Medical Science

[yī xué]
A discipline dealing with various diseases or pathological changes of life, and a specialty promoting the recovery of patients
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Medicine is a discipline dealing with various diseases or pathological changes of life, and a specialty promoting the recovery of patients. The general directions of research fields include forensic medicine , Chinese medicine, stomatology.
Chinese name
Medical Science
Foreign name
Medicine [2]
Treatment and prevention of physiological diseases
Synonymous words
Medical Doctor Association


A medical staff in the shelter hospital of Wuhan Sports Center [5]
The main attributes of medicine are academic and technical. What it does is knowledge, focusing on the discovery and revelation of natural laws Practical technology Innovation. However, the academic and technical aspects of medicine are not just biology or life sciences in a narrow sense. life sciences The content of is indeed the main foundation and backbone system of medicine, but it is far from the whole. [5]
Medical science is "multi science" and "human science". The so-called "multi learning" includes three major learning systems: first natural science (including life science, etc.) social sciences , the third is humanities Medicine is an academic and technical system that combines the three to maintain the health and life of people, people and human beings. The purpose of medicine is to care for people and pursue their ultimate interests. Therefore, medicine is still "humanism". [5]




Chinese medicine originated from three emperors and five sovereigns Period, Legend Fuxi He invented acupuncture and tried herbs. Over 3000 BC, Chinese Huang Ti He wrote the first medical work of mankind《 Congratulation Section 》On the basis of this medical work, later generations continued to add and delete, gradually forming the later《 Inner Canon of Huangdi 》And《 Huangdi External Classic 》, and Zhu You Ke Li will Medical separation It came out and formed the later Chinese medicine. Of which《 Inner Canon of Huangdi 》It is the first person in the world to put forward the concept of "treating the disease without curing it" Prevent disease ”This disease prevention and health preservation preventive medicine Views. [1]
During the Yin and Zhou Dynasties“ Hexagram and line ”, proposed at the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty“ yin-yang ”"Five Elements" theory. In Xia, Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties, medicine and witchcraft coexisted, forming the original medical embryo. Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period At that time, a hundred schools of thought were contending and a hundred flowers were blooming in the whole academic circle. During this period, medicine and witchcraft gradually separated. Because of its obvious scientificity, practicality and rationality, traditional Chinese medicine had occupied the leading position of numerous schools thousands of years ago. [3]
stay Qin Dynasty (221 B.C. - 207 B.C.) The world's first specialized forensic doctor, "Ling Shi", appeared. Qin Law It is stipulated that in principle, all cases with unknown causes of death should be carried out Autopsy Judicial officer If the inspection is not carried out in violation of the law, it will be punished. Qin《 Sealed type 》There are detailed records on the methods and procedures of forensic identification. In human life cases, the main contents of identification and inspection include the location of the body, the location, quantity, direction and size of the trauma. A written report, called“ record of the confession made by a criminal ”, the earliest in the world Forensic expertise And site investigation report.
In the Qin Dynasty, the first infectious disease hospital was also established in the world -“ Panqian Institute ”And formulated the earliest isolation system for the treatment of infectious diseases. According to 1975 Hubei province Yunmeng Unearthed in Shuihudi bamboo slips According to the records in, it was stipulated at that time that when the doctor checked the patient, he found that the bridge of the nose collapsed, and there was no Pubescence Those with hoarse voice, nasal irritation without sneezing and other symptoms will be sent to the Pandemic Removal Institute for isolation treatment. This shows that in ancient China Infectious diseases Of Treatment measures , has been effective for a long time.
here we are Western Han Dynasty Period (202 BC - 8 AD) Yin Yang and Five Elements The theory is very complete, and the famous doctor is Taicang Gong Chunyu Yi and Gongcheng Yangqing
Eastern Han Dynasty There are famous medical experts Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo Zhang Zhongjing has perfected the theory of syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine. He is also the first clinical medicine master in the world and is honored as Medical sage He wrote《 Typhoid theory 》Treatment for Women, Huang Sufang《 Mouthpiece theory 》, "Prescription for the Treatment of Diseases" and other medical books, which were eventually handed down and compiled by later generations《 Treatise on typhoid and miscellaneous diseases 》And《 Synopsis of the Golden Chamber 》。
Zhang Zhongjing adopts syndrome differentiation basic principle , on《 Typhoid theory 》It boils down to“ Eight principles of syndrome differentiation ”And "Six Meridians Treatment". After treatment based on syndrome differentiation“ Eight methods ”(sweating, vomiting, lowering, harmonizing, warming, clearing, tonifying, and eliminating) to treat diseases. Eight principles of syndrome differentiation ”It is the specific principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment in the book. The so-called "eight principles" (yin, yang, exterior, interior, cold, heat, deficiency and excess) are applied“ Four diagnostic methods ”(Look, smell, ask, and feel) Analyze and examine the location and nature of the disease, and conclude that "treatment of the six meridians" is the whole zang fu Meridian theory stay clinical medicine Specific application of.
In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Hua Tuo Then master surgical operation and anaesthesia It is famous all over the world. Hua Tuo was the first person in the world to use anesthesia for surgery. He invented Ma boiling powder It is the earliest anesthetic in the world, and also founded one of the earliest fitness gymnastics in the world“ Wuqinxi ”。 Unfortunately, the Qing Bao Shu, a medical book written by Hua Tuo, was finally burned. In the Han Dynasty, a large number of books such as medicine and almanac were introduced into Tibet(《 Records of Tibetan King Tongji 》Record). In the Han Dynasty, there were also specialized gynecological hospitals. The "milk shed" in the Western Han Dynasty was the earliest in the world hospital for gynecology and obstetrics
During the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589), the world's first two books were published pediatrics Monograph, namely The end of Wang "Pediatric Medication Materia Medica" and Xu Shuxiang Miscellaneous Prescriptions for Treating Small Diseases. In the 20th year of Yuanjia period of the Southern Song Dynasty (443 AD), the imperial physician ordered Qin Chengzu The first medical school in the world was founded. By the 6th century, the Sui Dynasty had perfected this medical education Organization, named“ Imperial Medical Department ”, the department is divided into two departments: medical department and medicine department, Imperial Doctor's Order It is the highest official position and the assistant of Cheng Wei. He has the main medicine, doctor Herbalist , Doctor of Medicine, Teaching Assistant Massage Doctor Dr. Zhu Ban has 580 teachers and students at most.
During the Cultural Revolution, Chinese medicine, as a medical example of "making the past serve the present", was developed with the support of the Communist Party of China's policies. In modern times, Chinese medicine is still one of the commonly used means to treat diseases in China.

