Le Chatelier

Inventor of oxyacetylene flame generator
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Le Chatelier, Henri Louis, from October 8, 1850 to September 17, 1936, was a French chemist. He has studied the burning and setting of cement, pottery and Glassware Annealing, manufacturing of abrasives and development of fuels, glass and explosives. It can also be seen from his research that he is particularly interested in the relationship between science and industry, and how to get the highest yield from chemical reactions. Le Chatelier also invented Thermocouple And optics Pyrometer The pyrometer can successfully measure the high temperature above 3000 ℃. Besides, he was right acetylene The study of qi led him to invent Oxyacetylene flame Generator So far, it has also been used for cutting and welding metal. [1]
Chinese name
Le Chatelier
Foreign name
Le Chatelier, Henri Louis
Le Chatelier
date of birth
October 8, 1850
Date of death
September 17, 1936
University one is graduated from
Paris University of Technology
French chemist
Key achievements
He was right Acetylene gas His research led him to invent Oxyacetylene flame Generator
one's native heath

Character's Life

Le Chatelier
Le Chatelier was born in a chemical family in Paris on October 8, 1850. His grandfather and father were both engaged in careers and enterprises related to chemistry. At that time, many famous French chemists were other people's homes Our guests. Therefore, he was nurtured by chemists since childhood. In middle school, he was particularly fond of chemical experiments. Whenever he was free, he went to the cement factory laboratory set up by his grandfather to do chemical experiments. Le Chatelier's Academic Reasons Franco-Prussian War And drop out of school. After the war, he decided to specialize in mining and metallurgical engineering (his father was the director of mines in France, so this decision can be considered very natural).
In 1875, he graduated from Paris University of Technology with outstanding achievements. In 1887, he received a doctor's degree, and then he obtained the position of professor of general chemistry in higher mining schools. In 1907, he also served as the Minister of Mines of France the First World War During this period, he served as the Minister of French Armed Forces and retired in 1919.
Le Chatelier died in Iser on September 17, 1936.


Le Chatelier was very interested in the chemical principles of cement, ceramics and glass, and also studied the physical and chemical principles of flame to prevent mine explosions. This led him to study heat and heat measurement. In 1877, he proposed to use Thermocouple Measure high temperature. This is made up of two Wire It is composed of platinum and Platinum rhodium alloy Both ends are connected with wires. When one end is heated, Immediate One faint electric current Through the wire, the current intensity is proportional to the temperature. He also invented a method to measure high temperature based on the principle that heat body can emit light Optical pyrometer

Le Chatelier principle

The study of heat naturally led him to thermodynamics In 1888, he was able to announce a law that he was famous for Le Chatelier principle
The application of Le Chatelier's principle can make certain industries Production process Of Conversion rate It can reach or approach the theoretical value, and at the same time, it can avoid some ineffective schemes (such as the scheme of blast furnace heightening), which are widely used.
This principle can be expressed as: " Equilibrium state After a certain factor of is changed, the balance state will move in the direction of offsetting the effect of the change of the original factor. " In other words, if a system in equilibrium is placed in an environment with increased pressure, the system will try to reduce its volume and reach equilibrium again. For this reason, the pressure will not increase as much as it should. For example, if the system is placed in an environment that will normally increase the temperature, the system will undergo some changes and absorb some additional heat. Therefore, the temperature rise will not be as large as expected. This is a famous Law of mass action It is a very general statement, and it is also very consistent with Gibbs The principle of chemical thermodynamics (in fact, this statement is so general that it can even be used to explain human behavior with interest).
Le Chatelier principle can predict the direction of chemical reaction under specific changing conditions, so it is helpful to chemical industry The rational arrangement and guidance of chemists to minimize waste and produce the desired products. for example Harper Based on this principle, he designed his reaction to produce ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen, which is a major invention related to war and peace, and also an invention that Le Chatelier himself had anticipated almost 20 years earlier than Harper. Le Chatelier was one of the Europeans who discovered Gibbs and was the first to translate Gibbs's works into French People. Like Luz Bohm, he devoted himself to studying the meaning of phase rule through experiments. He was almost eighty-six years old when he died. He was highly respected and had many children and grandchildren.


Le Chatelier is not only an outstanding chemist, but also an outstanding patriot When the First World War When it happens, French In a critical situation, he bravely took up the post of Minister of Armed Forces to fight for the defense of the motherland.