
North American countries
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Canada( English / French : Canada), the capital Ottawa , on North America north. To the east Atlantic , on the west the pacific ocean , adjacent to the northwest U.S.A Alaska , south U.S.A Local, north arctic ocean The climate is mostly Subalpine coniferous forest climate and Humid continental climate , the northern polar region is Polar long cold climate The landform of the country is high in the west and low in the east. It is rich in mineral resources, and the reserves of metal and non-metallic minerals are among the top in the world The total area is 9980000 square kilometers, of which the coastline is about 240000 kilometers long, and the country is divided into 10 provinces and 3 regions. As of June 2023, Canada has a total population of 40 million, mainly of English, French and other European descent. English and French are both official languages.
Canada formerly Indian And Inuit Place of residence. It became a French colony in the early 17th century and was ceded to britain On July 1, 1867, the United Kingdom merged the provinces of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia into a federation, becoming the first British Dominion. Since then, other provinces have also joined the Federation. In 1926, Britain recognized Canada's "equal status" and Canada gained diplomatic independence. In 1931, it became Commonwealth In member countries, their parliaments have also obtained equal legislative power with the British Parliament, but still have no right to amend the Constitution. In 1982, the British Queen signed the Canadian Constitution Act, and the Canadian Parliament gained all the power to establish and amend the Constitution. [1]
Canada is one of the most developed economies in the world and one of the seven largest industrial countries in the West. Manufacturing industry, high-tech industry and service industry are developed. Resource industry, primary manufacturing industry and agriculture are the main pillars of the national economy. It relies heavily on foreign trade and is deeply affected by the United States in economy. Canada is the United Nations International Monetary Fund World Bank World Trade Organization Group of Seven (G7)、 G20 and APEC Member States. In 2022, Canada's GDP will be $2.17 trillion. [7]
Chinese name
Foreign name
National Day
July 1st
National anthem
oh Canada
Country code
official language
English French
Time zone
UTC-3.5 to UTC-8
National leaders
King Charles III [16] (Head of State) Mary Simon (Governor) Justin Trudeau [1] (Prime Minister)
population size
40 million [1] (June 2023)
Population density
3.95 persons/km2 [5] (January 2023)
Major ethnic groups
Anglo Canadians French Canadian Indian Inuit [1]
Major religions
Catholicism (45%) Protestantism (36%)
land area
9980000 km²
Land area
9090000 km² [1]
Water area rate
8.92% (2019)
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
National Bird
Grey Crow
National flower
Sugar maple flower (Red Maple Leaf)
gross domestic product
$2170 billion [1] (2022)
GDP per capita
$54000 [1] (2022)

Historical evolution

Canadian Scenery
Canada used to be Indian And Inuit Residence of.
In the 16th century, French Dream of finding and ruling more territory, expanding their trade scope, and making countries around the world believe in their beliefs.
In 1535 King of France Francois I Command the navigator Jacques Kartier to explore the "New World" in order to find a channel to India. Cartier's first expedition came St. Lawrence Bay At this time, he did not know what he would find here, but he hoped that this was a branch of the ocean and the only way he would go on his journey to the Far East. So he went upstream along the St. Lawrence River. However, he did not reach the Asia he had hoped for, but came to Quebec, which the local Indians called "Stadakona". Two Indian Young people told Jacques Cartier about the route to "kanata". They were referring to Canada at that time. The name was used until the early 17th century.
St. Lawrence Bay Location
Canada is derived from Indian“ Canada ”, which means "community" or "village". When reporting to the French King, Cartier used "Canada" for the first time to refer to the Quebec where he arrived. By 1616, although the whole area had been named New France (la Nouvelle France) St. Lawrence Bay (French: Golfe du Saint Laurent; English: Gulf of St. Lawrence) The land along the coast is still called Canada.
From the 16th century, Canada became a French and British colony.
In 1583, the British Humphrey Gilbert Sir Humphrey Gilbert established a settlement in what is now St. John's, Newfoundland, and claimed that this was the first British colony in North America. [2]
In 1611, British explorer and navigator Henry Hudson (Henry Hudson) sailed to Hudson Bay in what is now Ontario, and declared this place to be owned by Britain. [4]
In 1620, fishermen from Westshire, England, had controlled most of the east coast of Newfoundland. [3]
Between 1756 and 1763, Britain and France broke out in Canada“ Seven Year War ”France was defeated. In 1763, Paris Peace Treaty Canada officially became a British colony.
In 1791, when Quebec was divided into the colonies of Upper Canada and Lower Canada, the word "Canada" was officially used for the first time. In 1841, Canada was reunified as the Province of Canada.
In 1867, Britain and Canada New Brunswick And Nova Scotia to form a union, which became the earliest Dominion Since then, other provinces have also joined the Federation.
In 1926, Britain recognized Canada's "equal status", and Canada was granted diplomatic independence.
Canadian Constitution Act, signed by the Queen in the lower right corner
In 1931, Canada became Commonwealth In member countries, their parliaments also have equal legislative power with the British Parliament, but they still have no right to amend the Constitution. [1]
In 1967, parti quebecois The party won the provincial elections in 1976.
In 1980, Quebec A referendum was held on independence, which resulted in the majority of opponents, but the issue was not finally resolved.
In 1982, The Queen of England Signed the Canadian Constitution Act, and the Canadian Parliament obtained constitutionalism amend a constitution All rights of. In the second half of the 20th century, some French speaking Quebec people asked for independence, but in two referendums (1980 and 1995), the independent party was almost negative with 40% and 49.4% of the votes. Later, Canada amended the relevant laws to clarify that when the issues raised in the referendum in Quebec are clear enough and supported by a clear majority, Quebec can conduct a consultation process with the Canadian government to secede from the Union.
In March 1982, the British House of Lords and the House of Commons passed the Canadian Constitution Act, which came into force after being approved by the Queen in April of the same year. Since then, Canada has gained all the power to legislate and amend the Constitution.
On April 17, 1982, the Canadian Parliament passed a new constitution and the British Parliament passed the repeal of the old constitution. Canada changed the name of Dominion Day on July 1 to Canada Day, and Canada was in fact independent from Britain. When the Federation was founded, the new country was named Canada.

geographical environment


Regional location

Canada is located in the northern half of North America, about 41 °~83 ° north latitude and 52 °~141 ° west longitude. It borders the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, Alaska to the northwest, the United States to the south, and the Arctic Ocean to the north. Canada has a land area of 9.985 million square kilometers, ranking second only to Russia in the world in terms of overall area, including 9.094 million square kilometers of land area and 891000 square kilometers of freshwater coverage. In the east-west direction, Canada starts from Cape Spier, Newfoundland in the east and ends at the border between Alaska and Canada in the west, with a straight-line distance of about 5360 kilometers. In the north-south direction, the southernmost point of the land is Midel Island on Lake Erie, and the northernmost point is Columbia Cape on Elsmere Island, with a straight-line distance of 4640 kilometers.

topographic features

Map of Canada
The eastern part of Canada is low Labrador Plateau In the southeast The Great Lakes In Lake Superior Huron Lake Lake Erie and Ontario , and American lake michigan Connected to form St. Lawrence River , sandwiched between the St. Lawrence Mountains and Appalachian Mountains A valley is formed between them, with flat terrain and many basins. To the west Cordillera Mountains Of The Rocky Mountains Many mountains are above 4000 meters above sea level. Highest mountain Logan Peak , located in the west Rocky Mountains , 5951m above sea level. Arctic Islands The region is mostly hilly and low mountains, covered with ice and snow due to the polar climate. In the middle are the Great Plains and Laurentian Low Plateaus , accounting for about half of the territory.


The northern part of Canada is located in a high latitude, and the winter is cold and long, while the southern most areas have four distinct seasons. Spring is the rainy season in most areas of southern Canada. The average temperature during the day rises day by day, but it is still cold at night. Summer usually begins in July. The climate in southern Canada is warm in summer. The daytime temperature usually exceeds 20 ℃, sometimes even reaches 30 ℃. From the end of September to October, the temperature changes in autumn. In winter, most areas are covered with ice and snow. The temperature is usually below 0 ℃, and the lowest temperature in some northern areas can reach - 60 ℃.

natural resources

Forest resources
Distribution of Forest Resources in Canada
Canada is rich in forest resources, with a forest area of 347 million hectares, ranking third in the world after Russia and Brazil, accounting for 9% of the world's forest coverage. About 240 million hectares are available timber forests, of which 68% are coniferous forests (softwoods), 15.5% are mixed forests, and 10.5% are broad-leaved forests. Plus 94% of the forest is public, and the remaining 6% is private. The total timber stock is about 44.65 billion cubic meters.
water resource
Canada has 890000 square kilometers of freshwater coverage in its territory, and sustainable freshwater resources account for 7% of the world. [1]
The main rivers in Canada are: St. Lawrence River Magengxie River Yukon River Columbia River Nelson River and Ottawa River Among them, Mackenzie River is the longest river in Canada, with a total length of 4241 kilometers, second only to Mississippi River , is the Arctic Ocean water system. The St. Lawrence River is a shipping channel between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, with a total length of 1287 kilometers. It is the river with the largest runoff in Canada, second only to the Mississippi River.
mineral resources
Canada is the third largest mining country in the world, producing more than 60 kinds of metal and non-metallic minerals. Canada is rich in mineral resources, with metal and non-metallic mineral reserves ranking among the top in the world. From the perspective of metal ore reserves, the recoverable reserves of potassium ore are 4.2 billion tons, and the potassium oxide equivalent is 1 billion tons, ranking first in the world, accounting for 27.8% of the world's potassium oxide equivalent; Uranium reserves are 490000 tons, ranking third in the world, accounting for 8% of the world's reserves; Platinum group metal reserves are 310 tons, ranking fifth in the world, accounting for 0.4% of the world's reserves; Gold reserves are 1900 tons, ranking ninth in the world, accounting for 3.8% of the world's reserves. Iron ore reserves are 6 billion tons, ranking sixth in the world, accounting for 3.6% of the world's reserves; Zinc reserves are 2.2 million tons, ranking 11th in the world, accounting for 1% of the world's reserves; Nickel reserves are 2.6 million tons, ranking ninth in the world, accounting for 2.9% of the world's reserves.
Oil and gas resources
The proven reserves of crude oil in Canada are 167.7 billion barrels, ranking the third in the world after Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, of which 97% exist in the form of oil sands, almost all in Alberta. Athabasca oil sand mining area is the largest oil sand accumulation area in the world, with the proven oil reserves of about 8 billion barrels. In 2019, the output of crude oil will reach 4.7 million barrels/day, ranking fourth in the world; The export volume is 3.8 million barrels/day, ranking the third in the world, of which 98% (3.7 million barrels/day) is exported to the United States. Canada's proven natural gas reserves are about 2.1 trillion cubic meters, ranking 17th in the world. In 2019, Canada's natural gas production will be 500 million cubic meters/day, ranking fourth in the world; The export volume is about 200 million cubic meters/day, ranking sixth in the world, all of which are exported to the United States.

