One of the Western Mythology Systems
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Nordic mythology, also known as Norwegian mythology, is Scandinavia A myth system unique to the region, which was formed later than other major myth systems in the world Oral communication The history can be traced back to the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D Norway Denmark and Sweden It was popular in other places, and spread to around the 7th century with a group of immigrants going north Iceland Etc.
In the Middle Ages, Christianity It is popular in Norway. Due to strong political attacks, most records Northern Europe Mythological works were considered heretical and burned (there was a dispute here, and the Nordic countries changed their faith Catholicism Later, the break between itself and traditional myths was relatively thorough, which could not be simply attributed to the suppression of traditional myths by the Catholic Church).
In fact, many Nordic myths were preserved thanks to the collation and reservation of some Nordic Catholic priests at that time. The works with Nordic myths as the background, until modern times, were relatively complete, including Icelandic epics《 Ada 》And Germanic Epic《 Song of Nibelungen 》Etc., as well as by the ancient norwegian Many written《 Saga 》Etc.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Norræn goðafræði (Icelandic)
Nordiske mytologi Norwegian
Norse Mythology (English)
norse mythology Scandinavian mythology
Molding time
1st to 2nd century AD
Scandinavia, Germanic cultural circle
Important literature
Ada 》、《 Song of Nibelungen 》、《 Saga 》Etc
Main God
Odin Tor Rocky Frey etc.
Main Heroes
Helgi siegfried Beowulf etc.


The earliest Nordic myths all appeared in the form of poetry.
BC, this kind of“ born of the Earth During the period of "the beginning of the world" tales of anomalies That is to say, it has spread among the Germanic tribes in northern Europe.
In the Middle Ages, Icelandic scholars recorded them in words. There are mainly two books that can be examined today《 Ada 》(The meaning of this word cannot be verified. Some people think that it means "poetry"; others think that it is the inflection of Audi, the academic center in southern Iceland, which may mean "Audi series"): First, the "former Ada", or“ Poetic Ada ”It was written between the 9th and 13th centuries, including 14 mythical poems; One is "Post Ada", or“ Prose Edda ”, by an Icelandic poet Snorri Sturluson (1178-1241) was written in the early 13th century. It is the interpretive work of "former Eda".

world outlook


Fantastic creatures

Nordic mythology is a polytheistic system, which can be roughly divided into five life systems: giant (J ö tnar), gods (Go ð s) spirit (Álfar)、 dwarf (Dwarf) and mortals (Ma ð r).
Animals of the World Tree
Nordic mythology has nine worlds (N í u Heimar), including the world known as the "atrium", which is composed of World Tree (Yggdrasill) There are some creatures living on the tree. There is a vulture on the top of the tree. It is said that there is a vulture named Vader Vernier (Ve ð rf ö lnir) eagle. There is a black dragon under the tree Niederhogg (N í ð h ö ggr) and several viper Gnawing at the roots of trees. There are four in the tree Stag Eating leaf , called D á inn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr, Dura þ r ó r. There is also a squirrel named Latatosk (Ratat ö skr), often makes the relationship between Vader Vernier and Niederhogg very bad.
Unlike most myths Human origin Not earth, but trees. Odin The three brothers are creators. After they created the world, they walked along the seashore, where they found two trees and used them to create a pair of men and women. But in other versions, human men and women are Odin and Lord Honir The three gods found and gave gifts on land.
The giant (J ö tunn) was the earliest life until the gods appeared, Ymir Ymir )It is the ancestor of giants. At the same time, they are the greatest enemies of the gods, which can be understood as personified natural forces. In mythology, giants are divided into different types, such as the mountain giant (Bergrisar), the ice giant (Hr í m þ ursar) and the flame giant (Eldj ö tnar).
The gods are divided into two tribes Odin Led by (Odin) Asa Protoss (Æ sir) Neold (Nj ö r ð r) Warner Protoss (Vanir), the two sides had a war, but they finally reconciled.
The elves are divided into light elves (Lj ó s á lfar) and dark elves (D ø kk á lfar) Ymir Corporeal Maggot Becomes after being endowed with reason by God. Light elves are brighter than the sun, and dark elves are darker than asphalt. The leader of the light elves is Frey (Freyr), and dark elves are often confused with dwarfs.
Dwarf/Dwarf is a small humanoid creature. Odin created it with the flesh and blood of the giants Brimir and Bl á inn. It is also called Svart á lfar, so it is often confused with dark elves. They live in caves and underground and like forging. Sometimes they serve God.
Unlike other myths, Nordic myths have experienced disasters and endings, such as Winter of Fenbul (Fimbulvetr) and those who killed countless gods Dusk of the gods (Ragnarök)。

World structure

In Nordic mythology World Tree The world supported by Yggdrasil is divided into three layers and nine countries, In different data sources, the descriptions of the nine realms are different The following is a rough breakdown:
· Asgard (Asgard, Á sgar ð r): The Kingdom of God. Asa Protoss (Æ sir) The place where they live is located at the top of the World Tree, with 12 regions, Valhalla (Valhalla) is also among them. The largest castle is the Golden Palace of Odin (Valaskj á lf). I ð av ö llr is the most common place for the gods of Asa. I ð av ö llr has two main halls, Gla ð sheimr and Goddess Van Gogh (Vingólf)。
· Yalfheim (Á lfheim): The country of elves, the place where light elves live, is on the same floor as Asgard, because the Asa Protoss like light elves very much. The light elves are very beautiful and have great magic power. They take care of flowers and plants, and are the kind-hearted creatures who love light most. Sometimes it is believed that light elves and dark elves live in Yalfheim at the same time, but the dark elves live under the earth's surface Not common
·Middle World/Atrium/ Midgart (Midgard, Mi ð gar ð r): the place where human beings live. It is located in the center of the world tree, so it is named Atrium World. There are three colors of ice, fire and air Bifrost (Bifrost), which can lead to the Kingdom of God. Sometimes it is called "Manheimr", which means the hometown of mortals.
· Warnerheim (Vanaheim): Warner Protoss Living in a fairyland, located west of Midgart. The birth and reproduction of everything between heaven and earth, the sea and the wind are under the control of the Warner Protoss. This protoss knows many mysteries that even Odin doesn't know Conjuration
Nine worlds
· Yodunheim (J ö tunheim): Giant country, located east of Midgalt. Most of the places where ice giants and mountain giants live are ice giants, and a few are mountain giants. A river called Í fingr separates Asgard from Yodunheim, and the dividing point between the human world and Yodunheim is a terrible "Jarnvid".
·Svart á lfaheim: Dwarf country. dwarf The place to live is located below the tree of the world. Dwarfs are powerful craftsmen who possess all kinds of mysterious power and profound knowledge. They create many treasures. Sometimes it is also considered as the country of dark elves. It is also called "Ni ð averllir" or "Myrkheim" due to different versions.
· Herheim /Helmheim: the kingdom of the dead, and the queen of the underworld Haila (Hel) The country of the same name, also translated as "hell", is located at the bottom of the world tree. Herheim is a cold and foggy place, a place where only the dead can reach. It is a country where the sick die and the old die. Helheim has el lj ú ð nir, which is the residence of Haila and the resting place of the dead.
· Nifulheim (Niflheim): The country of fog. The world is often confused with Herheim. It is a cold and dark world that is shrouded in thick fog all the year round, covered by snow and ice, and has no light. With Hewagmir The spring is the original spring of the world, from which all rivers come. It is one of the two primitive worlds that existed before the birth of all creatures and the world Ginnungagap To the north of the chasm. Life is scarce here, Duron Niederhogg nibbles at the roots of the World Tree here. Nibelungen ”It is the German name for people living here. Sometimes it is thought that Herheim is located inside Nifulheim.
· Musbelheim (M ú spellsheim): The country of fire. The place where the fire giant lives Sulter (Surtr, Surt). It is a bright and hot world full of flame and light, burning everywhere. The extremely high temperature makes it impossible for any other life except the flame giant to survive here, so no life in the rest of the world can enter here. It is one of the two primitive worlds that existed before the birth of all creatures and the world, and is located in the south of the Jinlunga Gap.
· Ginnungagap Ginnungap: The primitive abyss is the emptiness with nothing and nothing before creation. At one end there is the cold country of fog, Nifulheim, and at the other end there is the hot country of fire, Musbelheim. Under the contact of the two worlds, the first life was born in the Jinlunga gap. After the formation of the Nine Boundaries, the Jinlunga Gap refers to all spaces outside the Nine Boundaries.

