Medical students

Medical college students
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Medical students are Medical college Students studying various medical specialties, including Basic Medicine clinical medicine Nursing preventive medicine Stomatology , Food Hygiene and Nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Medicine of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine , Acupuncture and Massage, Psychology, Rehabilitation Therapy, Forensic Medicine, Medical Examination, Anesthesiology, Medical Imaging, Pharmacy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc.
Become a doctor Maybe not the final destination of every medical student; But for most Clinical Medicine As far as medical students are concerned, becoming a doctor is the one they have always been reluctant to part with Dream
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Medical students
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medical student
Refers to Medical college Students studying various medical specialties

Specialty classification

Cultivate general practitioners engaged in clinical medical work.
Students should master the basic theories and medical skills of basic medicine and clinical medicine; Master the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently occurring diseases and the initial treatment of acute, critical and severe diseases; Have the preliminary ability of clinical medical scientific research, and be able to engage in clinical medical work after graduation. The curriculum is divided into general basic courses, medical basic courses and clinical professional courses,
The main courses include: medical advanced mathematics, medical physics, basic chemistry, organic chemistry, medical cell biology, medical genetics, medical statistics, medical ethics, systematic anatomy, local anatomy, histoembryology, medical microbiology, medical immunology, medical parasitology, biochemistry and molecular biology, physiology, pathology, pharmacology Diagnostics, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases, Neurology, Psychiatry, Ophthalmology Otolaryngology Dermatology and venereology, radiology, nuclear medicine, etc.
2. Anesthesiology:
To train clinical anesthesiologists who are engaged in clinical anesthesia, critical illness medicine, pain treatment and first aid.
Students should master the basic theoretical knowledge of basic medicine, clinical medicine and anesthesiology as well as the operation technology of clinical anesthesia; Have preliminary ability in scientific research of clinical anesthesiology; After graduation, I can be engaged in clinical anesthesia, emergency treatment, resuscitation, monitoring and physiological function regulation of critical cases.
The courses include general basic courses, medical basic courses, clinical courses and professional courses,
The main courses include: medical advanced mathematics, medical physics, basic chemistry, organic chemistry, medical cell biology, medical genetics, medical statistics, medical ethics, systematic anatomy, local anatomy, histoembryology, medical microbiology, medical immunology, medical parasitology, biochemistry and molecular biology, physiology, pathology, pharmacology Diagnostics, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases, Neurology, Psychiatry, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Dermatology and Venereology, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Anesthesia Applied Anatomy, Anesthesia Physiology, Anesthesia Pharmacology, Anesthesia Apparatus and Equipment, Clinical Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, etc.
3. Medical imaging:
To train clinicians engaged in medical imaging diagnosis and interventional therapy.
Students should master basic knowledge of basic medicine and clinical medicine, basic theoretical knowledge and operational skills of medical imaging; Learn the construction principle of medical imaging equipment; Have the preliminary ability of medical imaging scientific research; After graduation, I can engage in medical imaging diagnosis and interventional therapy.
The courses include general basic courses, medical basic courses, clinical courses and professional courses. The main courses include: medical advanced mathematics, medical physics, basic chemistry, organic chemistry, medical cell biology, medical genetics, medical statistics, medical ethics, systematic anatomy, histoembryology, medical microbiology, medical immunology, medical parasitology Biochemistry and molecular biology, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, diagnostics, internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, basic electronics, clinical radiation technology Radiodiagnostics Ultrasound diagnostics Interventional Radiology Etc.
To train clinical laboratory physicians engaged in medical laboratory and medical laboratory work in hospitals, blood stations and epidemic prevention departments.
Students should master the basic theoretical knowledge of basic medicine and clinical medicine; Master the basic theory and technology of medical chemistry, molecular biology, immunology, pathogenic diagnostics, and blood cell morphology; Be familiar with the basic structure, performance and operation methods of commonly used instruments; Be familiar with the relevant guidelines, policies and regulations of national health work and clinical laboratory management; Understand the theory and technology development trends of frontier disciplines of laboratory medicine; Have the ability of mathematical statistics and computer application, and certain scientific research and practical work ability.
The courses include general basic courses, basic medical courses, clinical courses and professional courses. The main courses include: medical advanced mathematics, medical physics, basic chemistry, organic chemistry, medical cell biology, medical genetics, medical statistics, medical ethics, systematic anatomy, histoembryology, medical microbiology, medical immunology, medical parasitology Biochemistry and molecular biology, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, diagnostics, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, clinical biochemical tests, blood tests, microbial tests, immunological tests, molecular biology tests, clinical blood transfusion technology and laboratory management.
Cultivate forensic experts engaged in various forensic expertise.