administrative division


Zoning Details

Administrative divisions of Canada
Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 3 regions. The 10 provinces are Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Saskatchewan. The three regions are Northwest China, Yukon and Nunavut. [7]
Administrative divisions of Canada
Area (square kilometers)
Joining time
six hundred and sixty-one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight
nine hundred and forty-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-five
six hundred and forty-seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven
seventy-two thousand nine hundred and eight
four hundred and five thousand two hundred and twelve
St. John's
fifty-five thousand two hundred and eighty-three
one million seventy-six thousand three hundred and ninety-five
five thousand six hundred and sixty
one million five hundred and forty-two thousand and fifty-six
Quebec City
six hundred and fifty-one thousand and thirty-six
one million three hundred and forty-six thousand one hundred and six
Yellow knife
four hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and forty-three
White Horse
two million ninety-three thousand one hundred and ninety
Separated from the northwest in 1999

major city

Ottawa Scenery
Ottawa It is the capital of Canada and the political center of the country. It is located at the lower reaches of Ottawa River, a tributary of St. Lawrence River in the southeast of Canada. The capital area (including Ottawa, Ontario, Gatineau, Quebec and surrounding towns) has a population of 1324000 and an area of 4715 square kilometers. The annual average maximum temperature is 15~26 ℃ (July), and the minimum temperature is - 16~- 6 ℃ (January). Ottawa belongs to West 5 Time Zone, 13 hours later than Beijing Time. From the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, it is daylight saving time. The clock is set one hour faster, and the time difference with China is 12 hours. [7]
Ottawa Scenery
"Ottawa" comes from the Indian language (ADAWA), which means "trade". It was originally an aboriginal area. People in this area are famous for being good at trade. In the first half of the 19th century, Ottawa developed from a timber distribution center to the capital of Canada. It was founded in 1855. It was designated as the capital when the Canadian Dominion was established in 1867. Because Ottawa was originally a timber town and later became the seat of the Federal Parliament, it is called the "City of Sawing and Law".
Toronto Scenery
Toronto It is the capital of Ontario. According to the 2016 survey, the Census Metropolitan Area of Toronto has about 5.93 million residents, and the population of Toronto is 2.73 million. With an area of 630 square kilometers, Toronto is the largest city and economic center in Canada. It is located in the core area of Canada and close to the industrial developed area in the eastern United States. The automobile industry, electronic industry, financial industry and tourism industry play an important role in Toronto's economy. Its high-tech products account for 60% of the country. Famous Canadian banks, such as Royal Bank, Imperial Bank, Bank of Montreal and the Toronto Stock Exchange, the third largest stock exchange in North America, are all located in the city, and 90% of the branches of foreign banks in Canada are also located in Toronto. The famous Niagara Falls nearby attracts about 30 million tourists every year.
Toronto has a large number of immigrants, and 48% of its residents are immigrants from all over the world. Toronto is also a famous place for Chinese, with about 700000 Chinese in the Greater Toronto area. In recent years, the influx of new immigrants has brought a lot of money, strengthening Toronto's position as Canada's economic, commercial, financial and cultural center.
Toronto is an important cultural, educational and scientific research center. The University of Toronto, founded in 1827, is the largest university in Canada. The Ontario Science Center, the National News Agency, the National Broadcasting Corporation, the National Ballet, the National Opera House and other important natural and social science research institutions are all located in the city. [7]
Montreal Scenery
Montreal Located in eastern Canada, it is the main port on the St. Lawrence River (connecting the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean). The metropolitan area of Montreal census had a population of about 4.1 million in 2016, making it the second largest city in Canada. 60% of the residents are French. The urban architecture keeps the style of Paris 100 years ago. It is the largest French city in the world except Paris, so it is called "Paris in North America".
Montreal is economically developed, with the headquarters of railway companies, insurance companies and the International Civil Aviation Organization. Montreal is also one of Canada's financial centers. Five of the country's eight major banks have their headquarters here. As a shipping and industrial center, the city has not only various emerging manufacturing and oil processing industries, but also traditional industries such as soap, wine, wood and leather products. Montreal is also a famous multicultural city and art center. It hosted the World Expo in 1967 and the Summer Olympics in 1976.
Montreal has developed higher education, including McGill University (established in 1821), George Williams University (1929) and Montreal University (1876). [7]
Vancouver Scenery
Vancouver It is the political, economic and cultural center of British Columbia, Canada, the hub of air and railway transportation in Canada, the largest port city in western Canada, and an important gateway from North America to the East. Vancouver is located on the Pacific coast in the southwest of British Columbia, Canada, between the Burard Bay and the Fraser River Delta, across the Strait of Georgia and facing Vancouver Island, 40 kilometers south of the Canadian American border. Vancouver is surrounded by mountains on three sides, surrounded by the sea on one side, and affected by the Pacific monsoon and warm current on the south. In the northeast, there is Rocky Mountain, which runs through the North American continent, as a barrier. The climate is mild and humid all the year round, and the environment is pleasant. It is a famous tourist attraction in Canada. The metropolitan area of Vancouver census had a population of 2.46 million in 2016. It is the third largest city in Canada and the largest industrial, commercial, financial, technological and cultural center in western Canada. [7]
Vancouver Scenery
Vancouver industry occupies an important position in Canada. The main processing industries include fish processing, food processing, wood processing and further processing of ancillary products. The mountains and forests near Vancouver provide a continuous stream of raw materials for wood processing and paper making in the city. Other industries include metal processing, shipbuilding, automobile, oil smelting, etc. As the largest port city on the west coast of Canada, Vancouver is the main cargo distribution center connecting North America and Asia. Vancouver has the largest port and the second largest airport in Canada, with developed railway transportation. With more than 50 international navigation lines, Vancouver Port is one of the busiest ports in the world.

National symbol


national flag

maple leaf
maple leaf It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. The flag face is composed of red and white from left to right, and the red on both sides represents Atlantic and the pacific ocean The white square symbolizes the vast territory of Canada. In the center, there is a red maple leaf with 11 corners, representing 7 provinces and 4 autonomous states of Canada. maple It's Canadian National tree It is also the symbol of the Canadian nation.

national emblem

Arms of Canada
Arms of Canada It is the coat of arms. Formulated in 1921, the middle of the design is in the shape of a shield, and the lower part of the shield is a branch of three maple leaves; The four patterns on the upper part are: three golden lions, an upright red lion, a harp and three lilies, respectively symbolizing Canada's historical relationship with England Scotland Ireland and France Links between. There is a lion holding a red maple leaf on the coat of arms, which is a symbol of the Canadian nation and also a symbol of the First World War During this period, Canada mourned the victims. The lion is crowned with a golden crown, symbolizing that the Queen is the head of state of Canada. The lion on the left side of the shield shape holds a United Kingdom flag, and the unicorn on the right side holds a former French lily Citigroup. On the ribbon at the bottom is written "from the sea to the sea" in Latin, indicating Canada's geographical position - the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the east Atlantic

national anthem

O Canada
oh Canada 》(French, English: Oh Canada) and God Save The Queen. "Oh! Canada" was composed by Kalixa Lavall é e and composed by Adolph Basile Louthier. It was first sung in 1880. The lyrics of the national anthem were originally in French only.
In 1908, Robert Stanley Weir wrote the English lyrics. On July 1, 1980, the Government of Canada announced that《 oh Canada 》Is official national anthem And held the naming ceremony of the national anthem in Ottawa, the capital. Therefore, Canada's national anthem has English and French lyrics. God Bless the Queen is the national anthem of Britain and the royal anthem of the Commonwealth.

National treasure

Beaver Beaver (also known as beaver), beaver is the largest medium-sized amphibian in Rodentia. Beavers in the world have Castor canadensis (Castor Canadensis Kuhl)、 Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber Linnaeus) and named subspecies (C.f. fiber Linnaeus) and Mongolian subspecies (C.f. birulai Serebrenikov).

national flower

Sugar maple flower, also known as red maple leaf, is Canada's national flower. Canada is known as the "country of maple leaves". Canadians have deep feelings for maple leaves. In addition to the large red maple leaves painted in the center of the national flag, maple leaf patterns can be seen everywhere in daily life.


