Action description

Methods of portraying characters
zero Useful+1
Action description is characterization One of the important methods of characters. Successful action description can show the identity and status of the characters and reflect the characters Psychological activities The process of plot Development of.
Chinese name
Action description
Account character Status
Action in life and action in production
Move against static , static display


Describe the characteristic actions of the characters to show their character, quality, identity, status a situation state , called action description.
brief introduction
Lao She He once said, "The most difficult thing to describe characters is to make them stand up. We all know how to use occupation, class , ethnic and other characteristics to help form a unique personality; however these Things do not necessarily make this character active. On the contrary, sometimes the characters are more rigid due to detailed introduction. We should remember that to describe a person, we must know everything about him, but do not Facial Write them all together; We need to show him with action at any time. Every action clearly and forcefully shows that he is more and more lively and practical In this way, the appeal power of the characters can be profound and broad. " That is to say, only by successfully describing the actions of the characters can readers truly feel that what the author writes is one by one vivid Only by living people, can the spiritual world of the characters be fully displayed, and the image can truly stand up.
Action description also requires vividness, concreteness and meticulousness. It is necessary to completely describe the cause and effect of each action, and show the process of action occurrence, development and even end, so that readers can get the impression of being present and seeing the person. It is necessary to fully show the dynamics of the characters, so that the characters can show their unique personality and internal thoughts in a series of actions, thus making the image appear fuller complete three-dimensional Change.


① Reflect the identity and status of the characters ② Reflect the process of the psychological activities of the characters, ③ Show the character characteristics of the characters, ④ Promote the development of the plot. ⑤ Refer to a paragraph.


The range of action description is very wide. Such as actions in daily life, production and labor, entertainment and sports, and military activities. However, no matter what kind of action is described, its purpose is to shape the characters and express the theme of the work. Therefore, action description Never pay no heed to have one's words at hand , describe for the sake of description. Try to avoid bits and pieces be , the action dissociates from the character; We should also prevent similar actions and cliches that do not reflect the personality of the characters.
The action description that impresses the readers is often good at selecting specific scenes of the characters' actions, and depicting the unique characters' actions on the background of appropriate shades to create Typical character However, if the characters' actions are portrayed in the vortex of sharp conflicts and struggles, they will often receive better expression effects.

main features

Action description focuses on the accurate and vivid expression of the dynamic character, while portrait, expression and other descriptions mainly describe the static character. If you can flexibly Descriptive technique Used together, Move against static The image of the character can really reach the status of "more and more lively, more realistic" by showing the dynamic through static. A detailed description of the response of a character in a certain situation, mainly the action response, is bound to show the character's inner activities Life Attitude and ideological quality. Successful action description can account for the identity and status of the characters, reflect the process of the psychological activities of the characters, show the character characteristics of the characters, and sometimes promote the development of the plot.



In a masterpiece

The Bourgeois' upstart bucket maker in The Miser Grandet When dying, when "the priest gold-plated Of cross Send it to his lips... "He made a terrible gesture to hold the cross in his hand. "This" catch ", sent Upstart The old life of the miser also fully embodies the greedy nature of the miser.
The Scholars 》Yan Jiansheng's "stretching out" before his death finally made him another one in the gallery of world literary classics miser Typical of.
as for fall on evil days Kong Yiji of Xianheng Hotel "Discharge" Nine Wen on the Nine foot Counter Big money The pride of time.
lotus-covered lake 》When she learned that Shuishui was "going to the army tomorrow", her fingers could not help but "tremble" - the reed eyebrow cut her fingers, which was also a tremor of her inner thoughts. She wrote the subtle attitude that Shuishui was not prepared and would not let her husband go.
Lu Xun's Ah Q stay True Story of Ah Q The most eye-catching thing is to draw a circle in the court. "Ah Q bent down and tried his best to draw a circle. He was determined to draw a circle for fear of being laughed at, but the hateful pen was not only heavy, but also disobedient. It almost closed when it just shook, but then it turned out to look like a melon seed." Ah Q was in the "circle" I ended my life in a muddle


