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Surveyor 6

Rocket developed in 1967
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Surveyor 6, on November 7, 1967—— Centaur rocket launching, Lunar soft landing Test. The sixth lunar lander sent back 29500 TV photos and chemical analysis data, and successfully carried out "jumping" and moving experiments.
Chinese name
Surveyor 6
Landing point
Central Bay
Cosmos - Centaur rocket
Creation time
November 7, 1967

Experiment Introduction

Surveyor 6 landed at“ Central Bay ”And carried out the test of launching the rocket for 3 meters. Thus, it is confirmed once again that the surface of the moon is quite hard, not dusty.
"Surveyor" No. 6 sent back 18006 TV pictures and made the first soil chemical analysis

Instrument and equipment

TV camera
② Instrument for measuring the bearing capacity of the moon surface;
③ Lunar soil analysis equipment;
④ Micrometeor detector.


Due to the repeated failures of the rover, the United States developed another new lunar probe, the Surveyor. From May 1965 to January 1968, the United States launched seven "Surveyor" probes.
Surveyor 1 succeeded in Lunar soft landing , stayed on the moon for 6 weeks, and sent a total of 11237 pictures to the ground.
Surveyor 2 crashed to the moon because one of the three micro adjustment engines on the moon did not start.
Surveyor 3 sent back 6300 pictures of the pre landing site and its surrounding terrain to the Earth, and used the shovel carried before the flight to dig the soil, with a depth of 18 cm. Through observation and reading, it showed that the soil on the moon surface was similar to the beach sand on the coast of the Earth, which was suitable for lunar module landing.
Surveyor 4 lost contact with the ground a few minutes before landing according to procedures.
Surveyor 5 was equipped with an instrument to analyze the chemical composition of lunar surface soil radio isotope Methods The soil composition of the moon was analyzed,
"Surveyor" No. 6 sent back 18006 TV pictures and made the first soil chemical analysis;
Surveyor 7 investigated the landing site and representative lunar surface of the Apollo spacecraft on the spot and sent back 21000 pictures, which proved that some areas surveyed had enough support hardness to ensure the manned Apollo spacecraft to land, but the pictures also showed that there were some debris on the lunar surface, which might hinder the manned landing The landing of the spaceship is very important.