As of January 2023, the total population of Canada is 39.5 million. They are mainly of English, French and other European descent, with indigenous people accounting for about 3%, and the rest of them are of Asian, Latin American and African descent. English and French are both official languages. Among the residents, 45% are Catholic and 36% are Christian. [1]
The population of Canada is unevenly distributed. Because of geography and climate, 80% of the population lives in a narrow strip 160 kilometers wide near the northern border of the United States. There are six provinces with a population of more than one million, namely, Ontario (14.7552 million people); Quebec 8.5759 million; 5.153 million people in British Columbia; 4.4363 million people in Alberta; 1.3809 million people in Manitoba; Saskatchewan has 1178800 people.
According to the latest national population statistics of Canada in 2016, the Canadian Chinese population is 1.7692 million, accounting for 5.1% of the total population of the country, ranking seventh among all ethnic groups. The top six are Canadian, British, Scottish, French, Irish and German. Toronto has the largest number of Chinese in Canada, with about 700000 Chinese in the Greater Toronto area. Vancouver is the second largest settlement of Chinese, with nearly 500000 Chinese living in Vancouver. In addition, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa and Winnipeg are also major cities where Chinese live.
On April 27, 2022, Statistics Canada released the 2021 working age census. More than one fifth of Canadians of working age are nearing retirement, a record high proportion, which will have a major chain reaction to Canada's economy, labor market and health care system. According to the census results, 21.8% of Canada's working age population, that is, people aged 15 to 64, are 55 to 64 years old and close to retirement. The total number of Canadians aged 65 and over is about 7 million, accounting for 19% of the population, up from 16.9% in the 2016 census. According to the population forecast, it may triple by 2046. People in this age group usually have higher health care needs and may have an overwhelming impact on Canada's already overburdened health system. [6]
On June 22, 2022, according to the data officially released by Canada, as of the end of the first quarter of 2022, the total population of Canada is estimated to be 38.654738 [11]
According to the comprehensive report of Sing Tao Daily in Canada, Statistics Canada released the 2021 census report on October 26, 2022. The report shows that immigrants account for nearly a quarter of Canada's population, the highest proportion since the founding of the Canadian Federation. More than 8.3 million people have entered Canada as immigrants or applied to become permanent residents. Statistics Canada said that because of Canada's aging population and low fertility, migration is the main driving force of population growth. From 2016 to 2021, migration accounted for four fifths of the growth of the labor force. The report also mentioned that in the past, most Canadian immigrants came from Europe, but now most of them come from Asia and the Middle East. India is the country with the highest proportion, and one fifth of Canadian immigrants come from India. [12]
On June 16, 2023, the "Population Clock" real-time model data of Statistics Canada showed that the total population of Canada exceeded the 40 million mark on June 16. [14]




Canada has a federal parliamentary system. The head of state is the King of England, and the Governor holds the executive power of the country on behalf of the King of England. The Federal Parliament, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives, is the highest power and legislative body of the country. The bill passed by the House and the Senate became law after being signed by the Governor. The Canadian government is a cabinet system and an executive body. The party with the majority of seats in the House of Representatives forms a cabinet, and its leader acts as the prime minister and leads the cabinet.
Since the establishment of the Union in 1867, the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party (formerly the Progressive Conservative Party) have basically taken turns in power. In 1993, the Liberal Party won the federal election, and Jean Chr é tien became the Prime Minister. In the 1997 and 2000 general elections, the Liberal Party won successively, and Croatia was in power for a second time. In December 2003, Cretian announced his retirement and Paul Martin succeeded him as Prime Minister. In 2004, Canada held a general election, the Liberal Party won again, and Martin was re elected as Prime Minister. In 2006, the Conservative Party defeated the Liberal Party in the general election and came to power, with its leader Stephen Harper as prime minister. In October 2008 and May 2011, the Conservative Party won the general election twice, and Harper was re elected as Prime Minister. In 2015, the Liberal Party won the general election by a large margin, and its leader, Justin Trudeau, became Prime Minister. In October 2019, Trudeau led the Liberal Party to win the 43rd general election and re-election as Prime Minister. In September 2021, the 44th federal general election will be held in advance, and the Liberal Party will win again. Trudeau will start his third term as prime minister.


Canada has a political system of separation of powers. So far, there is no complete constitution, which is mainly composed of constitutional bills passed in different historical periods, including the British North America Act passed by the British Parliament in 1867. The relevant bill stipulates that Canada implements the federal parliamentary system, respects the British King as the head of state, the Governor is the representative of the British King in Canada, and English and French are the official languages. The Constitution aims at peace, order and good governance. [1]


It is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The bills passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives become laws after being signed by the Governor. The Governor has the power to call and dissolve Parliament.
The Senate has 105 seats in total, and the number of seats is allocated according to the population proportion of each province and historical practice. The Senator is nominated by the Prime Minister, appointed by the Governor, and retired at the age of 75. The current chairman of the Senate is Raymond Gagn é, who will take office in May 2023.
The House of Representatives has 338 seats in total. The members of the House of Representatives are directly elected by the federal constituencies divided according to the proportion of the population of each province. The term of office is four years. The current Speaker of the House of Representatives is Greg Fergus, a Liberal personality, who will take office in October 2023. [1]


Implemented by the Government of Canada Cabinet system. The leader of the party that holds the majority of seats in the House of Representatives shall be the Prime Minister and form a cabinet. The current Liberal government was sworn in on October 26, 2021. There are 39 cabinet members of the current government, mainly including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Christia Freeland, Foreign Minister M é lanie Joly, Defense Minister Bill Blair, Innovation Fran ç ois Philippe Champagne, Minister of Science and Industry, Mary F.Y. Ng, Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Enterprises and Economic Development, etc. [1]


Canada There are federal, provincial and local (usually municipal) courts. Federal courts generally accept financial, maritime and related economic cases. The Supreme Court is composed of one justice and eight jury judges. It mainly arbitrates major political, legal and constitutional issues as well as major civil and criminal cases appealed by the federal and provincial governments. The decision of the Supreme Court is final. The judges of the Supreme Court are nominated by the Prime Minister, appointed by the Governor and retired at the age of 75. Chief Justice Richard Wagner took office in December 2017. The Attorney General and Attorney General Arif Virani took office in July 2023. Each province has a provincial high court and a provincial court, which mainly try criminal cases and other important cases related to the province, but some provincial courts also try civil cases. Local courts generally hear civil cases. [1]


(1) Liberal Party: the ruling party. It was founded in 1873. Represent the interests of industrial monopoly capital groups and give consideration to the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises. The leader is Justin Trudeau, the eldest son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, who was elected in April 2013.
(2) Conservative Party: formal opposition party, right-wing party. It was merged by the Alliance Party and the Progressive Conservative Party in December 2003, representing the interests of the banking and insurance industry, the railway transportation industry, the monopoly capital of the energy industry and the big farmers. The leader is Pierre Poilievre, who was elected in September 2022.
(3) New Democratic Party: opposition party. In 1961, it was merged by the "Civilian Cooperation Alliance" and the "Canadian Labor Conference". It belongs to the nature of the Social Democratic Party, representing the interests of the middle and lower working class, and advocates that the government provide more public goods to make up for market defects. The leader is Jagmeet Singh, who was elected in October 2017.
(4) Bloc Quebecois: Opposition. It was established in 1991. On behalf of Quebec people. The leader is Yves Fran ç ois Blanchett, who was elected in January 2019.
Other political parties include the Green Party. [1]


Mary Simon : Governor. Female, born in August 1947 in Quebec. In the 1970s, he served as an announcer in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. From 1994 to 2003, he was Canada's first ambassador for polar affairs. Ambassador of Canada to Denmark from 1999 to 2001. In 2016, he was appointed as the Special Representative for Arctic Issues of the Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs of the Canadian Government. In July 2021, he became the 30th governor of Canada, becoming the first aboriginal governor in Canada's history.
Justin Trudeau
Justin Trudeau : Premier. Born in December 1971 in Ottawa, Canada, he has a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Environmental Geology from McGill University, and a Bachelor of Education from the University of British Columbia. In 2008, he was elected as the representative of the Canadian Federation for the first time, and was re elected in 2011. In April 2013, he was elected the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. He led the Liberal Party to win the general election in October 2015 and became the 23rd Prime Minister in November 2015. He led the Liberal Party to win the general election twice in October 2019 and September 2021, and was re elected as Prime Minister. [1]




Canada is one of the seven largest industrial countries in the West. Manufacturing industry, high-tech industry and service industry are developed. Resource industry, primary manufacturing industry and agriculture are the main pillars of the national economy. To build a country through trade, it relies heavily on foreign trade and is deeply influenced by the United States economically. The main economic indicators are as follows:
Gross domestic product (GDP): $2.17 trillion (2022)
GDP per capita: $54000 (2022)
GDP growth rate: 3.4% (2022)
Unemployment rate: 5.0% (March 2023)
(Source: Canada Statistics Bureau website) [1]
As of July 2021, Moody's, an international rating agency, has rated Canada's sovereign credit as Aaa/Aaa, with a stable outlook. As of June 2020, Fitch, an international rating agency, has rated Canada's sovereign credit as AA+, with a stable outlook. [7]


In 2021, the total output value of agriculture, forestry and fishery will be $39.83 billion, accounting for about 2% of GDP. It mainly grows wheat, barley, flax, oats, rapeseed, corn, forage grass and other crops. The arable land area accounts for about 16% of the land area, of which the cultivated land area is about 68 million hectares, accounting for 7.4% of the land area. Canada has developed fishery and 75% of its fishery products are for export, making it one of the largest exporters of fishery products in the world.
Canada is the fifth largest exporter of agricultural products in the world, exporting about $56 billion of agriculture and agricultural food every year. In Canada, about 50% of cattle and beef, 70% of soybeans, 70% of pork, 75% of wheat, 90% of rapeseed and 95% of beans are exported.


