Yu Wenyong

The Third Emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty
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synonym Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty) generally refers to Yu Wenyong (the third emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty)
Yu Wenyong, Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (543-578, June 21), Southern and Northern Dynasties period Northern Zhou Dynasty The third emperor. The word "You Luo Tu", xianbei He was born in Tongzhou (today's Dali, Shaanxi), and his ancestral home is Wuchuan, Dai County. [55] Is the founder of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Yu Wentai Fourth son, mother Empress Wenxuan Chi Nu Shi (Chi Nu Empress Dowager). [1] [89]
Yu Wenyong is intelligent and farsighted. He is decisive and resourceful. At the age of twelve, he was granted the title of Western Wei Dynasty Fucheng County Duke. Zhou Xiaomin Emperor Yu Wenjue When he ascended the throne, he paid homage to the great general, [4] Out of town, out of state. [5] Northern Zhou Dynasty Wu Cheng Official position in the first year (559) Dasikong , the Duke of Lu. [6] In the second year of Wucheng (560), a powerful minister Yu Wenhu Send someone to poison Emperor Zhou Ming , appointed Yu Wenyong, a 17-year-old emperor, [7] Quan Xiangyu Wenhu controls the government. [10] In the first year of Jiande (572), he killed Quanxiangyu Wenhu and took charge of the government. [14] Continue to implement after Equal field system , improvement and development Fubing system , took back the command of the government troops from the military offices of the Chinese and foreign capitals to the emperor, and began to recruit farmers from the Juntian household to serve as government troops, expand the source of troops, enrich the military force, and prepare for annexation Beiqi In the fifth year of Jiande (576), Yu Wenyong led seven armies to attack Beiqi. In the sixth year of Jiande (577), led the army to seize the victory and encircle the capital of Northern Qi an ancient place name , captured Yecheng at one fell swoop The Later Leader of the Northern Qi Dynasty Father and son unite the north. In the May of the first year of Xuanzheng (578), Emperor Wu of Zhou led all the armies to advance in five ways, and the Northern Expedition Turkic , ordered to stop marching due to illness. In June, he was seriously ill and returned to Chang'an. He died that month at the age of 36. [19] His posthumous title was Emperor Wu, and his temple was named Emperor Gaozu. He was buried in Xiaoling [48 ]
Emperor Wu of Zhou Yu Wenyong unified the north, laying a good foundation for the later unification. During his rule, he began to absorb the majority of Han farmers in Juntian to serve as government soldiers, which not only greatly expanded the ranks of government soldiers, but also made it possible for the Xianbei and Han people to further integrate. In addition, he eliminated the economic power of the monks and landlords. [56] These reform measures promoted the liberation of productive forces and played a positive role in the economic recovery and social stability at that time. [57]
Full Name
Yu Wenyong
Posthumous title
Emperor Wu
Temple name
Gao Zu
Southern and Northern Dynasties Northern Zhou Dynasty
Ethnic groups
one's native heath
Tungchow [3] (Located in today's Dali, Shaanxi)
date of birth
543 years
Date of death
June 21, 578
Place of death
Chang'an [19]
Xiaoling [19]
In office time
May 31, 560 to June 21, 578 [54]
Emperor Ming of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Yu Wenyu
Emperor Xuan of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Yu Wenyun
Key achievements
Kill powerful officials Yu Wenhu , promote Fubing system And Equal field system , suppress the gentry and perish Beiqi , Unify the North

Character's Life


Early experience

Western Wei Dynasty throne In 543, Yu Wenyong was born in Tungchow , Yes Yu Wentai Fourth. It is said that Yu Wenyong knew how to serve his parents when he was young, and he was smart, sensitive and generous. [2] Yu Wentai liked him so much that he often said to others, "It must be this son who can realize my ambition in the future." [3]
At that time, his father Yu Wentai was a powerful official in the Western Wei Dynasty, so the future of Yu Wenyong in his youth was flat. In the second year of Emperor Gong of the Western Wei Dynasty (555 years), when he was twelve years old, Yu Wenyong was granted the title of County Duke of Fucheng. In the first year of Emperor Xiaomin in the Northern Zhou Dynasty (557), the third brother was Emperor Xiaomin Yu Wenjue He ascended the throne by Zen, established the Northern Zhou Dynasty, worshipped Yu Wenyong as the general, and left Tongzhou. In September of the same year, Otsuka slaughtered Yu Wenhu Abolish Emperor Min and support Emperor Ming Yu Wenyu Succession. On December 16, he moved to Yuwen Yong Zhuguo [4] , granted Puzhou Zhu Military, Governor of Puzhou. [5]
Wu Cheng In the first year (559), Yu Wenyong entered the court Dasikong , governing Yuzheng, and being granted the title of Duke of Lu , and also served as a master. Emperor Zhou Ming was very close to him. Whenever the imperial court had important matters, we should consult with him. Yu Wenyong has a deep personality and great insight. It is not because Emperor Zhou Ming asked him. He is always reluctant to express his opinions. Emperor Zhou Ming often praised him and said, "If he doesn't say anything, he will hit the mark." [6]

