
European countries
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Hungary( Hungarian : Magyarorsz á g), a landlocked country in Central Europe. East Neighbor Romania Ukraine , south Slovenia Croatia Serbia , west Austria , Beilian Slovakia The total length of the boundary line is 2246 kilometers. It covers an area of 93023 square kilometers. genus Continental climate , cool and humid, the annual average temperature is 10 ℃, the average temperature in summer is 21.7 ℃, the average temperature in winter is - 1.2 ℃, and the annual average precipitation is about 630mm. The country is divided into the capital and 19 states, with 24 prefecture level cities, 274 cities and 2854 townships. The capital is Budapest. In January 2024, Hungary has a population of 9.58 million [28] The main ethnic group is Hungarian (Mazar), accounting for about 90%. [1]
In 896, the Mazar people the Ural Mountains Xiluhe Volga River Immigration in Bay Area the danube Basin. [1] In 1000 AD, Ishtwan I establish Kingdom of Hungary 1526 Ottoman Empire Invasion, the kingdom disintegrates. In 1541, Hungary was divided into three parts: the Ottoman Empire and Austria Habsburg Dynasty And Eldai Grand Duchy Rule. [1] Since 1699 Austrian Habsburg Dynasty Rule. 1848 Hungarian Revolution cover Austria suppress. In 1867, Austrian Empire To prevent Hungary from being reorganized into Austro Hungarian Empire [1] the First World War After the restoration of independence, the Hungarian Soviet Republic was established in March 1919 [1] 1920 by Miklos Horthy to serve as Kingdom of Hungary act as regent. [1] Founded in August 1949 People's Republic of Hungary Outbreak in October 1956 October Events in Hungary On October 23, 1989, the name of the country was changed to the Republic of Hungary. Joined in 1999 North Atlantic Treaty Organization , joined in 2004 European Union [1] In January 2012, the Republic of Hungary adopted a new constitution and changed its name to Hungary. [1]
Hungary is a moderately developed country, OECD (OECD) Member States. 2021 gross domestic product 154.1 billion euros, GDP per capita 13700 euros.
  • Posterity history
In China, there is an ancient conclusion that Hungarians are descendants of Huns. Zhang Taiyan's "Research on the First Migration of Huns to Europe" and Liang Qichao's "Research Method of Chinese History" are mentioned. Today, many historical researchers and enthusiasts have not completely abandoned this view, but are still trying their best to find evidence that Hungarians are descendants of Huns. ... Details
Content from
Chinese name
Hungary [1]
Foreign name
Magyarország [1]
Budapest [1]
major city
Miskolz Debrecen Page Seged etc. [1]
National Day
August 20, 1949
National anthem
God bless the Hungarians
Country code
official language
Hungarian [1]
Hungarian forint [1]
Time zone
Political system
Parliamentary republic
National leaders
Shuyuk Domarsh President Viktor Orbán (Prime Minister)
population size
9.58 million [28] (January 2024)
Population density
106.7 people/km2 [5] (2020)
Major ethnic groups
Hungarian [1]
Major religions
Catholicism [1] Protestantism
land area
93023 km² [1]
Water area rate
Total GDP
EUR 180 billion [1] (2021)
GDP per capita
17600 EUR [1] (2021)
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
Largest city
National flower
Date of establishment
December 25, 1000
Largest lake
Balaton Lake
Longest river
Tisa River (600km)
Geographic highest point
Kaikesh Peak (1014m)
Phonetic transcription
ㄒㄩㄥ ㄧㄚˊ ㄌㄧˋ
Largest Administrative Region
Bach Kishkon Oblast

Historical evolution


early stage

There were ancient human activities in Hungary 350000 years ago.
Map of Hungary
In the first century BC, Imperium Romanum Conquered the southern part of Hungary and belonged to Panoa Province.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, all ethnic groups moved here in succession. First came Hun , on Attila Under the leadership of Hun Empire The name Hungary may come from this, but many scholars believe that it should come from the Onogul people who belong to the Turks.
After the disintegration of the Hun Empire Germanic Tribes have ruled here for nearly 100 years, followed by Awar people Under their nearly 200 year rule, Slavic nationality Start to infiltrate. Moravian Bogar Polack and Croats Have tried to overthrow the Awar, but until charlemagne To defeat it successfully. After Charlemagne died, East Frankish Kingdom Gradual decline, the situation is right Slavic The rise of the Great Moravian leader, Svatopruk, has made an ambitious attempt to establish a kingdom of Moravia, but Mazar The arrival of the end of the dispute in this region. [2]

Middle Ages

The formation of the Hungarian country originated from the nomadic tribes of the Mazar people, the eastern nomads. In the 9th century AD, they migrated westward from the western foot of Ula Mountain and the Volga River Bay. In 896 AD the danube The basin settled down.
In 1000 AD, the Grand Duke of Hungary Ishtwan I Implemented in Hungary Catholicism And was crowned the first king of Hungary by the Catholic Pope. Traditionally, it is believed that the Mazar country was founded by Grand Duke Arpad He led the Mazar people to Pannonian Plain Kingdom of Hungary It was established by King Ishtwan I in 1000 AD. The early history of Hungary is the same as that of Poland and Bohemian It is closely related to the Pope and Holy Roman Empire Emperor influence.
From 1241 to 1242, Mongolia The Golden Horde Hungary was once hit hard under the attack of.
From 1458 to 1490, Hooioti Magash( Matthias Corvinus )Governing Hungary. He further strengthened the Hungarian national strength and the authority of the government, and established a standing army—— Hungarian Black Army Under his rule, Hungary (especially the north, part of Slovakia) became The Renaissance It was an art and cultural center in Europe during the period.
In 1526, when Turkey invaded, the feudal country disintegrated into three parts. Hungarian culture also influences neighboring countries, such as Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth Poland, Bohemia and Hungary once formed Visegrad Group (Poland, Hungary Czech Republic and Slovakia The name is also used in the alliance of the four countries). [2]

Kingdom Period

In 1699, from Habsburg Dynasty Rule.
In 1848 Kossuth Led the free revolutionary struggle.
In April 1849, the Hungarian Parliament passed the Declaration of Independence and established the Republic of Hungary, but was soon strangled by the Austrian and Russian armies.
Hero Square
1867, formed with Austria Austro Hungarian Empire The Austro Hungarian Empire disintegrated after World War I and was founded on October 31, 1918 Democratic Republic of Hungary , collapsed immediately after the revolution in March of the next year, established the Hungarian Soviet Republic in March 1919, was overthrown by the army led by Horsi in August of the same year, and restored the constitutional monarchy Kingdom of Hungary
In 1920, Hungary, the defeated country, signed the Treaty of Trianon with the Allies, losing 72% of its territory and 64% of its population.
In 1941, Hungary joined the German Italian Japanese Axis Group, and in 1944, the German army occupied Hungary.
In April 1945, Hungary Soviet Red Army Help liberate the whole territory.