Natural Scenery of Canada
Canada's forest area is about 350 million hectares, with a per capita forest area of 9.74, ranking first in the world. The forest and green coverage rate is about 40%, accounting for 9% of the world's forest coverage. Canada has 49% of the world's forests certified for sustainable management. In Canada, 68% of forests are coniferous forests (softwoods), 16% are mixed forests, 11% are broad-leaved forests, and 6% are temporary forest lands without trees. According to ownership, Canada's forests are divided into 89.5% provinces, 1.6% federations, 6.2% private individuals and 2% aborigines. Canada is a major exporter of cork, newsprint and wood pulp in the world. In 2020, forestry contributed $3.56 billion to Canada's GDP. [7]


Canada is bordered by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean, with the five Great Lakes inside. Its coastline is 244000 kilometers long, accounting for 25% of the world's coastline. The fresh water area is 750000 square kilometers, accounting for 20% of the world's fresh water reserves. Atlantic fishery accounts for about 76% of the total fishery, and its products include lobster, crab, shrimp, scallop, etc; Pacific fishery accounts for 20%, and its products include salmon, clam, bottom fish, fish and herring roe. Freshwater fishery accounts for 4%, and its products include barracuda, yellow perch, salmon, pike, lake trout, etc. 85% of Canada's aquatic products are used for export, and fishery will contribute $1.1 billion to Canada's GDP in 2020.


In 2021, the total output value of manufacturing industry in Canada will be $186.9 billion, accounting for about 9% of GDP, and the number of employees will be about 1.735 million, accounting for about 9.1% of the national employment population. The total output value of the construction industry is $148.8 billion, accounting for about 7.5% of the gross domestic product. The number of employees is about 1.43 million, accounting for about 7.6% of the national employment population. [1]
Energy industry
The proven reserves of crude oil in Canada reached 167.7 billion barrels, ranking the third in the world. About 98% of them came from oil sands, almost all of which are located in Alberta. In 2019, Canada's crude oil output was 4.7 million barrels/day, ranking fourth in the world. The proven reserves of natural gas in Canada are about 2.1 trillion cubic meters, ranking 17th in the world. In 2019, the total output of natural gas was 172.8 billion cubic meters, ranking fourth in the world. Canada's energy export market and some pipeline networks are highly dependent on the United States. Since 2020, disputes between Canada and the United States over oil pipelines such as "Cornerstone" and Enbridge Line 5 have escalated, causing serious concern in Canada. In 2020, Canada's oil and gas industry contributed $104.4 billion to GDP, accounting for 5.2% of GDP.
Biotechnology industry
Canada's biotechnology industry is one of the country's leading high-tech industries. The industrial ecosystem includes large multinational pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology companies, early - and medium-term biotechnology companies, research institutions, universities and support networks including contract research and manufacturing organizations.
Foreign investment companies mainly include Abbott, Amgen, Bayer, Astellas, Novartis, Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, etc; Canadian local enterprises mainly include: Angicochem, Apotex, Bioiche, Cangene, etc.
According to the statistics of the Canadian government, 38% of Canada's biotechnology industry employees are located in Ontario, 35% in Quebec, 15% in BC, and the remaining 12% are located in prairie provinces and the Atlantic region. These regions have become world-class biotechnology distribution centers.
Automobile manufacturing
Canadian automobile manufacturing industry covers 1000 enterprises, directly creating nearly 130000 jobs, mainly producing light vehicles, including cars, vans, pickups, heavy vehicles, including trucks, buses, school Canada 24 vehicles, military vehicles, and various types of vehicle parts and electronic systems.
Major Canadian automobile manufacturers include Fiat Chrysler, Ford and General Motors in the United States, Honda and Toyota in Japan, and automobile assembly plants are mainly located in Ontario.
In 2020, the Canadian automotive industry produced more than 1.03 million light commercial vehicles, more than 320000 passenger vehicles and about 14000 heavy trucks. The automobile manufacturing industry contributed $12.2 billion to GDP, accounting for 0.6% of GDP.
Chemical manufacturing
More than 60% of Canada's chemical industry (including plastics) products are exported, providing about 87000 direct jobs and 525000 related jobs. Domestic enterprises mainly include ERCOWorldwide, Methanex, NOVA Chemicals, Raymor Industries, etc. Foreign enterprises mainly include Air Liquide, Amcor, BASF, Cabot, etc. Processing companies are mainly concentrated in Ontario, accounting for about 43% of the industry, followed by British Columbia, 30%, Quebec, 17%, and other provinces, 10%.
In 2020, Canadian chemical manufacturing industry will contribute $20.3 billion to GDP, accounting for 1.0% of GDP.
Aerospace industry
Canada has developed aviation industry and is the third largest aircraft manufacturing country in the world, with more than 700 industry related enterprises. Canadian Aerospace Industries is concentrated in Montreal Aviation Industrial Park, which has more than half of the employed population in this industry. Others are distributed in Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver and eastern coastal cities. In addition to civil aircraft, the Canadian space industry has advantages in Earth observation, space robots, space science and technology and exploration, satellite communications, etc.
In 2020, Canada's aviation manufacturing industry will contribute $7.2 billion to GDP, accounting for 0.36% of GDP.


There are nearly 750000 financial practitioners in Canada. Business areas include banking, trust, life, health, property and accident oriented insurance, credit cooperation, securities trading, financial leasing, pension fund management, mutual fund management, independent insurance agency and brokerage. In 2020, the financial and insurance industry contributed $143.4 billion to GDP, accounting for 7.2% of GDP. During the 2008-2009 financial crisis, no major bank in Canada failed. Moody's commented that Canada's banking industry ranks first in the world in terms of service strength and security. The Canadian banking system has been rated by the World Bank as the fifth in the world in terms of investor protection. [7]
When Trudeau took office as Prime Minister in November 2015, he proposed to increase government spending and stimulate economic growth through deficit finance. In April 2021, the House of Representatives of Canada voted to pass the 2021 federal budget and launched a three-year economic stimulus plan with a total amount of $101.4 billion. In March 2023, Canada's Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Frilan submitted the 2023/2024 budget to the Federal Parliament.
As of January 2023, Canada's foreign exchange reserves stood at $81 billion. The Canadian government no longer reserves gold since March 2016. As of December 2022, the total federal debt of Canada is about $1473 billion.
central bank
Bank of Canada is the central bank of Canada and the only note issuing bank in Canada.
Major commercial banks
(1) Royal Bank of Canada: Founded in 1864, it is the largest private bank. By the end of October 2022, the total assets were about $1917.2 billion.
(2) Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce: It was merged by Canadian Commercial Bank (established in 1867) and Canadian Imperial Bank (established in 1875) in 1961. By the end of October 2022, the total assets were about 943.5 billion dollars.
(3) Bank of Montreal: established in 1817. By the end of October 2022, the total assets were about $1139.1 billion.
(4) Scotia Bank. It is one of the famous financial institutions in North America. By the end of January 2020, the Bank had 100000 employees in 55 countries, more than 25 million customers and a total asset of $1.2 trillion.
(5) The Toronto Dominion Bank. Together with its subsidiaries, it is called TD Bank Financial Group. The Group operates in major global financial centers. In January 2020, the Bank had 85000 employees, more than 26 million customers and total assets of about $1.5 trillion.
(6) The National Bank of Canada was founded in 1859. At present, it is one of the major charter chartered banks in Canada and the leading bank in Quebec. By the end of 2019, the Bank had 25000 employees and total assets of about $281 billion. [7]
Chinese banks
Canadian Chinese banks include Bank of China (Canada), Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada), China Construction Bank Toronto Branch, etc.
Bank of China (Canada), as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of China, was incorporated in Toronto on May 18, 1993 and operated externally, holding a Canadian SCHEDULE II banking license. Since the first branch was set up in Chinatown, Central Toronto in 1994, it has successively set up offices in Vancouver, Wanjin, NATO, Richmond, Calgary, Mississauga and Montreal, and has now established 8 external business institutions.
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada), in 2010, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) formally became the controlling shareholder by acquiring 70% shares of Bank of East Asia, Canada, and the bank was officially renamed Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada). Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada) holds a full function banking license in Canada. At present, it has 8 branches, including 5 in the Greater Toronto area, 2 in Vancouver, and 1 in Calgary. It has set up a high-end customer service center in British Columbia to provide various retail banking and corporate banking services for its customers.
On October 29, 2014, China Construction Bank Toronto Branch officially obtained the opening license granted by the Canadian Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority (OSFI), and holds a Canadian full function banking license to provide customers with deposits, loans, trade financing, international settlement, financial market business and other extensive financial services. [7]
stock market
Established in 1852, the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) is the largest stock exchange in Canada, the third largest in North America, and the ninth largest in the world. It is owned and managed by the Toronto Stock Exchange Group (TMX Group). There are a variety of listed companies, mainly from Canada and the United States. The Exchange is headquartered in Toronto and has offices in other major cities in Canada, such as Vancouver, Montreal, Winnipeg and Calgary. TSX is the main board market, and the Toronto Venture Exchange (TSXV) owned by TMX Group is the GEM market. Companies listed on TSX come from all sectors of the world, including mining, oil, natural gas, forest products and mining and other resource companies, as well as industrial, biotechnology, transportation, communications, raw materials and financial services companies. Listing on TSX can bring a series of benefits to the company, such as easy access to capital, strong liquidity, high transparency and comprehensive research and analysis.
In June 2021, the market value of the Toronto Stock Exchange reached $3 trillion. Among the more than 2200 listed enterprises of TSX, the top 100 listed enterprises account for about 70% of the market value. [7]
insurance market
Canada's financial and insurance services are diversified and very safe. Large insurance companies are as follows:
(1) Manulife Financial Corporation, headquartered in Toronto and founded in 1887, is mainly engaged in providing various financial products and services, including personal life insurance, group life and medical insurance, group pension plans, reinsurance services and investment management services. In 1996, Manulife Insurance, a subsidiary of Manulife Finance, and Sinochem Group Finance jointly established Sinochem Life Insurance Co., Ltd., which is the first Sino foreign joint venture life insurance company in China. According to the 2018 annual report, Manulife's operating management (AUM and AUA) has assets of $1.084 trillion, core profits of $5.6 billion and net income of $4.8 billion to shareholders.
(2) Power Financial Corporation, established in 1984, is a Canadian multinational diversified management and holding company. According to the 2018 annual report, Bauer Financial Management (AUM) has assets of $847 billion, assets under management (AUA) of $1.6 trillion, and net income of $2.2 billion.
(3) Sun Life Financial Inc., founded in 1865 and headquartered in Toronto, provides a wide range of insurance products and services for individual and corporate customers around the world, including savings, retirement, pension, life and health, with its main business covering Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and the Asia Pacific region, It has offices in more than 20 important markets in the world. According to the 2018 annual report, Yongming Financial Management (AUM) has assets of $951.1 billion and reported net income of $2.5 billion. [7]


