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General term of coatings for propellants
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Cladding is a general term for propellant coatings
Chinese name
General term of coatings for propellants
There are four types. (1) Flame resistant materials coated on the surface of propellant to control the burning direction, see propellant coating, (2) flame limiting materials used to control the burning surface of propellant strip in the burning rate test of inhi6iting iaycr, such as vinegar '} fiber and polyethylene butyraldehyde. (3) In the early days of Lirser, the gap between the thermal insulation layer and the propulsion Hl] was also called the cladding layer in China, now called the liner II (4) roatin}; '} 1. Surface modifier coated with oxidant} dttLaia} (} surface property_ [1]