
Character groups studying chemistry
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Chemists generally refer to scientists engaged in modern chemical research, which can be divided into full-time and part-time. In the UK, they can also refer to pharmacist Chemistry is a natural science that studies the composition, structure, properties and change laws of substances at the atomic level, while chemists are workers specializing in these substances and their properties. Chemists will chemical element , atoms, molecules and how they interact. Chemists also study and test drugs, explosives and other things. Chemistry is a very important science, because most new drugs are developed through chemical technology.
Chinese name
Foreign name
A pharmacist
Chemical elements, atoms, molecules, etc
Attach importance to
Chemical Science
Drugs and explosives
research field
Inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, etc


The difference between a chemist and others is that they usually carefully check the changes of every object around them. Most of their work is to study how to mass produce all kinds of expensive pharmaceutical or industrial chemicals in order to benefit the public or make a profit.
Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry
Every chemist has different specialties, but they have some common ways of doing things. First of all, when they look at something, they usually study whether it is an acid or a base, and analyze the object from an atomic perspective. Secondly, they carefully measured the proportion of different substances when the objects were mixed, the speed of reaction when the chemical action was in progress, and the difference of chemical properties between different objects. In addition, they will use their limited knowledge to try to understand things they are not familiar with, so that they can learn more knowledge. Material scientists are Metallurgy Family, but they usually majored in chemistry when they were studying.
Most chemists go out to work when they graduate from college, but some companies employ people with doctorates. Many chemistry related jobs or college chemistry courses attach equal importance to mathematics, physics and chemistry, because chemistry is also known as Central science
At the time of master's degree, chemical science students have to specialize in a branch. Most people choose biochemistry, Organic chemistry Or inorganic chemistry, etc.
After reading the book, chemistry graduates become chemists and will come out to work. Most of them will join chemical industry Or do pharmacist In many National University Actually, there is one subject Pharmaceutics Junior college, but some people will become pharmacists after finishing chemistry. Some chemists will choose to work for the government as technicians in government laboratories.



Foreign chemists

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev( Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev)
John Dalton (John Dalton)
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
Pierre Curie (Pierre Curie)
Marie Curie (Marie Curie
Frederic Joliot Curie
Ir è ne Joliot Curie
humphry davy (Humphry Davy)
Michael Faraday Michael Faraday
Robert Boyle( Robert Boyle
Joseph Louis ·Joseph Louis Gay —Lussac)
Jons Jakob Berzelius
John Rudolph· Grauber (Johann Rudolf Glauber)
Jacobs Henrix· Vant Hoff (Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff)
Carl Wilhelm Scheele (Carl Wilhelm Scheele)
Justus von Liebig (Justus von Lie big
Carl· Schorlemmer (Carl Schorlemmer)
Fritz Haber (Fritz Haber)
Qian Yongjian (Roger Yonchien Tsien)
Xiacun Repair (Osamu Shimomura )
Martin Chalfie (Martin Chalfie)
Vankataraman Ramakrishnan (Venkatraman Ramakrishnan)
Thomas Steitz (Thomas A.Steitz)
Ada Yonash (Ada E.Yonath)
Le Chatelier (Henri Louis Le Chatelier
Michael Granzel (Michael Gratzel)
Jacqueline K. Barton (Jacqueline K. Barton)
Bernd Giese
Gary B. Schuster
Benjamin List
Jeffrey Bode
Irving Langmuir
Linus Carl Pauling
Joseph Priestley (Joseph Priestley)
Heitler (Walter Heinrich Heitler)
Ras Becknaden
Richard R. Schrock
Cassille Fink
Travis McLean