The monetary unit of Canada is the Canadian Dollar (C $). The Canadian dollar is a freely convertible currency. At any financial institution and exchange point in Canada, the Canadian dollar can be exchanged with major international currencies such as the US dollar and the euro at any time. The Central Bank of Canada has the sole right to issue banknotes and the federal government has the sole right to issue coins. The government issues coins through the Royal Canadian Mint. At present, the Canadian currency in circulation on the market is: coins: five cents, ten cents, twenty-five cents, one dollar and two dollars; Paper money: five yuan, ten yuan, twenty yuan, fifty yuan, one hundred yuan. On March 31, 2021, the average exchange rate of the Canadian dollar against the US dollar and the euro announced by the Bank of Canada is: 1 dollar=1.2 Canadian dollars and 1 euro=1.47 Canadian dollars. [7]


A survey of national food service companies conducted by the Canadian Restaurant Association shows that many enterprises are considering permanent closure after the epidemic. According to the annual economic impact report released by the World Tourism Council (WTTC) in June 2021, due to restrictions on international travel, Canada's tourism industry will collapse in 2020, resulting in an economic loss of $59.2 billion, and 373000 employees in the industry will be unemployed. The output value of tourism in the first three quarters of 2020 is about $17.5 billion. [1]
Canada is an outbound tourist destination for Chinese citizens. China is the fourth largest tourist source country in Canada. According to Canadian statistics, in 2019, Chinese citizens visited Canada about 571000 times. According to Chinese statistics, about 776300 Canadian citizens came to China in 2019. [8]

foreign trade

Canada's economy depends heavily on foreign trade. In 2022, the volume of trade in goods will be $1518.9 billion, and the trade surplus will be $39.5 billion. It mainly exports automobiles and spare parts, other industrial products, forest products, metals, energy products, etc; It mainly imports machinery and equipment, automobiles and spare parts, industrial materials, food, etc. The main trade partners are the United States, China, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Japan and EU countries.
By the end of 2020, Canada's stock of outward direct investment was $1469.3 billion. The total amount of foreign aid provided by the Canadian government in the 2019/2020 fiscal year is about 5747 million Canadian dollars. By the end of 2020, the stock of foreign direct investment absorbed by Canada was $1046.3 billion. [1]
In 2020, the United States, China, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Italy, France and Vietnam are Canada's top ten trading partners, as shown in Table 3-1. Canada is highly dependent on the United States market. The bilateral trade volume between Canada and the United States accounts for 60.8% of Canada's total foreign trade, down 2.2 percentage points from 2019. The main export commodities are crude oil, gold, passenger motor vehicles and parts, wood and wood pulp, natural gas, rapeseed, medical supplies, potash fertilizer, refined oil, iron ore, etc; The main import commodities are passenger motor vehicles, gold, crude oil, pickups, medical supplies, light oil, data processing equipment, telephones, motor vehicle parts, digital communication equipment, etc. [7]

foreign aid

As one of the most developed economies in the world, Canada is an important country providing foreign aid. The Canadian government's total foreign aid in the fiscal year 2020/2021 is $843 billion. [7]

outbound investment

By the end of 2021, Canada's stock of outward direct investment was $1555.6 billion.

foreign capital

By the end of 2021, the stock of foreign direct investment absorbed by Canada was $1082.5 billion.




According to the latest statistics of Statistics Canada in 2011, 43.6% of Canadians believe in Roman Catholicism, 29.2% in Protestantism, 1.6% in Orthodox Christianity, 2.6% in other Christianity, 0.1% in Judaism, 1.9% in Islam, 1.4% in other religions, and 16.5% in non religious people.


Canada is a country of immigrants. The government encourages the coexistence and development of multiculturalism. Different ethnic groups retain their own cultural traditions and customs, while respecting the customs and traditions of other ethnic groups. National inclusiveness is a major feature of Canadian life. In Canada, people wear different clothes on different occasions. In formal occasions, such as church, formal dinner and business negotiation, men wear dark suits and ties, while women wear solemn dresses. At the wedding, men either wear suits or casual clothes. When visiting a friend's house or attending a banquet, men should wear dark suits, while women should wear dignified dresses and wear light makeup.
Canadians usually shake hands when meeting guests on social occasions. Kissing and hugging are only suitable for acquaintances, relatives, friends and lovers. Canadians are similar to the British and Americans in diet. Because of the cold climate, they like to bake food.
Canada has the habit of tipping, which is generally 10~15% of the consumption in restaurants.
When you are engaged in business activities in Canada, you can talk about the Canadian climate, customs, tourist attractions and other relaxed topics when meeting for the first time. It is not appropriate to ask the other person's age, income and personal life during the conversation. In business activities, it is best to give gifts of fine arts and crafts with national characteristics. Gifts are usually wrapped in gift paper, with a card with the name of the recipient and the giver.
Canadians have a strong sense of time. They should not arrive too early or be late for activities. If they cannot attend the appointment on time, they should notify the other party in time.
The most popular sports and outdoor activities in Canada mainly include ice hockey, skiing, skating, fishing, boating, camping, etc.


National holidays in Canada mainly include:
National holidays in Canada
New Year's Day
January 1st
Saint Patrick's Day
March 17th
Easter Sunday
The first Sunday after the full moon after the vernal equinox
Victoria Day
May 24th
National Day
July 1st
Labor Day
First Monday in September
Thanksgiving Day
The second Monday in October
Remembrance Day
November 11th
Christmas Day
December 25th
Boxing Day
December 26th
Canada implements a five-day working week, with Saturday and Sunday as public holidays.


Canada is a bilingual country. The official languages are English and French, but many Canadians' mother tongues are Italian, Chinese, German, Portuguese, Polish, Ukrainian, Dutch and Greek. In July 1969, the Canadian Government promulgated the Official Language Act, which stipulates that English and French are both official languages, that federal government documents must be issued in two languages, and that government departments must also provide services to citizens in two languages. By the end of 2017, the top ten languages in Canada were English, French, Chinese, Punjabi, Filipino, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, German and Urdu. In about 10 years, the number of Chinese speakers increased by 23.8% to 1.253 million, making Chinese the third largest language in Canada.



The Governor of Canada is the formal supreme commander of the armed forces, the Prime Minister is the actual supreme commander, and the Secretary of Defense, with the assistance of the Chief of the National Defense Staff, is responsible for building the armed forces and leading the national forces. Canada North Atlantic Treaty Organization Its collective defense, bilateral strategy and defense cooperation with the United States are the two pillars of its defense policy. Actively participate in United Nations peacekeeping operations and international observation and monitoring activities, and advocate arms control, disarmament negotiations and the destruction of biological and chemical weapons. While maintaining military cooperation with the United States and Western European countries, military exchanges with the Asia Pacific region have been strengthened. [1]
Military exchanges between China and Canada
The two countries exchanged military attache in 1973. In June 2013, Canadian Defense Minister MacKay visited China. In August, State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Chang Wanquan visited Canada. In August 2014, the Royal Canadian Navy's "Regina" frigate visited Shanghai. In June 2016, General Zhao Keshi, member of the Central Military Commission and head of the Logistics Support Department, visited Canada. In December, the fleet consisting of the Chinese Navy's missile frigates Yancheng, Daqing and the comprehensive supply ship Taihu visited Victoria Harbor in Canada. In May 2017, the Canadian Navy's "Ottawa" frigate visited Shanghai. The two Ministries of Defense established a working meeting mechanism in August 2013 and have held four meetings so far. [8]


The transportation is developed, and the water, land and air transportation are very convenient. The per capita traffic lines occupy the forefront of the world. In 2022, the total output value of the transportation industry will be $84.3 billion, accounting for 3.9% of GDP.


According to the statistics of the Ministry of Transport of Canada, Canada has a total highway mileage of about 1130000 km, with paved roads accounting for 40% and unpaved roads accounting for 60%. Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Alberta account for 75% of the national highway mileage. The 38000 kilometers of Canadian highways constitute the National Highway System of Canada, which is closely connected with the U.S. highway network through the fast border lines.