1. My aunt pulled up her sleeves, and her trouser legs were rolled up to her thighs. She moved slowly in the stream, lifted her left foot slightly, took a small step forward, and then slowly dragged her right foot forward, as if she was wearing a heavy shoe. She twisted her hat, bowed her back, lowered her head, squinted, and held things in her hands. At this time, she stopped, stopped looking around, stared at a place on the right, suddenly pricked her hand into the water, and held a small fish in her hand.
2. She picked up her chopsticks, reached for a plate of brightly colored dishes, and gently picked up a piece. originally Protruding muscles and veins At the moment, the blue veins of your hand are more obvious. She carefully put the food into her mouth and tasted it carefully.
3. Grandma stretched her right foot and slipped into the shoe opening. Her muscular hand tightly grasped the door frame and gently lifted her left foot. She carefully inserted the tight foot into the shoe opening and then stuck it in again. Then she stepped on it a few times to make her feet more comfortable and went out satisfied.
4. Close, closer, the team leader finally came to his side, like a Mount Tai He stopped in front of him and shouted, "Hand in your homework, hand in your homework!" He smiled, his expression was so funny and mysterious. Suddenly, he pricked his head, like a slippery loach passing the team leader's arm, and ran away like smearing oil on the soles of his feet.
5. There is one at the crossroads old lady , slightly hunchbacked, fat body, struggling to hold an umbrella on the open road to walk hard. The strong wind and heavy rain came to her face. She bent forward, grabbed the umbrella, and stepped back, stumble along Walking forward.
6. The young man ran well. He had already started running at a constant speed. He ran like a pony with his head held high: stride Symmetry, Step frequency Compact, powerful pedaling, relaxed waist and legs - the whole movement looks beautiful and elastic.
7. Shi Xuan's steps were even. His arms swung back and forth, his feet stepped faster and faster, his body leaned forward, and he ran forward with all his strength. Running to the finish line, she lifted her head and straightened her chest, and finally won the first place.
8. On Lang Ping In the first winter training of volleyball career, coaches began to give Lang Ping a "small cooking pot". Long distance running - Lang Ping ran around the 400 meter track again and again... His head was swollen, his chest hurt, and his legs could not be lifted. Stop? no The brain clearly sends out instructions, and the steps continue to move forward... The sweat has already wet the hair into strands, and the sweat drips from the forehead to the mouth bitter also Astringent How I want to lie down on the runway and relax! Suddenly, a strange smile came to her mouth - she suddenly remembered that when she was a child, she always wanted to taste the taste of being unable to jump again. Now she really tasted it, bitter and astringent.

Action description

Definition of action description: to show the character's character characteristics and Mental outlook Description of.
Why do we need to describe the characters' actions? In literary works, the description of characters' actions is the main means to shape characters. Shi Naian needs to be shaped Wu Song I have arranged for one time“ Jingyanggang Wu Song's "fight against the tiger" is all about how Wu Song "fight", describing Wu Song's hero's nature and strength in martial arts from his actions. It is written in the book that he adopts the strategy of "first defense, then attack", and shows his strategy and tact. The author shows Wu Song's multifaceted personality characteristics through the vivid and detailed description of the whole process of fighting against the tiger. Therefore, Mao Dun said: " Character must be expressed through action. "He also said:" Since the action of the character (the plot of the work) is the main means of expressing the character's character, whether the character's character is typical depends on whether these actions are typical. When the author orders the character to act, he should try to eliminate those who are vivid and interesting but can't express Typical character 's plot? "


1、 Character should be revealed from his own actions; 2、 The action of a character should be chosen to represent his character. Therefore, the purpose of describing the characters' actions should be very clear; 3、 Attention should be paid to the vividness and typicality of the characters' actions. The so-called vividness means that the author should write not only what the character is doing, but also how he does it. The so-called typicality means that the author should write why the characters do this, but not do that.
The positive side of the above Descriptive method , when writing, not mechanically Appearance description Psychological description Action description It is described in three ways. "Man is the sum of all social relations". When describing the characters, we should integrate these methods and use them flexibly, so that the characters can be vivid and lifelike.
Secondly, after studying positive description, let's see what is Profile description The so-called side description refers to: not describing the characters from the front, but exaggerating the atmosphere from the description and description of other characters and events Foil The description method of characters. Qing people Mao Zonggang When commenting on Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I think that this novel often uses the technique of setting off to depict the character. In his comment on the meeting of the heroes with Jiang Gan in the trap, he wrote: "There are positive and negative contrasts in the article Lu Su Honesty is contrasted with the cleverness of lining holes. write Zhou Yu Cute, double the brightness with holes. Cute, yes Positive lining Also. for example Those who write national colors Ugly Woman The beauty of form is not like that of beauty, but more beautiful; Write tiger generals to coward It is more brave to be brave than to be brave. "
Everything always exists in contradiction with each other. The method of setting off is just a reflection and application of dialectical laws in artistic creation. The author of "Yi Gui" Liu Xizai It said: "The front side does not write the reverse side, and the front side does not write the opposite side or the side side. It is wonderful to see the shadow and know the pole." Our ancient people called this method "powder dressing on the back side".
about Positive description and Profile description In the specific description of characters, we should also consider whether to use positive description or side description, or both, according to the needs of the theme and the specific situation of the plot development.
The formula of action description: action action+action object+action environment+action feeling. There are three of them. Your article has a highlight. Action feeling is essential