Republic period

On February 1, 1946, the monarchy was abolished and the Republic of Hungary was established.
On August 20, 1949, the establishment of the People's Republic of Hungary was announced.
In October 1956 October Events in Hungary
In 1989, the political situation in Hungary changed dramatically. In February of the same year, Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (Social Labor Party for short) announced to give up ruling party Status multi-party system Since then, the contradictions within the social work party have been constantly made public. In October, the Social Labor Party was renamed as the Socialist Party, and proposed to establish a social labor party in Hungary“ Democratic socialism ”。 On October 23, the Hungarian Parliament passed an amendment to the Constitution, changing "the People's Republic of Hungary" to "the Republic of Hungary", and decided to cancel the presidium of the Republic as the collective head of state and implement Presidential system To establish a multi-party system and parliamentary democracy as a rule of law country; cancel Marxism Leninism Provisions on the leading role of political parties in national institutions. The Socialist Party and the Liberal Democratic League jointly govern.
At the end of 1999, the Crown Law was passed and the Crown Committee headed by the President was established.
In 2012, the new constitution was promulgated, changing the country name from "Republic of Hungary" to "Hungary". [2]
On October 28, 2016, Hungary was elected United Nations Human Rights Council Member, term of office from 2017 to 2019. [3]
April 2023 local time On the 13th, the Hungarian Ministry of Economic Development said that the Hungarian government had decided to withdraw its representatives from the International Investment Bank and withdraw from the bank. [19]

geographical environment


Regional location

Map of Hungary
Central European landlocked countries. It borders Romania and Ukraine in the east, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia in the south, Austria in the west and Slovakia in the north. The total length of the border line is 2246 kilometers, and the territory area is 93023 square kilometers. [1-2] [4]

topographic features

Kaikesh Peak
The whole territory of Hungary is dominated by plains. 80% of the territory is less than 200 meters above sea level, belonging to the middle reaches of the Danube plain. East of the Danube Hungarian Great Plains It covers an area of about 50000 square kilometers, as well as the small plains in the northwest, most of which are 100-150 meters above sea level. Less than one fifth of the mountain area, north Carpathian Mountains A part of the sea level of 300-1000 meters. Northern montane Kaikesh Peak It is the highest point in China, with an altitude of 1015m. The outer Danube mountains in the west are The Alps It is generally 300-500 meters above sea level, and the highest peak is Koresh Peak, 704 meters above sea level. [2]

Climatic characteristics

Hungary is located in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere temperate continental climate Temperate marine climate and Mediterranean climate The intersection of the Continental climate Has a great impact and is continental Temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest climate The climate in Hungary changes greatly, and the temperature difference between different regions in the country is also large. The annual average temperature is 10.8 ℃. July and August are the hottest months. Although the average temperature in summer is between 21.7 ℃, the temperature in these two months sometimes exceeds 30 ℃, and the maximum temperature reaches 34.5 ℃. It is not very cold in winter. The coldest months are January and February, and the average temperature is - 1.2 ℃. The annual sunshine time is 2038 hours, and there are many sunshine hours in the south. The annual average wind speed is 2.2m/s, and the annual average precipitation is about 630mm. [2] [4]

Hydrological distribution

Balaton Lake
The important river in Hungary is the Danube River and its tributaries Tisa River Baukoni Mountain Southerly Balaton Lake , the largest lake in Central Europe; Balaton Lake is the largest Freshwater lake [2]

natural resources

The mountain area is densely forested with Oak Beech linden Etc; There is a large grassland in the plain with fertile black soil. [2]
Natural resources are relatively poor. The main mineral resource is bauxite, with the reserves ranking third in Europe. In addition, there are a small amount of lignite, oil, natural gas, uranium, iron, manganese, etc. The forest coverage rate is 20.4%.

administrative division

Hungarian administrative divisions
Hungary is divided into the capital and 19 states, with 24 prefecture level cities, 274 cities and 2854 townships. The capital is Budapest. [1]


Budapest (Budapest)。 Budapest is the main political, commercial, transportation center and the largest city in the country. It is also a famous ancient city in Europe, located in the north of the country the danube On both sides of the middle reaches, there were two cities facing each other from afar. After centuries of expansion, they were merged by Buda and Gubuda on the right bank of the Danube River and Pace on the left bank in 1873. In the past, people generally called it Pest Buda. [2]
The population is 1.774 million (2024). [28] The average temperature in 2015 is 11 ℃, the maximum temperature is 37 ℃, and the minimum temperature is – 9 ℃.

major city

Other major cities include Debrecen Seged (Szeged)、 Miskolz (Miskolc)、 Page (Pecs), Gyor, etc. Debrecen has twice become the temporary capital of the country and one of the fastest growing cities. [2]

National symbol


Country name

It is named after the nationality. It is generally believed that the main ethnic groups in Hungary Mazar Hungarian. "Hungary" means "ten tribes". In 2012, the new constitution was promulgated, changing the country name to "Hungary".

national flag

Flag of Hungary
Flag of Hungary It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 3:2. From top to bottom, it is composed of three parallel and equal horizontal rectangles, red, white and green. Red symbolizes the blood of patriots and the independence and sovereignty of the country; White symbolizes peace and represents the people's good wishes for freedom and brightness; Green symbolizes the prosperity of Hungary and the people's confidence and hope for the future.

national emblem

Hungarian National Emblem
Hungarian National Emblem It is composed of a shield and a crown, with the crown above and the shield below. The crown on the national emblem is the crown design of King Eastwan. The crown has appeared on the national emblem for 600 years. The base color of the shield is red. On the left side are seven long red and silver patterns. On the right side are three green mountains. On the top are golden crowns, which hold the silver "≠" pattern. Later, it gradually evolved into a part of the national emblem design. The three peaks on the shield also appeared hundreds of years ago. It is said that they were not mountains at first, but changed into green mountains later. The strip pattern was introduced from the Spanish jurisdiction from the end of the 12th century to the beginning of the 13th century.

national anthem

Main idea of the lyrics: God bless Hungary. The people are happy with the abundance of things. They often help in times of distress. Don't abandon them when they are in danger. The people have gone through hell and suffering. Who can compare with them? All the past and future crimes have been redeemed to the end.

national flower

Hungarian national flower Geranium Pelargonium, also known as paraffin red, originated in South Africa, is widely cultivated in Europe and America, and is one of the main species of potted flowers and bedding plants. She is not only the pride of the African people, but also very popular in Eurasia. Germany, Spain, Hungary and other countries attach great importance to the production and breeding of geranium. Hungary in Eastern Europe also chose the colorful geranium as its national flower.
Pelargonium has large flower balls, gorgeous colors and colorful leaves. Among them, the upright type Pelargonium is the best potted flower.


