Animal protein

Protein from fish, shrimp, poultry meat, livestock meat, eggs and milk
zero Useful+1
Animality protein Mainly from fish, shrimp poultry , meat, eggs and milk. Generally speaking, most animal proteins belong to High quality protein This is because animal protein is abundant and necessary for human body amino acid , in human body absorptivity Its nutritional value is also high.
Chinese name
Animal protein
Foreign name
animal protein
Fish and shrimp poultry , meat, eggs and milk

Main sources

The reason why the amino acids contained in the protein are different depends on the source of the protein. Protein mainly comes from animal food and plant food. Animal protein and plant protein contain different amino acids, which means that their nutritional values are also different.
Animal protein mainly comes from poultry, livestock and fish Meat, eggs, milk, etc. Its protein composition is casein Mainly (78~85%), which can be well absorbed and utilized by adults. More importantly, animal protein essential amino acid It has a complete range of varieties and a reasonable proportion, so it is easier to digest, absorb and use than ordinary plant proteins, and its nutritional value is relatively high. In general, meat (e.g fish beef )Protein and dairy Protein in Amino acid score Both are at the level of 0.9~1.0.

Source division

According to the source of protein, animal protein EAA High content, Vegetable protein NEAA content is high. 2. The diet based on plant protein has increased for healthy people Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) effect is lower than that of animal protein, indicating that plant protein can increase GFR less than animal protein. This may be related to the glycine alanine Arginine proline Because these amino acids increase GFR and glomerulus blood flow Role of.

Functional features

animal protein Refers to poultry and poultry Food is one of the important food for human beings because of its rich nutrition, delicious taste and wide consumption. Research has proved that in order to Cereals Among the population, there is a tendency to not easily absorb animal protein. For example, nearly half of the protein in eggs cannot be absorbed and utilized by the human body. Animal protein contains a lot of fat, which is easy to cause obesity and add Pathogenesis Animal experiments show that animals that eat animal protein grow fast, but their life span is short. And eat Vegetable protein The development of these animals is slow, but they have a long life span and good endurance. Such as adding proper proportion of soybeans into milk Selenoprotein It can give full play to the complementary role of proteins, enable the human body to obtain balanced and appropriate amino acids, and greatly improve the nutritional and physiological value of milk.
However, animal protein is called complete protein, which contains 9 kinds Essential amino acid With high fat, high calorie High cholesterol Disadvantages of.