Creation Myth

Odin and his brother killed Umir
When the world is not born, there is neither heaven nor earth, nor life. There is only endless emptiness and chaos. This endless emptiness is called Ginnungagap (Ginnungagap) The gap is a void space before creation. The north of the gap is“ The country of fog Nifulheim (Niflheim), among which there is a spring named Hvergelmir, which stretches out twelve great rivers called "Ice Wave", one of which is highly toxic“ Eitr ”。 The south of the gap is the "country of fire" Musbelheim (Muspelheim), bright and hot. After the highly toxic Eitr flows away from the source with the river, it freezes into a glacier in the cold Nifulheim, and the glacier flows southward, extending into the Jinlunga Gap; The flames in the southern Musbelheim continuously emit a lot of heat towards the gap, melting the glaciers in the gap into water drops. In the crisscross of fire and ice, water drops are born Ymir (Ymir), the ancestor of giants. Soon, another head named Odembula (Audhumbla).
Umir lives on the milk secreted by Odembla, while Odembla licks the salt grains on the ice. Under the licking of cows, the ancestors of gods appear in the ice Bully (Buri)。 Brie was born Bauer Borr, Bauer and the Giantess Bestra (Bestla) gave birth to three brothers Odin (Odin)、 Willie (Vili)、 dimension (Ve)。 Giants They were quite at odds with the gods, and both sides started a war. Later, Umir was killed by the gods, and the giant clan was defeated. A couple of giants fled and established Jothuheim to breed the frost giant, and continued to hold hatred for the gods.
Creating human beings
The gods arranged the earth and sky with the body of Yomir. Umir's head turned into the sky, his brain into clouds, his body into the earth, his blood into the sea, his bones into mountains, and his hair into trees. When Yumeer's corpse decays and grows maggots, these maggots become light elves and dark elves. Odin used Brimir's blood and Bl á inn's limbs to create a dwarf, and ordered four strange gnomes Nordri, Sudri, Austi, and Westri to support the four corners of the sky. Umir's eyebrows were used to build walls around the middle world of Midgard. Then Odin captured the sparks of Musbelheim, turned them into stars, the moon, and the sun, and determined the movement of the four seasons.
The gods decided to create mortals, and took ash branches to make men Elm Branches make women. Name a man“ Ask (Ask) ", women are called" Embla ". Odin gave life and soul, and Willie gave reason and action (in a word Honir )Wei bestows emotion, appearance and language (in a word Lord )。 They are the first generation of human ancestors.