9.678 million (January 2023). The main ethnic group is Hungarian (Mazar), accounting for about 90%. Ethnic minorities include Slovak, Romanian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, German, etc. The official language is Hungarian. The residents mainly believe in Catholicism (66.2%) and Christianity (17.9%). [1]


In April 2018, Hungary held a parliamentary election, and the election coalition composed of the ruling party Youth Democratic League (the Youth Democratic League for short) and the Christian Democratic People's Party (the Christian Democratic People's Party for short) won, winning more than 2/3 of the seats; The Ubik Party, the Socialist Party, the Dialogue Party, the Democratic Alliance and the Green Party entered the Congress. The new Congress was established on May 8. On May 18, the government completed the formation of a cabinet and was sworn in. Olban, chairman of the Young People's League, was re elected as prime minister.


Hungary is multi-party parliamentary democracy The President is elected by the Parliament every five years, which is basically a ceremonial position (a vacant head of state), but also has the right to appoint the Prime Minister. The general reason is that the leader of the largest party in the Congress is in charge of appointing cabinet ministers and has the right to dismiss them. Candidates for ministers must be heard by one or more parliamentary committees and formally appointed by the President.


On October 18, 1989, the National Assembly passed an amendment to the Constitution, which made a major amendment to the Constitution. It confirmed that Hungary implements a multi-party parliamentary democracy, establishes an independent, democratic and legal country, and implements the principle of separation of legislative, administrative and judicial powers. In 2011, the Youth League pushed the National Assembly to pass the constitutional amendment, and the new constitution came into force on January 1, 2012.


The National Assembly is the legislature and the highest authority of the country, and it has a unicameral system. According to the new Hungarian Electoral Law, the number of Hungarian conference seats has been reduced to 199 since 2014, and universal elections are held every four years. In May 2022, this Congress will be composed of the Youth League (116 seats), the Christian Democratic Party (19 seats), the Democratic League (15 seats), the Dynamic Movement (10 seats), the Socialist Party (10 seats), the Ubik Conservative Party (8 seats), our motherland party (6 seats), the Dialogue Green Party (6 seats) and the Green Party (5 seats). Three independent members and one member of the Hungarian Germanic (ethnic minority) parliament. The Congress has 16 standing committees. Congress meets in spring and autumn every year. The President of the National Assembly, Gerval Laszl ó (K Ö V é R L á szl ó, Youth League for Democracy), will be re elected in May 2022.


Houses of Parliament
The highest administrative body of the country. In accordance with the law, ministers are nominated by the Prime Minister and appointed by the President. The current government was formed in May 2022. After several adjustments, the main departments are: the Prime Minister's Office, the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Construction and Transport, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economy, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of National Economy, the Ministry of European Affairs, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development. Government members: ORB Á N Viktor, the Prime Minister, GULY Á S Gergely, the Minister of the Prime Minister's Office, ROG Á N Antal, the Minister of Agriculture, NAGY Istv á n, the Minister of Interior, PINT ∨ R S á ndor L Á Z Á R J á nos, Minister of Construction and Transport; SZALAY-BOBROVNICZKY Krist ó f, Minister of Defense; TUZSON Bence, Minister of Justice; CS Á K J á nos, Minister of Culture and Innovation; SZIJJ Á RT Ó P é ter, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economy Varga Mih á ly, Minister of Finance, NAGY M á rton, Minister of National Economy, Boka J á nos, Minister of EU Affairs, LANTOS Csaba, Minister of Public Administration and Regional Development, NAVRACSICS Tibor, Vice Premier and Minister of Nationalities Semj é n Zsolt, Minister of Church Policy and Church Foreign Affairs. [28]


Courts and procuratorates are the national judicial organs. The courts are divided into four levels, namely the Supreme Court, district courts, state courts and local courts, and the system of the second instance being the final instance is implemented; The procuratorial organs are divided into three levels: the Supreme Procuratorate, regional procuratorates and state procuratorates. The current President of the Supreme Court, Dr. VARGA Andr á s, took office in January 2021 for a term of nine years. POLT P é ter, President of the Supreme Procuratorate, was elected in December 2010 and re elected in December 2019 for a term of nine years. The Constitutional Court has been set up since January 1990. The former President SULYOK Tam á s was elected President in February 2024, and the current position of President is vacant. [28]


There are more than 200 registered political parties, most of which were founded in the late 1980s. At present, there are nine political parties in the Congress.
FIDESZ Magyar Polg á ri Sz ö vets é g
ruling party
Founded on March 30, 1988, the main members are young intellectuals. ORB Á N Viktor, Chairman.
Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP)
ruling party
Founded on September 30, 1989, the main members are Christian believers who support the right wing. SEMJ EN Zsolt, Chairman.
Demokratikus Koal í ci ó
opposition party
Founded on November 22, 2011, it is composed of people separated from the Socialist Party. The main members are intellectuals. Chairman GYURCS Á NY Ferenc.
Momentum Mozgalom
opposition party
Founded in the spring of 2015, the main members are young people. The chairman is GELENCS Equator R Ferenc.
Magyar Szocialista P á rt
opposition party
Founded on October 7, 1989, its main members are intellectuals, staff and entrepreneurs. Co Chairmen KUNHALMI Á gnes and KOMJ Á THI Imre.
Ubik Conservative Party (Jobbik Konzervat í vok for better Hungary)
opposition party
Founded on October 24, 2003, the main members are young people. Chairman: GY Ö NGY Ö SI M á rton.
Our Motherland Party (Mi Haz á nk Mozgalom)
opposition party
Founded on August 20, 2018, it is composed of people separated from the Ubik Party. President Toroczkai L á szl ó.
Dialogue - Green Party (A P á rbesz é d – A Z ö ldek P á rtja)
opposition party
Founded on February 17, 2013, it is mainly composed of young intellectuals separated from the Green Party. Co Chairs SZAB Ó Rebeka and TORDAI Bence.
Lehet m á s a Politika
opposition party
Founded on February 26, 2009, the main members are young intellectuals. Co Chairs SCHUMUCK Erzs é bet (female) and UNG Á R P é ter.
The opposition parties mainly include: K é tfark ú kutya p á rt, Magyar Munk á sp á rt, etc.


