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The Fifth Military Academy

The collective name of the five battalions of the Northern Army in the Eastern Han Dynasty
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The five schools of the Northern Army and the imperial guard of the Eastern Han Dynasty refer to the five battalions of the Northern Army, including five battalions of cavalry, Yue cavalry, infantry, Changshui and Shisheng.
Chinese name
The Fifth Military Academy
Common garrison cavalry, Yue cavalry, infantry, long water, shooting sound
Forbidden soldiers of the fifth battalion of the Northern Army


brief introduction

The five schools of the Northern Army, the joint name of the commander in chief of the five battalions of the Northern Army in the Eastern Han Dynasty, are now used to refer to the five battalions of the Northern Army. In the Western Han Dynasty, there were eight schools of the Northern Army. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, officials were simplified and only five officers were assigned. That is to say, the battalion in the middle of the province, and the five battalions of garrison cavalry, Yue cavalry, infantry, Changshui and Yaosheng are reserved. The original Huqi Camp was merged into Changshui, Huben Camp and Sound Camp. The rank of the commander of the fifth battalion is more than two thousand stones. The officials are prominent and idle, and most of them are from the heart of the royal family. The Northern Army with six hundred stones ranks is waiting for one person to supervise the soldiers of the fifth battalion. Each school captain has a subordinate Sima, who ranks Qianshi. The establishment of the five colonels lasted until the Eastern Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties.


  • Tunqi Camp
Han cavalry is the main source of soldiers.
  • Yueqi Camp
The main source of soldiers was the attached Yue cavalry.
  • Infantry Battalion
Infantry battalion, northwest timber officer is the main source of soldiers.
  • Changshuiying
Long water Xuanqu Hu riding.
  • Sound shooting camp
Light armed crossbow soldiers.