Eschatological myth

One of the characteristics of Nordic mythology is that the world will eventually be destroyed, which is Dusk of gods The battle was inevitable and the gods were doomed to fail, but even so, the Nordic gods still faced the final outcome frankly. After the world perishes, the remaining gods will build a new world again.
The constant conflict and struggle between the gods and giants will certainly lead to the final battle between the two forces. At that time, not only all visible creations will be destroyed, but also the residents of the "giant country", "hometown of goblins" and "atrium", the gods of the "kingdom of gods" and the "kingdom of dead people" will be destroyed with the world they live in. The end of the world - the evening of the gods - is unavoidable.
Rocky broke free
And there must be omens before this terrible day of destruction comes. The first indication is that mankind is facing an unprecedented severe winter. The snow kept falling, the frost froze the earth, the piercing cold wind roared in the dark sky, and the days of stormy rain and no sunshine continued.
Such a miserable winter lasted three times in succession. There was no summer in between. Every day was a miserable day. All the people's expectations of summer have been completely disappointed. The heavy snow kept falling and ice formed everywhere.
In the biting cold, the universe is full of the shadow of war and conflict, and the wild beasts wander around in search of food. People no longer forgive and help each other, fraternity, father and son become enemies, and kill each other in the ugly lust competition.
This is a world full of evil and terror. Even the earth trembles and the sea withers. There are too many dead people to count. Vultures gather in the air to howl and fight for dead bodies. Crime is rampant and blood is everywhere. The souls of countless sinners scrambled to cross the Styx River, and even the color of the river was covered.
On the top of the world tree Yggdrasil, the golden rooster of the "Kingdom of Gods" kept calling the police, and it had shouted at the top of its lungs. The red flame rooster responded with a shrill cry from the bottom of the "Kingdom of Dead People".
Iron Forest -- On the top of Jarnvid's hill, the eagle of the storm vigorously stirred its wings. The wind and rain raged and roared. The world was dark. The wolves chasing the sun and the moon swallowed their targets, and the earth cracked and roared.
The strange wolf Fenrir who can swallow the world with his mouth open( Fenrir )At this time, it has broken free from the spell lock that bound it. It shakes its fur, and the whole world trembles for it. The tree of the world shook from the root to the top of the tree, and the mountain collapsed. The dwarf living in the cave in the mountain fled in panic and could not find the entrance to the cave.
The doomed battle of the gods
Poisonous dragon- Niederhogg (Nidhogg) At this time, the deep roots of the World Tree have also been hollowed out, and the tree is dying. At this time, the snake around the "atrium" - Midgard- Yemenggade (Jormungander) also woke up from the mud bed at the bottom of the sea, flipped its huge body, lifted the huge waves from its long tail and engulfed the mountains of the "atrium", and the sea water rushed into the sky of the "kingdom of gods". At this moment of earth shaking, Surtr (Sirte) came from the southern country of fire (Muspelheim) with a shining fire sword, and the fire giant army poured in.
At this time, the evil god/fire god Rocky (Loki) also broke away from the chains of eternal punishment and joined the camp against the gods. The strange wolf Fenrir followed him and ran to the "kingdom of gods". The bloodied hell dog Garm stood on the rock facing the dark sorrow abyss and barked.
The Queen of Hell, the "Land of the Dead" with half body and half body Haila (Hela) Standing on a big ship made of dead people's nails, the army of frost giants and the dead in the ship came to the "kingdom of gods".
The giant army was crowded with the Rainbow Bridge Bifrost, and the noise shook the universe. The magnificent Rainbow Bridge finally collapsed under the enemy's ravages. The mountains crumbled and the rocks flew away in ash.
Watcher of Heaven- Helmdar (Heimdall), take out the horn hidden in the shade of Yggdrasil, the tree of the world Galal (Gjallarhorn), blow out the emergency signal, and summon the gods and heroes. The sound of the horn resounded through the sky, clearer than thunder, and reported the unfortunate news to the "kingdom of gods".
The armies of the gods quickly took weapons and rushed out of the "Spirit Hall" with 540 doors. They set up a formation on the field and began to attack the giants. The shield and the shield collided with each other. Sharp long guns flew in the air, like a dense shower, shaking the world with shouts.
On the eve of the decisive battle, Odin went to the Well of Destiny alone. Only see Three Goddesses of Destiny Face mask gauze , sitting silently beside the withered tree of the world, with only a broken net around. Odin, turn to the wise- Mimir (Mimir) He said a few words in his ear and then turned back to the battlefield.
Odin and Finrier
The first confrontation was between the great god Odin and the strange wolf Fenrir. The vengeful troll who broke the lock of the curse opened his huge mouth, which was big enough to hold the sky and the earth, and shot flames into the air. His eyes sent out lightning like brilliance and pounced on Odin. Odin raises his magic gun -- Kungunier/ Gun of Eternity ( Gungnir )At the attack, he wore a shining golden helmet, and his dark blue cloak rolled like a blue flame behind his shoulder. He stepped down and rode a heavenly horse faster than the wind, which really deserved to be the "kingdom of gods" Lord of Gods Unfortunately, he was unlucky and finally died under the sharp teeth of the strange wolf Fenrir.
Odin's son Vader (Vidar) Seeing his father's tragic death, he immediately jumped to the strange wolf Fenrir, grabbed its chin and tore its huge mouth in half, and then stabbed a long gun into the heart from the wolf's throat to avenge his father's death.
Frey commanded the undead heroes in the "Hall of the Spirit" and rushed to Surt (Surtr, Sirte). However, Frey's usual weapon, the Sword of Victory, had long been lost, and he had only one antler as his weapon. Frey was finally hit by the sword of light in Surt's hand after giving Surt a heavy blow, and he was dying.
Garm, the dog of hell, licks blood and faces the god of war Tyr (Tyr) Rush. After a fierce battle, Tyr and Garm both died of serious injuries. Loki's opponent is Heimdall, who guards Hongqiao. After being tortured for a long time, Rocky's appearance was extremely horrible, his face was as pale as death, his long hair and beard stood angrily, and he looked like strange horns. Helmdar's sword soon cut off the ugly head, but strangely enough, the cut head jumped from the ground, smashed Helmdar's chest and took his life.
Thor and Giant Snake
Thor Tor (Thor) and his old enemy, the serpent Jormungander, had a fierce fight. Yamungander's huge body kept rolling, cleverly avoided Thor's hammer, and constantly vomited poison to Thor.
Thor was so angry that he threw the hammer of Thor at the head of the snake. Suddenly, the thunder was loud and the light was dazzling. The snake raised its body to spurt blood into the wilderness and fell dead. But Thor was also poisoned by snake venom. He shook and groaned in pain like thunder. After nine steps, the first warrior of the "kingdom of gods" also died of anger.
The battlefield is filled with the corpses of gods and giants. The plain has become a sea of blood. Nidhogg, a black dragon, flies over the battlefield, his wings make a terrible sound, and greedily gnaws at the corpses stained with blood and still warm.
The sky emits a blood like dark red light, dyeing the sky and the earth into a deep red. There are few figures standing on the battlefield. At this time, Surt, who killed Frey, threw his sword of light into the sky, and the sword suddenly shot out a huge flame, igniting the kingdom of gods and the tree of the world. In the red lotus like flame, the whole universe was destroyed.
L í f and L í fthrasir painted by Lorenz Fr ø lich
The "atrium" has become a sea of fire. The pillar of fire runs through the universe, and the smoke rolls up to the top of the mountain. Yggdrasil, the world tree that supports the universe, is also engulfed by the flames and collapses. The stars fell from the sky, and time no longer existed. The scorched ground shook and sank into the surging sea floor. As far as you can see, there are only huge waves, and the universe is left with a great silence and eternal darkness. After the world was destroyed in this way, Nederhogg climbed out of the lowest layer of the world tree, devoured all the bones and bodies that poisoned the rest, and finally became too heavy for him to fly anymore, and finally fell into the abyss and disappeared.
There is a tree called Hoddm í mis holt (meaning“ Mimir The second generation of human ancestors, L í f (English: Lif, "life") and L í f þ rasir (English: Lifthrasir, "the maintenance of vitality"), will hide there, eat dew in the morning, and reproduce on the earth after the world is reborn.
Hoddle And Bader Revival and return from the underworld together, the two gods will become rulers of the new world with the same surviving gods, and they will sit together to recall the past.

Mythological system

Nordic Mythology and Greece, Egypt, India and Chinese mythology Their styles are all different. The gods in Nordic mythology are not omnipotent, and the world is not eternal.
God king Odin Through the misty forest, I saw the guard World Tree The wise man of Mimir At the cost of one eye The fountain of wisdom From the spring water, thus obtaining great wisdom Rocky Kungunir, the shooting star gun/eternal gun made by the dwarf from the branches of the world tree, is engraved with a sacred contract: "Those who hold this spear will rule the world", which is why he became the god king. The Nordic myth is closer to reality. The status is not determined by heaven, but to fight for it by yourself.
Nordic mythology is a multi god system, which can be roughly divided into five systems: giant, god, human, spirit and dwarf Dwarves. Among them, the giant created the world and gave birth to the gods, the Asa (Ashir tribe) headed by the main god Odin and the god of the sea Neold Chieftain Warner Protoss (Vanil tribe), of which there are twelve main gods. spirit and dwarf belong to Demigod They serve God and belong to a special creation in Germanic region.
The prominent feature of Nordic mythology is that geographical position Determined by scandinavian peninsula be situated Arctic , cold all the year round, so Frost Giants It has a high position in mythology, which often makes the gods feel headache Continuously. Secondly, the view of death and rebirth is the most influential. Unlike other mythological systems, the gods in Nordic mythology are not immortal, and they also face the fate of death. For example, Odin sacrificed his right eye in order to obtain knowledge, was hung on a tree for nine nights, and received a long gun to symbolize his power after suffering trauma. On the other hand, the Nordic myth believes that when everything dies, new life will form again, and everything in the world is circular.

