
[běi jí dì qū]
Geographical region
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The Arctic is a region floating ice Ocean covered—— arctic ocean (accounting for 60% of the total area), surrounded by Asia Europe and North America Northern Permafrost Zone. The total area is 21 million square kilometre , accounting for about 1/25 of the total area of the earth.
The land area within the Arctic Circle is about 8 million Square kilometers Its land part belongs to Russia U.S.A Canada Denmark Norway Iceland Sweden and Finland Eight Circumpolar countries The main sea areas are Greenland Sea Norwegian Weihai Barents Sea and White Sea The famous Arctic magnetic field is 102 ° 54 'west longitude and 78 ° 12' north latitude. position arctic circle The geography of the region to the north is Asia, Europe North America Surrounded by three major regions, it is nearly semi closed.
Chinese name
Foreign name
In the arctic
total area
21 million square kilometers
population size
7 million people
Land area
About 8.2 million square kilometers

geographical environment

North of the Arctic Circle
Surrounded by Asia, Europe and North America, it is nearly semi closed.
The climate is cold, arctic The coldest month in the sea area Average temperature It can reach - 40~- 20 ℃, and is mostly below 8 ℃ in warm season. stay Siberia Observed history Minimum temperature Is minus 71 centigrade Greenland A low temperature of minus 70 degrees Celsius was also observed in Canada Yukon Minimum temperature Up to minus 68 ℃, North Pole The lowest temperature in history is - 59 ℃.


About 7 million people, mainly Inuit /Eskimo yellow race ), live by hunting and fishing.


The Arctic region is rich in oil, natural gas, minerals fishery resources Although currently developed Oil and gas resources Not technically feasible, but global warming The Arctic ice is disappearing at a rate of about 9% every 10 years, Oil and gas development It may become feasible in the future.
Near the North Pole, there is a dark night without day for nearly six months every year (October to March of the next year), when the sky is shining aurora It is generally in belt, arc, curtain or radial shape, and is common near 70 ° north latitude. The rest of the year is a day without night.
marine organism It is quite abundant, most of which are close to land, and the deeper it is arctic ocean Less. near Atlantic The border area has a wide range of fishing zone , lush algae Green algae Brown algae and Red algae )。 There are Polar bear walrus Seals whale , herring, cod, etc. Tundra Zhongduo fur is valuable Snow hare Arctic fox Besides reindeer , polar dog, etc. [1-2]