Chinese chemist

Li Yuanzhe
Ge Hong
Lu Jiaxi
Huang Xian
Fu Ying
Meng Hong
Wang Xuan
Gao Jiyu

Outstanding representative



Mendeleev: Russia chemist. Born on February 7, 1834 Siberia Toborsk, died on February 2, 1907 St.Petersburg In 1850, he entered Saint Petersburg Normal College to study chemistry, and in 1855, he became a teacher of Odessa Middle School after graduation. In 1857 St. Petersburg University Associate professor. He went to Germany in 1859 Heidelberg University further education. In 1860, he participated in the International Congress of Chemists held in Karlsruhe. In 1861, he returned to St. Petersburg to engage in scientific writing. In 1863, he was a professor of the Institute of Technology, and in 1865, he received a doctor's degree in chemistry. In 1866, he was professor of general chemistry at St. Petersburg University, and in 1867, he was director of the chemistry teaching and research section. Since 1893, he has been the Director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures. Elected in 1890 Royal Society Foreign members.
Character's Life
Mendeleev (ДмитрийИвановичМенделеев) was born on February 7, 1834 Siberia Toborsk, died on February 2, 1907 Petersburg
In 1848, he joined the Petersburg Academy, and in 1850, he joined the Petersburg Normal University to study chemistry. In 1855, he obtained Teacher qualification , and obtained Gold medal After graduation, he became a teacher of Odessa Middle School.
In 1856, he received an advanced degree in chemistry, and in 1857, he was appointed as an associate professor of the University of Petersburg. He went to Germany in 1859 Heidelberg University further education.
In 1860, he participated in the International Congress of Chemists held in Karlsruhe.
In 1861, he returned to Petersburg to engage in scientific writing. Professor of the Institute of Technology in 1863, Mendeleev in 1864 technical professional training school Professor of chemistry, received a doctor's degree in chemistry in 1865.
In 1866, he was professor of general chemistry at Petersburg University, and in 1867, he was director of the chemistry teaching and research section.
Since 1893, he has been the Director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures. In 1890, he was elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society of England.
On February 2, 1907, the famous Russian chemist Mendeleev died at the age of 73. [2] In memory of this great scientist, in 1955 U.S.A A. Gniorso, B.G. Harvey, G.R. Choppin, etc., bombarded the accelerator with helium nuclei Einsteinium (253Es), einsteinium combines with the helium nucleus to emit a neutron and obtain a new element, which is named after Mendeleyev Extra (Mendelevium,Md)。
Major achievements
Mendeleev's greatest contribution is the discovery of the periodic law of chemical elements. It is now called Mendeleev's periodic law. In February 1869, Mendeleev compiled a periodic table (Table 1). In March of the same year, he entrusted N A. Minshutkin At the Russian Chemical Society, he read out a paper entitled "Relationship between the Attribute of Elements and Atomic Weight", and expounded Periodic law of elements Key points of:
① As per Atomic weight The elements arranged in the order of size show obvious periodicity in nature.
② The size of the atomic weight determines the characteristics of the element.
③ The discovery of many unknown elements should be expected, for example, elements similar to aluminum and silicon with atomic weights between 65 and 75 should be expected.
④ The atomic weight of certain elements can sometimes be modified after the same kind of elements are known.
In 1871, Mendeleev also published the paper "Periodic Dependence of Chemical Elements", which further elaborated the periodic law of chemical elements. He also revised the periodic table of chemical elements (Table 2) Vertical The table of is changed to horizontal column, highlighting Element family And periodic Regularity Divided Main family and Accessory family , making it basically modern periodic table of ele ments Form of.
In the process of discovering the periodic law and making the periodic table, Mendeleev ignored the recognized atomic weight at that time Rearrangement In addition to the positions of some elements (Os, Ir, Pt, Au; Te, I; Ni, Co), and considering the reasonable positions in the periodic table, some other elements (In La , Y, Er, Ce, Th, U), and predicted the existence of some elements. In the periodic table of elements in 1869, Mendeleev left four undiscovered elements vacancy In 1871, he also published a paper, "The Natural System of Elements and the Use of It to Indicate the Properties of Some Elements". For some elements, for example, Aluminoid Boron like The existence and properties of silicon like compounds and their atomic weights are predicted in detail. There are 6 such vacancies left. Mendeleev's inference was confirmed by later chemical experiments.
The discovery of the periodic law of elements has inspired people to discover new elements and research inorganic chemistry The upsurge of theory. The discovery of the periodic law of elements is an important milestone in the history of chemical development. It systematizes a large amount of knowledge about various elements for hundreds of years, forms a unified system with internal links, and then makes it a theory.
Mendeleev also studied the relationship between the volume of gas and liquid and temperature and pressure critical temperature And proposed liquid thermal expansion Of Empirical In 1865, he studied the properties of the solution and proposed hydrate The theory laid the foundation for the modern solution theory. From 1872 to 1882, he and his students accurately measured the Compressibility factor
Mendeleev was awarded the Royal Society of England for discovering the periodic law David Medal He also won the award of Copley Medal In 1955, scientists named element 101 as Extra Mendeleev wrote Principles of Chemistry A book that has been translated into English, French and other languages.

