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Medical woman

Professional Women in Ancient Korea
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The medical woman is Joseon Dynasty Of Professional women In the palace, when women were sick, they were often diagnosed by medical women. Because the Korean Dynasty suffered Cheng Zhu's Philosophy It affected the strict prevention of men and women. Therefore, when women in the imperial court were ill, they were mostly diagnosed by medical women and then prescribed by medical officers.
Chinese name
Medical woman
Joseon Dynasty
Professional Women in Ancient Korea
historical background
Because of the influence of Confucianism and ethics in North Korea, it is necessary to strictly set up the defense between men and women. When women in the court are sick, they are often diagnosed by medical women, and then prescribed by medical officers, because medical officers cannot diagnose in person. The maidservant of the local government will be selected by the medical supervisor after training, and then go on to further study after passing the examination. The best result will stay in the court, and the second one will be sent to Benevolence Department In addition, they were sent to prison camps around the country to serve as local medical women, and the last one returned home to serve as official maidservants. Yanshanjun Since the beginning of the period, medical women began to deteriorate and were often sent to dinner parties to accompany guests and perform, so they were also called "drug bureau prostitutes". Later, this system was Korean Zhongzong Strict prohibition, but the status of medical women is still higher than Palace maid Many people are lowly, and they are often forced by the lowest palace maids.
Record of the Korean Dynasty 》In the 64 volumes of Shizong's Factual Records (at noon on May 6, 2016), Zong Jinsi said: "When you enter the school, your mother is ill and your wife is ill. There is no way for a medical woman to diagnose her illness. It is not difficult to find the truth, so you are lazy to learn. In the future, medical women and doctors will go to the hospital together to identify the truth, so that they can serve the disease.". From it.
In March of the sixth year of Emperor Taizong's reign (1406), medical women appeared, and young officials and maidservants were selected for training. In June of the 18th year of Emperor Taizong, there was a shortage of medical women.
There are 35 volumes of Taizong's factual record. On June 21, 2018 (Gengzi), Li Cao submitted a statement according to the Jisheng Hospital: "There are seven medical women in total, and five talented people. They are dispatched everywhere, and there is no shortage. What if there were ten servants under the age of thirteen among the servants of Gegesi? "From it.
In the fifth year of Shizong's reign, medical women education used officials as lecturers to teach maidservants from all over the country in books such as "Thousand Words" and "The Book of Filial Piety", so as to ensure that they were literate and had basic moral integrity.
On December 27, 2005 (Jiaxu), 22 volumes of Shizong's factual record, Li Cao Qi: medical women in Jisheng Hospital must read first and then learn medical prescriptions. The foreign party is requested to select a medical woman and order all the officials to teach books such as Thousand Words, The Book of Filial Piety, The Book of Orthodoxy and Vulgarity first, and then submit them after a rough understanding of the text.
In the Ming Dynasty of China, women doctors who were engaged in similar professions and treated women in the imperial court were called medics. Famous female doctor Tan Yunxian He is the author of Miscellaneous Comments on Women Doctors.