Students should master the basic theoretical knowledge of basic medicine, clinical medicine, forensic medicine and various forensic inspection and identification skills; Be familiar with the basic theory of forensic medicine and legal knowledge related to forensic medicine; Learn basic theories of forensic pathology, basic skills of forensic autopsy and pathological examination, forensic medicine pathologic diagnosis And death analysis, and issue forensic pathology appraisal certificate; Learn the basic theory of forensic material evidence inspection and the inspection technology of common forensic material evidence, and issue the forensic material evidence identification certificate; Master the principles of taking and submitting forensic toxicological analysis materials, and the analysis skills of common poisons; Master the basic theory and skills of forensic clinical examination and identification of living injury, injury condition, disability, etc; Be familiar with the basic knowledge of forensic psychiatry and the preliminary ability of forensic psychiatric expertise; Have the preliminary ability of forensic science research. After graduation, he can engage in various forensic inspection and identification and forensic related inspection technology work.
The courses include general basic courses, medical basic courses, clinical courses and professional courses. The main courses include: medical advanced mathematics, medical physics, basic chemistry, organic chemistry, medical cell biology, medical genetics, medical statistics, medical ethics, systematic anatomy, local anatomy, histoembryology, medical microbiology, medical immunology Medical Parasitology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Diagnostics, Introduction to Forensic Medicine, Forensic Pathology, Forensic Toxicology, Forensic Toxicological Analysis, Forensic Physical Evidence, Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Clinical Science, Forensic Psychiatry Criminal science and technology , practical law, criminal psychology, etc.
6. Stomatology:
Cultivate clinicians engaged in oral medicine and health care.
Students of this major should master the basic theories and medical skills of basic medicine, clinical medicine and stomatology; Learn the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently occurring oral diseases, the initial treatment of acute, difficult and severe diseases, and the basic knowledge and general operating skills of oral repair; Have preliminary ability in scientific research of stomatology; After graduation, I can be engaged in the medical treatment and health care of oral and maxillofacial diseases.
The courses include general basic courses, medical basic courses, clinical courses and professional courses. The main courses include: medical advanced mathematics, medical physics, basic chemistry, organic chemistry, medical cell biology, medical genetics, medical statistics, medical ethics, systematic anatomy, local anatomy, histoembryology, medical microbiology, medical immunology Biochemistry and molecular biology, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, diagnostics, oral anatomy and physiology, oral histopathology, oral materials, oral imaging diagnostics, oral medicine, oral and maxillofacial surgery Prosthodontics Orthodontics, oral prevention, etc.
7. Preventive medicine:
To train public health doctors engaged in preventive medicine.
Students of this major should master the basic theories and skills of basic medicine, clinical medicine and preventive medicine; Learn the rules of the effects of natural and social environmental factors on population health and disease; Learn to apply the principles and methods of health statistics and epidemiology to analyze the impact of major pathogenic factors in the environment on population health, and formulate prevention and control strategies; Have the preliminary ability to research in the field of public health and preventive medicine. After graduation, I can work in public health fields such as disease prevention and control, health supervision and law enforcement.
The courses include general basic courses, medical basic courses, clinical courses and professional courses. The main courses include: medical advanced mathematics, medical physics, basic chemistry, organic chemistry, medical cell biology, medical genetics, medical ethics, systematic anatomy, local anatomy, histoembryology, physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, medical microbiology Medical immunology, medical parasitology, diagnostics, internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, infectious diseases, pharmacology, epidemiology, health statistics Environmental Hygiene Labor hygiene, nutrition and food hygiene Social medicine and health management , Pediatric Hygiene, Hygiene Chemistry, Introduction to Public Health, etc.
8、 pharmacy
Cultivate the ability to systematically master the basic theoretical knowledge and experimental skills of pharmacy, pharmaceutical chemistry, natural pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis and pharmacology, and master the basic theory and experimental technology of clinical medication; High level pharmaceutical talents who master the screening methods of drugs and their preparations, the principles and methods of drug identification, inspection and content determination, have the basic knowledge of drug administration and pharmaceutical regulations, and can engage in various drug development, research, production, quality inspection, identification and clinical rational drug use; After graduation, students will work in medical institutions at all levels, medical colleges, scientific research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises, social pharmacies, food and drug regulatory authorities and other relevant units.
The courses include pharmacy, basic medicine and chemistry. The main courses are: advanced mathematics, physics Mathematical Statistics Human anatomy, medical microbiology and immunology, biochemistry, physiology, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, instrumental analysis, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, natural pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacy Pharmaceutical Analysis Pharmacology, clinical pharmacotherapy, pharmaceutical administration Pharmacotoxicology , Nuclear Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Introduction to Clinical Medicine, etc.
9、 Nursing
Cultivate senior nursing talents engaged in clinical nursing, community nursing, nursing management and nursing research.