Political power minister

In April of the second year of Wucheng (560), a powerful minister Yu Wenhu They sent people to poison Emperor Zhou Ming and made Yu Wenyong, a 17-year-old emperor [7] For Emperor Wu of Zhou. When Yu Wenyong ascended the throne, Northern Zhou Dynasty The political situation was very unstable. The key reason was that Yuwenhu monopolized the real power of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Yu Wenhu is Yu Wentai 's nephew, Western Wei Dynasty Former General Sikong In the second year of Dading (556), before Yu Wentai died of serious illness, he solemnly expressed to Yu Wenhu that his sons were young and the foreign enemies were powerful, so he asked Yu Wenhu to take charge of the military and politics and inherit his ambition. [8] Yuwenhu promises to come down. The next year, he stood Yu Wenjue As the emperor, he established the Northern Zhou regime. Yu Wenjue has a strong character and hates the dictatorship of Yu Wenhu, the Duke of Jin. [9] Yu Wenyong knew that Yu Wenhu's power had grown up, so he adopted the strategy of hiding his strength and keeping quiet. At the beginning of his accession to the throne, he dared not reveal his dissatisfaction with Yu Wenhu. [58]
Situation of Northern Zhou Dynasty and Northern Qi Dynasty
In the first month of the first year of Baoding (561), Baoding was renamed the Yuan Dynasty, and the civil and military officials were increased by four ranks. Yuwenhu is the great tomb slayer and the governor of all military affairs at home and abroad. [10] Yu Wenyong not only promoted Yu Wenhu to a higher rank, but also tried to please him in daily life. Zhou Liang Impetuous Public Hou Mo, Chen Chong Come with Yu Wenyong Yuanzhou At night, he insisted on returning Chang'an Go. Everyone thought it was strange. Hou Mo and Chen Chong thought they were smart, so they threatened to kill Yuwenhu to those close to them. Someone spread Hou Mo and Chen Chong's words. When Yu Wenyong heard about it, he immediately summoned the dukes to the Great Virtue Hall and scolded Hou Mo and Chen Chong in front of everyone. Hou Mo and Chen Chong were afraid to apologize. On that very night, Yuwenhu sent troops into Hou Mo and Chen Chong's residence, forcing him to commit suicide. Yu Wenyong showed that he had no hesitation in protecting Yu Wenyong through his practical actions. Soon, Yu Wenyong used it again the stratagem of concealing one 's true features Commending Yu Wenhu, the imperial edict said:“ seneschal The duke of the State of Jin, if he is pro, will be Yikun. He will be the assistant of the Yuan Dynasty. Since today's imperial edict and the documents of Baisi, he cannot be called the duke. " Yu Wenyong, the Duke of Jin, should not be called Yu Wenhu in the imperial edict, which shows the extent to which Yu Wenyong temporarily "respected" Yu Wenhu. [11]
In the fourth year of Baoding (564), Yuwenhu's mother was released by the Northern Qi Dynasty. Yuwenyong also tried to flatter Yuwenhu's mother. All the things that were given to her must be extremely luxurious. Every four hours, Yu Wenyong leads his royal relatives to greet Yu Wenhu's mother with a family gift, which is called "longevity on the cup". [11] Use this to win Yuwenhu's favor. Due to Yu Wenyong's apparent respect and obedience, Yu Wenhu is not like Yu Wenjue Yu Wenyu Treat him like that. [59] However, in the dark, Yu Wenhu always threatens Yu Wenyong, and always wants to take his place. [60] In the same year, Yu Wenyong sent troops to attack Beiqi under the planning of Yu Wenhu. In November, Zhu and Shu Yuchi Jiong Led the army to besiege Luoyang, Duke of Qi Yu Wenxian Yu Mangshan besieged Qi's army, and Yu Wenhu's army was stationed at Shanzhou December, Quan Jingxuan Attacking Yuzhou in the Northern Qi Dynasty, the governor of Qi Dynasty king [63] Gentry He surrendered to the Northern Zhou Dynasty under internal and external attack. [12] But because the Northern Qi Dynasty became Emperor Wu Gao Zhan send Gao Changgong And the governor of Bingzhou Duan Shao , General Dendrobium I went to Luoyang to rescue, but I didn't dare to move forward because I was afraid of the strong forces of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Duan Shaoli defeated the army of the Northern Zhou Dynasty with strategy. Yu Wenyong and Yu Wenhu's initial plan to annex the Northern Qi Dynasty was contained. The defeat of this battle greatly reduced Yuwenhu's prestige in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, which created certain conditions for the later seizure of power by Yuwenyong, Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty. [61]

Pro officiate

In the first year of Jiande (572), Yu Wenyong used Yu Wen to protect the cruel and slow, and kept secret with the King Wei Yu Wenzhi Plan to eradicate Yuwenhu. Yu Wenhucong Tungchow return Chang'an Yu Wenyong came with him to see the empress dowager. While walking, Yu Wenyong said to Yu Wenhu, "The empress dowager is very old, but she likes drinking. Although we have advised her many times, the empress dowager has not accepted it. Now the elder brother is in court, please go to advise the empress dowager." [13] As he spoke, he took another article out of his arms《 A letter of wine 》Give it to Yu Wenhu to persuade the empress dowager. Yuwenhu went into the residence of the empress dowager, and really listened to what Yuwenyong said and read the "Jiugao" to the empress dowager. As he was reading, Yu Wenyong raised Yu Qiang Give him a sharp blow on the head. Yuwenhu fell to the ground. Yuwenyong hurriedly ordered the eunuch He Quan to kill Yuwenhu with a knife. He Quan was worried and his hands trembled. He didn't even hit the target with a few cuts. At this time, Yu Wenyong and his younger brother, Duke Wei, who were hiding aside Yu Wenzhi He ran out and helped kill Yu Wenhu. [14-15] Then he killed all of Yuwenhu's sons, brothers and close aides. Kill Yuwenhu's son Yuwen Hui Yuwen to , Yu Wenjing, Fu Hou Longen, General Wanshou, General Liu Yong, etc. Amnesty the world, reform the yuan and build morality. [14]
After Yu Wenhu was killed, the power of the Northern Zhou Dynasty really began to be in the hands of Yu Wenyong. After killing Yu Wenhu and his trusted followers, Yu Wenyong weakened seneschal We should strike the Chinese and foreign governments. By Taifu, Duke of Shu Yuchi Jiong As Grand Master, Zhu Guo and Deng Guogong Dou incandescence He is the Taifu, the Dasikong and the Duke of Shen Li Mu Wei Taibao, Duke of Qi Yu Wenxian For Otsuka Zai, Duke of Wei Yuwen for Dasi Tu, Duke of Zhao Yu Wenzhao He is the great minister of space, the state of Zhu, and the rare official Hsenwi For Dasikou, Duke Suide Lutong It is Dasima. [62] It is stipulated that the six prefectures need not always listen to the Tianguan Otsuka slaughter, making its power void to strengthen the imperial power, and changing the military officers to aides, indicating that the army is subordinate to the emperor and nationalization. Then the ethnic restrictions on the number of soldiers will be lifted, and every male in the territory can be a soldier, greatly expanding the military strength. It also restricts the relationship between the Chief Executive and his or her colleagues in order to prevent local privatization. In April, Yu Wenyong honored Duke Lueyang as Emperor Xiaomin and established Duke Lu Yu Wenyun He is the Crown Prince. Amnesty is granted to the whole world, and every official is granted a rank. [63]
In the first month of the third year of Jiande (574), in order to make the brothers kings play an auxiliary role, Yu Wenyong conferred titles of Yu Wenxian, Duke of Qi, Duke of Wei, and Duke of Zhao Yu Wenzhao , Duke of Yue Yu Wensheng Teng Guogong Yu Wenxuan He waited for his brother to become a lord. [16] In February, Ji Guogong Yu Wenkang Bi Guogong Yu Wenxian , Feng Guogong Yu Wenzhen , Duke of the State of Song Yu Wenshi , Duke of Han Yuwen Zan , Duke of Qin Yu Wenzhi , The Duke of Cao became the king together. At the same time, Yu Wenyong ordered to expand the source of troops, regardless of the race of the military participants, which enriched the military strength, effectively prevented the general of the State of Zhu from carrying out armed separatism, and renamed the soldiers of various armies as aides, so that the army was also directly controlled by the emperor. [64]