Main deity



Odin He is the king of the gods and the ruler of the world. He wears a big gold helmet, and two divine crows perch on his shoulders, symbolizing "thought" and "memory" respectively. They fly all over the world every morning and come back to Odin Report what they have seen and heard. Odin There are two wolves crouching at the foot, named "Greed" and“ Lust ”, responsible for security. In order to increase intelligence, predict the future and govern better, Odin He is bent on drinking water from the well of wisdom, that is World Tree ——The holy spring beside the root of Yggdrasil. But the giant guarding the well Mimir His head asked him to take one eye as the price. Without thinking, Odin immediately cut out one eye. After drinking well water, he became knowledgeable. He invented Northern Europe Ancient writing The fairy who is in charge of fate records her fate on the shield, which is the famous source of all magic—— Rune of Lun (Another translation: Runi). Odin had many children, but only Bader and Hoddle were born to him and his wife, Frika. The other children were born to different giants.


Frika It is the god of love, who is in charge of marriage and family, Odin 's wife. In heaven and hell Dominion She has a beautiful face, with white feathers in her blond hair. Wearing a white robe with a gold belt and a string of keys on it. She likes beautiful clothes and shiny jewelry. She once stole Odin's gold to buy a valuable necklace, Odin When he found out, he ran away angrily, Asgard Immediately Frost Giants Under his rule, the severe winter suffocated all life until Odin go back to Asgard This crisis has just passed.


Thor Tor (Thor), Odin and the Giantess Jord (J ö r ð). Tor Tall, Strength He has a pair of leopard eyes, a red beard, and a magic hammer in his hand Myrner (Mjollnir, i.e Thor's Hammer ), wearing iron gloves, Iarngreiper and belt Megangiode (Megingjord)。
Tol defends at the eastern border all the year round Frost Giants and Python To defend the homeland of the gods. Tor Be upright and dare to contradict Odin , although he is irritable, he is heroic and chivalrous. The gods will come at the end of the day, Thor And the python in the atrium Yemenggade Fight again and die with the python.


Schiff yes Thor His wife, the goddess of land and harvest. What is particularly commendable is that she has long golden hair that shines more beautiful than gold. The goddess Siv was very proud of this and often sat in her garden combing her blonde hair, which led to Rocky Mischief The idea of. When Shifu was sleeping, Rocky cut her proud blonde hair clean. Rocky's mischief made Siv very sad. While Shifu was crying, Thor returned home. Tor Got it This is Rocky He rushed out of the house and caught it Rocky , trying to remove his bones. Rocky The pain pierced the bones, begged for mercy and swore to find it Dwarf country The craftsmen in are Schiff Create an identical golden hair that can grow freely. Tor The hammer of Thor is also Rocky One of the artifacts made by dwarf craftsmen during this trip.


Rocky It's an evil god, Odin Our sworn brothers, Rocky Is a giant Farbauti And the Giantess Laufey His son is handsome and eloquent, but his children are the enemies of the gods, like wolves Fenrir midgard serpent Yemenggade And the Lord of the Dead Haila He seems kind, but in fact he often causes trouble.
At first, he just joked for joking, such as secretly cutting Schiff 's hair. Later, he acted recklessly and encouraged the god of darkness Hoddle Murder the God of Light Bader Therefore, he was punished and bound with iron chains. All day long, he was dripping the venom of snakes on his face, which made his face extremely ferocious.


Frey He is the god of abundance, prosperity, love and peace, and the king of Alfheim, the beautiful fairy country. He belongs to the Warner Protoss. When talking about him and Bader Both are gods of light, or Helios His subordinates Elf Say and do good all over the world. He often rode a wild boar with a golden mane out for inspection Rocky Betting with a dwarf). Everyone enjoys the peace and happiness he has bestowed. He has a sword that shines brightly and can fly through the clouds. He also has a pocket magic boat, which can carry all the gods and their weapons when necessary.


Freya It is the goddess of breeding and desire. In charge of fertility and love, Frey's sister. She is very beautiful because people in the snow and ice are looking forward to the coming of spring. She often wears heavy makeup and colorful clothes, sometimes in full an armor , and led the fairies Odin Select heroes in distress. Although she is loyal to her husband Ode, she loves vanity and once endured the humiliation of dwarves for a gold necklace. Some scholars believe that in the ancient Germanic In the myth system, she and Frika are the same goddess, while Odin and Ode are the same male gods.


Bader yes Odin And Frika His son, the God of Light. He has outstanding talent and looks, and his face is full of spring breeze. When he smiles, people feel extremely happy. He had a nightmare and had a premonition that someone would plot against him. The gods were worried about this. Bader's mother, Frika, went all over the nine realms and ordered all birds, animals, plants and trees not to hurt Bader. But Frika did not send a message to mistletoe, because she felt that this fragile and incompetent plant did not need to be guarded against. However, Loki, the god of lies and tricks, used this gap to make sharp arrows from mistletoe, used Hoddle, the god of darkness, and held his bow to aim, and shot Bader to death.


Hoddle Is the god of darkness, blind. Bader Of twin brothers But he is melancholy and withdrawn by nature. He is the god of fire Rocky Deceived to kill his brother without knowing it.


Tyr It's the god of war, Odin The son of a giant Hymir Son of. It is said that he is the guarantor of the contract and the guardian of the pledge. When other gods wanted to bind the giant Finyl wolf, Tyr As a guarantor of credit, he put his arm into the wolf's mouth. The wolf found that the gods who tied it actually set a trap and immediately bit it off Tyr Arm. Till became a one armed god. But he always looks majestic with a sword. The ancient custom of swearing by sword originated from the Nordic worship of the god of war, Tyre. Many traditional sword-dance They are all directed in memory of the God of War.


Helmdar It is the guardian god of the divine world. He has gold teeth all over his mouth. He has a keen and profound vision. He can see all the way around. He can see 300 miles in the day and night. He can also hear everything. He can fall on the ground and hear the hiss of grass growing. Day and night, he guarded Bifrost, the main road at the entrance of the heaven, to defend Frost Giants The invasion of. He rode on a golden maned horse with the horn of Aural on his shoulder. In case of emergency, he blew the horn and summoned the gods to deal with it. The gods will come at the end of the day, Helmdar And Vulcan Rocky perish together.

