Northern Hemisphere

[běi bàn qiú]
The area north of the earth's equator
zero Useful+1
The Northern Hemisphere refers to the Earth equator The area to the north. In this hemisphere, land accounts for 39.3% and ocean 60.7%. Northern Hemisphere winter Usually from December to February, summer Usually from June to August, and southern hemisphere The four seasons are opposite. The two most widely distributed climates in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere are: temperate continental climate and Subalpine coniferous forest climate All located in the northern hemisphere are North America and Europe.
Chinese name
Northern Hemisphere
Foreign name
Northern Hemisphere
earth equator Areas to the north
area covered
Land accounts for 39.3% and sea 60.7%
Including countries
China U.S.A , Japan, Britain, Germany, etc
Geographic science

Definition of words

The Northern Hemisphere refers to the hemisphere north of the Earth's equator. In this hemisphere, land accounts for 39.3% and ocean 60.7%. [1]


Most of the earth's land (most of Asia, all of Europe, the northern half of Africa, all of North America, the extreme north of South America) and population are in the northern hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere gathers most of the world's economically and militarily leading countries, such as China, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands Spain , Portugal and other countries. In the Northern Hemisphere, winter is usually from December to February, and summer is usually from June to August, which is opposite to the four seasons in the Southern Hemisphere.
The oceans in the northern hemisphere include the North Pacific Ocean, the North Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. [1]


According to the tilt angle of the earth's rotation axis, winter in the northern hemisphere begins at the beginning of winter in the 24 solar terms and ends at the minute of March (about March 20); Summer begins at the beginning of summer and ends at September minute (about September 21). The northernmost area of the Northern Hemisphere is the Arctic Circle, and the Arctic is the northern end of the Arctic Circle. The seasons can be roughly divided into cold winter and cold summer, and the temperature is lower than other regions on average.
In winter, the Arctic will encounter a situation where the sun is below the horizon for one day or more, which is called polar night; In summer, the sun is above the horizon for one or more consecutive days, which is called polar day. This situation lasts at least one day in the Arctic Circle, and can last for several months in areas close to the extreme.
stay arctic circle To the south the Tropic of Cancer The area to the north is the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, whose temperature changes are relatively gentle compared with the Arctic region, and there is less extreme cold and hot phenomenon. However, this mild climate is also prone to unpredictable weather. The climate in the tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere (south of the Tropic of Cancer and north of the equator) is often hot all year round.
Generally, its summer is rainy season and its winter is dry season. In the Northern Hemisphere, large objects passing through or above the ground level will move clockwise under the influence of the Coriolis force. Large air currents or ocean currents also occur in the Northern Hemisphere, and North Pacific and North Atlantic The current of is the best example. In the southern hemisphere, the direction is just the opposite.

Countries in the Northern Hemisphere



There are 45 countries in the Northern Hemisphere and 2 countries in the Northern Hemisphere:
Fully located in the northern hemisphere: China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Cyprus.
Partly in the Northern Hemisphere: Maldives Indonesia [1]


There are 44 countries completely located in the northern hemisphere:
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Italy, Vatican, San Marino, Malta, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, United Kingdom Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Monaco, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein.


There are 32 countries and regions completely located in the Northern Hemisphere, and 6 countries partially located in the Northern Hemisphere:
Fully located in the northern hemisphere: Egypt, Sudan South Sudan , Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde, Sierra Leone, Liberia, C ô te d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Chad, Central Africa Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe.
Some are located in the northern hemisphere: Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Congo Brazzaville, Congo Kinshasa and Gabon. [1]

North America

All are located in the northern hemisphere, and there are 23 countries:
United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominica, Costa Rica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago Nicaragua.

South America

There are 4 countries and regions completely located in the Northern Hemisphere, and 3 countries partially located in the Northern Hemisphere:
It is completely located in the northern hemisphere: Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana.
Part of it is located in the northern hemisphere: Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil.


No country is completely located in the northern hemisphere, and there are 2 countries partially located in the northern hemisphere:
Part of it is located in the northern hemisphere: Micronesia Polynesia. [1]