According to the statistics of the Railway Association of Canada, Canada has the fifth largest railway network in the world, operates nearly 43000 kilometers of railways, 3800 locomotives, employs 47000 people in North America, and the annual value of goods transported by rail is CAD 320 billion. The Canadian railway network is connected to the main distribution centers of American railways.
In 2019, Canadian railways transported more than 332 million tons of goods and exported goods worth more than 205 billion dollars to North America and the global market. There are three major railway companies in Canada: the National Railway Company (CN), the Pacific Railway Company (CP) and the VIA Rail, which are mainly engaged in freight transport. In addition, there are several local railway companies. Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and other big cities have subways and city railways.

air transport

Canada is the third largest aviation market in the world, with an airspace of 18 million square kilometers, which is managed by the Canadian National Airlines (NAV CANADA). NAV CANADA is a private non-profit company that owns and operates the Canadian civil aviation navigation system. It operates air traffic control towers at 40 airports and flight service stations at 55 airports. In 2019, there were 1994 certified and registered airport sites, including 341 water glider and ski aircraft airports, 417 helicopter airports, and 1248 fixed wing aircraft ground airports. Among them, Toronto Pearson International Airport, Vancouver International Airport, Calgary International Airport and Montreal Trudeau Airport are the four largest airports. In 2019, Canada had 36887 registered aircraft of all types and 48397 registered pilots.
There are direct flights between Canada and major cities in the world. Air Canada is the largest airline in Canada. By 2019, Air Canada has a fleet of 188 aircraft, 146 of which are operated by Air Canada Express and 64 by Rouge Airlines.

water transport

According to the statistics of Transport Canada, there are 555 ports in Canada by 2019. The authorization of Transport Canada covers two types of ports: 17 ports independently managed by the Canada Port Authorities and 40 ports owned and operated by Transport Canada. The waterway is connected with three oceans (the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean), the Five Great Lakes Region and the St. Lawrence River.
In 2019, Canada's commercial registered fleet (with a gross tonnage of 1000 tons and above) had 203 ships with a gross tonnage of 2.3 million tons.
In 2020, the cargo throughput of ports managed by Canada Port Authority will exceed 340 million tons. The main ports are Vancouver Port, Montreal Port and Halifax Port.
In 2019, the cargo throughput of Vancouver Port was 144 million tons, and cruise passengers increased by 20.4%; The cargo throughput of Montreal Port was 35.43 million tons, and Quebec cruise passengers declined by 12.2%; The throughput of Halifax Port in Nova Scotia was 4.46 million tons, and cruise passengers increased by 2.2%.
In 2020, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the federal government banned cruise ships from calling at Canadian ports.




Education in Canada is in the charge of provincial education departments, while the federal government is only responsible for managing and funding some special schools. Canada has 12 years of compulsory education, and primary and secondary schools generally have 12 years of compulsory education, with a 6-33 system. Since Canada uses English and French as official languages, primary and secondary schools also teach in English and French, and French schools are mainly distributed in Quebec Province. Primary and secondary credits in Canada are public and private. Public schools mainly enroll local students, while private schools are usually sponsored by churches and subsidized by the government. Some have dormitories to enroll overseas students.
Most Canadian universities adopt the credit system. Full time institutions of higher learning are divided into two semesters each academic year. The autumn semester is from September to December, and the spring semester is from January to April. In addition to universities, there are more than 250 community colleges in Canada. Famous universities include Queen's University, McGill University, University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, Laval University and University of Alberta.


In Canada, all qualified people can enjoy Canada's public medical care system through the public reimbursement plan. According to the Canada Health Act, the system sets five principles for the medical care system: universal access; Extensive services; Public management; Convenient medical treatment; No regional restrictions.
According to the above principles, the federal government is responsible for funding and supervising the implementation of universal medical care, and the national standards are unified; The provincial government is responsible for the specific handling; Visitors from one province to another province can still enjoy medical insurance for up to three months according to their original registration status if they do not settle down. If they settle down for more than three months, they should go through registration procedures for medical care insurance separately.
Medical insurance is part of Canada's social insurance system. Every province in the country has a public administration department, which is responsible for paying the medical insurance expenses of residents in the province. The required funds mainly come from government taxes. For non-profit hospitals providing medical services, patients do not need to pay any fees; For private doctors who provide medical services, medical fees are charged. Only the doctor who has obtained the right of admission can decide whether the patient needs to go to the hospital for medical treatment. Most doctors in Canada have the right of admission in one or more hospitals.
Canada popularizes medical insurance for all residents, including not only medical care for healthy people, but also medical care and social services for people with poor physical functions. Physical dysfunction can constitute the basic condition for long-term medical care.

science and technology

Canada attaches great importance to scientific research and application, and has world leading scientific and technological achievements in many fields. Governments at all levels have also continuously increased their investment in science and technology, creating a first-class higher education system and the world's fifth highest scientific research level, and 27 Nobel Prize winners have successively emerged. Research institutions of Canadian federal government departments, such as the National Research Council, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, have a large number of excellent research institutes. The scientific research strength in life science, satellite communication, remote sensing satellite, space robot, microelectronics information communication, agricultural biotechnology, environmental protection and clean technology, forestry, energy and other fields is at the world's advanced level.
China and Canada began scientific and technological cooperation in 1972. Since the signing of the China Canada Government Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement in 2007, the two sides have set up a government science and technology cooperation fund and a joint committee mechanism for science and technology cooperation. So far, the two sides have held six joint committees on scientific and technological cooperation, and the sixth meeting was held in Ottawa in February 2016. During Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's visit to China in 2016, the two sides agreed to establish a joint working group on clean technology between China and Canada. The first meeting of the China Canada Joint Working Group on Clean Technology was held in Ottawa in May 2017. During Premier Li Keqiang's visit to Canada in 2016, the two sides agreed to establish a China Canada innovation dialogue mechanism. In October 2018, the first China Canada Innovation Dialogue was held in Beijing. [8]


Canada's power generation is the sixth largest in the world, reaching 641.1 billion kilowatt hours. Hydropower generation is the second largest in the world.
In 2018, Canada's hydropower generation accounted for 60% of the total power generation, coal, natural gas and other fossil fuels accounted for 18%, nuclear power generation accounted for 15% (Canada has 19 nuclear reactors, including 18 in Ontario and 1 in New Brunswick), and other renewable energy accounted for 7% of the total power generation, mainly wind power. Canada's electricity supply can meet the needs of industrial and agricultural production, and it exports to the United States market, with the export volume of 60.4 billion kilowatt hours in 2019. [7]

signal communication

The five major telecom operators in Canada are Rogers, Bell, Telus, Quebecor and Shaw, which together account for 85% of the telecom market share. According to the "2020 Communication Monitoring Report" of the Canadian Radio, Television and Communications Commission (CRTC), the annual income of the Canadian communication industry is $78.1 billion, 92% of households have Internet access, and the mobile data coverage rate is 99%. 82% of Canadians have subscribed to the mobile data package plan, with more than 34 million Internet users. The average monthly fixed phone consumption in Canada is $34.18, mobile data package consumption is $48.82, Internet payment is $69.1, and TV subscription fee is $24.79.
The state-owned Canada Post Office provides postal services covering the whole country. In addition, there are express operators such as UPS, Fedex and DHL. [7]


The mainstream media in Canada mainly include "One News Agency" (Canada News Agency), "Two News Newspapers" (Globe and Mail, National Post), and "Three TV Stations" (CBC Television, Canada Television, Globe Television). In addition, there are some important regional newspapers, such as the Toronto Star, the Montreal Daily, the Ottawa Citizen and the Quebec News.
Founded in 1917, Canada News Agency is the largest news agency in Canada. Headquartered in Toronto, it has branches in 13 cities in Canada and Washington, USA. The Associated Press and Reuters have a cooperative relationship with the agency and are its main sources of international news.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is the only state-owned media enterprise in Canada. Founded in 1936, it only produced radio programs at the initial stage and began to produce television programs in 1952. The company has two television networks in English and French, and four broadcasts in English, French, aboriginal languages and international radio, covering most of the country's regions and population.
Founded in 2010, the Perth News Network became the largest subscription newspaper group in Canada after acquiring the newspaper business of the bankrupt Garcy Global Communications Company. At present, it has 10 well-known newspapers such as the National Post and the Ottawa Citizen. [1]

public security

Canada has good social security and low crime rate. In the evaluation of 188 cities around the world by the "Company Resources Group", four Canadian cities were selected as the top ten most livable cities in the world. According to the latest data from Statistics Canada, the Canadian crime severity index in 2019 was 79.5%, up 5.1% year on year. In 2019, the police reported more than 2.2 million criminal cases (excluding traffic violations), an increase of nearly 164748 over 2018. In 2019, the crime rate reported by the police was 5874 per 100000 people, up 6.5% year on year. [7]


2026 World Cup It will be jointly organized by the United States, Mexico and Canada The two host cities in Canada are Vancouver and Toronto. [10]

People's livelihood

People's livelihood
At the end of 2020, the average hourly wage in Canada was $29.51. Including manufacturing industry of $28.69, forestry, fishery, mining, oil and gas industry of $40.61, construction industry of $31.15, financial industry of $34.40, education industry of $35.87, and medical and social services of $29.17.
social security
Social security taxes in Canada mainly include pensions (CPP) and unemployment benefits (EI). In 2020, the contribution ratio of employee and employer pension (CPP) is 5.25% of the salary, and the contribution ratio of self-employed employees is 10.5%. The maximum income required to pay pension will be raised to $58700, and the basic deduction will remain unchanged at $3500. In 2020, the proportion of federal unemployment benefits (EI) will be 1.58%, and the maximum payment base will be $54200. [7]
the labor
According to Statistics Canada, by the end of March 2021, the total number of employed people in Canada was 18.834 million, and the unemployment rate was 7.5%. In terms of industry, the service industry accounts for the largest number of employment, with 14.878 million people engaged in service related industries; In terms of provinces and regions, Newfoundland and Labrador have the highest unemployment rate of 12.4%, while Quebec has the lowest unemployment rate of 6.4%. The Canadian workforce is highly trained, adaptable and of high quality. Statistics show that Canada is one of the four countries with the highest proportion of public education expenditure in GDP in the world. About two thirds of Canadians aged 20-24 have received higher education. High quality labor force and healthy labor relations make Canada one of the seven western countries with the best relationship between labor force and management. First, the number of strikes is decreasing; Second, the shareholding share of wage employees is rising.
House price
According to data from the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), in April 2021, the average house price in Canada was 696000 Canadian dollars, up 41.9% year on year. The specific rise trend of each city is as follows (all are benchmark prices in each region). The house price in Greater Vancouver was $1153000, up 12% year on year. The house price in the Greater Toronto area was $1025000, up 17.8% year on year. The house price in Greater Montreal was $487700, up 26.5% year on year. The house price in Ottawa was $637700, up 32.9% year on year. The house price in Calgary was $446600, up 9.0% year on year. The house price in Regina was $261800, up 8.5% year on year—— The house price in Saskatoon was $321000, up 10.6% year on year. [7]