Other gods



Vidal The god of the forest, Odin and the giant woman Grid 's son. He is immortal natural force Humanized, he was destined to live after the dusk of the gods, and his brother Wali (Vali) Become the god of the new world.
His image is: tall, wearing armor, with a Broadsword , wear boots. Some people think the boots are made of iron, because his mother Grid Knowing that he would always fight with fire, I made iron boots for him to prevent fire. Another saying is that his boots were made of leather, or even made of scrap leather discarded by tanners.
In the dusk of the gods, Finlil defeated Odin and swallowed him. Vader stepped forward, stepped on Finlil's forehead, grabbed the wolf's upper jaw with both hands, and finally stabbed Finlil's heart with his sword to avenge his father. So he is the "god of revenge".


Wali Is the god of nature, Odin and human princess Linde 's son. Since he was born, he has been able to fight against the wind. He did not wash his hands or comb his hair until he caught Bader's enemy, Hoddle, and avenged Bader, the god of light.


Sur (Sol) is the sun goddess, the incarnation of the sun. She's a giant Mondial Farley Her husband is Glaur, the son of the flame giant. Her twin brother is the moon god Mani
Sur was driving by Alwak The Japanese car pulled by Arvak and Alsvid was loaded with a large number of fire pieces taken from Muspelheim. Because the heat of the fire was too strong Plantain Svalin is added to avoid burning the car. The Nordic myth believes that the sun only provides heat but not light. The dazzling light actually comes from the mane between Alvak and Alsville.
One named Skur (Skoll) The wolf always chases the sun behind the car, trying to swallow it. When occurs Solar eclipse At this time, people on the ground would beat drums and gongs to scare away Sirius. But one day, Skool will swallow the sun, and that's when the dusk of the gods comes. When the world is reborn, the task of driving the Japanese car will be carried out by Sur's daughter - Sunna (Sunna) Inherit that the new sun need not be separated by a shield, because it will be extremely gentle, making the earth come back to life again. The English language of today's Sun and Sunday (Sun and Sunday) is derived from the name of the sun goddess.


Mani (Mani) is the moon god, the incarnation of the moon. He's a giant Mondial Farley Mundilfari's son, his twin sister is the sun goddess Sur.
Mani's moon cart is pulled by a horse named Alsveder, unlike Sur's sun cart, because the excessive heat of the sun also needs the protection of Svalin shield, and the light and heat of the moon are mild.
One named Hati (Hati)'s wolf always chases the moon behind the car and wants to swallow it. When Hati catches up, it will happen Lunar eclipse People on the ground must beat drums and gongs to scare away Sirius. But when the dusk of the gods comes, Hattie will swallow the moon. The English language of today's moon and Monday (Moon and Monday) is derived from the name of the moon god.


goddess Geofein Know the past and the future. Geofein came disguised as a witch Sweden After several trysts with King Gulph, he asked him for a small piece of land. The king generously promised to give her wasteland that could be ploughed out day and night. That night, Geofein ploughed a large area of land from central Sweden to Denmark This land has become the largest island in Denmark, and the hollowed hole in central Sweden has become the largest lake in Sweden after flowing into the sea Lake Malaren


Eden Is the goddess of youth, Bragi 's wife. The owner of Askart Wannian Garden is in charge of the apple for rejuvenation. She has a treasure box with golden apples of youth in it. When the gods are old, they can return to their youth by tasting the golden apples.

Spirit Warrior

Odin selects brave and skillful soldiers on the battlefield of the world. To be exact, those who are not afraid of death. They fought side by side with the gods in the battle of the apocalyptic gods at Ragnarok. After selection, Walkiri Valkyrie )Then he rode a fast horse through the clouds and sent the selected warriors to "Valhalla“ Valhalla (Hall of the Spirit) - The hall where Odin receives the dead.
stay Valhalla Inside, those who died on the battlefield are called "combatants/Enhelias/heroic soldiers" (einherjar). They have to practice face to face every day. At night, they feast and drink like uninjured people. The myth of the Hall of Spirits reflects the ancient times Germanic The ideal life that barbarians yearn for - fighting in the day and drinking at night; Meet challenges without fear.


The following begins to differ from the above translation of the names of the gods appearing on the stage (mainland translation and Taiwan translation), which is specially noted here: Ymir (Ymir) i.e ymir (Ymer ); Odin (Odin)、 Willie (Vili) and (Ve) are Odin, Vili and Wei; Odembula That is, Andromela; Adage Aida Sutra Buri is Bully, Borr is Bull, the creator of the mythical world. The giant is the oldest race in the Nordic myth. All the gods have the blood of the giant race, but the giant is also their eternal enemy.
Ancestor: ymir
In ancient times, there was a wide bottomless Jinlunjia crack in the middle of Taixu chaotic world. The interaction of cold, hot gas, flame, ice, smoke and steam formed a blockage at the edge of the crack and became the original giant ymir Imir's descendants Odin After growing up, Willie and Wei killed Emil and formed the world with his body: blood turned into lakes and oceans; Meat into land; Bones turned into mountains; Teeth turn into rocks; Brain pith turns into cloud; skull Into the sky; The eyebrows turn into a fence.
God of the Sea: Tjatse
giant Scardi 's father. Tjatse Kidnapped the young man in charge Golden apple The goddess Eden. Because this is Rocky The gods only ordered Rocky to help him when he asked Eden to go out and cause trouble. Rocky borrowing Frika Turned his feather coat into a small eagle, dived into the castle of the giant Tiaz, turned Ethan into a walnut, and flew to Asgard Unexpectedly, Scardi found that Tiaz turned into a falcon to catch up. When he was about to catch up, Tyr lit a torch and burned the falcon to death, so the giant Tiaz died.
Hillock Goddess: Scardi
Tjatse Daughter, Wanier Tribe Main God Neold His wife. After her father Tiaz was killed by the gods, Scardi turned to the main god Odin To claim compensation for the murder, Odin had no choice but to promise that she could find a husband among the gods, Scardi I like God of Light Bader Odin was naturally unwilling to marry Scardi to the old and ugly sea god Neard. Scardi divorced soon after she married Neard.
Witch: Gulwig
Gullweig, a goddess with powerful magic power in Nordic mythology, belongs to the Warner Protoss. It is said that she is Asa Protoss and Warner Protoss Combatant Fuse As a warner protoss, gulwig came Asgard It is said that it is to discuss which side of the two gods is greater and more worthy of worship. The other is that Gulwig boasted of her magic and made rude remarks, which caused the dissatisfaction of the gods of Asa. therefore Odin Throw a spear to declare war.
The daughter of giant Su Dong. The giants stole the wine made by Fiera and Giera Ale The main god Odin served for one year in Sutong Garden to ask for ale, but was refused. Later, Odin lured Su Dong's daughter Gong Lu, and with Gong Lu's help, he stole the ale and returned Asgard Odin fled Su Dong Garden and abandoned Gong Lu, Gronru Sad all day long.

