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Metrorrhagia due to dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Female diseases
synonym Functional uterine bleeding (Functional uterine bleeding) General finger bleeding
Dysfunctional bleeding and metrorrhagia refers to the non cyclical nature of female friends Uterine bleeding In this case, the onset of the disease is sudden, and the bleeding is massive patient It is called "collapse". Patients with mild illness, less bleeding, and unclean dripping are called "leakage". Most metrorrhagia and metrorrhagia occur in adolescent and menopausal women.
Chinese name
Metrorrhagia due to dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Aperiodic uterine bleeding
The onset is sudden and sudden

Disease introduction

Although the bleeding situation of collapse and leakage is different, they can be transformed into each other in the pathogenesis. For example, if the amount of bleeding gradually decreases, it may become leakage, and the development of leakage may become collapse. So clinically, most of them Metrorrhagia And called.
Collapse can be seen in, Western medicine Dysfunctional uterine bleeding and uterine bleeding caused by other reasons. Western medicine believes that dysfunctional uterine bleeding is due to the regulation of reproduction Neuroendocrine Abnormal uterine bleeding caused by abnormal mechanism. There is no organic disease in the whole body and internal and external reproductive organs, which can be divided into ovulatory and Anovulation There are two types of sex.
There have always been two definitions of collapse and leakage in the broad sense and the narrow sense menstruation The abnormal period and quantity of Irregular vaginal bleeding , such as abortion and Postpartum hemorrhage fibroid (Especially submucosal myoma) massive bleeding, etc. This book refers to metrorrhagia in a narrow sense. Such as metrorrhagia and bleeding faint According to the principle of "treating the symptoms as soon as possible" in the Internal Classic, stop bleeding quickly, and treat with both Chinese and western medicine when necessary to prevent Hematemesis Dying yang , life is at stake, such as active treatment, prognosis It's still good.


Metrorrhagia yes menstruation Chinese medicine believes that metrorrhagia is mainly caused by the pathogenic factors, such as injury, neglect of duty, and loss of blood control. The common causes of metrorrhagia and fistula are as follows:
(1) Phlegm dampness Blocking, metrorrhagia and leakage: the body is full of phlegm and dampness, or Spleen deficiency and dampness stagnation Phlegm generation, Chong Ren bet, blocking Cellular vein Blood does not return to menstruation And form collapse and leakage.
(2) Not ingesting due to qi deficiency Collapse and leakage: excessive anxiety, tiredness of diet, and bad temper, Qi deficiency Subsidence has no right to regulate blood. Chong and Ren lose their solidity and cannot restrict the blood flow to cause collapse and leakage.
(3) blood stasis Blocking, metrorrhagia and leakage: Emotional internal injury , Chong Ren Qi and blood stagnation; Or after menstruation, the reason is that the excess blood is not exhausted, and the external evil is felt, so that the channels are blocked by blood stasis, and the new blood cannot Meridian tropism And act recklessly.
(4) Yin deficiency and fire hyperactivity Disintegration and leakage: solid Yin deficiency , or long illness and blood loss Injure yin , Yin deficiency and fire are flourishing, which disturb the blood sea and lead to irregular blood flow. Too much blood loss will hurt Yin fluid even more. The more deficiency of Yin, the more fire will become. Therefore, patients with this disease will often be unable to heal.
(5) Kidney qi is unstable Metrorrhagia : Prime Deficiency of kidney qi , cause or damage to kidney qi due to early marriage, prolificacy, or irregular sexual intercourse; Or the aging kidney qi is gradually declining, or the operation is injured, resulting in kidney qi deficiency, Dereliction of duty in sealing up The collapse and leakage are caused by the failure of consolidation.
(6) Damp heat of liver and gallbladder Collapse and leakage: always Damp heat connotation , or feeling after menstruation Damp heat The evil is accumulated in the liver and gall, and the bet is Chongren Blood chamber And the menstrual blood will not fall from time to time.
(7) Blood heat delusion Disintegration and leakage: the reason is that the body is full of yang, or the emotion is depressed, Liver depression transforms into fire Or feeling Pathogenic heat , or made by overeating spicy and hot things Solid fire , burn Chongren, disturb the sea of blood, force blood Misconduct , resulting in collapse and leakage.
(8) Collapse and leakage of qi against chaos: anger hurts the liver, and qi against chaos; Or excessive fear, mental Overstrain , resulting in abnormal rise and fall of the qi machine, restless blood sea, and blood formed with the chaos of qi Metrorrhagia


