
The capital of Uttar Pradesh
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Lucknow (Hindi: लखनऊऊ English: Lucknow) is from Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow is famous for being the center of Urdu poetry and having this elegant name.
On December 26, 2019, it ranked 261st in the 2019 Global Top 500 Cities. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
English name: Lucknow
Administrative Region Category
Uttar Pradesh capital
India north
Postal Code
population size
3647834 (2001)

Basic Introduction

Name in Hindi: लखनऊऊ
English name: Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh The capital, second only to North India Delhi The second largest city in China. Home Gangetic Plains The center is near the right bank of the middle reaches of Gometti River. It has a population of 1.06 million in the suburbs (1981). Until 2001, the population was 3647834. Economic and cultural center. It is famous for gold, silver, ivory, iron and steel ware, ceramics, printed cloth and other handicrafts. Railway and highway hubs. Agricultural products distribution center. There are food processing, sawing, paper making, textile, agricultural machinery equipment, chemicals and other industries, aircraft and vehicle repair plants, railway locomotive repair plants and precision instrument plants. There are many gardens, parks and zoos in the city. Tourism is important.
Lucknow was formerly one of the cities ruled by the Avadh rulers Uttar Pradesh After obtaining it, it finally became the capital of the state. The city is famous for its farming methods and gentle culture. Even today, Lucknow is still a light and classic North India music And Kasak School dance Home of. Lucknow's lifestyle is called Nawabi Nazakat, which means to speak softly, eat in the most elegant manner, wear the best embroidered clothes, listen to the best Sayery music, participate in classic music and Kasak dance Program.
The history of this ancient city can be traced back to the time when Ayodhya King Ram ruled the city. It is said that after he defeated Ravan in Lanka, he gave the nearby small city to his brother Lakshman as a gift. He helped Ram spend 14 years in exile. This place has been called Lakshmanpur since then. Lucknow is a different expression of the same name.
Lucknow only the medieval times It became famous under Mugel and later under the rule of Navab. Mugel was actually the agent or controller of Navab Empire, but after the disintegration of Mugel's rule, Avadh's Navab declared independence and ruled this rich region. In the mid-19th century, the British gained the domination of this area under the pretext, britain His atrocities led to a strong rebellion against the British Empire within the royal family itself. This led to the imprisonment of Nawabwazir Elisha and the imprisonment of his wife in Nepal. Calm habits, good manners, delicious objects, beautiful buildings and elegant manners have become a part of the life of Lucknow people. This small city near Avadh (it was given to Lakshman as a gift in legend) is famous for its Navab, which is metaphorically called Avadh Shiraz, Constantinople of India.
Today, people in Lucknow live in a city with residual influence of Nawab culture, a city with memories of the past, a city that has achieved fruitful results and a certain position in art, music and dance, and a city with decent life and culture.

Development history

Jota Imambala Tomb Palace
According to Indian mythology, Lucknow is Indian Epic It was built by Lakshman, brother of Rama, the hero in Ramayana. It was originally called Qunv City. In the 7th century AD, when the Jieri King was in power, Qunv City was once the capital.
It is said that in 1256, a group of Muslim Shaiks came to live here. They asked an engineer named Luckner Bass to build a castle for them and named it after him. Over time, Lucknow became a place where Muslims lived, and the city changed from Lucknow to Lucknow with the name of the castle. In fact, Lucknow is famous in history Mughal Dynasty Later. At that time, some officers in northern India supported themselves and became the king of the separatist regime. Lucknow became the capital of Awad Tubang.
In 1819, it was governor Convincing, he declared his independence from the Mughals and became Awad Germany. Because the king was fatuous and incompetent, Britain expelled him in 1856 and annexed Awad Germany. However, this incident turned out to be the fuse of India's anti British uprising.
In 1857, the insurgents fought bravely with the British army here and besieged the British Governor's Office for 87 days. Today, the ruins of the British Governor's Mansion have become a place for sightseeing, and the bullet holes and the traces of gunfire on the ruins can be seen vaguely.
With wide roads, busy traffic, beautiful parks and towering buildings, Lucknow has undoubtedly entered the ranks of modern cities.