Attacking and Destroying the Northern Qi Dynasty

The Northern Zhou Dynasty's War against the Northern Qi Dynasty
For a long time, the relationship between the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Northern Qi Dynasty was mainly a war relationship, with each other winning or losing, and the power was generally balanced. But since Yu Wenyong came to power, great changes have taken place. First, after the destruction of Buddhism, country Economic power growth; Second, the majority of Han farmers in the field were recruited to serve as soldiers, which expanded both farmer and soldier Formation of military superiority; Third, North and Turkic Heqin, Nanhe Chen Dynasty Good communication and diplomatic success. In the Northern Qi Dynasty, however, it was in a situation of "many governments were sent out, jails were sold and officials were sold, they were mercenary, indulged in debauchery, avoided harming the loyal and good, and closed the border to complain about the disadvantages". [17]
In the fourth year of Jiande (575), Yu Wenyong once again led troops into the territory of the Northern Qi Dynasty, intending to destroy it. Yu Wenyong and the King of Qi alone Yu Wenxian And a few people planned to defeat the public opinion and decided to attack Qi and organize the army to besiege Kim Yong cheng (Today's Henan Province Luoyang City), in July, Emperor Wu of Zhou Yu Wenyong ordered Yu Wenchun Sima Eliminates Difficulties Daxi earthquake As the former chief of the three armed forces, Yu Wensheng Hou Mo, Chen Qiong Yu Wenzhao He is the general manager of the later three armies. Yang Jian , Xue Jiong Li Mu Equal rate troops march in parallel. Yu Wenyong led an army of 60000 directly Heyin When Zhou Jun entered the territory of the Northern Qi Dynasty, he was strictly disciplined. It was forbidden to cut down trees or trample on crops. All offenders were cut down. [18] It was popular, but Emperor Wu of Zhou Yu Wenyong returned to his teacher due to illness.
In October of the fifth year of Jiande (576), Yu Wenyong personally led the army to attack the Northern Qi Dynasty. King Yiyue Yu Wensheng He is the commander in chief of the First Right Army, the Duke of Qi Yu Wenliang He is the commander in chief of the Second Right Army and follows the Duke of State Yang Jian As the commander in chief of the Three Right Armies, King Qiao Yu Wenjian He is the general in charge of the Left First Army Dou Gong Served as the general manager of the Second Left Army, Guanghua Public Qiu Chong As the chief of the Left Third Army, Yu Wenxian, King of Qi, and Yu Wenchun, King of Chen, were the former soldiers. [65] Yu Wenyong led the army to Jinzhou, and sent Yu Wenxian, the king of Qi, to lead a fine cavalry to guard the Bird and Rat Valley, and Yu Wen, the king of Chen, to guard the thousand mile path on a pure foot Daxi earthquake The general Han Ming rode five thousand steps to guard Qi Ziling, the Duke of Wu and Yin Sheng rode five thousand steps to guard Guzhong Town, the Duke of Liangcheng, Xin Shao rode five thousand steps to guard Pujin Pass, the King of Zhao Yuwen summoned ten thousand steps to attack the cities of Fenzhou from Huagu, and the State of Zhu Yuwen Sheng rode ten thousand steps to guard Fenshui Pass. Wang Yi, an internal historian, was sent to supervise the sixth army to attack Jinzhou City in the Northern Qi Dynasty. Yu Wenyong's army was stationed in Fenqu, and Yu Wenxian, the king of Qi, conquered Hongdong and Yong'an. Yu Wenyong came to the battle front in person and went to the city to supervise the battle from Fenqu every day. The Northern Qi soldiers in the city were terrified. Hou Ziqin, the left governor of the Northern Qi Dynasty, surrendered to the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Cui Jingsong, the governor of Jinzhou in the Northern Qi Dynasty, guarded the north of Jinzhou City and secretly sent envoys to the camp of the Northern Zhou Dynasty at night Wang Gui Lead the crowd to answer. Before dawn, the Northern Qi army broke up. Zhou's army attacked Jinzhou. Zhou's army captured the city leader of Jinzhou, Tejin, Kaifu and Haichang Yu Xianggui , captured 8000 Jiashi in the Northern Qi Dynasty. Yu Wenyong opened a mansion above Liang Shiyan He was appointed as the governor of Jinzhou and was awarded the title of general. Ten thousand elite soldiers were left to guard Jinzhou. [66] In November, the emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty led a large army to help Jinzhou from Bingzhou. Yu Wenyong avoided fighting because the soldiers were a new collection. He issued an edict to all the soldiers and sent Yu Wenxian, the king of Qi, to refuse. So the Northern Qi Dynasty besieged Jinzhou and attacked day and night. Soon, Yu Wenyong set out again to attack Qi, set out in Chang'an, crossed the Yellow River, and joined the armies. [67] In December, Yu Wenyong's army arrived in Jinzhou. The Northern Qi army was defeated. Yu Wenyong led his army to pursue the Northern Qi emperor, and the Northern Zhou army won to Bingzhou. The Emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty left his elder brother, King Ande Gao Yanzong Shou Bingzhou personally led Qingqi to flee back to Yecheng. [68] Gao Yanzong usurped the throne, changed to Dechang in the year, and marched 40000 troops out of the city to resist the Zhou army. Yu Wenyong personally led all the armies to fight together and beat back the Northern Qi army. In the end, he captured Gao Yanzong and conquered the Northern Qi Dynasty. [69]
In the first month of the sixth year of Jiande (577), Emperor Qi High latitude It's said to be located in the crown prince Gao Heng , changed the year to Chengguang, and became the supreme emperor. When Zhou's army came to Yecheng, Yu Wenyong ordered to besiege Yecheng and burn its west gate. The Northern Qi army went to war and was defeated by the Zhou army. Yu Wenyong attacked Ye City and destroyed the Northern Qi Dynasty. [70] [72] Gao Wei, the leader of Qi, sent his mother and wife to flee to Qingzhou. After the fall of Yecheng, he personally led dozens of horses to flee to Qingzhou, and Yu Wenyong sent a great general Yu Chiqin Lead two thousand cavalry to chase. In February, all Taizhou towns in the Northern Qi Dynasty surrendered to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and Yu Wenyong unified the north. In total, there are 55 states, 162 counties, 385 counties, 3.32 million, 5528 households, and 26.8 million, 886 people. Yu Wenyong set up the general manager's office in Heyang, You, Qing, Nanyan, Yu, Xu, Beishuo, Ding and other states, and the prime minister and the second general manager set up their own palaces and six government officials. Since then, the Northern Zhou Dynasty had the Yellow River basin and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, laying the foundation for the later unification of the Sui Dynasty. [71]

