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North German Confederation

Transitional organizations
synonym North German Confederation (Countries produced after the Franco Prussian War) Generally refers to the Confederation of Northern Germany
The Northern German Confederation (German: Norddeutscher Bund; English: North German Confederation) German Confederation After dissolution, it was established on April 16, 1867, and was composed of 22 northern German states. It was actually just a transitional organization, in 1871 German Empire It was abolished after its establishment. But it helps Prussia To control northern Germany and strengthen Prussia's influence on southern Germany customs union Same. The Confederacy clearly excluded Austria And Bavaria
Chinese name
North German Confederation
Foreign name
North German Confederation
Norddeutscher Bund
Date of establishment
April 16, 1867
End time

brief introduction

The Confederation of Northern Germany Austro-Prussian War Later established. Prussia beat Austria After, Otto von Bismarck The Constitution of the Confederation of Northern Germany was founded. The Constitution came into force on July 1, 1867. King Pu William I He served as the chairman of the Confederation and was hereditary. He held all the administrative and military power of the Confederation. The Prime Minister of Prussia Bismarck is also the Prime Minister of the Confederation. The Prime Minister is responsible to the President, not to the Parliament, and the Parliament cannot dismiss him. The Confederate Parliament is composed of 43 representatives appointed by the states Germany There are seats in the Bundesrat, and Prussia has 17 seats alone. legislature The Norddeutscher Reichtag is elected by the people. The resolution of the Norddeutscher Reichtag can only be legally effective after being approved by the Confederate Parliament.
Franco-Prussian War After, Bavaria Wuteng Castle Baden , together with Hessen The remainder of the Principality is united with the states to form German Empire (German: Deutsches Kaiserreich )。 William I was crowned German Emperor (German: Deutscher Kaiser )。 [1]
North German Confederation


Some representatives who participated in the formulation of the Constitution of the Confederation of Northern Germany
On June 14, 1866, Austro-Prussian War Burst. The war between Prussia and Austria is the key war in the process of unification. This war removed the biggest obstacle for Prussia to unify Germany, and connected Prussia's territory, with an area of more than 340000 square kilometers, accounting for 2/5 of the total area of Germany, and a population of 24 million, accounting for 2/3 of the total population of Germany.
In the war, Germany Most states fought against Prussia on the Austrian side, because the monarchs of these states were afraid that Prussia would unify Germany and lose their original dominance. At that time, only a few small states in the north of Germany supported Prussia.
On August 23, 1866, Puao Bragg Conclude a peace treaty, according to which Austria agrees Maine River Under the leadership of Prussia, the states to the north established the North German Confederation, and Prussia obtained Holstein , also swallowed Hanover Hessen Nassau Hessen Humboldt and Freie Stadt Frankfurt At the same time, Prussia also recognized the independence of the states of South Germany, and only asked Austria to pay a small amount of compensation.
In 1867, under the leadership of Prussia, the Confederation of Northern Germany was born.

Member States

Saxony Weimar- Eisenach
Mecklenburg Strelitz
Saxony Coburg- Gotha
Schwarzburg Rudolstadt
Schwarzburg- Sandhausen
Royce Gretz
Royce Schleitz Gra
Schomburg Libor
The part of the Principality of Hesse north of the Main River, that is, Oberhessen [2]


The establishment of the Northern German Confederation was a decisive step on the road to German reunification. There is no longer any restricted traffic and Commodity circulation The unified currency and unified Measuring System It has also been established. confederal foreign policy And foreign trade are determined by the Confederate government economic problem Unified measures have also been implemented. Over the past years bourgeois class All the distressing restrictions against industry and commerce have been swept away. Therefore, North German Confederation The establishment of capitalism The development of has created good conditions.
All this was inseparable from Bismarck's efforts. Therefore, after the establishment of the Northern German Confederation, Bismarck's prestige among the German bourgeoisie was greatly improved. On“ Constitutional disputes ”The Prussian Bourgeois Progressive Party, which opposes Bismarck's arbitrariness in China, is also willing to compromise with Bismarck, because in the view of the bourgeoisie, the economic benefits of reunification are greater than their own Political domination Much more important. The Prussian Parliament, by an overwhelming majority, has ratified everything that the Bismarck government has done since the "constitutional dispute" expenditure Bismarck also expressed a conciliatory attitude. [2]
National Emblem of the Confederation of Northern Germany