Madame Curie

Madame Curie
Madame Curie Marie Curie (1867-1934) French poland Scientist Radioactive phenomenon , found radium and polonium radioactive element , twice in his life Nobel Prize As an outstanding scientist, Madame Curie has a social influence that ordinary scientists do not have. Especially because she is the pioneer of successful women, her example has inspired many people. A lot of people Childhood I heard her story but got a simplified and incomplete impression. The world's understanding of Madame Curie. To a large extent, it was influenced by Madame Curie, the biography of the second daughter published in 1937. This book beautifies Madame Curie's life and deals with all the twists and turns in her life. American biographer Susan Quinn spent seven years collecting undisclosed diaries and biographical information She published a new book: Maria Curie: A Life, which depicts a more detailed and in-depth picture of her hard, bitter and struggling life.
If you only look at your resume, it's easy to think that Maria Curie is just a successful scientist. She was in Poland in November 1867 Warsaw birth. There are one brother and three sisters. Both parents are teachers. At the age of 15, she graduated from high school with the first place. After that, I worked for several years private tutor , came to the corporation in 1891 Paris University Sorbonne Branch schools Sorbonne received college education and graduated in 1894 with two certificates in mathematics and physics. In 1895, she worked with Pierre Curie (Pierre Curie) married, and the eldest daughter Ir è ne was born in the autumn of 1897. Previously. She worked with Gabriel Lippman of Sorbonne magnetism Research, and published the first paper; At this time, in order to Doctoral Dissertation As a preparation, she began to carry out new projects in Pierre's laboratory, and Pierre soon joined his wife's work. Their experimental notes began on December 6, 1897, and recorded the first observation of new radioactivity element Polonium (pollonium). After several months of tracking and analysis, they officially submitted on July 18 French Academy of Sciences In the report read out, two important discoveries were made: one was the element polonium, and the other was the concept of radioactivity. The discovery of such phenomena as the purification of polonium and the separation of radium, another new element, has greatly stimulated chemical research; The study of radioactivity is a breakthrough in the study of the nature of matter. In June 1903, Madame Curie was awarded Physics after her thesis defense Doctor of Science In early November, the Curies were awarded the David Medal of the Royal Society( Humphrey DavyMedal); in the middle of November, it was learned that he and HenriBecquerel had won the same prize The nobel prize in physics This is the highest honor in recognition of their research on radioactive phenomena. In 1905, they got their second daughter Eve. Pierre died in 1906. In 1911, Madame Curie won Nobel Prize in Chemistry For her discovery of polonium and radium. Madame Curie died in 1934. In 1935, her eldest daughter Ellen and her son-in-law, Fr é d é ric Joliot Curie, won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (Madame Curie knew their scientific discoveries when she was alive). Madame Curie, published by the second daughter in 1937, became a popular biography all over the world.
Major achievements
Madame Curie is here experimental study A measuring instrument is designed, which can not only detect whether there is ray in a certain substance, but also measure the intensity of ray. After repeated experiments, she found that the intensity of uranium rays is proportional to the uranium content in the material, but has nothing to do with the state of uranium existence and external conditions.
Madame Curie is right chemical element After a comprehensive inspection of all compounds, an important discovery was made: an element called thorium can also automatically emit invisible rays, which shows that the phenomenon that an element can emit rays is not only the characteristic of uranium, but the common characteristic of some elements. She called this phenomenon radioactivity , call elements with this property radioactive element The radiation they emit is called“ Radiation ”。
At the end of 1902, Madame Curie refined one tenth of the gram of extremely pure Radium chloride And accurately measured its atomic weight. Since then, the existence of radium has been confirmed. Radium is extremely difficult to obtain Natural radioactive material Its shape is shiny, like refined salt The same white crystal, radium has slightly blue fluorescence, which is beautiful Light blue The fluorescence, into a woman's beautiful life and indomitable faith. stay spectral analysis Which is associated with the Spectral line Are different. Radium is not the first radioactive element discovered by human beings, but it is the most radioactive element. With its strong radioactivity, it can be further identified Radiation Many new properties of. So that many elements can be further applied in practice. Medical research has found that radium rays have different effects on different cells and tissues, and those cells that reproduce quickly are quickly destroyed by radium irradiation. This discovery made radium a cure cancer A powerful means. Cancerous tumor It is composed of cells that reproduce abnormally fast. Radium rays can destroy it much more than the surrounding healthy tissues. This new method of treatment developed rapidly in countries around the world. stay French Republic Radium therapy is called Curie therapy. The discovery of radium fundamentally changed the basic principles of physics scientific theory Its development and application in practice are of great significance.


