive to the bid for the Olympic Games [5]
  • Cui Lin And Li Bin When shooting, they were all eighteen years old. There were many youth chase scenes in the film. They ran for three days. At three o'clock in the middle of the night, they also ran. They had just finished eating, ran to vomit, and then continued to run. The other young actors who filmed the beaten scenes were inexperienced. They were too hard to be realistic, and both of them were scarred [6]
  • There was a scene in the woods of Houhai, High circle Close your eyes and wait for Li Bin to kiss her on the cheek. Because Li Bin is shy, he only passed the 8th photo. The blush in the camera is a real performance.
  • Li Bin once had the experience of mountain bike being stolen and recovered, and therefore accidentally entered the circle of bike playing. In order to select young actors who can play with cars at the age of 17 or 18, the crew searched almost every bicycle shop in Beijing where young cyclists gather. Li Bin got the chance to audition by chance.

Award record

Award time
February 15, 2001
Silver Bear Award Jury Award
Seventeen Year Old Bicycle
Award [1]
New Talent Actor Award
December 11, 2001
Best Feature Film
Jiguang Film Co., Ltd
nomination [7-8]
Best Director
Best New Actor
Li Bin
Best Photography
Liu Jie
Best Original Screenplay
Best Editing

Behind the scenes production

This film is a Taiwan film scholar and film critic Jiao Xiongping Operated by Jiguang Film Company“《 A Tale of Three Cities 》One of the series. When the film was shot, it was in the period of relevant policy transformation, and the stage of full marketization had not yet begun. Film funding comes from France Taiwan , but copyright belongs to Beijing Film Studio , pay the film factory to buy the factory logo. Due to Beijing Film Studio's ambiguous ownership of the film copyright, the review is very strict [9]

Production and distribution

Release information
Release date
February 17, 2001
February 20, 2001
Taiwan, China
July 13, 2013
reference material [10]
Box office information
According to rough statistics DVD There are more than ten versions, and the total sales volume reaches hundreds of thousands [11]

Film evaluation

The film is clear and smooth in narrative technique, and properly set in contradiction, without affectation and deliberately sensationalism. For the emotional pursuit of contemporary Chinese young people, Wang Xiaoshuai Editing life clips with lighthearted techniques, although the exploration of cruel reality is not deep enough, the fresh air created is better than that of other peer directors. Northeast Network Comment)
In the film "Seventeen Year Old Bicycle", which reflects the bitter youth, High circle The pure, sweet and clean image swept away the haze that the film brought to the audience. The director tried to tell the audience through several beautiful scenes that when facing the real life situation of embarrassment and despair, they should also maintain the pursuit of beautiful things as always [12] (Review of Times People Weekly)
Many images appear in the film to imply urban life and the contradiction between urban and rural areas. The most important thing is cycling. The name of the film is Bicycle at the Age of Seventeen. The whole story also revolves around the city. In the film, bicycle is not a bicycle in the physical sense. It refers to a way of life Bicycle Their attitudes reflect social differences. The director reflected the difference between urban people and rural people's life, even the difference with the lowest urban people, through their different attitudes towards the image of bicycles. The director focuses on the 17 year olds who are in line with the age of rural people's first job in cities, and also uses the broken dreams of 17 year olds to set off the difficulties of rural people's integration into cities and the huge differences between cities and rural areas. It is more vivid and concrete to express emotions through the symbol setting of images than to express emotions directly in language [2] (《 movie review 》Xiong Renguo, Zhang Yinzhu)