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Medical terminology
Dysfunction is a Medical terminology Refers to the characteristic activities of tissues, organs, limbs, etc.
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Introduction to dysfunction

Function refers to the characteristic activities of tissues, organs and limbs. For example, the function of the hand is to work with tools, the function of the lower limbs is to support the body and walk, the function of the stomach is to digest food, and the function of the brain is to think. Each function has its own characteristics. When the function that should have can not play normally, it is called dysfunction.
actually Male sexual dysfunction It is not an isolated disease, but refers to men's sexual activities, including Sexual desire Arousal Penis Erection , Penis inserted into vagina, penis maintenance Quite a time Erectile status and ejaculation Any of the five consecutive links Obstacle occurs It can be called sexual dysfunction. Common Abnormal sexual desire include Low libido Sexual aversion Hyperactivity And sexual desire Erectile dysfunction , insert barriers Ejaculatory disturbance Ejaculatory disturbance Including: premature ejaculation, non ejaculation and Retrograde ejaculation Sexual dysfunction is a pathological condition. People with sexual dysfunction may not be sexually attractive and cannot Sexual intercourse , or sexual satisfaction is not achieved during sexual intercourse. So as to affect the feelings between husband and wife Physiological anatomy Maybe everything is normal, but the sexual function is abnormal, such as sexual attraction disorder, sexual apathy Sexual intercourse Sexual disorder Erectile dysfunction Vaginospasm , lacking Sexual pleasure Lack of physical pleasure, no ejaculation, or couples can not achieve sexual satisfaction, such as premature ejaculation. Sexual dysfunction can seriously affect physical and mental health. The main treatment is psychotherapy.
The testis is the male gonad, which is responsible for generation sperm And androgen secretion. Vas deferens Tao includes epididymis, vas deferens Ejaculatory duct , urethra, etc. Epididymis has storage sperm And sperm Eventually fully mature Function of. The vas deferens is Epididymal duct The continuation of Transport and storage sperm Role of. Accessory glands include seminal vesicles prostate Bulbar gland of urethra and Paraurethral gland Seminal Liquid composition Most come from them, including support sperm A large number of nutrients.

Zinc deficiency may cause brain dysfunction

Zinc deficiency will reduce the synthesis of DNA and RNA in the brain, reduce the concentration of free glutamic acid, and increase the concentration of r-aminobutyric acid, thus affecting learning ability. The experiment proved that the same is true. The researchers gave the rats low zinc food during pregnancy, and found that the postnatal mice had slower motor development.
Trace element zinc plays an important role in children's intellectual development and healthy growth. The researchers found that some children and children with low IQ in preschool period will return to normal children's IQ after a period of zinc supplementation.

Hazards of dysfunction

1. Causes infertility. Sexual dysfunction is harmful to fertility, and some will cause infertility.
2. Causes chronic disease. Patients with sexual dysfunction may also have some chronic diseases, which will do great harm for a long time.