Shuyuk Domarsh: President. Born in Kishkonfrejihazo on March 24, 1956. In 1980, he graduated from Yourov Attila University (now Segde University). From 2000 to 2014, he served as Honorary Consul of Austria in Hungary. In September 2014, he was elected as Chief Justice of the Hungarian Constitutional Court by the National Assembly. From April 2015 to November 2016, he served as Vice President of the Constitutional Court. From November 2016 to February 2024, he served as President of the Constitutional Court. In February 2024, he was elected as the new President of Hungary. [28] On March 5, 2024 local time, the newly elected President of Hungary, Shuyuk Daomash, officially took office, starting a five-year term. [10] [21-22] [26]
 Shuyuk Domarsh's Inaugural Address Shuyuk Domarsh's Inaugural Address Shuyuk Domarsh's Inaugural Address Shuyuk Domarsh's Inaugural Address
On March 10, 2024, Shuyuk Domarsh delivered his inaugural speech at the inauguration ceremony
Orban Victor: Prime Minister. He was born on May 31, 1963 in the White City of Sagesh. Graduated from Law School of Roland University. He joined the Youth League in 1988 and was one of the founders of the Youth League. He has been the chairman of the Youth League since 1993. He has been a member of the National Assembly since 1990 and served as Prime Minister from 1998 to 2002. In May 2010, he served as Prime Minister again. The Prime Minister was re elected in June 2014, May 2018 and May 2022.
Gervair Laszlo: President of Congress. He was born on December 29, 1959 in Vesprem. He graduated from the Law Department of Loran University in 1986. One of the founders of the Young People's League. He was elected as a member of Parliament in 1990, served as the minister in charge of intelligence in 1998, and served as the chairman of the Young People's League in 2000-2001. In 2002, he successively served as the chairman of the National Security Committee of the National Assembly and the vice chairman of the National Party and Youth League of the National Assembly. He was elected President of the National Assembly in July 2010. In June 2014, May 2018 and May 2022, he was re elected as President of the National Assembly.




It is a moderately developed country and a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The economic goal is to establish a market economy based on private ownership. The economic transition is smooth, privatization is basically completed, and the market economy system has been established. At present, the output value of the private economy accounts for about 86% of GDP. The main economic data are as follows:
GDP: 83.9 trillion forints (about 212.5 billion euros).
GDP per capita: 22100 euros.
GDP growth rate: - 0.9%.
Currency name: Forint.
Exchange rate: 1 euro ≈ 394.6 forint; 1 dollar ≈ 370.8 forint (April 2024).
Inflation rate: 3.6% (March 2024).
Unemployment rate: 4.6% (February 2024). [28]

Agriculture and animal husbandry

The agricultural foundation is good. It mainly grows wheat, corn, beets, potatoes, grapes, etc. The agricultural land area is 5.081 million hectares. In 2023, the average yield of wheat per hectare will be 5630 kg, and that of corn will be 8170 kg. In 2023, 83700 people will work in agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry and fishery, accounting for 4.3% of the total employed population in China. [28]


The industry has developed rapidly. The main industries include: automobile manufacturing, electronic optical products, food and tobacco production, rubber and plastic manufacturing, electrical equipment, chemical products, wood processing and drug production. In 2022, the gross industrial product will rise 5.8% year on year, and the total output value will be 57.7 trillion HUF. In 2022, there will be 1.465 million industrial employees, accounting for 31.2% of the total employed population in China.
The output of major industrial products in recent years is as follows:

Service industry

Rapid development. The privatization of various small shops, small restaurants, small hotels and other service outlets has been completed. In 2022, there will be 128340 retail stores nationwide, with a total retail sales of HUF 17085.9 billion. In 2022, 3.03 million people will be employed in the service industry, accounting for 64.5% of the national employment.


Relatively developed. In 2022, 46.343 million foreign tourists will come to Hungary, with an income of HUF 230.298 billion. In 2022, 182000 people will be employed in the tourism industry, accounting for 3.9% of the national employment. Main tourist attractions: Budapest, Balaton Lake, Danube Bay, Mount Matrault.

the labor

The quality of Hungarian labor force is high. Its labor force population is about 4.1 million. Most of them are highly educated and have specific skills and expertise. The proportion of the educated population in Hungary exceeds 90% of the total population, and about two-thirds of the labor force has completed technical training and vocational education of one specialty or various forms.
The unemployment rate in Hungary in 2001 was 5.4%, much lower than the average level of the EU. The employment situation in various regions of Hungary is quite different. There is a shortage of skilled workers, especially financial and marketing talents, in the northwest, while the unemployment rate in the east of the Danube is higher than the national average.
The wage level in Hungary is much lower than that in Western Europe, and almost the same as the average level in Central and Eastern Europe. The labor cost in eastern Hungary is lower than that in the west, but the technical level of workers is on a par with that in the west.

foreign trade

In 2023, the total import and export volume will be 289.2 billion euros. The import volume of foreign trade was 140 billion euros, down 3.5% year on year; The export volume was 149.2 billion euros, up 2.5% year on year; The foreign trade surplus is 9.2 billion euros. In 2022, Hungary's import and export trade with EU countries will account for 68.7% and 76.7% of Hungary's total import and export respectively. [28]

foreign capital

Actively encourage the absorption of foreign capital. It is mainly concentrated in processing industry, automobile manufacturing, trade, transportation and communication, finance, real estate and other industries. European countries are the main sources of foreign investment. Among them, Germany is the largest source of foreign investment in Hungary, followed by Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria and France. The major Asian investors in Hungary are China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore and India. [28]




The official language of Hungary is Hungarian


Hungarian residents mainly believe in Catholicism (66.2%) and Protestantism (17.9%)。

folk custom

After marriage, women use calico to wrap their hair, which is the biggest difference from unmarried girls. Marriage requires three stages: proposal, engagement and reception. The engagement ceremony is indispensable. Both parties are accompanied by a female relative to register at the priest's office.