Wei, Jin, Sui and Tang Dynasties

Due to the importance of summing up clinical experience and inheriting, sorting and playing《 Inner Canon of Huangdi 》、《 Treatise on typhoid and miscellaneous diseases 》Many famous medical works have appeared in the theory of classic medical works. Such as the Jin Dynasty Wang Shuhe Of《 Pulse channel 》And Huangfu Mi's《 Acupuncture and moxibustion A and B meridians 》, Sui Dynasty Chaoyuanfang Of《 The theory of the origin of various diseases 》, Tang Dynasty Sun Simiao Of《 A golden prescription 》And《 Golden Wing Square 》。
Longmen Grottoes Prescription Cave
In addition, Longmen Grottoes Of Prescription cave There are more than 150 kinds of prescriptions carved on both sides of the cave, and most of the medicines used are plants, animals and Mineral medicine The prescription involves internal medicine, surgery Pediatrics Department of five sense organs The medicinal materials involved can be found among the people, which greatly facilitates the people. These prescriptions can not only treat common diseases, but also treat difficult and miscellaneous diseases, such as choking therapy Esophageal cancer 95 of them were collected by a Japanese scholar in the 10th century《 Yi Xin Fang 》It shows its value and influence. The prescription of Prescription Cave is the earliest existing stone carved prescription in China Medicine Play an important role.

Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties

It has been compiled since the Song Taizu, Zhao Yiyin Kaibao Materia Medica Compiled by Emperor Taizong of Song Dynasty Taiping Shenghui Prescription The two dynasties, together with Zhao Ji, who also presided over the compilation of the "Sacred almanac", paid more attention to medicine than any other dynasty in the Northern Song Dynasty. Under the influence of the imperial court, some bureaucrat ministers also paid much attention to medicine, such as Liu Yuxi, Ouyang Xiu Wang Anshi Zeng Gongliang Fubi Han Qi Xia Song, Xia Song and others also participated in the collation of medical books. Confucian medical schools appeared in medical academia. Su Shi, Shen Kuo, Chen Yaosou and many individual medical books were published. After the publication of medical books by the Bureau of Correction of Medical Books in the Northern Song Dynasty, there were more monographs on clinical and typhoid studies in various departments. Medical development was also reflected in medical education, which promoted the formation of the scale and enrichment of Chinese medicine academia as a whole. [3]

Ming and Qing Dynasties

It's traditional Chinese medicine Theoretical synthesis Compile and deepen the development, and enrich and improve the clinical syndrome differentiation system. As in the Ming Dynasty Lou Ying Of《 Compendium of Medicine 》And Wang Kentang《 Criterion of syndrome and treatment 》, Qing Dynasty Wu Qian Etc《 Medical Classic 》And Chen Menglei Editor in chief《 Integration of Ancient and Modern Books · Complete Record of the Ministry of Medicine 》Etc. Wang Qingren By《 Medical forest correction 》, focus on empirical research Corrected some mistakes about anatomy knowledge in ancient medical books, affirmed "brain dominates thinking", and developed blood stasis theory. Febrile disease The formation and development of the theory marks TCM Theory Innovation and breakthrough, Wu Youxing By《 Pestilence theory 》, Ye Tianshi He wrote the chapter of febrile diseases, Wu Jutong By《 Differentiation of epidemic febrile diseases 》In pharmaceutical research, Li Shizhen Written by《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》The achievements of Chinese pharmaceutical research before the 16th century were summarized.
Western medicine Western Roman Empire The demise of, gradually entered the millennium darkness of the Middle Ages, science became the servant girl of theology, priests replaced doctors. From the 13th century, the Ming Dynasty began to recover gradually. It was not until the 15th century that it broke through the feudal religious barriers that it was able to develop rapidly. Vesalius To create modern anatomy and anatomical physiology; In 1731, Italian Morgani founded pathological 1855 Germany Virchow Established cell pathology; At the same time, the West Scientific Methodology It can guide the development of medicine.
Experimental Empirical method (Observation experiment and comparative analysis ), and the thorough break of "scholastic philosophy" in medical research, relying on the technical means and methods provided by various natural sciences Scientific consciousness , endowing medicine with the nature of science, and making it get rid of the fantasy of speculative reasoning Biomedical model Lower Experimental science So far, Chinese medicine Positivist medicine The field is no longer comparable to western medicine.
However, the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine over western medicine are to start from the macro perspective, pay attention to the whole, emphasize the connection between parts and between parts and the whole, attach importance to syndrome differentiation, and advocate“ Three causes Individualized diagnosis and treatment strategy.