Introduction to other versions

At first, there were only two regions in the world, one north and one south, one cold and one hot. The north is the "hometown of fog", cold and dark; The south is the "land of fire", hot and bright. There is a wide and deep crack between the two areas, called "Jinlunjia Crack". When cold and hot meet, that is, when flame and ice meet, smoke and Water vapor Rising slowly, a giant came into being ymir Then came a big cow specially for feeding the giant Odembula The smell of the cow is fragrant, and it drips bitter from four breasts Milk juice At the beginning, the giant Imir kept alive by sucking the bitter milk of cows. After sucking enough milk and filling up his stomach, Imir was struck by the irresistible sleepiness, lying on the ice and sinking into dreamless sleep.
In his deep sleep, sweat from his left and right armpit Two giants were born, one male and one female, and a deformed giant, Thrudgelmir, with six heads, was born from the foot of Emil. From then on, the giant family has multiplied into groups. The cow licks the salt and Hoarfrost Survival.
One day, when it was licking the salt block, it suddenly showed its shiny long hair from the salt block. The long hair was set off by the flame light of the fire country, and looked bright and moving. The next day, a beautiful male head appeared. On the third day, the majestic body also emerged from the salt block, which was called Bli, the ancestor of the Protoss.
ymir There was a battle with Bli, so the fierce battle between the giants and the protoss began. Finally, Bligh was hit by Emil and fell Ice field When he died, the giant won.
But then Bligh's son, Paul, married the giant woman Bestra As a wife. Bestra is a giant Bolthorn Her brother is the wise man of the giant Mimir Bestra gave birth to Bauer's three sons, Odin, Willie and Wei. The three gods continued to fight against the giant just to avenge their grandfather's death.
So after a fierce battle that shook the universe, it was not easy to kill the giant Yimir. Odin pierced Yimir's chest with a long gun, and the blood gushed out into a sea of blood. Many giant families drowned in the sea of blood.
There is a man and a woman, the heirs of the six headed giant Thrudgelmir Bergermere (Bergelmir) and his wife swam across the sea of blood and fled to the other side of the world. They established a "giant country" on the other side of the sea Yodunheim (Jotunheim), where they multiplied many frost giants and mountain giants, and vowed to fight against the gods forever. Some of the rest of the giant families have taken refuge in the gods, while others have gone nowhere.
Then Odin began to create the world. First, he put the body of Emil in the center of the "abyss" and created the earth with Emil's meat. The blood became a boundless sea, the bones became mountains, and countless hairs became trees.
Odin also chiseled the giant's skull into a sky, and made clouds with brain marrow, as well as graupel and snow. The giant's corpse soon grew maggots, which attracted the attention of the gods and gave them human forms.
Since the sky needs strong and powerful support, God only selects four dark elves with strange power from these new creatures( dwarf )To support them, their names are Nordri, Sudri, Austi and Westri, so we call their four separate directions North, South, East and West.
The gods continue to use the giant's eyebrows as a wall. The space inside is called the "atrium" - Midgard. The world is located between the "land of fog" and the "land of fire".
After the creation was completed, Odin and his brother walked around the coast to enjoy their achievements. Inadvertently, they found two branches washed ashore by the waves, so they used the ash branch to create a man, and the other elm branch to create a woman.
Although the human ancestor appeared, the body still lacked a little spirituality, so Odin gave human life and soul, Willy gave them reason and action, and Victoria gave them emotion, appearance and language.
So these two men and women, who were originally branches, became creatures with love, hope, life and death. They took all kinds of things given by gods to live in the "atrium" and breed, becoming the ancestors of human beings.
Then the gods took Mars from the "land of fire" and put it in the sky, creating the sun, moon and stars. The sun and the moon were placed on the chariot. Later, the gods chose a man (Mani, moon) and a woman (Sol, sun) to drive.
In addition, he ordered a woman "Night" Nott to ride a black horse Benz In the sky, his son "Daye" Dag rides a light horse to take over every morning, so that there is the alternation of "night" and "day".
The sun and moon are chased by terrible wolves. Sometimes they bite and form“ solar eclipse ”And“ lunar eclipse ”。 The wolves are always chasing after them. One day they will devour the sun and the moon. That is the end.
Elf and Dwarf
For these two races, the Sibyl Prophecy describes them as follows:
"As early as the gods had not thought of creating the world with the corpse of Emil, many maggots were born from the decaying body of Emil. These maggots grabbed the essence of the giant ancestors, and they were all spiritual creatures. Under the judgment of Odin and other gods, they all had the form and wisdom similar to human beings. Maggots that grow from the side of the corpse receiving light become elves or light elves, while those that grow from the back of the corpse become dark elves, but people generally regard them as dwarfs. The four dwarfs in the southeast, northwest and northwest supporting the sky were born from the body of Emil.
The elves are bright, bright and beautiful. They are usually gentle, cheerful and enthusiastic, and can communicate with trees, flowers, fish and birds, so the gods regard them as God's friends. They also often help the gods Managing the World , especially Sun, moon and stars And so on.
Dwarfs are important special creations in the Nordic mythology (Germanic mythology). They are used to living in mountains, underground or mines, like stone and metallurgy, have superb craft skills, and are good at magic Lun Runes are the makers of many artifacts. In addition, the Nordic dwarfs (Dwarf) were not described as small in their works before the 13th century, and they should be about the same size as human beings. Later, in folklore and literature, it gradually became dwarfed for reasons of interest or humor. Nordic mythology describes their appearance: their skin is as pale as a corpse, and their hair and beard are black. In the early myth, they were about the same height as ordinary people, even tall. They are also afraid of the sun, which will turn to stone when it shines.
Elves and gnomes belong to demigods, and they serve the gods. The luminous elves, because of their beauty and gentleness, were able to live next to the gods and built an exquisite fairy country around the divine country. Because of their poor character, the dwarfs HolyPressure They have to live under the earth and must not be exposed to the light of the day, otherwise they will become stones or melt away. For this reason, the short dwarfs dug holes for nests under the soil or in the rocks to form a country of black elves, or dwarf countries. "
The three-layer universe in Nordic mythology
The universe of Nordic mythology is composed of nine worlds and divided into three layers:
stay Top layer With“ Kingdom of gods (Asgard/Asgard, the land of gods) "-- This is the residence of the Aesir Asa Protoss, surrounded by a green field Idawald, on the other side of an ice free river, Ifin.
The river is covered with thick fog all the year round. The fog layer is constantly whirling, covering the river. The holy island is in the middle of the river. Sometimes in the fog layer flames Seen, this is the lightning that breaks through the white waves of the reverse roll.
There are majestic castles everywhere in the kingdom of gods, and the galloping waves are constantly biting the feet of the castles. On the hill where eagles crouch, there are endless palaces, among which Odin's "Gladsheim" is the most magnificent.
Its lobby -“ Valhalla (Valhalla) "covered the roof with the tassel of a long gun, the seats were wrapped in silver, and a golden throne stood in the middle (Hillidsky/ The highest throne Hlidskjalf), Odin, the father of the gods, looked around the heaven and earth from this throne. This is the destination of the war dead.