Hungarian legal holidays include: January 1, New Year's Day; March 15, the anniversary of the 1848 freedom struggle; Easter, the first Sunday after the full moon at the spring equinox; May 1, Labor Day; August 20, National Day; October 23, National Day; November 1, Halloween; December 25th, Christmas. [15]


The Hungarian nationality originally belonged to the Finnish Ugric race. Their nomadic tribes moved westward from the southern Russian grasslands to the middle reaches of the Danube River in the late 9th century and early 10th century; At the beginning of the 11th century, all tribes united and established the country. The development of Hungarian national music culture is deeply influenced by other national music cultures. Due to the introduction of Christianity and the influence of church chants, the early Hungarian music culture gradually lost its original oriental tradition and was Europeanized. In the 16th century, when Turkey invaded, Hungarian music was influenced by oriental music; After Hungary was ruled by Austria in the 17th century, German and Austrian music was introduced into Hungary, which had an important impact on the development of Hungarian music.
folk music
Most of the earlier Hungarian folk songs are narrative songs in theme. They mostly use pentatonic scale, with free rhythm and irregular structure. They have less relationship with Western European music, but more obvious relationship with Eastern music such as Turkey. Under the influence of Western European music, Hungarian folk songs in the 17th and 18th centuries have changed significantly; The ancient pentatonic scale was replaced by the Dorian mode, the Myxolydian mode and the modern major mode; Rhythm has also changed from free form to regularization, with the appearance of syncopation rhythm closely related to Hungarian language; The structure of the song is regular and symmetrical, but it is still monophonic. With the development of the city, urban folk music has also developed. In the late 18th century, there appeared the dance accompaniment music of Welbaches when recruiting new soldiers. This kind of dance music, which is usually played by gypsies, is influenced by the traditional techniques of Western European music, and also contains the factors of gypsy music; In terms of form and structure, it includes adagio and allegro, which form a contrast in personality. At the beginning of the 19th century, on the basis of Welbach's dance music, the Chaerdashi dance music was formed. This dance music maintains the basic structural features of Welbaches dance music, but Allegro has been greatly developed. The first part of the Chaerdashi dance music is called Lashu, which is slow and has a sad style; The second part is called Frith, which is fast and passionate. The scale commonly used in this dance music is called the "gypsy scale", which is characterized by the elevation of the fourth and seventh levels of the minor style, forming two incremental intervals between the third, fourth and sixth and seventh levels.
Professional music
Although the development of Hungarian professional music was hindered by the Turkish invasion in the Middle Ages, it still developed. For example, the first collection of secular music in Hungarian was published in the first half of the 16th century; And there appeared composers and performers like B. Buckfalk (1507~1576) who had great influence in Europe. At the end of the 17th century, Hungary was annexed by Austria. Since then, the Habsburg Dynasty has tried its best to promote the Germanization of culture, and the development of Hungarian national music has been destroyed. The music industry is mostly in the hands of Germany and other foreigners. In the 18th century, there were always orchestras and choirs of considerable level in the upper aristocratic mansions. For example, J. Haydn was in Hungary for a long time A. Prince Esther Hazi worked in the band.
Life theme
At the same time, Hungarian urban music life developed, and the earliest Hungarian musical comedy appeared. The rise of the Hungarian national movement in the middle of the 19th century led to the important development of national music culture. The two most important representatives were F. Liszt and F. Elkiel. Although Liszt has long been active in France, Germany and other countries, he has always kept in touch with the Hungarian music tradition. He not only founded the Budapest Conservatory of Music to perform in China, but also made extensive use of the themes of Hungarian people's life and Hungarian folk music in his instrumental creation; His 20 songs《 hungarian rhapsody 》It has become an important document of Hungarian folk music. Elkiel is the real founder of Hungarian national opera. His creation, performance and educational activities had an important impact on Hungarian music life in the second half of the 19th century; His representative operas Hongyaudi Laslo and Governor Bunk have become classic works of Hungarian national opera.

Funeral rites

Hungarian wedding usually takes two forms, one is presided over by a priest in the church, the other is held in the family. Hungarians have many folk festivals. For example, they celebrate Christmas from December 25 to 26 every year. Hungarians choose coffins of different colors according to the age of the deceased.

Main taboos

Hungarians should avoid 13 seats and Fridays, especially when holding banquets. They think that breaking glass and mirrors will bring bad luck. Do not break the glassware whether you are staying or dining, otherwise, you will be considered as a harbinger of bad luck and become an unwelcome person.


In February 1990, the Hungarian People's Army was renamed the Hungarian National Defence Force. In March 1999, Hungary officially joined NATO. The Constitution stipulates that the President is the supreme commander of the armed forces. The Ministry of National Defense is the highest military leading organ. Compulsory military service was abolished in December 2004. President Nowak served as the commander of the National Defense Force, and General Ruszin Szendi Romulus served as the chief of the general staff.


At present, a railway and road network with the capital as the center and leading to the whole country and neighboring countries has been formed.


The total length is 32600 kilometers, including 1324 kilometers of expressways. In 2022, the national vehicle holdings will be 4.981 million. The highway freight volume is 36.55 billion ton kilometers, accounting for 61.71% of the total freight volume, and the passenger volume is 9 billion person kilometers.
The names of Hungarian highways begin with "M" followed by Arabic numerals. By 2020, there are 28 major expressways. Among them, the M0 highway is the Budapest ring road, and the M1 to M7 highways start from Budapest and are arranged in a clockwise radial manner, all of which are connected to the European highway network. Among them, M1 highway leads to Austria, M2 highway leads to Slovakia, M3 highway leads to Ukraine, M4 highway leads to Romania, M5 highway leads to Serbia, M6 highway leads to Croatia, and M7 highway leads to Slovenia and Croatia.
Hungary implements a system of highway ticket purchase. Drivers who buy highway tickets before going on the road will be fined heavily once ticket evaders are found. [15]


The total length is 7889 kilometers, including 3221 kilometers of electrified railway. 8806 trucks and 2121 passenger cars. In 2021, the freight volume will be 10.90 billion ton kilometers, accounting for 20% of the total freight volume, and the passenger volume will be 5.43 billion person kilometers. Budapest, the capital of Hungary, is a national railway hub, which can reach the main cities of Hungary and several surrounding countries by train.
The Hungarian National Railway Company (MAV) is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the Hungarian national railway network, and its subsidiary Railway Passenger Transport Company (M Á V-START) is specialized in passenger transport. [15]

air transport

In 2022, there will be 57886 flights, 133.816 million tons of cargo throughput and 12.205 million passengers throughput. Two international airports: Budapest Liszt Ferranz Airport and Debrecen Airport.
On July 7, 2022, Hungary and China will resume regular passenger flights. [18]

water transport

the danube
The waterway is 1638 kilometers long. Water transport only plays an auxiliary role in Hungarian transportation.
The main river ports are Budapest, Danube New Town, Jiur Gongyu, Baoyao and Mohachi. The port of Chapel, located on the island of Chapel in the south of Budapest, is the largest import and export port in Hungary. It is connected with overseas via the Danube River, and can reach Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp, as well as the important port of Konstanza on the Black Sea. The Danube River plays an important role in Hungarian waterway transportation. Hungary has no seaport, but it can reach the Black Sea port directly through the Danube River. [15]

Pipeline transportation

In 2021, the pipeline will have a total length of 8125km and a total transportation capacity of 5.07 billion ton kilometers.