Dysfunctional uterine bleeding Collapse can be divided into different types from different angles. So, who knows exactly what kinds of bleeding and metrorrhagia are there? This is a problem that most female friends are concerned about. The collapse of meritorious service has a certain negative impact on the physical and mental health of female friends. So it is very important to understand the knowledge about the collapse of functional blood. Now we will introduce the types of functional blood breakdown.
one Blood stasis type Dysfunctional bleeding, metrorrhagia and fistula are mainly manifested as endless bleeding, sudden collapse of its potential, with blood stasis, and purple and dark bleeding color, Abdominal pain Refuse to press, the pulse is dull or tight, Lingual substance Dark red, seen from the tip of the tongue petechiae
two Air depression Type I dysfunctional uterine bleeding, metrorrhagia and fistula, mainly manifested as Avalanche Lower blood, the bleeding color is light and thin, the complexion is white or floating, sleepy and tired, and the movement is Shortness of breath The blood is more intense, and the pulse is weak or weak. The tongue is fat and tender, with tooth marks, and the fur is thin, moist or greasy.
three Blood fever Type I dysfunctional uterine bleeding, metrorrhagia and fistula are mainly manifested as sudden bleeding, dark red blood color, dizziness, red face, irritability and thirst, Vein slip Number or chord number, Moss yellow

Prevention and control methods

The collapse of meritorious deeds has a great impact on the physical and mental health of female friends. So when this happens, we must actively treat it, and when it doesn't happen, we must actively prevent it. So, who knows what are the prevention and treatment methods for dysfunctional uterine bleeding and metrorrhagia? This is a problem that most female friends care about Dysfunctional uterine bleeding There are several ways to crash.
1. Recovery ovary Function, adjusting menstrual cycle Usually taken continuously Diethylstilbestrol 0.5-1 g per day for 20 consecutive days, and increase injection in the last 5 days progesterone 20 mg per day. With ovulation Sexual dysfunctional uterine bleeding can be injected before ovulation Chorionic gonadotropin This can also adjust the menstrual cycle.
2. TCM treatment. In terms of treatment and regulation of endocrine function and hemostasis, Chinese medicine has a very good effect, so patients can also ask Chinese medicine for treatment.
3. Pay attention to physical health and participate in the following physical exercises. But be careful not to overwork. At the same time, we should increase nutrition and eat more protein rich foods, vegetables and fruits.
4. Use medicine to stop bleeding. The main method of drug hemostasis is to promote the clean shedding of endometrium and endometrium Growth.
5. Keep vulva Clean and change underwear every day. Frequent bleeding os uteri In a relaxed state, bacteria and viruses can easily invade the vagina and induce gynecological inflammation
6. Keep happy and live a regular life. Don't stay up late.
Ingredients: Selected Atractylodes macrocephala Bupleurum chinense , Epimedium Codonopsis pilosula Astragalus membranaceus , liquorice Blood charcoal , oyster, etc.
Usage and dosage: put the herbal medicine into the casserole, add 1500-2000ml of cold water, then put the casserole on the stove, boil it over high heat until water boils, and then
Turn to small fire; Boil in low heat until 500~600ml of the medicine soup is left, then turn off the heat. Take the decocted decoction (500~600ml) three times in the morning, noon and evening after meals, 150~200ml each time; We pay once a day, and use fifteen as a course of treatment.

Dietotherapy method

There are many ways to treat diseases, and among all the methods, the most popular one is food therapy. It's just that many female friends don't know Dysfunctional uterine bleeding What are the collapsed dietotherapy methods. So, who knows what are the dietotherapy methods for the breakdown of functional blood? This is a problem that most female friends are more concerned about. Experts pointed out that the following is a brief introduction to the dietotherapy method for the breakdown of exertion.
one Hematite Psoralea corylifolia Equal parts. Grind into fine powder together, take 3 grams each time, three times a day, suitable for Deficiency of kidney qi The cold.
two Astragalus membranaceus , Eclipta prostrata Cuttlefish bone 30 g each, Sophora japonica Atractylodes macrocephala 20g each, 10g licorice. Fried clothes with water, suitable for Spleen asthenia The photographer.
3. 376 grams, Antler cream 15 grams, 10 grams of pickled ginger charcoal. Grind into fine powder together, take 3 grams each time, three times a day, suitable for Deficiency of spleen and kidney yang The.
four Palm charcoal , Lianfang charcoal Blood charcoal Equal parts. Grind into fine powder together, take 5g each time, 3 times a day.
5. 30g cuttlefish bone, agrimony Dragon Tree 50g each. Fried with water.
6. Leonurus heterophyllus 30g. Fried clothes with water, suitable for stasis of blood The. Experts remind that although the effect of food therapy is better. However, each patient's physical condition is different, so the above methods may not be suitable for each patient. It is recommended to go to the hospital for relevant examinations and prescribe the right medicine.