Modern times

feudal society later stage, handicraft industry With the development of commerce, the emergence of handicraft factories and the growth of productivity also promote the search for new markets. 1492 Columbus Discovered the New World , 1497 Da Gama Discover the Cape of Good Hope 1519-1522 Magellan Around the world. Many drugs (e.g opium camphor rosin ), introduced into Europe from the East, America After discovery, Europe also has Cinchona Guaiacwood Cacao fruit
because capitalism The rise of Italy Formed bourgeois class Intellectuals. Their characteristic is that they dare to challenge the church ideology and oppose the fetters of religious superstition. Their slogan is: "I am a person, I should understand everything about people", in order to oppose the rule of theology. On the one hand, they spread new culture, on the other hand, they tried to study and imitate Ancient Greece The culture of“ The Renaissance ”。 1543 Copernicus Publication《 Celestial motion theory 》, Yes History of Science The beginning of the Renaissance.
① Medical revolution. The Renaissance During the movement, the wind of doubting dogma and opposing authority rose. As a result, a medical revolution represented by Paracelsus (1493-1541) also emerged in the medical field.
In mediaeval medical schools Avicenna Of《 Medical canon 》, and Galen and Hippocrates Works of. The teacher preached according to the book, and everything was stereotyped and lifeless. The Renaissance The craze of "Li" soon spread to the medical field. Parachelsus It points out that the life process of human body is chemical process He is University of Basel It is a great reform to advocate writing books and giving lectures in popular German so that medicine can be easily accepted by the public. He attaches importance to practice and opposes tedious Scholastic philosophy Against the stubborn tradition and authority concept in the Middle Ages, he said: "No one can become a doctor without science and experience. My works are not quoted from ancient authoritative works, but written by the largest teacher - experience". He bravely fought against stereotyping and idolatry and publicly burned Galen and Avicenna Works of.
Human anatomy Establishment of. In ancient times, people believed that the body was the place where the soul lived. In feudal society, all ethnic groups were prohibited from dissecting corpses without exception. Therefore, Human anatomy Without development, medical books in this era are as follows Galen Authored anatomy The anatomy is almost completely based on Animal viscera Drawn. conversely, The Renaissance The culture of the times takes people as the center of attention. In the medical field, people first attach importance to the study of the structure of the human body.
The first to innovate anatomy was Italian Da Vinci He believed that as a realistic painter, it was necessary to understand anatomy, especially bones and muscles, so he engaged in Human anatomy However, he has drawn more than 700 anatomical maps, and today there are still more than 150. Most of the paintings are accurate and beautiful. He first Galen The anatomy of is in doubt. He once blew air into his trachea, but no matter how hard he tried, his heart did not swell, so he came to the conclusion: Galen The theory that the lung and heart are connected is wrong. He also checked the structure and shape of the heart, and his heart map is much more correct than previous drawings. In addition, he also found that aorta The activity and nature of the root valve prove that the function of the valve is to prevent blood reflux. What he mentioned cardiovascular It was not long before the medical experts began to pay attention to these problems.
Writing human anatomy textbooks based on direct observation was conducted by A Vesalius Done. Vesalius First studied in Louvain University, later transferred to the University of Paris. At that time, Professor Gao was still teaching anatomy at these two universities chair During lectures, assistants and craftsmen are allowed to operate under the platform, and only three or four dissections are allowed within a year. Vesalius Not satisfied with this situation, he went to the wild at night to steal a corpse for autopsy. Italian University of Padua There is the best anatomy classroom in Europe. So he went there to teach. In 1543, he compiled the materials accumulated in his work into a book, Public publication This book is《 Theory of human structure 》。 This book points out that Galen There are more than 200 mistakes, such as five lobe liver, two pieces mandible Etc. It also points out that Galen's anatomy is based on animals such as monkeys. Vesalius Although it was also affected by the conservative But his students developed anatomy
In short, in the 16th century, European medicine broke away from the shackles of ancient authority and began to develop independently. Its main achievements are Human anatomy Establishment of. This not only indicates the revival of an ancient discipline at a new level, but also marks the beginning of a new journey of medicine.