Scenic Spots and Historical Sites

Lucknow is not very prominent in Indian history, but its scenic spots and historic sites in the past 200 years have their unique style and charm.
Barra Imambala Tomb Palace
The famous Bala Imambala Tomb Palace was built in 1748, and its main feature is Stone brick The traditional red sand and stone materials are replaced by plaster, and many Persian domes and Mughal pavilions on the gable walls on both sides of the gate are refreshing. The central hall is 50 meters long and 15 meters high, which is the longest arcade hall in the world. The grand round vaulted hall is magnificently decorated India It is also the most prominent hall of its kind.
Jota Imambala Tomb Palace
Built in 1837, it is also unique. Above the white main building is a golden dome, in the middle of the grass and flower bed in front is a rectangular pool, and on both sides of the pool are two white tombs standing opposite each other. The three tombs echo each other from afar, forming a huge Mughal garden with the grass, pool and flower bed in the middle. Between the two buildings is the famous Rumi Gate, built in 1784. The 20 meter high arch is beautifully carved and richly decorated, byzantium Three more Mughal pavilions are erected on the arches, which are very prominent among similar buildings, and thus become the landmark buildings of Lucknow. To the west of the arch is a 67 meter high bell tower built in 1881, which is obviously a mixture of British and Indian architecture. In the Mughal architectural complex stands a somewhat European bell tower, which is also rare in India.
This great mausoleum is located near Rumidarwaza, where its builder, King Muhammad Ali, and his mother are buried. It was built from 1837 to 1842, and is called Juta Imambala. Before arriving at the mausoleum, it will pass through a beautiful garden. This ima mubara is composed of a white dome and numerous small towers and minarets. The walls of the mausoleum are decorated with arab Verse. The interior is also decorated with tree shaped decorative lights, gold-plated mirrors, colorful stucco, the crown of the king and decorative replicas of the mausoleum.
King Imam Mubara of Najaf
This white domed building gets its name from Baghdad 200 kilometers to the south, buried Hazrat Alinajev It is located on the right bank of the ancient Muti River. The tomb contains the remains of Gaz Ude Din Hyde and his wife, including his European wife Mubarak Mogul. The gate of the mausoleum leads to a beautiful garden. The silver tomb of Gaz Ude Ding Hyde is located in the center of the mausoleum. On both sides of the tomb are two gold and silver tombs, which are more richly decorated and buried his wife.
Assaf Imamubara
Its other famous name is Balaima Mubara. It was built in 1784 by Nawab Assaf Ude Daula. It is one of the finest architectural works of that era. It is said that the central hall here is the largest arched club in the world. Except for the internal corridor, this building does not use any woodwork. There is a staircase leading to multiple mazes outside the building, and visitors must obtain government approval if they want to enter the maze. There is also a luxurious Asaph Mosque in Imam Mubara.
It is said that this large and beautiful gate is an imitation Constantinople A gate was built. In 1784, the terrible famine caused people to die in batches here, so Asaph Ude Daula built this gate to create labor and employment opportunities to maintain people's livelihood.
Keselban Palace
Keselban Palace The construction project of was ordered by King Yonawab Wajid Ali, which began in 1848 and was completed in 1850. This project is the eighth wonder of the world. Yellow buildings were built on three sides of the quadrangle of the building, where women used to live together with their wives and concubines. At the center of the palace is a stone building called Baladali. The road inside was once paved with silver.
National Institute of Botany
It is located on the Hikandarban, one of the battlefields of the resistance in 1857.
National Museum/Zoo
This is the best leisure place in Lucknow. The museum is located in Banarashban, where a large number of handicrafts and souvenirs are collected. There is also a zoo with a variety of rare animals in the museum.




Amaus Airport , Lucknow arrived in Delhi Patna Colkata , Mumbai and Varanasi There are direct flights to other places.


Lucknow is connected to all cities in the country by railway. The main trains passing through Lucknow are as follows:
Sata Badi, hurry up
Ninitalt, come on
Sabarmatite, fast
Vaisari Express
Awad Assam Express
Nilan Chalt, come on
Ganges Yamuna Express
Lucknow Express
Gumudete, come on
Kashi Bishwanash Express
Pay the money quickly
Mumbai Gulaku Pu'er Express
Keqi Gulaku Pu'er Express


Lucknow is connected to cities across the country by road, and the distance to major cities is: Agra - 363 km, Allahabad - 210 km, Ayodhya - 135 km, Kolkata - 985 km, Kolbet National Park - 400 km, Delhi - 497 km, Dudewa National Park - 238 km, Kanpur - 79 km, Kashulaho - 320 km Varanasi - 305 km.