die young

In March of the sixth year of Jiande (577), Gao Wei, the leader of Qi, was granted the title of Duke Wen, and officials and foreign guests were gathered in the open bedroom. Waste Pu, Shaanxi, Jing, Ning four prefectures in charge. In May, Zhu Guo and Qiao Wang Yuwenjian were killed as the Great Tomb, and the Duke of Qi Yu Wenliang He was the great Situ, the Duke of the State of Zheng, Xi Zhen was the great uncle, the Duke of the State of Liang Hou Mo and Chen Rui He is the Grand Sima and Ying Guogong Dugu Yongye For Dasikou, Duke of Yun Wei Xiaokuan It is the Dasikong. The wedding ceremony was held in Zhengwu Hall to repay the merit. [73] In July, Yu Wenyong went to Xingluo Prefecture and issued an edict to the Shandong prefectures to recommend talented people, including six in Shangxian County, five in Zhongxian County and four in Xiaxian County. He went to the emperor to discuss the gains and losses of governing the country. Shangzhuguo, Yonggong Wang Qian He is the general manager of Yizhou. [74] In December, Yu Wenyong visited Bingzhou Palace and immigrated 40000 soldiers to Guanzhong. Take Teng Wang Yuwen as the general manager of Heyang, Suiguo Gong Yang Jian as the general manager of Nanyanzhou, and Shen Guo Gong Li Mu as the general manager of Bingzhou. Abolish Bingzhou Palace and six prefectures. [75]
In April of the first year of Xuanzheng (578), the Turks invaded Youzhou, killed and plundered officials and people of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and Yu Wenyong decided to crusade against the Turks. He personally led the army to attack Turks in five ways. On May Guisi (June 17, 578), Yu Wenyong fell ill on the way to the Turks. On June Dingyou (June 21), Yu Wenyong became seriously ill and returned to Beijing Chang'an. He died in Chengyu at the night of the same day at the age of 36, leaving the crown prince Yuwen Yun to take the throne. After Yu Wenyun succeeded to the throne, he posthumously assumed the title of Emperor Wu, with the temple name of Gao Zu. He was buried in the Xiaoling Tomb on his last day in June (July 13). [19] [55]

Measures for politics



  • Strengthening centralization
After killing Yu Wenhu and his followers, Emperor Wu of Zhou weakened seneschal It stipulated that the six prefectures did not have to obey the orders of Otsuka, and divided the power of Otsuka, making it a false position to strengthen imperial power. It also changed the military officers to be aides, indicating that the army was subordinate to the emperor and nationalization. Cancel the army again nation It is restricted that every male within the territory can be a soldier, greatly expanding the military strength. It also restricts the relationship between the Chief Executive and his or her colleagues in order to prevent local privatization. On the basis of the "six edicts", Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty formulated the "penalty book system". [76]
  • Religious policy
At the beginning of his accession to the throne, Yu Wenyong followed the rule of Buddhism, but he made great efforts to govern and put the most emphasis on Confucianism. At that time, the monastery occupied a large amount of fertile land and population, and did not bear corvee taxes, which seriously affected the national financial revenue and the source of soldiers, and weakened the national strength. This is the main reason why Emperor Wu of Zhou destroyed Dharma and Taoism. Encouraged by Wei Yuansong and Taoist Zhang Bin, it is the cause of destruction. [45] Before destroying the law, Emperor Wu of Zhou held many conferences to debate the three religions successively. [45] He ordered Doctor Sili Zhen Luan , study Buddhism and Taoism in detail, and determine their depth. As a result, Zhen Luan wrote "On Laughing Taoism", satirizing Taoism. In his book "On Two Religions", Dao An only established Confucianism and Buddhism, and believed that Taoism should belong to Confucianism. In the second year of Jiande (573), Emperor Wu of Zhou decided that the three religions should be followed by Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. [77]
In the fifth month of the third year of Jiande (574), Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty began to discuss how to destroy the Dharma and called monks and Taoists to gather the capital. Zhang Bin and the monk Zhixuan were overwhelmed by the debate. Emperor Wu of Zhou went on the stage to denounce the Buddhism and Zhixuan directly exposed Emperor Wu's short guard. Emperor Wu retreated unhappily. In order to show fairness, he decreed to ban Buddhism and Taoism. Emperor Wu of Zhou was tired of killing each other in the two religions, so he deposed Taoism and all kinds of folk religions at the same time of killing Buddhism. [78] The next month, Emperor Wu of Zhou set up the Taoist Temple and gathered 120 elites from the three religions as the scholars of Taoist Temple. After the extermination of the Northern Qi Dynasty in the sixth year of Jiande (577), the policy of exterminating Buddhism continued. [28] According to《 Sanbao Period 》According to Buddhist historical records, Emperor Wu of Zhou destroyed 40000 temples, forced 3 million monks and nuns to return to secular life, and became a state household again.