Students should master the basic knowledge of basic medicine and clinical medicine as well as the basic theory and skills of nursing; Learn the basic principles and operating techniques of emergency, difficult and critical care, as well as the skills of specialized nursing and intensive care; Have the preliminary ability of hospital nursing management, nursing teaching and scientific research; After graduation, I can engage in advanced clinical nursing and nursing management. The courses include general basic courses, medical basic courses, clinical courses and professional courses. The main courses include: Medical Biology Human anatomy, histoembryology, physiology, microbiology and immunology, biochemistry and molecular biology, pathology, pharmacology, introduction to nursing, nursing education Nursing Psychology Basic Nursing, Internal Medicine Nursing, Surgical Nursing, Gynecology and Obstetrics Nursing, Pediatrics Nursing, Emergency Nursing, Nursing Management Community Nursing , geriatric nursing, etc.
Cultivate and deliver rehabilitation treatment professionals for rehabilitation medicine departments, ICUs, neurosurgeries, orthopedics, burn and plastic surgery departments, geriatrics departments, and rehabilitation centers of hospitals at all levels.
Students are required to have certain Humanities and Social Sciences Basic theoretical knowledge of natural science, basic medical knowledge and basic clinical knowledge; Master the methods of examining and analyzing the degree of physical disability and the basic principles and methods of modern rehabilitation therapy: including exercise therapy, physical factor therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychotherapy, Chinese traditional rehabilitation therapy, etc., and be able to use the above methods to treat various functional disorders. Cultivate physical therapists and occupational therapists with independent working ability, specialized in one subject and versatile skills, who are both in line with domestic standards and close to international standards. Awarded by students after graduation Bachelor of Science
Courses include public basic courses, medical basic courses Specialized basic courses Professional public courses and professional courses. PT direction includes human anatomy Human Development Human Kinematics, Basic Techniques of Physiotherapy, Orthopedics and Burn Physiotherapy, Neuropathy Physiotherapy, Cardiopulmonary Disease Physiotherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Therapy, Prosthetics, Language Therapy. OT direction includes: human anatomy, human development, human kinematics, occupational therapy theory, operational basis of human behavior, barrier rehabilitation psychology, occupational therapy of skeletal muscle burns, occupational therapy of geriatric diseases, occupational therapy of internal medicine and neurological diseases, environmental re-election, human occupational and occupational rehabilitation, prosthetics and orthotics, and speech therapy. [1]
Students are required to master the basic and clinical theories and practical knowledge of Chinese medicine, and have certain knowledge of modern basic medicine and clinical medicine.
Main courses: Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Prescriptions, Ancient Chinese Medicine, Internal Classic, Treatise on Febrile Diseases, Synopsis of the Golden Chamber, Febrile Diseases, History of Chinese Medicine, Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Surgery of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Orthopedics and Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ophthalmology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Otolaryngology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Massage Normal human anatomy, histoembryology, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, pharmacology, medical microbiology and immunology, diagnostics, internal medicine, surgery, preventive medicine
12. Clinical Medicine of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
Students are required to master the basic and clinical theories and practical knowledge of Chinese medicine, and have certain knowledge of modern basic medicine and clinical medicine.
Main courses: Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Prescriptions, Ancient Chinese Medicine, Internal Classic, Treatise on Febrile Diseases, Synopsis of the Golden Chamber, Febrile Diseases, History of Chinese and Foreign Medicine, Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Surgery of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gynaecology of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, Pediatrics of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ophthalmology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Otolaryngology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Massage Normal human anatomy, histoembryology, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, pharmacology, medical microbiology and immunology, diagnostics, internal medicine, surgery, preventive medicine
13. Acupuncture and Massage
Students are required to master the basic and clinical theories and practical knowledge of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage, and have certain knowledge of modern basic medicine and clinical medicine.
Main courses: Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Prescriptions, Ancient Chinese Medicine, Internal Classic, Treatise on Febrile Diseases, Synopsis of the Golden Chamber, Febrile Diseases, History of Chinese Medicine, Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Surgery of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Orthopedics and Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Normal Human Anatomy, Local Anatomy and Meridian Sections, Histoembryology, Physiology, Biochemistry Pathology, pharmacology, medical microbiology and immunology, diagnostics, internal medicine, surgery, preventive medicine, meridians and acupoints science, acupuncture and moxibustion law, acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, acupuncture and moxibustion medical book selection, massage skill law, massage manipulation, massage therapy
14. Traditional Chinese Medicine
Students are required to master relevant knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, pharmacy and chemistry, and have certain basic medical knowledge
Main courses: Advanced Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Physics, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Instrument Analysis, Physical Chemistry, Normal Human Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Biochemistry, Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Medicinal Botany, Traditional Chinese Medicine Chemistry, Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing, Traditional Chinese Medicine Identification, Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmacology Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmacy, Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine Preparations, Pharmacy Management, Pharmacognosy