In the 16th century, Netherlands Revolution has taken place and independent Bourgeois country Netherlands In the 17th century, Britain overthrew the autocratic monarchy and established the bourgeois Parliamentary system Emerging bourgeoisie In order to develop industry and commerce, support science and technology, and promote tolerance, these are all progressive. In philosophy, Bacon proposed empiricism , advocate observation and experiment, advocate that all knowledge comes from experience, and advocate Induction His famous saying“ Knowledge is power ”Inspired the enthusiasm of future generations for exploration. Descartes yes Rationalism The representative of Thinking ability At the same time Mechanistic theory The viewpoint is applied to the study of physiological problems life sciences Great impact. During this period, there were also some scientific societies, which promoted exchanges and promoted scientific progress In the 17th century, British science took the lead.
Physiology Progress. In the 17th century, the concept of measurement was very popular. The first measurement method used in the medical field is San Torio (1561~1636)。 He made The thermometer And a pulse meter. He also made a large scale like a hut, where he can live, sleep, exercise and eat; Before and after excretion, he weighed his own weight, so he went on tirelessly for more than 30 years. He found that weight was also losing without excretion, and believed that the reason was "imperceptible sweating". This can be said to be the earliest metabolic research.
The application of experiment and measurement makes life science step into the scientific track. Its mark is blood circulation Discovery of.
W. S. Harvey (1578~1657) also graduated from Padua University. Before him, the anatomists of Padua University had successively discovered and explained the link of heart blood circulation. In 1553, Spanish scholar M Sylvit (1511-1553) Confirm the blood source right ventricle inflow Left ventricle , not through the hole on the middle septum, but through lung Dirty is "a long and wonderful detour".
Harvey First in scientific research Medium, application Vivisection To observe the activity of animal body directly. At the same time, he accurately calculated the flow from the left ventricle to the common artery, and right ventricle inflow pulmonary artery The amount of blood. He believed that blood could never come from diet or remain in body tissues. He concluded that Left ventricle The blood sprayed into the artery must return from the vein right ventricle Blood. So we found out blood circulation Harvey In 1628, he published the book Heart Movement Theory. But vivisection has developed extremely cruelly, Cruelty to animals The overuse of vivisection must be reformed.
Application of microscope. With the rise of experiments, many scientific instruments appeared, and the microscope appeared in the early 17th century. Microscope brings people to a new level of understanding. After that, scientists made a series of important discoveries using microscopes.
Clinical medicine and T. Sidnam (1624-1689). medicine There was little progress until the 17th century. Medical skill is similar to that in the Middle Ages, the theory of four body fluid is still the basis of disease theory. At that time, doctors studied more about anatomy and physiology, and seemed to forget their responsibilities. So T. Sidnam, a 17th century clinical physician, pointed out that "what is most directly related to doctors is neither the practice of anatomy nor the experiment of physiology, but the patients suffering from diseases. Therefore, the task of doctors is to first correctly explore the essence of pain, that is, they should observe more patients with the same disease, and then study anatomy, physiology and other knowledge to derive the explanation and treatment of the disease ". At the same time, he is very supportive Hippocrates About“ Natural healing power ”The idea of. This not only shows that the clinical science was still very backward at that time, but also shows that he paid attention to the disease resistance of human body.
In the 18th century, European countries had entered the period of capitalist establishment. In the 18th century, the United States became independent and the French revolution took place, bourgeois class stay Western Europe Most countries have gained political power and expanded their power to develop world trade Stimulated by the demand for commodities cotton textile industry Great technological innovation has taken place, loom and Textile machine Both were invented and improved by J. Watt in 1784 steam engine , it not only applies to textile industry It is also used in various industries and mining industries. Replace with machine production Manual production , which is called industrial revolution Manual workers become machine workers, industry proletariat It was first formed in Britain. At the same time, the capitalist productive forces have developed greatly.
pathological Establishment of By the 18th century, medical scientists had dissected countless corpses, and had a clear understanding of the normal structure of the human body. On this basis, they might recognize several abnormal structures. Italian pathoanatomist G B. Morgani (1682-1771) published the book "On the Location and Causes of Diseases" in 1761, which described the changes of organs under the influence of diseases, and based on this Cause of disease A scientific conjecture was made. He regards disease as local injury, and believes that every disease has its corresponding lesion in an organ. After him, doctors began to explain the symptoms with "focus". This thought has a great impact on the whole medical field in the future.