  • Fubing system
Jiande In the second year (573), Emperor Wu of Zhou ordered that Han farmers in Juntian should be recruited as soldiers. Soldiers themselves can be exempted from rent and corvee, and their families can also not pay rent and corvee within three years. Farmers who were formerly controlled by local powerful families are now directly controlled by the imperial court. This is a major reform of the Fubing system made by Emperor Wu of Zhou Dynasty. On the basis of Yuwentai's reform of the military system, Emperor Wu of Zhou also implemented measures to strengthen the relationship between the army and the monarch. In the second year of Jiande (573), "the soldiers were changed into attendants, and people were recruited to replace them, except for their county citizenship. Later, the Xia people were half soldiers". [40] An aide is a close minister of the Son of Heaven. The change from sergeant to adjutant is used to strengthen the close relationship between the army and the emperor, and to change the past tradition that government soldiers are exclusive to a military commander, so that they are directly subordinate to the monarch. As a result, the tendency of military decentralization has changed, and the emperor has a closer grasp of the national military strength. [79]
  • Defeat Northern Qi Dynasty
After Yu Wenyong ascended the throne, he set the goal of eliminating the Northern Qi Dynasty and unifying the North. For this reason, it was decided to concentrate on internal affairs and enhance national strength. At that time, the national strength of the Northern Qi Dynasty was declining, and it gradually lost its strength to confront the Northern Zhou Dynasty economically and militarily. In the third year of Baoding (563), Yu Wenyong joined the Turks to fight in the Northern Qi Dynasty. He won many times and captured more than 20 cities in the Northern Qi Dynasty. Later, because the Turks abandoned their challengers, the Northern Zhou army fought alone and finally failed. This failure made Yu Wenyong find out the strength comparison between the two sides, and decided to continue to develop and strengthen the national strength of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. But Yu Wenhu, who is in charge of the state power, is like a mountain blocking his way to politics. Yu Wenyong decided to get rid of Yu Wenhu first and clear away the obstacles of family politics. Yu Wenyong discussed with the minister who was dissatisfied with Yu Wenhu many times, and finally made a plan to kill Yu Wenhu.
In the first year of Jiande (572), Yu Wenyong planned to kill Yu Wenhu in the Empress Dowager's Palace, and then killed all his sons, brothers and close aides. Finally, we welcome the pro government. After being close to the government, Yu Wenyong focused his attention on internal affairs, developed production, and absorbed the equal field farmers as both farmer and soldier Expand armaments and strengthen strength. In the fourth year of Jiande (575), Emperor Wu of Zhou, who felt that his strength had greatly increased, sent 180000 troops to crusade against the Northern Qi Dynasty and captured 30 cities of the Northern Qi Dynasty in succession. Finally, he had to give up the attack because of his illness and returned to the court. This expedition greatly damaged the vitality of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and it was no longer able to compete with the Northern Zhou Dynasty. In the sixth year of Jiande (577), Yu Wenyong sent troops again, quickly attacked Yecheng, captured the leader of Qi, destroyed the Northern Qi, and unified the north. It laid the foundation for the unification of the Sui Dynasty in the future. [28]
Emperor Wu of Zhou sent 180000 troops to fight against the Northern Qi Dynasty


  • Strike down the clans
Emperor Wu of Zhou was also decisive in his attack on the aristocratic and noble families. It was a common phenomenon in the Northern and Southern Dynasties that aristocratic families occupied a large amount of land and population, and it was also a serious problem that worried the rulers of previous dynasties. The rulers have conflicts with them in competing for land and labor, so the rulers of all previous dynasties constantly want to attack them. But the degree of attack is often limited and always timid. Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty stipulated very strictly that anyone who "hides five families or more than ten people, or hides more than three hectares of land, will die". [38] This decree can be said to be the most severe one for the big landlords to protect the land population since Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty created the Three Chiefs.
  • Release the slave
After assuming the throne, Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty issued an imperial edict in the fifth year of Baoding (565): "Jiangling people who are over 65 years old and are official slaves have been ordered to be released. Their public and private slaves, ranging from 70 years old to more, will be redeemed as commoners in the court."
In the first year of Jiande (572), Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty issued an edict again, "Those captured by Jiangling who serve as officials will be exempted from serving as people". After the annihilation of Qi in the sixth year of Jiande (577), Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty issued an edict: "Since the third year of the puppet Wuping (the year of the Northern Qi Dynasty) (572), the people of the various states in Henan have been slaves of Qi. They don't care about the officials or private affairs, and should be released. Those who live in Huainan should also listen to it; those who wish to live in Huaibei can be settled at will." [28] Shortly after the same year, an imperial edict was issued: "Since July of the third year of Yongxi (534), before October of last year, the people of Dongtu were copied as slaves in Huanei, and those who were not slaves after Pingjiangling should be released. They should be attached to their families and live together with the people. If the old owners still had to live together, they should stay Tribe And guest girls. " Through these two edicts, the slaves who had been copied since the first year of Jiande (572), the slaves who had not been taken as slaves by the free people in Pingjiangling since the third year of Yongxi in the Northern Wei Dynasty (534), and the slaves who had been copied as slaves by the people of Northern Qi before October of the fifth year of Jiande (576) were pardoned. [80] The next year, Dou Luning was ordered to release the "people who were slaves" captured by Dou Luning when he attacked Wuling in the south of the Yangtze River. He also paid attention to the development of farmland and water conservancy Longshou Canal And irrigate widely ". [81]
  • Industrial and commercial policies
In the first year of Baoding (561), Emperor Wu of Zhou announced to recast the coins, named Buquan , the quality is five times of the previous, and Five baht coins Parallel. [39] Emperor Wu of Zhou also issued a unified measure to facilitate commercial exchanges. [27]