International Relations


external relations

Relations with the United States
The United States is Canada's neighbor and the most important ally. The two countries maintain close relations in political, economic, trade, military and other fields. The Canadian governments all regarded the relationship with the United States as the cornerstone of their foreign policy.
In March 2016, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited the United States, and President Obama met and held a state banquet for him. The two sides committed to strengthening cooperation in combating climate change, counter-terrorism, economy and trade and other fields. In April, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau went to the United States to attend the Nuclear Security Summit. In June, US President Obama paid an official visit to Canada and attended the North American Leaders Summit held in Ottawa. In February 2017, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited the United States, and President Trump met and held a lunch for him. The two sides reaffirmed the traditional alliance between Canada and the United States and strengthened cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, energy, environmental protection and defense. In October, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and President Trump met. In June 2018, US President Trump went to Quebec, Canada to attend the G7 Summit. In June 2019, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau paid an official visit to the United States. In November 2020, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau spoke with US President Biden to congratulate him on his election. In January 2021, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau talked with US President Biden on the phone. In February, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau held a bilateral meeting with US President Biden via video. In August, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau had a telephone conversation with US President Biden. In September, after Prime Minister Trudeau won re-election, President Biden and Vice President Harris communicated with him by telephone respectively. In November, Prime Minister Trudeau went to Washington to attend the North American Leaders Summit. In January 2023, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau held a meeting with US President Biden during his attendance at the North American Leaders' Summit in Mexico. In March 2023, President Biden paid his first official visit to Canada after taking office.
The United States is Canada's largest source of investment, and Canada and the United States are important trading partners to each other. In 2021, Canada US trade in goods totaled $774.344 billion, of which Canada's exports to the US accounted for 75.6% of Canada's total exports and imports from the US accounted for 48.6% of Canada's total imports. In August 2017, Canada, the United States and Mexico launched the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In September 2018, Canada, the United States and Mexico announced the success of NAFTA renegotiation, and the new agreement was renamed the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA). In November, US President Trump, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and Mexican President Nieto officially signed the US Mexico Canada Agreement during the G20 Summit in Argentina. The US Mexico Canada Agreement came into force on July 1, 2020. [1]
Relations with major Asian countries
Canada believes that Asia will become the future world economic center and attaches importance to developing economic and strategic relations with Asia. Canada is a member of APEC, the ASEAN Regional Forum and an ASEAN dialogue country. The Asia Pacific region has become an important trading partner of Canada and one of the important sources of capital, technology and migration of Canada.
Japan, South Korea and Singapore are Canada's traditional trading partners, and China, India, ASEAN and other emerging markets are also valued by Canada. The Canadian government has formulated the "Asia Pacific Gateway Plan", which focuses on infrastructure construction and aims to build British Columbia into a shipping hub connecting North America and Asia.
In May 2016, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited Japan and attended the G7 Summit. In June 2017, Myanmar's Senior Minister Aung San Suu Kyi visited Canada. In October, Canadian Governor Payet went to Bangkok to attend the funeral ceremony of King Bhumibol of Thailand. In November, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited Vietnam, attended the APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting held in Danang, and attended the 31st ASEAN Summit held in Manila, Philippines. In February 2018, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited India. In November, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited Singapore and attended the 33rd ASEAN Summit. In April 2019, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe paid an official visit to Canada. In June, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau went to Japan to attend the 14th G20 Summit. In November 2022, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau went to Cambodia to attend the ASEAN Summit, Indonesia to attend the 17th G20 Summit, and Thailand to attend the 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. [1]
On May 24 local time, according to the statement issued by the Canadian Global Affairs Department (i.e. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) through its official website, Canada and Saudi Arabia will appoint and exchange new ambassadors. This shows that, The two countries agreed to fully resume diplomatic relations that had been suspended for five years. The statement said that based on the talks between the leaders of the two countries during the APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand, on November 18, 2022, "the two sides hope to resume diplomatic relations between the two countries on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit; Canada has decided to restore the level of diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia to the previous level 。” The statement also said that Canada has appointed a new ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Previously, in 2018, Saudi Arabia accused Canada of interfering in its internal affairs and expelled the Canadian ambassador, and the two sides broke off diplomatic relations. [13]
Relations with CIS and Eastern European countries
After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Canada quickly recognized the CIS countries and actively developed bilateral relations with them. Canada provides assistance to both CIS and Eastern European countries. The assistance to CIS countries is mainly used to promote structural reform and democratic process, so as to help them successfully complete the transition to a market economy. The assistance to Eastern European countries is mainly concentrated in political, judicial reform, technical and management assistance and other fields. After the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, Canada firmly supported the Ukrainian opposition to take power, recalled its ambassador to Russia, and launched multiple rounds of sanctions against Russia.
In July 2016, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited Ukraine and went to Poland to attend the NATO Summit. Canada's International Trade Minister Frilan visited Ukraine, and the two sides signed the "Canada Ukraine Free Trade Agreement". In September 2017, Ukrainian President Borishenko visited Canada. In October, Prime Minister Groysman of Ukraine visited Ghana. In December, Canadian Foreign Minister Frilan visited Ukraine. In January 2018, Canadian Governor Payet visited Ukraine and Latvia. In October, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited Armenia and attended the 17th Francophone Summit. In July 2019, Ukrainian President Zelensky visited Canada. In November, Governor Payet of Ghana visited Lithuania and Estonia.
Since February 2022, Canada has introduced multiple rounds of sanctions against Russia. In March, Uzbek President Zelensky delivered a speech in the Canadian Federal Parliament by video. In May, Canadian Prime Minister Trudoka, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Frilan, and Foreign Minister Jolie visited Ukraine. In April 2023, the Prime Minister of Ukraine visited Ghana. In June 2023, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited Ukraine.
Relations with Western European countries
As a member of NATO, the Commonwealth, the Group of Seven and the Francophone Summit, Canada attaches importance to developing relations with Western European countries and believes that its own prosperity and security are closely related to those of Western Europe. Canada maintains traditional close relations with Western European countries in political, economic, military and cultural fields, and often coordinates positions with Western European countries on major international issues.
In September 2016, British Prince William and his wife visited Canada. In October, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau went to Brussels to attend the Canada EU Leaders Summit, during which Trudeau signed the "Canada Europe Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement" with European Commission President Juncker and European Council President Tusk. In February 2017, Canadian Governor Johnston paid a state visit to Sweden. In May, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau went to Brussels to attend the NATO Leaders' Summit, visited Italy and attended the Group of Seven Summit. In July, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited Dublin, the capital of Ireland, and Edinburgh, the United Kingdom, where he met with Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, and went to Hamburg, Germany, to attend the G20 Summit. In September, British Prime Minister Theresa May visited Canada. In April 2018, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited France and went to London to attend the Commonwealth Government Summit. In May, Portuguese Prime Minister Costa visited Canada. In September, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez visited Canada. In October, Dutch Prime Minister Rutte visited Ghana. In May 2019, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited France. In June, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau went to Britain and France to participate in the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings. In July, President Tusk of the European Council and President Juncker of the European Commission visited Canada and attended the 17th Canada EU Summit. In August, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau went to France to attend the G7 Summit. In December, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau went to London to attend the NATO Leaders Summit. In October 2020, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau held a video meeting with President Michel of the European Council and President Von Delain of the European Commission. In November, Canada and the United Kingdom reached a continuing trade agreement to ensure the stability of trade relations between the two countries after the end of the transition period of "Brexit". The two countries also agreed to start negotiations on a new trade agreement from 2021. In October 2022, Canadian Governor Simon visited Iceland. In April 2023, German President Steinmeier visited Ghana. In July 2023, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau went to Lithuania to attend the NATO Summit. [1]
On January 25, 2024 local time, the spokesman of Canada's Trade Minister said that, at the initiative of the British government, Canada and the United Kingdom suspended negotiations on a free trade agreement. [15]
Relations with Latin American countries
Latin American countries are important trade partners and investment destinations of Canada. As a member of the Organization of American States, Canada has established the "Canada Latin American Forum" with Latin American countries, established an irregular summit system with Caribbean countries, signed free trade agreements with Chile, Costa Rica and other countries, and is a member of the North American Free Trade Area with Mexico. Pay more attention to the situation in Haiti, and have peacekeeping forces in Haiti. Canada pursues a contact policy with Cuba, and many Canadian enterprises operate mining and other businesses in Cuba.
In June 2016, Mexican President Pernia paid an official visit to Canada and attended the North American Leaders' Summit held in Ottawa. In November, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau visited Cuba and Argentina and went to Peru to attend the APEC Informal Leaders' Meeting. In June, Canada's Minister of International Trade Frilan went to Mexico to meet with the foreign ministers of the member countries of the Pacific Union. In October, Canadian Foreign Minister Dion visited Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. In June 2017, Canadian Foreign Minister Frilan went to Cancun, Mexico, to attend the 47th General Assembly of the Organization of American States. In October, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau paid an official visit to Mexico for the first time. In October, Colombian President Santos visited Canada. In April 2018, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau went to Peru to attend the Summit of the Americas. In December, Canadian Governor Payet went to Mexico to attend the inauguration ceremony of Mexico's new President Evrador. In August 2019, Canadian Foreign Minister Frilan visited Cuba. In February 2021, Canadian Foreign Minister Garno attended the first Canadian Caribbean Community Foreign Ministers' Meeting. In June 2022, Prime Minister Trudeau went to the United States to attend the Summit of the Americas.
Relations with African countries
In recent years, Ghana has paid more attention to the development of relations with African countries, paying attention to and participating in the mediation and mediation of conflicts and civil wars in Africa led by the United Nations and African regional organizations. In September 2016, Canadian Minister for International Development and Francophonie Bibo visited Senegal, Mali and Burkina Faso. In November, Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada visited Liberia and went to Madagascar to attend the 16th Francophonie Summit. Canadian Foreign Minister Dion visited Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia and AU headquarters. In March 2017, Canadian Minister for International Development and Francophonie Bibo announced that the Canadian government would provide emergency humanitarian assistance of about 120 million Canadian dollars to help Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Yemen and other countries to cope with the food crisis. In December, Canada's Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Husen announced that the Canadian government would provide humanitarian assistance of $10.4 million and $15 million to Somalia and Kenya respectively. In September 2018, Namibian President Genghib visited Canada. In October, Governor Payet of Ghana visited Burkina Faso, C ô te d'Ivoire and Nigeria. In April 2019, Governor Payet of Ghana visited Rwanda. In January 2020, Canada's Minister of International Development Gould visited the Congo (Brazzaville) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and announced that 56 million Canadian dollars of humanitarian assistance would be provided to DRC to prevent and control the Ebola epidemic. In October, Canadian International Development Minister Gould announced that the Canadian government would provide humanitarian assistance of 15.2 million Canadian dollars to Burkina Faso. [1]
Relations with Denmark
On June 14, 2022 local time, Canada and Denmark reached an agreement on the ownership of an island with an area of about 1.2 square kilometers in the Arctic. The two countries agreed to establish a land boundary on the island to resolve the sovereignty dispute between the two countries over the island. [9]

