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Labor proficiency

Under the same conditions, the level of labor skills of workers engaged in a certain production
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Labor proficiency refers to the level of labor skills of workers engaged in a certain production (or service) under the same conditions. It is a concrete manifestation of the quality of workers. The development of productivity and the improvement of labor efficiency are not only reflected in the improvement of labor means, but also in the continuous improvement of the quality of workers and their labor proficiency. The continuous improvement of labor proficiency is the objective requirement of the development of productivity itself. The basic way to improve the quality of workers and their labor proficiency is to vigorously develop education. [1]
Chinese name
Labor proficiency
Under the same conditions, the labor skill level of workers engaged in a certain production (or service)
This term can be found in Karl Marx's Capital. Marx used the popular abstract General statement. At the same time, labor intensity is also used Socially necessary labor time Individual labor proficiency Working hours etc. concept Marx believes that the value of commodities depends on the necessary labor time of society. The necessary labor intensity and the necessary labor proficiency are the organic components of social necessary labor time. (The original text is not quoted here, but we still need to understand Baidu's principle: entries are for reference only, and professionals should be consulted when necessary)