People's livelihood

Pay attention to improving and improving the living standards of residents, and constantly increase pensions, family subsidies, and subsidies for childbirth and child rearing. In addition, preferential subsidies will be given to medical treatment, education, culture, sports and tourism. In 2022, the per capita monthly income will be 500 thousand HUF. As of December 2022, there will be 1.99 million retirees nationwide, accounting for 20.6% of the total population, and the related expenses will account for 8% of GDP. In 2022, there will be 44727 doctors, 66655 beds and 3133 pharmacies in China.


The quality of Hungarians is high, and about 1/3 of the employed population has received higher education. The 12 year compulsory education is implemented, with free nursery and primary education for children. Length of schooling: 8 years in primary school, 4 years in middle school (including vocational middle school), 4-6 years in university, and 7 years in medical university. In addition to public schools, there are church schools, private schools and foundation schools. In September 1986, the new education law was implemented to expand the autonomy of all kinds of schools in business and economy and promote the democratization of school life. The first higher education law was passed in 1993. [15]
The education budget expenditure in 2021 will be HUF 1932 billion, accounting for 3.5% of the total budget.
The number of schools at all levels, students and teachers in 2022/2023 are as follows:
2022/2023 Number of schools at all levels, students and teachers
Students (10000 persons)
Teachers (10000 people)
four thousand five hundred and ninety-nine
thirty-two point three
three point one
primary school
three thousand five hundred and seventy-three
seventy-one point five
seven point four
middle school
one thousand six hundred and fourteen
thirty-six point one
three point six
Colleges and universities
twenty point seven
two point six
reference material:

science and technology

The competent scientific and technological innovation department of the Hungarian government is the National R&D and Innovation Agency under the Prime Minister's Office, which is responsible for formulating national scientific and technological innovation strategies and policies, and coordinating bilateral and multilateral scientific and technological cooperation with the EU, neighboring countries and international organizations. Hungarian academies of sciences, universities and enterprises are the main scientific research forces in Hungarian society, undertaking various scientific and technological research and development projects. Hungary's R&D advantages include mathematics, brain science, information technology, engineering technology, environmental technology, agricultural science, etc.
Hungary's R&D investment has continued to grow significantly. Since 2019, the government has increased its R&D investment by HUF 32 billion annually, accounting for 1.8% of GDP. From the source of R&D funds, government investment has gradually decreased in the past decade, while the proportion of enterprises and foreign investment funds has gradually increased. From the perspective of R&D investment, 48.3% of the R&D expenditure of enterprises is invested in manufacturing, of which pharmaceutical products and transportation are the main industries. [15]

medical care

Hungarian citizens are required by law to participate in medical insurance. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, the life expectancy in Hungary in 2020 will be 72.2 years for men and 78.7 years for women. In Hungary, 19.5% of the population is over 65 years old. In order to reverse the aging of the population, Hungary has launched multiple policies to encourage fertility. In 2019, the Family Expansion Policy will be implemented, including a huge amount of "mother loans" and multiple child subsidies. In 2020, the Hungarian government will spend 6.2% of GDP on household support measures, which is three times the average level of OECD. [15]


The national newspapers with large circulation mainly include: Hungarian National Newspaper, which was founded in 1938 and will have a circulation of 17000 in 2022; Hungarian News, founded in 1968, will have a circulation of 9000 in 2022; The People's Voice, founded in 1873, will have a circulation of 25000 in 2022; The World Economic News was first published in 1969.
News Agency: Hungarian News Agency, state-run, established in 1880.
Magazines: The main magazines are World Economic Weekly and Budapest Times Weekly.
Major radio stations: Radio Cosut, Radio Pedofi and Radio Bartok are all state-owned stations. In addition, Radio Juventus and Radio Danube are commercial radio stations.
Main TV stations: The state-owned TV station is MTV, which was established in 1957; Danube Television, established in 1992. Private television stations include RTL Klub, which was established in 1997; TV2 television station, established in 1997.


Legendary Hungarian player Puskas
Hungary is a powerful country in sports. It has won a lot of gold medals in the Olympic Games and is ahead of other countries in canoeing. At the 2012 London Olympic Games, Hungary won 8 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 5 bronze medals, surpassing Japan and ranking ninth. It includes 3 gold, 2 silver and 1 copper for canoeing, 2 gold and 1 copper for swimming, etc. Hungary's highest achievement in the Olympic Games was the 1952 Helsinki Olympic Games in Finland, ranking third with 16 gold, 10 silver and 16 bronze medals.


1. Passport: valid passport (valid for more than 3 months after obtaining the visa);
2. Photo: 1 color photo (within 6 months);
3. Application form: one complete and signed visa application form;
4. Health insurance: (including accident medical insurance, medical transportation insurance and overseas health insurance in Schengen member countries, with the insured amount not less than 30000 euros);
5. If the applicant is a non citizen, the legal residence certificate in the country;
6. Supporting documents: When submitting the visa application, the applicant shall provide the above materials as well as the asset certificate of the travel expense bearer and the supporting documents of the travel purpose.
7. Documents required for asset certificate: original of employer's income certificate; Or bank deposit certificate of the last three months; Or pension certificate; Or business license of private enterprise or individual business; Or valid air tickets, air ticket reservations and advance payment certificates, hotel orders; Or a statement issued by a legal authority to bear all costs; Or an official invitation letter issued and stamped by the Hungarian Immigration Bureau.
During the period from March 14 to November 30, 2024, Hungarian ordinary passport holders can enter China without visa for no more than 15 days of business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends and transit. [23]