China Canada relations

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Canada on October 13, 1970, bilateral relations have made considerable progress. In October 1973, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau visited China, which was the first time Canadian Prime Minister visited China since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Since then, high-level exchanges between the two countries have continued to increase. The Chinese President, Premier, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference have successively visited Canada. The Governor, Prime Minister and Speaker of the Senate and House of Representatives of Canada have also visited China many times.
On October 13, 2015, President Xi Jinping and Canadian Governor Johnston exchanged congratulatory messages on the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Canada. On October 21, Premier Li Keqiang sent a congratulatory message to Canada's elected Prime Minister Trudeau. On October 28, Premier Li Keqiang held a telephone conversation with Prime Minister Trudeau at request. On November 16, President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister Trudeau during his attendance at the G20 Antalya Summit. From August 30 to September 6, 2016, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau officially visited China and attended the G20 Hangzhou Summit. President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and Chairman Zhang Dejiang met and talked with them respectively. The two sides issued the China Canada Joint Press Release and signed a number of government agreements and commercial contracts. From September 21 to 24, Premier Li Keqiang paid an official visit to Canada. In August 2019, State Councilor Wang Yi and Foreign Minister met with Canadian Foreign Minister Frilan at request during his attendance at the 9th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand. In November, State Councilor Wang Yi and Foreign Minister met with Canadian Foreign Minister Shang Pengfei at request during his attendance at the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Nagoya, Japan. In February and August 2020, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Canadian Foreign Minister Shang Pengfei at request in Munich, Germany and Rome, Italy. In January and April 2020, State Councilor Wang Yi and Minister of Foreign Affairs had two telephone conversations with Canadian Foreign Minister Shang Pengfei at request. In April 2022, State Councilor Wang Yi and Minister of Foreign Affairs held a telephone conversation with Canadian Foreign Minister Jolie at request. In July, State Councilor Wang Yi and Foreign Minister met with Canadian Foreign Minister Jolie at request during his attendance at the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Bali. In March 2023, Foreign Minister Qin Gang met with Canadian Foreign Minister Jolie while attending the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in New Delhi.
China and Canada signed the Joint Statement of the Chinese and Canadian Governments on Strengthening Cultural Cooperation and the Cultural Agreement between the Chinese and Canadian Governments in 2003 and 2005, respectively. During Canadian Prime Minister Harper's visit to China in February 2012, the two sides announced a series of cultural activities to be held in 2013 and 2014. The two sides successfully held the "China Canada Cultural Exchange Year" from 2015 to 2016. In February 2018, the first meeting of the China Canada Joint Cultural Committee was held in Ottawa. Relevant institutions of China and Canada hold various "Happy Spring Festival" activities in Ottawa, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and other cities during the Spring Festival every year.
Since 1959, China has offered Canada government scholarships to come to China. By the end of 2020, there are more than 1200 Canadian students studying in China, and about 167000 Chinese students studying in Canada. At present, China has signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Mutual Recognition of Higher and Postsecondary Education with Canada 10 provinces, and has built 11 Confucius Institutes and 38 Confucius Classrooms in Canada. The two sides established a high-level consultation mechanism for China Canada education cooperation in September 2010 and held the third meeting in Canada in February 2014. In September 2019, President Xi Jinping awarded the award to Canadian friends and educators Isabel Crook "Medal of Friendship" of the People's Republic of China [8]
According to Chinese statistics, the trade volume of goods between China and Canada in 2022 will reach 96.1 billion US dollars, up 17.3% year on year. Among them, China exported 53.7 billion US dollars and imported 42.4 billion US dollars. China is Canada's second largest trading partner, source of imports and export market.
In 1998 and 1999, China and Canada signed the Framework Statement of China Canada Environmental Cooperation Towards the 21st Century and the Action Plan of China and Canada on Environmental Cooperation, respectively, and established a joint committee mechanism for environmental cooperation between the two countries. In June 2015, the ninth meeting of the China Canada Joint Committee on Environmental Cooperation was held in Hangzhou. During Prime Minister Trudeau's visit to China in 2017, the two sides announced the establishment of a ministerial dialogue mechanism on the environment between China and Canada. In December 2017, the first China Canada Ministerial Dialogue on Environment was held in Beijing. In November 2018, the second China Canada Ministerial Dialogue on Environment and the first China Canada Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Change were held in Beijing. In May 2022, China, Canada and the EU will hold the sixth Ministerial Conference on Climate Action in a combination of offline and online. In December 2022, China and Canada, as the presidency and host country, will jointly hold the second phase of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) in Montreal.



Main attractions

Jasper National Park
(Jasper National Park)
(Banff National Park)
Canada National Park
(Canada National Park)
(Kutney National Park)
Youhe National Park
(Youhe National Park)
(Grouse Mountain)
Peto Lake
(Lake Peto)
(Toronto Zoo)
Patricia And Pyramid Lake
(Patricia And Pyramid Lake)
Lake Minnewanka
(Lake Minnewanka)
(Field town)
Double Jack Lake
(Double Jack Lake)
Lake Louise Ski Area
(Lake Louise Ski Area)
Canadian Blue Mountains Ski Resort
(Blue Mountain Ski Resort)
University of British Columbia Campus
(University of British Columbia)
(Signar mountain)
Halifax Citadel
(Halifax Citadel)
CN Tower
(CN Tower)
Fendi National Park
(Fendi National Park)
Cabot Trail
(Cabot Trail)
Bethune Memorial House
(Bethune Memorial House)
(Niagara Falls)
Vancouver Aquarium
(Vancouver Aquarium)
old montreal
(old montreal)
Canadian Civilization Museum
(Canadian Civilization Museum)
Canadian Museum of Nature
(Canadian Museum of nature)

World Heritage Site

La'ans Oxsmedo National Historic Site
(L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site)
World Cultural Heritage (1978)
Revised boundary in July 2017
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
(Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump)
World Cultural Heritage (1981)
Antony Island
(Antony Island)
World Cultural Heritage (1981)
Quebec Ancient City
(Quebec ancient city)
World Cultural Heritage (1985)
Lunenburg Old City
(Lunenburg old city)
World Cultural Heritage (1995)
Lidu Canal
(Lido canal)
World Cultural Heritage (2007)
Red Bay Basque Whaling Station
(Red Bay Basque whaling station)
World Cultural Heritage (2013)
Nahani National Park
(Nahanni National Park)
World Natural Heritage (1978)
Alberta Dinosaur Park
(Alberta Dinosaur Park)
World Natural Heritage (1979)
Kluen and Langer St. Elias Parks
(Cluen and Langer - St Elias Parks)
World Natural Heritage (1979)
Scope extension: 1992, 1994
Wood Buffalo National Park
(Woodbuffalo National Park)
World Natural Heritage (1983)
Canadian Rocky Mountains National Parks
(Canadian Rockies National Parks)
World Natural Heritage (1984)
Grossmone National Park
(Grosmona National Park)
World Natural Heritage (1987)
Waterton Glacier International Peace Park
(Walton Glacier International Peace Park)
World Natural Heritage (1995)
Miguasha Park
(Miguaza Park)
World Natural Heritage (1999)
Jokins fossil cliff
(Johns fossil cliff)
World Natural Heritage (2008)
Mistaken Point
(Mistaken Point)
World Natural Heritage (2016)
Landscapes in Canada
(Landscape of Granbury, Canada)
World Cultural and Natural Heritage (2012)
Pimahiwan Archie
(Pimaxiwan Archie)
World Cultural and Natural Heritage (2018)
Aisi Naipi Stone Carving
(Aisnaipi stone carving)
World Cultural and Natural Heritage (2019)