Percussion Invention of In the second half of the 18th century, Austria Doctor J L. Ornburger (1722-1809) invented Percussion His father is a hotel owner and often uses his fingers to knock big Wine cask Guess the amount of wine in the bucket according to the sound. Later, Onbrugge used this method in the human chest to find "lesions". After a lot of experience and observation, including autopsy tracking, he created the percussion method that has been used so far. But the popularization and application of percussion was still in the 19th century.
Start of clinical teaching Before the 17th century, there was no organized clinical education in Europe. As long as students studied in medical schools, they could get a diploma after passing the examination. Dutch in the mid-17th century Leiden University We began to carry out clinical teaching and lifted restrictions on religious sects, attracting many foreign students. In the 18th century, clinical medicine teaching flourished. Leiden University set up teaching beds in hospitals Boehavi (1668-1738) became a world-famous clinical physician at that time. Burharvey made full use of the sickbed teaching. Before carrying out pathological anatomy, he tried to provide students with clinical symptoms and these problems pathological change Relationship information, this is the future Clinical Pathology Seminar (C.P.C.).
preventive medicine Achievements of E. Jenner (1749-1823) Invention Vaccinia Inoculation method This is a major event of preventive medicine in the 18th century. In the 16th century, China has used Human pox vaccination To prevent smallpox At the beginning of the 18th century, this method turkey Spread to Britain, Jenner Found in practice Vaccinia inoculation It is safer than human pox vaccination. His improvement has increased the safety of vaccination and contributed to the eventual eradication of smallpox. At the end of the 18th century, industrial revolution rise. Farmers swarmed into cities. The capitalists just make money and don't care about the life of the workers. Workers live in dirty, wet Slums They are tired for a day without food and clothing, so they have many diseases. This kind of problem has attracted some people's attention enlightenment campaign The idea of fraternity spread in has had an impact on some people, so the problems of public health and social medicine are gradually raised. German J P. Frank (1745-1821) was written as the Complete System of Medical Supervision, in which public health and Social Medicine A lot of problems. At the same time, there are also calls for improving prison health and liberating the mentally ill (not in a cruel way Fetters Handcuffs Treat mental patients). Such activities were mainly personal activities, and it was not until the 19th century that the government gradually paid attention to these problems.
In the 19th century, major European countries broke out successively after Britain and France bourgeois revolution In the 19th century, Britain completed the industrial revolution that began in the middle of the 18th century. After that, France, Germany, Russia, the United States and other countries also completed the industrial revolution. bourgeois revolution And the industrial revolution, which destroyed the feudal forces and promoted social development and Production relations The productivity has been greatly improved by the reform of. This has played a role in the development of natural science Facilitation
In the 19th century, natural science and technical progress Large:
In physics, the laws of energy conservation and transformation, optical progress, and further improvement of microscopes are as follows compound meet objective lense (1823), colorless lens (1830) Oil immersion Device (1886), etc. Thanks to the progress of electricity, Electric heater Electrical therapy appeared successively in the second half of the lobe.
In terms of chemistry, there are Atomism Element cycle rate And the emergence of synthetic organic compounds. German F Weiler (1880~1882) in 1828 Synthetic urea , breaking the relationship between organic matter and Inorganic The boundary between.
In biology, there are Cellular theory theory of evolution and Law of heredity The proposal of. The main advances in European medicine in the 19th century are as follows:
① Cell Pathology Early 19th century Cellular theory By the middle of the 19th century, German pathologist R Filshaw Advocate cytopathology and deepen disease research to the cellular level. The basic principles of his theory include: cells come from cells; The body is the sum of cells; The disease can be explained by cell pathology.
bacteriology Establishment of. In the middle of the 19th century Fermentation industry Due to the progress of physics and chemistry and the improvement of microscope, bacteriology was born. The Frenchman L. Pasteur (1822-1895) began to study the role of fermentation, and later studied microorganisms, which proved that fermentation and infectious diseases were caused by microorganisms. German R. Koch (1843-1910) found Vibrio cholerae Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Bacillus anthracis And improved the methods of bacterial culture and bacterial staining, and proposed Koch's three laws. Their work has been laid microbiology The foundation of. The last 30 years of the 19th century were the era of bacteriology, most of which were pathogenic bacteria It was discovered successively during this period.