International Relations


foreign policy

Actively participate in EU and NATO affairs. He joined NATO in March 1999 and the European Union in May 2004. In December 2007, he formally joined the Schengen Agreement. In the first half of 2011, he held the rotating presidency of the European Union. In the second half of 2024, it will assume the rotating presidency of the European Union.
The main diplomatic goals and tasks are to ensure national security, serve domestic economic development and improve people's livelihood; Effectively respond to the challenges of globalization; Strengthen cooperation between China and the EU and actively participate in the construction of European integration; Strengthen the unity of the Huns. We attach importance to the development of relations with European countries, especially neighboring countries, frequent exchanges with western Balkan countries, and support countries in the region to join the EU. We attach importance to developing relations with countries in the Asia Pacific region and strengthening exchanges with developing countries, propose the strategy of "opening up to the east", and strive to become a trade bridge between Asia and Europe.

external relations

Relations with China
On October 4, 1949, Hungary announced the recognition of the People's Republic of China. On October 6, the two countries established diplomatic relations. After the establishment of diplomatic ties, the friendly relations between the two countries have developed in an all-round way, leaders' mutual visits and other forms of exchanges have been close, cooperation in various fields has been constantly strengthened, the friendship between the two peoples has been further deepened, and the two sides support and cooperate closely in international affairs. Hungary actively supports China's position on issues such as China's resistance to the United States and aid to Korea and the restoration of its legitimate seat in the United Nations.
On May 13, 2017, President Xi Jinping met Orban Victor The Prime Minister. Both sides believe that further deepening China Hungary relations is in line with the interests of both countries and agree to establish Comprehensive strategic partnership [8] In October 2019, leaders and foreign ministers of China and Hungary exchanged congratulatory messages on the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries [6] In May 2024, the leaders of China and Hungary jointly announced that China Hungary relations will be upgraded to all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era [27]
China is Hungary's largest trade partner outside Europe, and Hungary is one of China's major trade partners in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2023, the annual bilateral trade volume will be 14.52 billion US dollars, down 1.1% year on year. Among them, China's export volume was 9.79 billion US dollars, down 1.1% year on year, and its import volume was 4.73 billion US dollars, down 1.1% year on year. From January to March 2024, the bilateral trade volume between China and Hungary will reach 3.53 billion US dollars. Among them, the export value of China is 2.47 billion US dollars, and the import value is 1.06 billion US dollars. The bilateral trade between China and Hungary is dominated by electromechanical and high-tech products with high added value, of which motors, electrical equipment and parts, boilers, mechanical appliances and parts, vehicles and parts, optics, photography, medical equipment and parts account for more than 80% of the bilateral trade volume.
China and Hungary established a joint economic committee mechanism in 1984 and have held 20 regular meetings so far. The most recent meeting was held in Beijing in April 2024, co chaired by Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economic Affairs Sijardo of Hungary. [29]
By the end of 2022, China's stock of direct investment in Hungary was 426 million dollars, involving trade, chemicals, finance, communication equipment, new energy, logistics and other industries. The project of Hungary Baoside Chemical Company acquired by Yantai Wanhua Group. Huawei has set up a European supply center and a European logistics center in Hungary, and established a logistics network covering Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Central Asia, North Africa and other regions. The 100MW photovoltaic power plant project invested and built by China General Technology Corporation in Koposhburg, Hungary, is one of the largest photovoltaic power plants in Central and Eastern Europe. Shenzhen BYD, Sichuan Bohong Group, Shanghai Yanfeng Auto Interior Co., Ltd. and other auto industry enterprises have all invested and set up factories in Hungary. China has two national level overseas economic and trade cooperation zones in Hungary: China Hungary Baoside Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone and China EU Trade Logistics Cooperation Park. By the end of 2022, Hungary has invested 403 million dollars in China, covering sewage treatment, waterfowl breeding, environmental protection and building materials production. In November 2021, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Promoting Investment Cooperation in the Field of Green Development and the Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening Investment Cooperation in the Field of Digital Economy.
From March 14, 2024, China will pilot a visa free policy for Hungarian passport holders. [25]
Relations with European countries
On May 1, 2004, Hungary officially became a member of the European Union. Hungary holds 22 seats in the European Parliament. On December 21, 2007, Hungary officially joined the Schengen District. From January 1 to June 30, 2011, Hungary held the rotating presidency of the European Union. In recent years, leaders of Hungary and other EU member states have exchanged visits frequently. In 2021, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban will visit Britain, Slovenia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, etc; Foreign Minister Sejardo visited Bosnia and Herzegovina, Portugal, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lithuania, Poland, Finland, etc; President Makron of France, President Duda of Poland, Prime Minister Babish of the Czech Republic, Prime Minister Rama of Albania, Prime Minister Hegel of Slovenia, Serbian Parliament Dmitry Cic, Foreign Minister Linde of Sweden, Foreign Minister Lavrov of Russia, Foreign Minister Radman of Croatia, Foreign Minister Cassis of Switzerland, Foreign Minister Christolides of Cyprus, Foreign Minister Di Mayo of Italy Latvian Foreign Minister Levitz, Serbian Minister of European Integration Joksimovic, Romanian Minister of Economy, Commerce and Tourism Nasit and other officials visited Hungary. In 2022, President Novak of Hungary will visit Poland, Slovenia, the Vatican, Romania, Serbia, the Czech Republic and Ukraine; Hungarian Prime Minister Orban visited Britain, Germany, Spain, Russia, Austria, Slovenia, Turkey, the Vatican and Serbia; Foreign Minister Seattle visited Britain, Serbia, Croatia, Malta and Greece; President Djukanovic of Montenegro, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of Croatia Gryk Radman, Foreign Minister of Moldova Popescu, Foreign Minister of Slovakia Korjok, Prime Minister of Georgia Garibashvili and others visited Hungary.
Relations with other countries
Stamps for the 15th Anniversary of the Liberation of Hungary (China)
Hungary attaches great importance to developing relations with countries in the Asia Pacific region and strengthening exchanges with developing countries. In 2021, Prime Minister Orban of Hungary will visit Israel, Turkey, etc; Foreign Minister Siyal visited Turkey, Japan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Seychelles and Rwanda; South Korean President Wen Jain in, Azerbaijani Speaker Jaafalova, Seychelles Foreign Minister Radgonde, Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Karzakbayev, Australian Environment Minister Ley, and WHO Director General Tan Desai visited Hungary. In 2022, President Adel of Hungary will visit Ghana and Kenya; Hungarian President Novak visited Brazil, Iraq and Israel; Prime Minister Orban of Hungary visited Uzbekistan; Hungarian Foreign Minister Seyardo visited Sri Lanka, the United Arab Emirates, India, Argentina, Qatar and Laos; President Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan, President Bosonaro of Brazil, Minister of Energy and Water Resources of Angola Baptista, Minister of Trade of the Republic of Korea Andregan, Minister of Finance and Economics of Iran and others visited Hungary.
On December 1, 2022 local time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia issued a statement stating that its Foreign Minister Mirzoyan and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economy of Hungary, Sijardo, agreed to resume comprehensive diplomatic relations between the two countries. [16]
On February 28, 2023, Egypt and Hungary signed a joint statement on the strategic partnership between the two countries. [17]
On December 18, 2023 local time, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan paid a visit to Hungary and participated in the meeting of the Hungary Turkey High level Strategic Cooperation Committee. Hungarian Prime Minister Orban and Erdogan signed a document in Budapest Its priority strategic cooperation document. [20]
Relations with international and regional organizations
In 2021, President Adel of Hungary went to Bulgaria to attend the summit of member countries of the "Three Seas Initiative". Hungarian Prime Minister Orban attended the China CEE Leaders' Video Summit and the V4+Slovenia Summit. Hungarian Foreign Minister Seyardo attended the collective talks between Foreign Minister V4 and Secretary of State Lincoln of the United States, the V4+Foreign Ministers' Meeting of Egypt, the Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the five Central European countries, the Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic speaking Countries, and the United Nations General Assembly. Hungary serves as a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO in 2019-2023. In 2022, President Novak of Hungary attended the 77th United Nations General Assembly and the Paris Peace Forum; Hungarian Prime Minister Orban attended the meeting of heads of government of Visegrad Group; Hungarian Foreign Minister Seyardo attended the high-level open debate on "Children and Armed Conflict" of the United Nations Security Council and the summit of the "Open Balkans" initiative.
On the evening of February 26, 2022 local time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economy of Hungary Sialto said through social media that all the staff of the Hungarian Embassy in Ukraine, 35 in total, had been evacuated, and the relevant personnel had been evacuated to the Hungarian Consulate General in Uzhhorod, Ukraine [9]



