Willy Brandt

German politician and former Socialist International President
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synonym Brandt (politician) generally referring to Willy Brandt
Willy Brandt (also translated as Willy Brandt, December 18, 1913 - October 8, 1992) was born in Lubeck, Germany, a German politician, and the fourth Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany. [3]
Willy Brandt joined the Social Democratic Party in 1930 and the Socialist Workers' Party in 1931. Hitler After taking office, he was forced to work underground. Elected on October 3, 1957 West Berlin mayor. In 1958, he was elected chairman of the West Berlin Social Democratic Party. In December 1966, he became the Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany. He was elected Prime Minister after the general election in 1969. After resigning on May 6, 1974, he served as the chairman and honorary chairman of the German Social Democratic Party. In 1976, he was elected Socialist International chairman. He died at home on October 8, 1992 at the age of 78. [3]
Willy Brandt and Israel Soviet Union Group conciliatory New Oriental Policy Open diplomatic deadlock, especially in 1970 Warsaw Of Warschauer Kniefall Attract worldwide attention. That's why he became The Nobel Peace Prize Winner. Brandt often visited countries in the world as the chairman of the Socialist Party and the chairman of the Socialist International. [1]
Chinese name
Willy Brandt
Foreign name
Willy Brandt
Herbert Ernst Carl Fram (original name)
one's native heath
date of birth
December 18, 1913
Date of death
October 8, 1992
Key achievements
1969-1974 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
Implement the New Oriental Policy and Break the Diplomatic Deadlock
Obtained in 1971 The Nobel Peace Prize

Character's Life


Early experience

Willy Brandt (hereinafter referred to as Brandt) was born on December 18, 1913 the Baltic sea town A poor worker's family in Lubeck. At the age of 15, he joined the Socialist Youth League, a youth organization of the Social Democratic Party. Brandt, as a student, often contributed articles to the People's Messenger, an organ of the Lubeck Social Democratic Party. [8]
In 1930, Brandt was exceptionally recruited as a member of the Social Democratic Party. One year later, due to differences of opinion with the party leaders, he turned to join the Socialist Workers' Party split from the Social Democratic Party and served as the leader of the party's youth organization. [8]
On February 27, 1933, Hitler utilize Reichstag Fire announce Nazi Party It is the only legal political party, and all other political parties are prohibited from activities. Face Hitler fascist Under the rule of the Communist Party of China, some of the activities of the Socialist Workers' Party went underground and some developed abroad. "Willy Brandt" was his alias in 1933 to avoid the inspection of the secret police, but he has been using it since then. [8]
Willy Brandt
In early April 1933, Brandt was sent to Norway The Norwegian Workers' Party assigned him to be in charge of the work of the Association of Political Exiles. Later, he was recruited as a member of the Party. The Norwegian Workers' Party organ, the Workers' Daily, set up a special column in which he wrote articles to expose the truth of Germany under Hitler's rule, and his remuneration became his main source of livelihood. Soon he was back from Denmark He moved to Norway and insisted on opposing fascist struggle. [8]
In 1937, Brandt War correspondent Participated as spanish civil war , on Madrid Defense Report in. [8]
In 1940, when Germany invaded Norway, Brandt fled to Sweden Incorporated into Swedish nationality. In Sweden, he became a reporter, covering the German invasion of Norway. [8]

Mayor of Berlin

In October 1945, Brandt returned to Germany, reporting Nuremberg Military Court The interrogation of Nazi war criminals. One year later, norwegian government He was also appointed as the press commissioner of the major of the Norwegian military delegation in Berlin, responsible for working with the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France Military Control Commission Contact.
In November 1947, Brandt returned to Germany. [8]
In 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany was founded. Brandt West Berlin The city representatives attended the first session of the Federal Parliament as nonvoting delegates. [8]
In 1955, Brandt was elected President of the West Berlin City Council. [8]
In the winter of 1956“ Hungarian Event ”After that, citizens of West Berlin took to the streets to hold demonstrations, and some young people Brandenburg Gate The direction went forward, and there was a bloody conflict with the police, when Brandt stopped the bloody conflict. [8]
In 1957, Brandt was elected mayor of West Berlin. [8]