  • Turkic
In the early days of the reign of Emperor Wu of Zhou, he adopted a united attitude towards Turks. In the third year of Baoding (563), Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty issued an imperial edict to follow the Duke Yang Zhong Led an army of 10000, and jointly fought with the Turks against the Northern Qi Dynasty. At that time, the Turks Irkin Led 100000 troops to respond to the Northern Zhou Dynasty.
In the first month of the fourth year of Baoding (566), the attack on Jinyang in the Northern Qi Dynasty was unsuccessful. As soon as the weight is lifted, the soldiers will be swept. People said to Emperor Wu of Zhou that Turkic leaders were difficult to control and should be very careful. In the same year, when Jin sent another messenger, he invited Dongfa even more. Imperial edict Yang Zhong Lead the troops out of fertile fields, the Duke of Jin Yu Wenhu Lead the army to attack Luoyang in response. Later, when Zhou's army retreated, Yang Zhong also returned. [41]
In April of the first year of Xuanzheng (578), he led the Turkic army to attack Youzhou. Zhu State of Northern Zhou Dynasty Liu Xiong Lead the soldiers to refuse to fight, and lose and die. Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was very angry. He led the main force of the Northern Zhou Dynasty to prepare for the Northern Expedition, but died on the march. [82]
  • Tuyuhun
In February of the fifth year of Jiande (576), Tuyuhun In the domestic turmoil, Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty sent Crown Prince Yuwenyun to patrol the land on the western border of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, led the army to crusade against Tuyuhun, and granted the Crown Prince the right to deal with minority affairs arbitrarily at a temporary moment. [42] In August, Crown Prince Yuwenyun launched a crusade against Tuyuhun, and the army arrived Fuwei City Return to the army. [43]

Historical evaluation


Evaluation of historical records

  • Linghu Defen Zhou Shu 》: "The emperor was resolute and resourceful. At the beginning, he protected the autocracy with the Duke of Jin. He often hid himself, and people could not fathom the depth of his power. After he was killed, he began to love all opportunities. He restrained himself and encouraged himself. He was not slow to listen and read. His usage was strict, and many crimes were killed. His orders were merciful, but only for the government. The people in the crowd were afraid, and they were all solemn. His nature was both discerning and less than grace. Every man who stood up with his arms wanted to surpass the ancients. Cloth robes and bedclothes are not adorned with jewels. All the palaces with gorgeous colors are demolished and replaced with earth steps of several feet instead of cogongs. Its carving and beautiful compilation group are all forbidden. There are no more than ten concubines in the harem. I will continue to strive for self-improvement. Teach and learn with the enthusiasm of those who are not healthy at home. As for the soldiers studying martial arts, walking in the valley and working hard, they are unbearable. In the battle of Pingqi, the emperor took off his boots and gave them to the soldiers who had bared their boots. At every banquet, the soldiers and soldiers must hold a cup of wine or hand give gifts. As for the place of expedition, bow in line. Determined and decisive, it can make a big difference. Therefore, we can gain the strength of the soldiers and use the weak to control the strong. After Qi was defeated, he wanted to fight against the Turks and settle down in the south of the Yangtze River. In a year or two, he would unify the whole country. This is his ambition. " [2] [28]
  • Li Yanshou Northern History 》: "Wu Huangzuan is not close to all opportunities; he is far sighted and deep minded, so he can be nurtured by enlightenment. With the development of Yingwei's telegram, the government is new; the internal difficulties are eliminated, and the external difficulties are just beginning. It is hard to think, restrain oneself and encourage excellence; labor is the first of the soldiers, living in the frugality of the same people; the policy of building a rich country, and the skill of strengthening the military; take advantage of the challenge of the opponent, and follow the way of heaven to die. In a few years, great heroes gathered together. He named his ancestors' home and saved the danger of Dongxia. There are successful people. If there is no good in the future, the business ambition will be applied; Militant, though seen ridicule good history; The grand plan is far and slightly, and the foot is just ahead of the former king. " [29]