Pasteur also studied the chicken cholera Anthrax of cattle and sheep Disease and rabies And use to weaken microorganisms virulence The classical immunology was founded by the vaccine research. Later, in Pasteur Institute The Russian ИИ. Mechinikov (1845-1916) who worked systematically elaborated the phagocytosis phenomenon and the immune phenomenon of some infectious diseases; In 1880, he published a treatise on the confrontation between microorganisms and their variation; At the beginning of the 20th century lactobacillus And Pathogen Antagonism in human intestine, and Lactobacillus preparation To treat some intestinal diseases. He made great contributions to early immunology.
pharmacology In the early 19th century, some Botanical medicine Of Active ingredient They were successively extracted. For example, it was proposed by opium in 1806 morphine 1819 by Cinchona Skin lift quinine Etc.
By the middle of the 19th century, urea chloroform Etc. have been synthesized. 1859 salicylic acid salt Antipyretic analgesics It was successfully synthesized and refined by the end of the 19th century aspirin Since then, the synthesis and refinement of various drugs have been continuously developed. Later, people began to study the properties and effects of drugs. Based on clinical medicine and physiology Animal experiment As a means, experimental pharmacology was produced.
④ Experimental Physiology. By the 19th century, people Applied Physics Theory and Experiment of Chemistry method study The body, and thus the rise of experimental physiology.
F. of France magendie (1783-1855), German J P. Maitreya (1801-1858) and the French Claude Bernard (1813-1878) A large number of physiological studies on nervous and digestive systems were carried out successively by animal experiments. Their work laid the scientific foundation for modern physiological research.
Diagnostics Progress. Due to the influence of pathological anatomy and cytopathology, the clinical medicine at that time paid special attention to the research and diagnosis of pathological changes of internal organs, and tried all kinds of methods to find "lesions" so that diagnostic method The number of diagnostic tools and auxiliary diagnostic tools has increased. By the end of the 19th century, the examination work had more or less changed from direct observation of patients to the study of laboratory test results.
In the middle of the 18th century, Onbrugge had invented and improved the percussion method, but the percussion method was despised and ridiculed by the conservative doctors at that time, and was not applied. Until the early 19th century, the French doctor J N. Corvesa (1755-1821) popularized percussion after 20 years of research, which promoted the clinical application of percussion.
R. invented auscultation T.H. Laeneke (1781-1826), he was a French pathologist and clinician. He came from Hippocrates In his works, he got the enlightenment that the heart and lung can be auscultated. At first, he auscultated directly with his ear, and later made Stethoscope , first paper, then wood. He examined many patients and studied the smallest phenomena found with stethoscope. Many autopsies were carried out to compare the results of autopsies with clinical phenomena, thus improving the auscultation method. In 1819, he published the paper "Indirect Auscultation" and diagnosed lung and heart diseases according to this new examination method.
many clinical diagnosis Auxiliary means such as Blood pressure measurement Body temperature measurement Coelom Microscopy was applied in the 19th century. Leverage new Lighting device And optical instruments, a series of optical instruments have been invented and used. The earlier is German H Hermann Von Helmholtz (1821-1894) ophthalmoscope , continued laryngoscope Cystoscope esophagus Mirror gastroscope Bronchoscope It enriched the means of clinical internal medicine diagnosis and made it possible to carry out treatment in the body cavity later.
Due to the development of chemistry chemical analysis Test method to check the blood Contents , greatly improved Diagnostic method The continuous progress of microscopy has promoted morphological diagnostics to gradually acquire an important position in clinical practice. It studies the organization structure And visible components, and study normal and abnormal Excreta The structural components of. By the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the achievements of microbiology and immunology, doctors had more abundant diagnostic methods.
Surgery Progress. Before the 19th century, surgery was very backward. The main basic problems such as pain, infection and bleeding have not been solved, which limits the number and scope of operations. In the middle of the 19th century, the development of anatomy and anesthesia, antisepsis and sterile The application of the method played a decisive role in the development of surgery at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
These important achievements paved the way for the development of surgery. Since then, surgery has developed rapidly. At the end of the 19th century, body cavity surgery was generally developed Clinical specialty (such as gynecology Urology Department Ophthalmology Department In addition to medical treatment, surgical methods have also gained an important position.