Governing career

Willy Brandt
In 1961, Brandt was elected as the candidate for Prime Minister of the Social Democratic Party, but failed. [3]
In 1964, Brandt was elected chairman of the German Social Democratic Party. [3]
In 1965, Brandt continued to be the party's candidate for prime minister Ludwig Erhard Competition, but the result is not as expected. Brandt returned to Berlin and continued as mayor. [3]
Willy Brandt
In 1966, a crisis broke out in the federal government. Under the situation of internal and external difficulties, the Ahmad government announced its resignation. A grand coalition government composed of all major parties was announced. The Social Democratic Party was given the opportunity to participate in politics for the first time, and Brandt served as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. [3]
In 1969, Brandt, 55, was elected the fourth Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany. [3]
In 1973, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) became the most powerful parliamentary party group in the Federal House of Representatives, and together with the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), it had an advantage of 48 seats. Brandt continued to form a coalition government with the Liberal Democratic Party and began his second premiership. [10]
In May 1974, Brandt was forced to resign due to a series of public opinion events. [3]

A career of stepping down

Although Brandt resigned from his post as Prime Minister, he was not completely divorced from political life. He was still successively elected as a member of Parliament, and served as the chairman of the Social Democratic Party until 1987, which made him have a great influence on German politics. [16]
From 1976 to 1992, Brandt served as the chairman of the Socialist International, and he tried to expand the influence of the organization in underdeveloped countries. [16] He chaired the North South Committee, which advocates assistance to poor countries. He is increasingly close to the left-wing parties and opposes Reagan Many cold war policies have been implemented, especially the policy of the United States to establish missile bases in Europe. [16]

Old age life

On October 8, 1992, Willy Brandt died at home at the age of 79 due to ineffective treatment of cancer. [12]

Measures for politics


Economic aspects

Under the attack of the economic crisis, the Social Democratic Party, which advocates strengthening state intervention, began to participate in the governance. At the beginning of 1967, the grand coalition government led by Brandt adopted a program to stimulate the economy and increased spending on railway, postal and highway construction. The Federal Bank reduced the discount rate from 5% to 3% to encourage investment. On the other hand, it expanded the money supply to 10.4%. In June 1967, the government promulgated the Law on Promoting Economic Stability and Growth, which stipulates that the goal of the national economic policy is to "simultaneously achieve price stability, high employment, foreign trade balance and sustained high speed economic growth". In order to achieve this goal, the government used public expenditure to effectively intervene in the process of economic development. After the promulgation of the law, the government took a series of measures to promote the economic situation, including a large number of orders from enterprises, a substantial increase in wages, the implementation of preferential tax rates, and the expansion of government investment. Since 1968, the national economic situation has improved. [17]
In 1969, Brandt said in his policy program: "We are not ready to break with the market economy system", and said that the new government will maintain the continuity of domestic and foreign policies. [10] Brandt continues to pursue an effective "market economy", expand the free rights and welfare of the people, protect free competition, and ensure that business owners exercise their initiative; Free elections in the consumption and service sectors; Protect private ownership of the means of production, land ownership and land tenancy rights. [10] In October 1982, Brandt said at the Federal Committee of the Social Democratic Party of Germany held two days after the Social Democratic Party stepped down that the continuity of the Social Democratic Party's policy should be achieved: "As an opposition party, our party will not discover a new world. It must rely on what it has done in fulfilling its government responsibilities." [14]
Brandt implemented comprehensive economic reform to promote financial stability and economic growth; It has greatly increased the value of Mark, strengthened the financial strength, strengthened the federal government's intervention in the economy, and ensured economic growth and employment. Brandt strengthened the role of labor and introduced a new type of technical education. [8] It has provided impetus for changing the difficult situation of the domestic economy, and helped the Federal Republic of Germany get out of the predicament and continue to move towards prosperity and development. [4]

Social aspects

Brandt passed a wide-ranging "internal affairs reform plan", and decided to take a series of measures in the implementation of reasonable redistribution of property, retirement, family, health insurance, reform of educational institutions, etc. [17] In November 1971, the government promulgated the Enterprise Internal Regulations Act, which requires to expand the rights of workers and expand the personnel, welfare and economic rights of enterprise trade union committees. In terms of welfare policy, the social welfare law has been expanded, the scope of medical insurance has also been expanded, accident insurance has been extended to primary and secondary school students and children, the pensions of the bereaved families have been increased, and unemployment allowances and unemployment benefits have been increased. [8]

political phase

In order to adapt to the changing economic, technological and social conditions, Brandt also reformed some laws, and revised the Marriage Law, Family Law, Sexual Criminal Law and Enforcement Law. In view of the impact on German democracy caused by the school tide instigated by the opposition outside the parliament - left-wing and right-wing radical parties since the 1960s, in order to ease the domestic political opposition, the government in 1970 reduced the right to vote from 21 to 18 years old in order to win over young students. [14]