Evaluation of past dynasties

  • Yu Wentai : He who has become my ambition must be here. [3]
  • Yu Wenyu : Madam, if you don't say anything, you must hit the mark. [6]
    • ① The Emperor Gaozu looked deeply, and talked about Confucianism and metaphysics for many years. There was nothing to be expected, and sacrificing would leave few people. The Duke of Jin would not avoid it. But the owner can't bear to cut things from the bottom. Power has been strong for many generations, and once it has been broken. It is due to the party and the slaughter. There is no surplus of evil birds and odors on the ground. You should abandon extravagance and prostitution, go to hypocrisy, practice virtue and justice. The food inside the screen is heavy, and the clothes with large cloth are bowed. It started from the Six Palaces and was taken by the Nine Costumes. The orders and prohibitions are carried out with awe both inside and outside. It is very important to establish religion with Shi. In modern times, he wasted his financial resources and issued an imperial edict to eliminate it, which was also not done by the former king. When Qi Qi lost his virtue, he killed himself by abusing others. He fought against Rongxuan and killed them again. The military order is solemn, and we should never violate it. It is determined by several patrols, and no one will be killed. If you don't get off the bus, you will be able to reform the system. Shandong ladies are happy to wear. But his strict and tolerant nature results from killing. There is no waste drinking before the blood flow is full. Good luck everywhere, especially hunting. From the bird outside, not return at night. Fly away and so on. Those who know this are few. Although he has martial arts, he doesn't mention Wen De. Yi set the etiquette and education, and built the Queru. To mend armour and control troops will sweep the desert. If the distant view fails, the sudden illness will rise. [49]
    • ② The emperor alone moved far and slightly to stop (to kill Buddha), which is the best policy for strengthening the country and enriching the people. [50]
  • Yu Shinan : Zhou Wu is brave and resolute. He has talent and strategy to make a difference. He is humble and encourages people. His laws are strict, although Gou Jian Rangju There is nothing wrong with it. However, the rule of capture is known in the sea, but the virtue of benevolence and benevolence is unknown in the world. The prodigy of this fierce general is not measured by a man. [30]
    • ① Reward meritorious deeds and punish the guilty. It is the man's duty. Gao Zun served as an envoy to a foreign country. He betrayed his officials when he leaked great ideas. If Zhou Gaozu didn't kill himself, he would give him humility to recover his grievances and punish him for misrule! Confucius said that those who repay with virtue, how can they repay with virtue? Those who are modest should not accept the words, but should be handed over to the officials and punished with canon. It is requested and forgiven in order to achieve his private name. Beauty is beauty, and it is not justice. [31]
    • ② Zhou Gaozu can be said to have won by virtue! If others win, luxury will increase; if ancestors win, frugality will increase. [32]
  • Wang Fuzhi : Yu Wenyong's policy is full of simple books. It is only two years since he was born, but the Yang family took his country as Duo. [33]
  • Cai Dongfan : Leader Yong of Zhou was a hero. After he was even, he defeated Chen again. Although Chen General Wu Mingche The faint old man miscalculated, so that he was defeated and captured. However, if Zhou had broken the lock of the king's track, he would not have been defeated. Those who defeat the old are the king's guides, and those who use the guide are the leaders of Zhou Yong. Would you rather not be the wise leaders of Zhou? Yong, the leader of the only Zhou Dynasty, is known as a man who knows his own son. [34]
    • ① Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was able to make great efforts. [35]
    • ② The life of Emperor Wu of Zhou is quite similar to that of later Emperor Shizong of Zhou. The destruction of Qi by Emperor Wu was just like the destruction of Northern Han by Shizong; It took Huainan for its Chen destruction, just as Shizong destroyed the Southern Tang Dynasty; Breaking the Chen Dynasty and attacking the Turks, just as Shizong broke the Southern Tang Dynasty and attacking Khitan; In case of illness during the Northern Expedition, the two were similar. Historical events cannot be the same, but their similarities are different. [53 ]
  • Tang Changru : Emperor Wu of Zhou was a competent monarch. He carried out a series of reforms: reform the military system again, and the emperor himself controlled the military power, thus strengthening the centralization and imperial power. The expansion of the source of troops was completed in the period of Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty. A large number of Han people served as the soldiers of the government, and the boundaries between Hu and Han in the army were eliminated. Release your slaves. After the extermination of the Northern Qi Dynasty by Zhou in 576 AD, Emperor Wu successively issued an edict to release the slaves who had been captured by both sides in the previous Zhou Qi war. During the Western Wei Dynasty, Jiangling was occupied (at that time, Emperor Yuan of Liang established the capital of Jiangling), and hundreds of thousands of Jiangling people were captured as slaves, which was also released at that time. However, the imperial edict said that if the people in the East (that is, the people in the Northern Qi Dynasty) and Jiangling people acted as slaves, if the master refused to let them go, they would change into tribal guest girls. Tribe is higher than servant. The measures taken by Emperor Wu of Zhou to release slaves are of positive significance. Except Buddhism. As we know, Buddhism prevailed in the Northern Wei Dynasty. The monasteries had a large amount of land and dependent population, and temple nobles appeared. The dependent population of the monastery is seriously exploited. Monk households pay 60 stone millets to the monastery every year, and the personal dependency relationship is also strong. Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty abolished Buddhism and made all monks return to secular life, so that part of the dependent population of the monasteries became household members of the state. This is also of positive significance. [51 ]
  • Wang Zhongluo Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was an outstanding figure in the history of that time. He not only ended the confrontation between Zhou and Qi, but also laid a good foundation for the unification of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. During his reign, the Northern Zhou Dynasty began to absorb the vast number of Han farmers in the field as soldiers, which not only greatly expanded the ranks of the soldiers, but also strengthened the military strength. At the same time, because Han farmers participate in the government troops with a strong Xianbei culture, it is possible for Xianbei and Han people to further integrate. In addition, he eliminated the economic power of the monks and landlords, confiscated many properties and land of the monastery, thus increasing the wealth of the country and adjusting the burden of taxes and servitude of the people. Before and after the end of the Qi Dynasty, he also issued five edicts to release slaves and let the old masters remain as tribes and guest girls, which weakened the residual form of slavery at that time and promoted the development of feudal relations. Therefore, Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty played a positive role in the historical process at that time. [47]
  • Xia Lu:
    • ① Emperor Wu of Zhou devoted his life to reform. He implemented a series of reform measures on the basis of his father Yuwentai's hard work. It is a major reform of the Fubing system made by Emperor Wu of Zhou Dynasty to absorb Han farmers from the field of equalization as Fubing. He also focused on the development of farmland and water conservancy. All these reform measures complied with the requirements of historical development, promoted the liberation of productive forces, and played a positive role in the economic recovery and social stability at that time.
    • ② During his life, Emperor Wu of Zhou was able to share weal and woe with his soldiers and soldiers. He "teaches with keen passion. As for the soldiers who study martial arts, walk in the valley, and work hard, everyone can't bear it... At every banquet, the soldiers and soldiers must hold a cup of wine or hand give gifts. As for the place of war, they can bow in the line of Chen", so "they can get the strength of the soldiers and soldiers". Emperor Wu of Zhou deserves to be the hero of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.
    • ③ Emperor Wu of Zhou deserves to be a hero of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Unfortunately, he died on the eve of the expedition when he was planning to "pacify the Turks and settle down in the south of the Yangtze River" and realize the ideal of unifying the country. [48 ]
  • Zhu Dawei : King Qin Fu Jian , Wei Emperor Xiaowen Northern Zhou Dynasty The two emperors, Wen and Wu, were talented and had a high level of Han culture. Therefore, the excellent traditional connotation of Han culture and its importance to the improvement of the cultural quality of the nation can be deeply understood, so as to accurately grasp the guiding ideology of sinicization. [37]
  • Cypress poplar : Yu Wenyong is a wise monarch. When the regime is really under control, he will kill Yu Wenhu, and then look at the chaotic Northern Qi Empire in the east to find a good opportunity to conquer. [52]
  • Mei Yi : Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Yu Wenyong, is extremely powerful, calm, intelligent and unpredictable. When the emperor was in nineteen years, he first hide one 's capacities and bide one 's time , Minister of Genocide Yu Wenhu Later, he took charge of Wanji personally and killed the Gao family in the Northern Qi Dynasty. [36]

Anecdotes and allusions


Visiting Confucian scholars in person

In the sixth year of Jiande (577), Yu Wenyong entered Yecheng. Xiong Ansheng, a doctor from Changle, the State of the Northern Qi Dynasty, learned that Yu Wenyong entered Yecheng and ordered his family to clean the house. The family wondered why he did so. Xiong Ansheng said, "The emperor of the Zhou Dynasty respects Confucianism and will definitely come back to see me." Soon, Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty, Yu Wenyong, came to his home to avoid his worship ceremony, held his hand and sat with him; The reward is very generous. Give him a four horse carriage to follow him. He also sent a young Sima Tang Daohe to proclaim a decree on the residence of Li Delin, the minister of the middle school, saying, "It is up to you to pacify Qi." He sent people to take him into the palace, and Shi Yuwenang sent an internal visit to the customs, politics, religion, and good and evil characters of the Qi Dynasty. He stayed for introspection and returned to the palace three nights later. [83]