Pasteur He was born in the town of Dole in eastern France in 1822. He went to university in Paris, majoring in natural science. His talent did not show up when he was a student. One of his professors rated his chemistry score as "pass". But Pasteur obtained his doctor's degree in 1847, which soon proved that the professor's judgment was too early. Pasteur, only 26 years old, was due to his mirror image of tartaric acid Isomer And leapt into the ranks of famous chemists.
Major achievements
Pasteur is not the first person to put forward the theory of disease bacteria. Similar hypotheses have been put forward by Giroramo Ferrarcastoro, Frederick Henry and others before. But Pasteur strongly supported the theory of bacteria through a large number of experiments and demonstrations, which is the main factor that makes the scientific community believe that the theory is correct.
If the disease is caused by bacteria, it seems logical to avoid the epidemic disease by preventing harmful bacteria from entering the human body. Therefore, Pasteur emphasized the importance of bacteria prevention methods in clinical medicine Surgery Clinical Joseph Lister Has a significant impact.
Harmful bacteria can enter the human body through food and drinks. Pasteur invented a method to eliminate microorganisms in beverages (called Pasteur's disinfection method). This method almost destroys contaminated milk where it is used Infectious agent Completely eliminated.
Pasteur was over 50 years old and began to study anthrax -- A serious infectious disease that attacks cattle and many other animals, including humans. Pasteur proved that a special bacterium is the pathogenic factor of this disease. But more important than that, he invented a weak strain Bacillus anthracis The injection of this weak strain into cattle will make the disease attack mild without fatal danger, and will also make cattle immune to the normal condition of the disease. Pasteur's public demonstration proved that his method would make cattle immune, which caused a great sensation. People soon realized that his general method could be applied to many other Prevention of infectious diseases
Pasteur himself invented a human body based on his unparalleled achievements Immunology This method can make people feel terrible rabies Immune. Since then, other scientists have also invented ways to prevent and cure many serious diseases such as Epidemic typhus and poliomyelitis Vaccine.
Pasteur is an exceptionally diligent scientific worker. There are still many valuable small achievements on his merit book. It was his experiments, not those of others, that convincingly proved that microorganisms were not naturally produced. Pasteur also discovered the phenomenon of anaerobic life, that is, certain microorganisms can live in the absence of air or oxygen. Pasteur Yes Silkworm disease The research results of commercial value One of his other achievements was his invention fowl cholera -- Poultry Cholera vaccine Pasteur died near Paris in 1895.
People often associate Pasteur with invention Smallpox vaccine British doctors Edward Jenner Compare. Although Jenna's work is 80 years earlier than Pasteur's, I think Jenna is far less important than Pasteur's because his immune method is only effective for one disease, while Pasteur's method can and has been used for the prevention of many diseases.