World Tree ”Its high branches shade the castle "Golden Palace" where Odin, the father of the gods, lives. On the top of the castle's golden roof stands a rooster with a golden crown. It is responsible for awakening the gods every morning. When the rooster crows, the red rooster of the Dead Kingdom in the lower boundary also responds to it, resulting in a noisy and sharp "time". Odin led the gods to live together on this land. After a big meeting, Odin issued an order that there should be no bloodshed in this God's House. The gods built a smelting furnace, produced many weapons and tools, and happily built their homes, so the golden age of gods began.
In addition, there is another protoss- Vanil Protoss (Vanir) lives in the area of Vanaheim. The birth and reproduction of everything between heaven and earth, the sea and the wind are all under the control of the Vanir Protoss.
Moreover, this protoss knows many mysterious spells that even Odin, the father of the gods, does not know. Helios Frey and the God of Love and Beauty Freya It belongs to the Protoss.
In this layer, there is also a creature called Elves, the goblin or spirit. They are creatures transformed from the corpse maggot of Imir. Although they are not divine, they still have great magic power. The light goblin is very beautiful, wearing elegant and transparent clothes, which is brighter than the sun.
They love light most. They are kind and kind goblins. The place where they live is called "the hometown of goblins (Alfheim/the country of elves Alfheim )”, is the territory of Fery, the god of the sun. The goblins played happily under Frey's bright light. They take care of flowers and birds butterfly Play, and sometimes you can see their dancing on the green grass on a moonlit night.
The second floor It is the "atrium" of human habitation - Midgard, which means the middle world. Surrounded by the sea, it can lead to the "kingdom of gods" where the gods live through Bifrost, a three color (ice, fire, air) rainbow bridge across the void.
But the frost giants, the enemies of the gods, also live on this floor. Their field is called "the giant country (Yodunheim/Jothuheim)". The frost giants are tall, savage and tough, with terrible appearance.
There is a giant transformed eagle in the far north. When he waves his wings, a sharp north wind will blow directly to the "atrium" - Midgard. Giant women are ugly and scary, but there are also beautiful and moving beauties, such as Frey's wife Gerda.
"Atrium" - Midgard is very rich, but the giant's residence is full of rocks, cliffs, forests and other terrible and ominous places. The signpost from the human world to the "giant country" is a terrible "Jarnvid Jarewood"; It is also said that there is a "giant country" on the other side of the sea.
In addition, there are black dwarf Trolls, Gnomes, or Kobolds who live in the "Town of Dwarfs (Wattalheim/Svartalfaheim)". These are also a kind of creatures transformed by the corpse maggot of Imir.
These pygmies are ugly. His long nose hung loosely on his lips, and his skin was dirty and earthy. During the day, they hid in the shadows and came to the ground at night. These gnomes regard sunlight as their most terrible enemy, because whenever they encounter sunlight, they will turn to stone.
Their language is the echo of silence that no one can hear; Where they live, they live in deep caves or in the cracks of big rocks.
Among all creatures in the universe, the dark dwarf is the best craftsman, and many treasures are their masterpieces. At the same time, these black dwarfs have all kinds of mysterious power and profound knowledge. They also know Runes characters, which can not only write, but also understand the meaning of them.
Bottom layer It is the "country of the dead" - Helheim. This is a cold and foggy place, a place where only the dead can reach.
Its boundary is Styx Gioll , There is a crystal bridge inlaid with gold on the river. The bridge keeper is an old witch Modgud who looks like a skeleton. Anyone who wants to cross the bridge must bribe with blood. After crossing the bridge, you will come to the gate of the underworld guarded by Garm, the dog of the underworld.
There is a region called Nastrond in the Dead Country. Every evil victim must pass through here, and then be immersed in ice springs and bitten by poisonous snakes.
The northernmost world is the "hometown of fog" - Niflheim It is not located in the three layers. Like Helheim, it is also an extremely cold place. It has even existed for a longer time than the original giant ymir It will be a long time. Sometimes it is thought that Helheim is located inside Niflheim. It is dark here. The cold wind is howling all the year round, with heavy snow and huge thick ice. Hewagmir, the original spring of the world, is located here. Nibelheim (German, meaning "people in the country of fog") lives here. Nibelheim, a poisonous dragon, and countless snakes are eating the roots of the world tree here.
The southernmost world is the "land of fire" - Muspelheim It is also not located in these three layers, and like the "land of fog" - Niflheim, it has existed even longer than the original giant ymir It will be a long time. The fire here is all year round, burning with fierce fire, full of dazzling light. Here is the source of all flames, heat and light. Here lives the flame giant (Muspel, a member of the Musbel tribe, the country of fire). The flame giant Sulter guards here with a sword of light.
And what runs through and connects all this is a huge Ygdrasil It sprouts from the "past", flourishes in the "present", and extends to the infinite "future". leaf Forever green, its branches support the weight of the whole universe, and its roots run through the world.
After Odin killed the original giant Ymir, this huge ash tree grew out of the heart of Ymir, which is the cosmic core of the whole Nordic myth: the tree of the world (Uktrashir/Yggdrasil).
Its huge tree root is divided into three main veins, which respectively extend into three eternal springs. The endless springs nourish the tree of the world and grow continuously:
A line extending to the "kingdom of gods" of the Ashir tribe - Asgard Wuerde Spring Among them, one extends to the "giant country" Jotunheim's Mimir Spring, and the other extends to the "fog country" - Niflheim's Hewagmir Spring. There are springs near the roots of trees, nourishing the roots.
The spring next to the "Asgard" in the kingdom of gods is the holy well of destiny -- Urdar brunnr, a descendant of Norvi, the father of "Night" Nott Goddess of Destiny (Norns), they are responsible for using Spring irrigation The roots of the trees keep the branches and leaves of the trees flourishing.
The three goddesses are called:
"The past" - Urd Wuerde
"Now" -- Verdandi Wei'er Dandi
"Future" -- Skuld Skuld
They assign life to the Son of Man and designate fate
In addition, next to the tree roots of the "giant country", there is the wisdom well guarded by the wise man - the wisdom giant Mimir, and there is infinite intelligence and knowledge hidden in the spring water.
However, a black dragon named "Despair" lurks beside the root of the tree leading to the "Land of Fog"-- Niederhogg (Nidhogg) 。 It is entrenched with countless other snakes trunk , gnawing at the tree trunk.
In addition, at the top of the tree is an eagle, squatting between its eyes is a bird named Vedfolnir Goshawk , gazing at the sky and the earth.
There are also four big deer galloping among the branches, chewing the new buds and leaves without satiety. Four big deer symbolize the wind in four directions, blowing the branches.
Ratatosk, a squirrel, kept jumping up and down the tree, passing messages between the goshawk at the top of the tree and the black dragon at the bottom of the tree. This squirrel often distorts the truth with distorted lies, and provokes the relationship between the goshawk and the black dragon, making them angry and hostile to each other. It takes pleasure in it.
All these are hurting the "World Tree". When they bite the holy wood one day, the universe will collapse. Under the tree lay the original giant Ymir, who supported the tree and the nine worlds. The giant did not like to be weighed down by the heavy tree, so he kept shaking his body to get rid of it. So the universe trembled, and this was a terrible earthquake.