Diplomatic aspects

Warschauer Kniefall
In 1969, Brandt pursued a foreign policy of cooperation with the West and understanding with the East. He advocated strengthening cooperation with the United States, France and other Western allies, expanding the European Community and promoting the integration of Western Europe; While promoting the political alliance and defense cooperation in Western Europe, we should continue to improve relations with the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries. On the issue of Germany, it advocates "conditional recognition of Democratic Germany", but emphasizes that "Democratic Germany is not a foreign country". The relationship between Federal Germany and Democratic Germany is a special relationship of "one nation, two countries". [10]
  • New Oriental Policy
Brandt paid close attention to the unification of Germany and made unremitting efforts for a long time. His new oriental policy has taken an important step towards building mutual trust between Germany and Germany. He also made speeches in the east to create a relaxed atmosphere. He advocated that the two parts of East and West Germany should be gradually integrated, "do not rush".
In 1961, as West Berlin The mayor's Brandt gradually realized from the Berlin Wall incident that the split between the two Germans is a fixed factor. Just shout the slogan "Let the wall go", the wall is Cannot be pushed down Of. At the end of 1966, Brandt Kurt Georg Kiesinger When the Cabinet served as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Federation, it seized the opportunity in time to cooperate with Poland and Czechoslovakia Trade representative offices have been set up with each other Romania Established diplomatic relations , and Yugoslavia Diplomatic relations were restored. This series of diplomatic actions made a breakthrough in the relationship between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Eastern European countries. [9]
On March 6, 1970, the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and France held negotiations on the Berlin issue. In 1971, Brandt visited the Soviet Union for the first time as a federal prime minister. The major achievement of this visit is that the two sides signed a treaty of peace and friendship, ending the long-term relationship between the two major powers State of war At the same time, he signed a non aggression treaty with Poland, declaring that both sides "have no territorial claims on anyone and will not make territorial claims in the future."
On September 3, 1971, the agreement on the West Berlin issue was signed, namely《 West Berlin Agreement 》。 The main contents are: reaffirming the rights and responsibilities of the United States, Britain and France in West Berlin; The transit traffic of civilians and goods from Western countries through the West Berlin Passage will smooth operator West Berlin is not a part of the Federal Republic of Germany and will not be under the jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Germany in the future; The people of West Berlin can visit Democratic Germany for humanitarian, family, religious and commercial reasons or as tourists; The Federal Republic of Germany can represent the interests of West Berlin in international organizations and conferences. After the agreement was signed, the situation in Berlin became stable.
To improve and develop relations with East Germany, Brandt Eastern policy Another major breakthrough. On December 21, 1972, after difficult negotiations, the two Germans finally signed《 Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic Republic Basic Treaty on Relations, thus thawing the relations between the two countries the United Nations Paved the road. In December 1973, he went to Prague to sign the Treaty on Normalization of German Czech Relations. [9]
  • Western policy
Another focus of Brandt's western policy is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. He believed that "the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is mainly a defense and health organization. Only by strengthening the North Atlantic Treaty Organization can the enemy be prevented from using force and exerting political pressure on any of our allies". He said: "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and detente are not contradictory. They are complementary to each other. Without the support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, we cannot implement the detente policy, and without the detente between the East and the West, the political objectives of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization cannot be achieved." Brandt believes that the political purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is to further consolidate and develop the more stable East West relations, and the coexistence of this foundation will ensure a secure and lasting peace in Europe. [10]
  • Be good to Hua You
Brandt attached great importance to the development of friendly relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and China. After he was elected Prime Minister, he sent government officials to China for friendly visits many times. In October 1972, he appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Walter Scheel He came to Beijing and officially signed the Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations. After the establishment of diplomatic ties, the relations between the two countries have further developed, and mutual exchanges have increased significantly. In 1975, he attended the National Day reception held by the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Germany. After the death of Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in 1976, he was the only leader of the Federal German political party who came to the Chinese Embassy to pay tribute. On the evening of May 28, 1984, at the invitation of the Communist Party of China, Brandt led a delegation of the Social Democratic Party to visit China and worked with the then General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Hu Yaobang He held many talks on the international situation, bilateral relations, strengthening the ties and cooperation between the two parties and other issues of common concern, and also served as the director of the Central Advisory Committee of the CPC Deng Xiaoping Hold talks. [10] [13]

