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Surveyor 3

US launched detector
Surveyor 3 used the Cosmos on April 17, 1967—— Centaur rocket launching, Lunar soft landing Test. The fourth lunar lander of mankind Moon Storm ocean For the first time, an artificial ditch was dug on the lunar surface with an excavator and the lunar soil was analyzed. 6315 TV photos were sent back.
Chinese name
Surveyor 3
Launch time
April 17, 1967
Destination planet

Product Introduction

Alan Bing photographed Surveyor 3 on the moon.
Surveyor 3 used the Cosmos on April 17, 1967—— Centaur rocket launching, Lunar soft landing Test. The fourth lunar lander, which landed in the lunar storm ocean area and carried an excavator, dug an artificial ditch on the lunar surface for the first time. It used a 1.8 meter long robot hand to dig a 4.5 meter deep hole, measured the hardness of the lunar sea surface, and confirmed that the lunar sea surface did not affect the landing of the spacecraft at all. The lunar soil was analyzed. 6315 TV photos were sent back.

Surveyor detector

Belonging to the United States Apollo moon landing plan Unmanned launch in preparation Lunar probe Series. The surveyor detector has three legs and a total weight of 1 ton. It is equipped with the most advanced detection equipment at that time.
Surveyor detector From May 1966 to January 1968, a total of seven launches were launched. Except for No. 2 and No. 4, the rest were successfully landed on the lunar surface.


The probe is mainly used for lunar soft landing test, exploring the moon and Apollo The spacecraft manned landing on the moon selects the landing site.

Instruments and equipment

Surveyor 3's bucket
The main instruments and equipment of Surveyor include: TV camera Instruments for measuring the carrying capacity of the moon surface, lunar soil analysis equipment and micro meteor detectors. Among them, No. 1 is the first US probe to achieve soft landing on the moon; In addition to TV cameras, No. 3 and No. 7 are equipped with small excavators for lunar surface sampling, which can dig holes to take out rock samples for analysis; 5~7 are equipped with scanning equipment to determine the chemical composition of lunar soil. [1]

Series detectors

by Apollo moon landing plan The unmanned soft landing test is formulated. From May 30, 1966 to January 7, 1968, a total of seven launches were conducted, and five of them successfully landed on the lunar surface, which not only broke through the key technology of soft landing, but also obtained a lot of lunar data.
Surveyor 1 On May 30, 1966, it was launched with the Sagittarius rocket, the god of the universe, for the lunar soft landing test. The first real human Lunar soft lander , landed in the lunar storm ocean region and sent 11237 photos to the earth.
Surveyor 2 September 20, 1966 , launched by the Sagittarius rocket, the god of the universe. Soft landing test on the moon. Soft landing failed, hitting Copernicus crater
Surveyor 3, on April 17, 1967, launched a lunar soft landing test with the Cosmos Centaurus rocket. The fourth lunar lander, landing in the storm ocean region of the moon, sent 6315 TV photos back.
Surveyor 4 On July 14, 1967, it was launched with the Centaur rocket, the god of the universe, and the moon soft landing test was conducted. Lost contact while preparing for soft landing.
Surveyor 5 On September 8, 1967, it was launched with the Centaur rocket, the god of the universe, for a soft landing test on the moon. The fifth lunar lander, landing on the moon Sea of Tranquillity 18000 TV photos and radar and thermal radiation data of the moon surface were successfully sent back, which was the first time for humans to conduct chemical analysis of the moon soil.
Surveyor 6 On November 7, 1967, it was launched with the Centaur rocket, the god of the universe, for a soft landing test on the moon. The sixth lunar lander sent back 29500 TV photos and chemical analysis data, and successfully carried out "jumping" and moving experiments.
Surveyor 7 In January 7, 1968, it was launched with the Centaur rocket, the god of universe, and the moon soft landing test was conducted. The seventh lunar lander sent back 21274 television photos and a large amount of chemical analysis data. [2]