scenic spot

Budavári palota It was built by the "Arubador Dynasty" on the right bank of the Danube River in the 13th century, and was in disrepair for a long time during the Turkish occupation of Buda; In the 18th century, it was partially rebuilt, and since the middle of the 19th century, it has been restored and expanded to become a new Baroque building. Later, it was destroyed during the Second World War. After the war, a special rehabilitation committee was established to rebuild the Buda Palace.
Fisherman's Castle It is a new Roman style castle built on the ancient fortress at the beginning of the 20th century. The name originates from the 19th century, when citizens handed over the Danube River where the royal city was located to fishermen to guard the city, so it was named after the fisherman's castle. The cloister overlooks the beautiful landscape. Part of the castle is used as a restaurant.
Hungarian State Opera House Opera House is a typical representative of modern "historic sites" that have been destroyed several times in many wars and restored after the war in the city of Perth on the east bank of the Danube. In 1833, when this magnificent building was completed, 2600 candles lit the whole hall brilliantly under the reflection of 160 mirrors.
Secheni bath in Budapest
Close observation Mátyás Templom It can be found that the appearance of this new Gothic church actually contains Hungarian folk custom, new art style, Turkish design and other colors, especially the white minarets and colored roofs on one side, which add a little interest and vividness to the whole church. The painted glass and murals inside the church are the key points that cannot be missed.
Eger Eger is an ancient city of heroes in northern Hungary, 130 kilometers northeast of Budapest, near the Eger River. The pre baroque architecture gives the city a leisurely Mediterranean style. This is the hometown of the famous "Bull Blood" wine, with the most beautiful scenic spots in the northern highlands of Hungary on both sides. In the 11th century, the first king of Hungary, Esther Wyeth, established a diocese here.

World Heritage Site

World Heritage Site
Tokoy Wine Region
cultural heritage
Horlock Traditional Village
cultural heritage
cultural heritage
Jeel Mosson Choprand
Millennium Benedictine Monastery
cultural heritage
On both banks of the Danube Buda Castle District and Andrash Street
cultural heritage
natural heritage
cultural heritage
natural heritage
Borshod Obauwui Zengpulun [7]
On November 14, 2017, the UNESCO《 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 》Hungary was elected at the Conference of the Parties World Heritage Committee Members. [4]


The two most important representatives of Hungarian modern musicians with international reputation in the 20th century are B. Bartok and Z. Kodai. They not only made outstanding contributions to the exploration of Hungarian folk music treasures, and made outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of music ethnology, but also raised Hungarian professional music creation to a new level in creation. Especially Bartok, his works in the fields of symphonic music, piano music, chamber music, opera, dance drama music, etc., all occupy an important position in modern music in the 20th century, and have an important impact on the development of modern western music in the 20th century. The influential figures of Hungarian composers after the Second World War include F. Saab, L. Weinney, B. Toldosh and others.

Related events

On April 3, 2022, according to the preliminary counting results released by the Hungarian National Electoral Office, the Hungarian ruling coalition (the Youth League and the CDU) won the parliamentary election held on the same day. [11]
On the evening of April 9, 2022 local time, the Hungarian National Electoral Office announced the final counting results of the 2022 parliamentary elections after completing the statistics of all the votes. The campaign alliance composed of the Youth League and the Christian Democratic Party won more than 3 million votes, with a 54.1% vote rate. It won 135 seats in the 199 seat parliament, more than two-thirds of the absolute majority. The Hungarian Solidarity League, which is composed of six opposition parties, won 34.46% of the votes, converting it into 57 seats of the National Assembly; The far right party "Our Motherland" movement won 6 seats with 5.88% of the votes; The German National Autonomous Committee for Ethnic Minorities won one seat. [12] =
On May 24 local time, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban announced in a video released on social media that, in view of the continuing spread of the Russian Ukrainian conflict, Hungary will enter a wartime emergency from 0:00 on the 25th. In addition, Orban said that the first set of countermeasures will be announced on the 25th. [13]
On July 13, 2022, the Minister of the Prime Minister's Office of Hungary, Guyash Galgoi, said that the Hungarian government announced that the country had entered an energy emergency to deal with the energy crisis caused by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and EU sanctions against Russia. [14]
On March 10, 2024, Hungary was elected President in front of the Palace of Budapest Shuyuk Domarsh Make an inaugural speech at the inauguration ceremony. [24]