personal honor

Brandt worked hard to reconcile with the Soviet Union and Poland during his term of office, especially kneeling in front of the Jewish monument. He was praised by Western people as the pioneer of creating a mild climate and regarded as a great peacemaker. In recognition of his contribution to this end, December 20, 1971 Norway Parliament decided to award him the Nobel Peace Prize. [3] United States in the same year《 times 》The weekly magazine named him "News Person of 1971".

Personal life

  • parent
Brandt is the illegitimate son of a 19-year-old salesman. As a result, he could only take his mother's surname. Later, his mother got married, and Brandt was fostered in other people's homes when he was young. Only after his grandfather returned from the battlefield did he enjoy a little family warmth and fun. [12] His grandfather Ludwig Fram was a staunch Social Democrat. Little Herbert often listened to his stories about the struggle of the Social Democratic Party and the bright prospects of socialism. All this sowed the seeds of social democracy in little Herbert's young mind. [12]
  • wife
Brandt's first wife, Karota Tolkieldsen, was a Norwegian girl. They married in Sweden in 1941 and had a daughter. It is said that after marriage, Brandt was engaged in political activities and could not spend more energy on taking care of his family. In addition, Tolkieldsen realized that the war was coming to an end and Brandt would eventually return to Germany, so they officially announced their divorce in 1947 on the basis of mutual understanding. They separated in 1944, and their marriage lasted only four years.
Shortly before the end of the Second World War, Brandt met another Norwegian girl in Stockholm, named Ruth Hansen. She was born on January 20, 1920 in Hamar, a small city in Chouwei, and has three sisters. My father is a farm driver. When Lute was 3 years old, her father died of illness, so her mother had to work in a dairy to support her family. The two married in 1948. In December 1966, Brandt served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs in Kissinger's Cabinet. Lute and his family moved from West Berlin to Bonn. During this period, she served as President and Honorary President of the Bureau of Women and Family Affairs. In 1980, the two divorced.
  • children
After their marriage, Lute and Brandt had three sons, Peter the eldest, Lars the second and Mathias the youngest. [10]

social activities

Brandt remained active on the international stage after his resignation. He has successively served as the chairman and honorary chairman of the German Social Democratic Party. In 1976, he was elected as the international chairman of the Socialist Party. After he took office, he carried out a series of reforms on the Socialist International, and revised the International Constitution of the Socialist Party. Three new tasks have been set for the Socialist International: to fight for relaxation and disarmament, to establish a new world economic order in North South relations, and to fight for human rights. Brandt also often visited as the chairman of the Socialist Party and the chairman of the Socialist International Countries in the world , covering Europe, the United States, Asia and Africa. [3]
In early 1977, Robert McNamara, President of the World Bank, proposed that Brandt lead a committee on international development. On September 28 of the same year, Brandt announced in New York that he was preparing to form an independent commission on international development and would personally serve as the chairman of the commission. The committee is composed of 18 members from five continents, including celebrities from all walks of life. [3]