twenty-first century

Tianjin medical students collect bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells [4]
The 21st century is biomedical science Century. The intersection between biomedicine and basic disciplines such as physics, chemistry and mathematics, as well as applied disciplines such as materials, information and engineering, is increasingly close. electron microscope And freeze electron microscopy, new omics technology artificial intelligence technology Its application has made a qualitative leap in the means of medical research. [6]
"10P" medical concept should be the future medical and health work Development prospects of the industry: including "Prevention, Participation, Personalization, People centered Medicine", etc.



traditional medicine

Medical research
The Director General's Report of the World Health Organization points out that ICD-11 includes a supplementary chapter entitled "Traditional Medicine Syndrome Module 1", which originated in ancient China and is currently widely used in China, Japan, South Korea and other countries traditional medicine The disease and syndrome were classified. [7]
stay WHO Under the leading organization and technical guidance of, after long-term efforts, and under the joint cooperation of China and relevant countries, a disease syndrome classification system based on traditional Chinese medicine and taking into account the contents of Japanese and Korean traditional medicine was finally established in ICD-11, promoting the inclusion of 150 diseases and 196 syndromes (excluding specific and non specific diseases and syndromes) in traditional medicine into ICD-11 chapters of traditional medicine. [7]

modern medicine

The development of medicine is accompanied by the progress and innovation of science and technology, from the original traditional medicine relying on experience and experiments to the modern medicine that comprehensively applies new technologies such as digital imaging, big data, surgical robots, etc. Medical science and technology innovation should not only have medical thinking, but also have discipline thinking such as engineering thinking. Different disciplines collide with each other, giving birth to new medical technology [6]

sports medicine

Citizens are performing Taijiquan [9]
Scientific movement It is widely agreed that scientific movement is a good medicine and that scientific movement is a good medicine. Combination of sports and medicine ”It is an important way to implement the Healthy China Action and plays a positive role in improving and promoting people's health. "Through scientific exercise, not only can we effectively improve the heart and lung function, strengthen the muscle and ligament strength, promote human metabolism, enhance bone quality, and have a healthy and beautiful body, but also can make people happy physically and mentally, exercise their ability to resist pressure, and thus make people physically and mentally healthy. [8]




Health has prominent diversity, and the health system is a comprehensive social system. Health based Principles of Medicine , but far beyond medicine. Carrying out health action requires various conditions other than medicine, mobilization of personal and social resources, payment of required costs, and various social supports and management. [5]


healthy It is the goal and result of medicine and health, with goals, results and people's livelihood as the main attributes. Health is one of the outcomes of health actions based on medical principles. [5]

Countries in the world


Helsinki Declaration

Group photo of experts who spoke at the academic seminar on medical ethics [11]
1. Drafted by the World Medical Congress Helsinki Declaration , is a statement of ethical standards for human medical research, which is used to guide doctors and other participants in human medical research. Human medical research includes the research on the human body itself and related data or information. [10]
2. It is the duty of doctors to promote and protect human health. The knowledge and morality of doctors are just to fulfill this responsibility. [10]
3. World Medical Congress Declaration of Geneva Constrain doctors with words like "the health of patients must be our first consideration". The international standard of medical ethics declares: "Only when it is in line with the interests of patients can doctors provide medical measures that may have adverse effects on patients' physiology and psychology". [10]


All for the people's life and health, concern for the group, care for the people, this is Communist Party of China The purpose of health work is the purpose of the Chinese medical community, as well as the concept and action that medical scholars must uphold. In addition to the rise of mass medicine, the international academic community is gradually developing the past discipline of international health into a global health discipline, Solving these problems often requires global cooperation. [5]


Historically, China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam have formed a "Confucian cultural circle", Traditional Chinese Medicine As an important part of Chinese culture, it spread to Vietnam when it was spread abroad, and combined with Vietnam's traditional medicine, formed Eastern medicine In fact, Vietnam's classical medicine was founded after the 14th century, when medical skills were written in Vietnamese, and the medical education and practice established at that time have been continued to this day. [12]


Thailand Traditional medicine includes six aspects: the use of drugs includes decoction, pills, steam bath and medicinal massage, artificial therapy, traditional bone injury treatment, mental health care in the form of Buddhism, traditional health care methods and natural therapy. In the annual budget of about 3 billion THB (about 120 million US dollars) of the Ministry of Health of Thailand, 130 million THB is used to develop traditional medicine, accounting for 4.3% of the total budget. [12]
Thai ancient method massage It is the representative of Thailand's ancient medical culture. This kind of massage has a unique theory of pressing and stretching meridians and acupoints, which can help people relax muscles and bones, promote human blood circulation and system metabolism, and restore balance between spirit and soul. [12]