Impact and traceability


The origin of the week

The Nordic myth has a profound influence on Western customs, and the origin of the week is closely related to it.
·Sunday: taken from Sun. The day when the Teutonic people worshiped the sun.
·Monday: taken from Moon. It's Anglo Saxon( Anglo-Saxon The day of man's moon.
·Tuesday: the god of war Tiu or Tiw, the Nordic god of war Tyr (Tyr).
·Wednesday: This name comes from the ancient worship of the main god Odin Woden's day old English For Odin).
·Thursday: from the god of thunder in the Nordic myth Tor (Thor)。 This is ancient Germanic The most sacred day of a week, the meeting is usually held on this day, and if the legislator does not appear before noon, he will be disqualified, so Thor is also the patron saint of the meeting.
·Friday: From Frigedaeg, it refers to the goddess Freya (Freya), or Odin's wife Frika Frigg )。 However, some people think that the two goddesses may be the same person.
·Saturday: taken from Roman myth Saturn, the god of agriculture in( Saturn )This has nothing to do with Nordic mythology.

The spread of Nordic myths

The Nordic myth first spread in Finland Sweden Norway and Iceland And even spread in North America and Greenland , Yes Germanic It was created by one of the Scandinavian peoples (the ancestors of the Vikings). From the eighth century to the eleventh century, the Vikings were the most terrible pirates on the European sea, which was also the heyday of the Nordic myth. After the 13th century, the Vikings were weak, European Church As the power of the British Empire increased greatly, the Nordic myth began to disappear, and the Vikings were forced to convert to Christian sects and Catholics. Only Iceland, which was icy and snowy, let the Nordic myth spread among the Nordic bards in the form of poetry and prose.


Dusk of the gods The final conclusion points out that the world will be destroyed by the flames, and a new world will be born after the flames subside. In fact, the flame here may mean“ Volcano eruption ”Due to the instability of the crust in Northern Europe volcanic activity Frequent. In the eyes of the ancient Norsemen, the volcanic eruption was like the end of the world, but the new continent born from the volcanic eruption was full of infinite vitality. Therefore, those who are full of horror and destruction but can give birth to life natural phenomena Apply it to the myth.


The Nordic myth is a myth that has been forgotten for a long time. The descendants of the ancient Nordic people abandoned this treasure for centuries.
Descendants of heroes in Nordic mythology, namely today Scandinavia and Germany Northeastern lowland Germanic nationality They grew up in the desolate and cruel natural environment Cultivate a brave and aggressive personality.
Wandering, fighting and hunting are their daily ways of life. They often go on expeditions to other countries under the leadership of bold and enterprising leaders, and win positions and wealth that they do not have at home from foreign countries.
The original culture of these victorious countries may not be superior to the countries they conquered, and their weapons and equipment may not be superior to each other. However, they have the courage to face death and the spirit of adventure without fear, which is an important reason why the Germanic nation can invade the whole of Europe.
These fearless German warriors gradually expanded the scope of the expedition. In 400 AD, they used Rhine the danube Is the boundary, and Imperium Romanum Adjacent. When Rome became weaker, they constantly invaded the territory of the Roman Empire.
By the middle of the fifth century, Germanic The nation was oppressed by the Huns from the east to the west and from the north (whether it was the Huns or not is still unknown), which caused a raging national migration. This is the so-called heroic era of the Germanic people. Most of the heroes in the Nordic legends are heroes of this era.
As a result of this great migration Russia , west to the French coast, Breeden Island, south to Spain Italian Peninsula Sicily North Africa , were attacked by Germanic people, even as far as Greenland And section America The mainland has their footprints.
The modern Nordic myth is the product of this nation. However, the records of mythology no longer exist in modern Germanic countries. Instead, it is an island full of volcanoes and glaciers in the North Sea—— Iceland Has been saved on.
The Germanic gods were completely forgotten by the Germanic people. The most important reason was the contact with the Roman Empire and the assimilation of Christianity through contact. Add natural and man-made disasters, especially in 1618-1648“ Thirty Year War ”The German inherent culture is incomplete and desolate, and valuable literature and legends fall into the abyss of oblivion and dust laden in the long years.
At that time, only Christian clergy could read. They were in charge of both records and documents Paganism Legends, manuscripts, songs and so on are naturally abhorrent and want to be cleaned up; Only a few materials survive: British "Beowulf"( Beowulf )”-Beowulf, Germany“ Song of Nibelungen ”-Nibelungenlied and some fragments of Saga (heroic legends), as well as two collections of Icelandic mythical poems“ Ada ” -Edda 。
In addition, the Germanic people believe that the ancient script Runenschrift (which is homologous with Runes, the mantra of the dark dwarf in the myth) originally used is a magic mantra. If the language is shaped into characters, it is equivalent to conferring mysterious power on the enemy. Therefore, not only the belief of the ancient Germanic people, but also the way of life are difficult to verify.

Related works


Foreign works

Long poem
Opera, long poem
Long poem, CG movie
The Apocalypse of Rocky
Author:<Britain>Joanna Harris
Comics, movies
Marvel Comics, movies
Original Japanese animation, no Nordic myth story in this cartoon
Original animation of Toei
Cartoon and animation
Japanese comics and animation
Ares 4
Produced and distributed by Sony Interactive Entertainment Action role-playing game
Cartoon and animation
Japanese comics and animation
Japanese Games
American Games
Kamen Rider
Special purpose play
《Magnus Chase》
<America>Rick Riordan's novel
French Games
Korean Games

Domestic works

Odin's Blessings
Dragon Family
A series of comics
A series of animations produced by the coastline
Gaia Meditation
A series of novels
"Divine Soldier Prequel 5" [2]