Character evaluation

Faraci (Italian reporter) History will judge what a great statesman and important person Willy Brandt is, but one thing is certain that, as a leader, he was an extraordinary figure after the war in Western Europe. He led a new Germany for many years, which no longer aroused hatred and fear, but on the contrary made other countries envious. Brandt has many merits, among which the biggest one is to make us understand that Germany does not mean Hitler. He himself opposed Hitler with words and fists from the age of 14. He wrote articles against the Nazis, fought with them, escaped the Nazis, fled to Scandinavia, and continued to fight there. Not many Germans have done this. Obviously, he should not go to Warsaw to kneel in front of the tomb of the Jews slaughtered by the Third Reich, and he should not go to Jerusalem to recite the hymn asking for forgiveness, but he did so. In my opinion, in terms of its importance, this action is no less important than his "New Oriental Policy", his Europism and his socialist ideology. His socialism is not so much socialism as the exploration of socialism. Those who laid the foundation for socialism cannot say that he has achieved socialism. The indisputable fact is that this often criticized Willy Brandt has won more benefits for German workers than many utopias. He did not revoke his freedom. This respectable but unlovable character grew up in the worship of freedom and later became a journalist, writer, mayor and prime minister of Berlin. He has always taken a clear stand. [2]
Oskar Lafontaine (Former leader of the German Social Democratic Party) As Foreign Minister, Brandt soon won people's trust in him in the world. He continued the small step easing policy that he had successfully implemented in Berlin. In this regard, he has received strong support from Egon Barr. For us college students, Brandt immediately became a leader. What distinguishes him from many other politicians is that he was actively engaged in anti Nazi activities. When he was young, he went into exile to Norway in 1933 and returned to Berlin after the war. Many people who acted in the wind slandered him because he had left Nazi Germany; Adenauer attacked him because he was an illegitimate son. [11]
Mitterrand (Former President of France) : In front of me, the man who announced the state of war is no longer the man who once described me as being in trouble. Should he gain the reputation of daring to say no at the expense of his motherland, or should he just obey Moscow's order and take remedial measures within his power. Is he a hero or a traitor? To his contemporaries, he may be a traitor; But for history, it must be a hero. He knew that he had to face the resistance of his compatriots with difficulty, and he had to bear the hostility and contempt of people for him. He has endured all this. He told me that it was his responsibility. In order to prevent the Soviet army from reoccupying and arbitrarily manipulating Poland, his sense of responsibility forced him to take precautions, at least to prevent the worst from happening. [11]
Viola Helms Drat: Willie Brandt has been a prominent figure in the political center of Europe for a quarter of a century. During this period, he became a persuasive advocate of ideas, which were widely spread and accepted by leaders such as Washington and Moscow. He resigned as German Prime Minister in 1974, which does not mean that he has no future. He is the head of the German Social Democratic Party and is known to millions of people as the mayor of Berlin; He responded quickly to his own scandals and the revelation of political mistakes, which allowed him to reserve the opportunity to create a new position for himself. It is hard to predict whether he can successfully achieve this important goal, but he occupies an important position among the changing European leaders. He can add new cohesion to the European nations, and Germany still plays a major role in it. Willy Brandt's character became his disaster. From the perspective of human nature, judging by his own standards, he has all the characteristics of a tragic figure. [15]
Willy Brandt

personal works

Brandt's memoir People and Politics: The Years 1960-1975 was published in 1978. [5]

Character controversy

  • Spy Gate
Willy Brandt
Gyante Guillaume used to work in a publishing house under the Ministry of National Security of East Germany. In the mid-1950s, he and his wife Christophen Markus Wolf He sneaked into West Germany and mingled with a large number of East Germans who migrated there. according to Wolff Guillaume and his wife should try to develop in the Social Democratic Party, so they joined the Social Democratic Party. In 1964, Guillaume became the Social Democratic Party Frankfurt The person in charge of the district, after which he was promoted all the way politically. In September 1969, the German Social Democratic Party won the general election for the first time after the war. Shortly afterwards, Guillaume successfully entered the office of West German Prime Minister Brandt in January 1970. In the following years, Guillaume won Brandt's trust and appreciation for his ability and outstanding work ability. Less than a year after he served as the Prime Minister's junior assistant, he was promoted to be the Prime Minister's chief assistant, and even served as the contact between the Prime Minister's office and the West German intelligence agencies. Guillaume has so much power that he can arrange a trip for the Prime Minister. Willy Brandt himself is also fond of socializing, and his briefcase is also kept by Guillaume. As a result, he has access to a large number of core secrets of the Federal Government of Germany and NATO. Later, Guillaume took his briefcase home to take photos and steal state secrets of West Germany.
In the autumn of 1972, East German spy Gronau West Berlin be arrested. As he had some contacts with Guillaume in his daily work, the West German opposition department found that traces The line of sight of the scouts gradually extended to Guillaume. After a long period of monitoring and evidence collection, the Guillaume couple were arrested on April 24, 1974. This incident caused a strong stir in the political arena of West Germany earthquake After the event was exposed, the Prime Minister and the whole country of West Germany were in an uproar, and the East German government also felt that stunned Later, Willy Brandt was attacked by the opposition party and the newspaper Sex scandal Events forced him to step down. [6-7]