The matter comes out and the right comes out

Yu Wenyong once went to listen to Dharma Master Dao'an, and Dao'an asked him to sit on the ground while he started speaking as usual. When Tao An prepared food for lunch, Yu Wenyong said: "I heard that laymen can't eat with monks. Why did the mage let me get punished for this?" Tao An said: "The Buddha's teaching has power and reality, and the commandments also stipulate exceptions. Even the rebels and traitors can give him food to eat." Yu Wenyong went to the southern suburbs and invited Tao An to observe the ceremony. Dao An said, "Your Majesty is out of the palace because of the people, but I don't want to go out because of the solemn Buddhism." Yu Wenyong said he was kind for a long time. [46]


In the history books, Yu Wenyong is a strict father and the crown prince who was not good at teaching his successor Yu Wenyun (Later Emperor Xuan of the Northern Zhou Dynasty )He used corporal punishment and repeatedly threatened to abolish his crown prince status, but in the end he failed to do so. Such a move was counterproductive, making Yuwen Yun even more disobedient to his preaching. [20]

interpersonal relationship



full name
God of Literature
Chi Nu( Chi Nu Empress Dowager [1] [21]


full name
Turkic Wood Khan Daughter
queen Li E Zi
Born Emperor Xuan Yu Wenyun , Hanwang Yuwen Zan , chasing the queen
Empress Shen
In the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the great general of the cavalry, the crown prince, the daughter-in-law of Shen Xie and the left minister of the minister [85-86]
Concubine Li
Zhuguo in the Western Wei Dynasty, Zhu Militants in the Twelve Prefectures of Longyou, Zuopushe in Xingtai, Taiwei Duke, and Kaiguo Duke in Longxi County Li Hu Daughter [87]
Born to King Qin Yu Wenzhi , King Cao Yu Wenyun
Feng Ji
Life King Yu Wenchong
Xue Shifu
Born Cai Wang Yu Wendui
Zheng Ji
Born King Jing Yuwenyuan [22]


full name
Year of birth and death
eldest son
Emperor Xuan of Zhou
second son
Han King
?- 581
King Qin
?- 581
King Cao
?- 581
The five sub
King of Taoism
?- 581
Cai Wang
?- 581
Seven sons
King Jing
?- 581
reference material: [22]


Married to the Duke of Shibao County Yama Pili [23] Have a second son Yan Lide Yan Liben
Marry a bird to an elephant. [24-25]
Unknown seal number
The royal daughter, whose title and deeds are unknown, only knows that she was born Days and Five years (570 years), June Gengzi Day. [26]

Commemoration for future generations

Xiaoling Tomb, located in Weicheng District, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, is the joint burial tomb of Emperor Wu of Zhou Yu Wenyong and Empress Ashina.
In 1993, the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology accidentally found a high-level tomb of the Northern Zhou Dynasty in Chenma Village, Xianyang. After the rescue excavation, important cultural relics such as epitaphs and gold seals were unearthed, indicating that the owner of the tomb was the third emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Wu Wenyong, and his Wude empress Ashina. The tomb was Xiaoling Tomb of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. [90]
In 2003, it was announced by the People's Government of Shaanxi Province as the fourth batch of cultural relics protection units in Shaanxi Province. The ground is not sealed. It is only 3 kilometers away from Xi'an and Xianyang International Airport in the west, 12 kilometers away from Xianyang City in the southwest, and 2 kilometers away from Dizhang Town in the south. The mausoleum was built on the loess plateau on the north bank of the Weihe River. The surrounding terrain is relatively flat, with an altitude of about 470 meters. The total length of the tomb path is 68.4 meters. The grave is composed of a graveway, 5 patios, 4 niches, a passage, a corridor, and a tomb chamber. From north to south, the tomb path is in the south, and the tomb is in convex shape, with an area of about 20.9 square meters. The floor is paved with rectangular green bricks. There are wooden coffins on the east, west and south sides of the tomb. Dixi, Houdong. When Empress Wude was buried, the tomb was extended 60cm to the east. From September 3, 1994 to January 20, 1995, Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Xianyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology carried out rescue excavation. [84]

Cause of death analysis

After analyzing 33 trace elements in the remains of Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the team found that the contents of arsenic (As), boron (B) and antimony (Sb) in his body were significantly higher than the average levels of ancient civilians and nobles at the same time. These elements were accumulated in the skeleton in a long-term diet.
During the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties when Emperor Wu lived in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, taking Taoist pills was the spiritual pursuit and lifestyle advocated by the upper class of society. The analysis shows that the body element composition of the sample of Emperor Wu in the Northern Zhou Dynasty is the closest to that of the aristocrat Guo Siben in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. According to literature records, Guo Siben had a habit of taking pills for a long time, and even received pills from the emperor. Emperor Wu experienced the accumulation of elements similar to those of Guo Siben, and the arsenic (As), boron (B) and antimony (Sb) elements in his remains were significantly higher, probably because he took pills with realgar (As), bauxite (As), borax (B) and stibnite (Sb) as the main components.
According to historical records, during the four years from 575 to 578 AD, Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty suffered from several illnesses. When he was ill, "the internal qi of the body evaporated, and the body sores erupted (the internal symptoms of the body kept accumulating, and broke out on the surface of the skin)." The body was covered with scabs, and died of a vicious disease (because of the body sores, he died of a serious disease), "reflecting that his pain was characterized by skin diseases. In the view of the research team, this is consistent with the pathological manifestations of chronic arsenism. At the same time, a black pigmentation area was found on his leg. "It may be caused by bone marrow necrosis caused by local skin lesions after arsenic poisoning." [90]

Character image


Modern Restoration

On March 28, 2024, the Institute of Science and Technology Archaeology of Fudan University and the Shaanxi Provincial Archaeological Institute officially announced the "restoration map" of the head portrait of Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and related archaeological achievements. This is the first time that China has restored the appearance of ancient emperors by means of scientific and technological archaeology, giving history a fresh breath. [88]
The head portrait of Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Yu Wenyong, is a "restoration picture"

Film and television image

particular year
Play title
reference material: [44]