Since the middle of the nineteenth century, the life expectancy of the population in many parts of the world has roughly doubled. In the whole human history, this huge increase in human life may have a greater impact on personal life than any other invention. actually modern science And medicine really gives the second life to everyone we live. If this extension of life can be fully attributed to Pasteur's work, I will not hesitate to list him at the top of this book. Pasteur's contribution is so important that in the last century mortality The greatest achievement of the decline should undoubtedly be attributed to him. So he was This volume To be among the best. Pasteur has carried out a number of exploratory research throughout his life and has made significant achievements. He is one of the most accomplished scientists in the 19th century. He spent his whole life proving three scientific problems : (1) Each Fermentation Because of the development of micro bacteria, the French chemist found that heating can kill Beer An annoying microbe that becomes bitter. Soon“ Pasteurization ”It is applied to various foods and drinks. (2) Every infectious disease is the development of a microbe in the organism: due to the discovery and eradication of an invasion Silkworm eggs Pasteur saved the French silk industry. (3) Microbacteria of infectious diseases can be alleviated under special cultivation virulence And turn them from germs to disease prevention vaccines. He realized that many diseases were caused by microorganisms, so he established the theory of bacteria.
from Sanofi Pasteur Main vaccines developed for marketing
1934: Tetanus vaccine 1941: diphtheria, tetanus Pertussis vaccine 1947: influenza vaccine 1950: Yellow fever vaccine 1955: developed by Sabin Live attenuated poliomyelitis vaccine 1958: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and Polio vaccine 1960: Tuberculin Polysaccharide vaccine 1960: Measles vaccine 1962: Sabin Oral polio vaccine 1970: Rubella vaccine 1973: Sabin oral polio vaccine (Vero cell) 1974: A meningitis vaccine 1975: A+C meningitis vaccine hydrophobia vaccine (Human diploid cells) 1979: Salk injected poliomyelitis vaccine (Vero cells) 1980: Rabies vaccine (Vero cells) 1981: hepatitis B vaccine 1985: measles mumps Rubella Triple vaccine 1987: Hepatitis B vaccine (using gene technology) 1987: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis and type b Haemophilus influenzae Wulian Miao 1988: Typhoid vaccine (Polysaccharide purification) 1992: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine 1992: Tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis vaccine 1996: Hepatitis A vaccine 1997: diphtheria tetanus pertussis poliomyelitis And Haemophilus influenzae type b five vaccine

Carl Pauling

Linus Carl Pauling
Linus Carl Pauling (Linus CPauling, 1901.2.28-1994.8.19), is a famous quantum chemist in the United States. He is full of personality and creative spirit , continue to develop Marginal discipline He has made great achievements in many fields of chemistry and is the greatest chemist in the 20th century. Twice won Nobel Prize (1954 Chemistry Award , 1962 Peace Prize), has a high international reputation. So far, he is the only scientist in the world who has won the Nobel Prize twice alone.
Major achievements
In his nearly one century of life, Pauling participated in and experienced the 20th century History of Science Many important scientific discoveries and outstanding achievements: first comprehensive description Chemical bond The essence of; find protein Structure; Reveal sickle cells anaemia Cause of disease; Participate in disclosure DNA structure Research; host the Second World War Some military scientific research projects during the period; advance X-ray crystallography , electron diffraction quantum mechanics biochemistry , molecule psychiatry Nuclear physics Anesthesiology immunology Nutrition And other disciplines.