Dietotherapy formula

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding ”, in Chinese medicine“ Metrorrhagia ”Category. Traditional Chinese medicine has rich experience in the treatment of "functional bleeding", while diet therapy is more unique, convenient, practical and effective. However, in application Treatment based on syndrome differentiation According to their symptoms. The common "functional bleeding" in clinic can be divided into Blood fever Type Blood deficiency Type, blood stasis type and Spleen asthenia 4 types. According to the characteristics of age, it can also be divided into puberty "functional bleeding", childbearing age "functional bleeding" and menopause "functional bleeding". Generally speaking, puberty "dysfunctional uterine bleeding" mostly belongs to blood heat type; In childbearing age, "dysfunctional uterine bleeding" is more common in blood stasis type and blood deficiency type; Menopause "dysfunctional uterine bleeding" mostly belongs to spleen deficiency type. It can be referred to when choosing dietotherapy.
Stewed chicken with cuttlebone : Applicable to blood deficiency type. take Cuttlefish bone 30 g, Chinses angelica 30g, 100g chicken, some refined salt and MSG. Dice the chicken, slice the angelica, break the cuttlefish bone, put it into a pottery pot, add 500ml of water, some refined salt, and steam it in a steamer once a day. Generally, 3 to 5 times can be effective. Sepia bone has the function of astringent and hemostasis. Angelica sinensis and chicken are both good blood tonics Blood deficiency Type“ Dysfunctional uterine bleeding ”It is quite effective.
Stewed lean meat with corn whiskers : Applicable to Blood fever Type. take Corn whisker 30g, 120g lean meat, proper amount of refined salt, and a little MSG. Cut the lean meat into pieces, put it into the pottery pot with corn whiskers, add 500ml of water, cover the steamer and steam until the meat is cooked, add refined salt and MSG, and take it while hot. Corn must have Cooling blood to stop bleeding The folk often use it to treat "red collapse", and lean meat can enrich blood. The combination of the two can treat "functional blood" of blood heat type, with remarkable effect.
Fried shepherd's purse with motherwort : Applicable to blood stasis type. Take 30g fresh motherwort, fresh Shepherd's purse 30g, moderate vegetable oil. Wash and cut fresh motherwort and shepherd's purse. Put the iron pot on the high fire, pour in the vegetable oil and heat it. Add fresh motherwort and fresh shepherd's purse and stir fry until cooked. Take it twice a day until it stops bleeding. Motherwort has the functions of promoting blood circulation, breaking blood and regulating menstruation; Shepherd's purse contains shepherd's purse acid, which can shorten bleeding Coagulation time , so as to achieve the purpose of hemostasis“ Dysfunctional uterine bleeding ”Especially effective.
Stewed Lotus Seeds with Dried Litchi : Applicable to Spleen asthenia Type. take Dried lichee 20, 60g lotus seeds. Remove the shell and core of dried litchi, remove the core of lotus seeds, put them into a ceramic jar after washing, add 500ml of water, steam them in a steamer, and then take them. The dried litchi is rich in nutrition and can nourish the blood and spleen; The function of lotus seed is mainly to invigorate the spleen Obstinate The two are used together and properly, and are often used to treat "functional bleeding" of spleen deficiency type.
Dark plum paste 1500 grams of black plum. Add 3000ml of water to the dark plum, and boil it with charcoal fire. When the water evaporates to half, add water to the original amount, and fry it until thick. Filter the residue with clean gauze, and bottle it for later use. When taking it, add white sugar to taste it. Adults take 5ml~10ml each time, and take it with boiled water three times a day. Applicable to Functional uterine bleeding
Pig skin jelly. 1000 grams of pig skin, 250 grams of rice wine and 250 grams of brown sugar. Cut the pig skin into small pieces, enlarge the pot, add appropriate amount of water, simmer with low heat until the meat skin is rotten. When the juice is thick and sticky, add rice wine and brown sugar, mix them well, and then stop fire. Pour them into a porcelain basin, cool them for standby, and serve with food as needed. have Nourishing yin and blood Hemostatic effect. Applicable to Menorrhagia Functional uterine bleeding and all haemorrhages.
Black plum and brown sugar soup. 15 grams of dark plum, Brown sugar 30g~50g. Put the black plum and brown sugar together in the pot, add 1 and a half bowls of water, and fry until more than half bowl is left. Remove the residue and warm up. It has the effect of enriching blood, stopping bleeding, beautifying skin and pleasing face. It is suitable for women with menorrhagia or functional uterine bleeding.
Stewed pig skin with red dates. 15~20 red dates (cored), pigskin 100 g. Scrape the pig skin and cut it into small pieces. Wash the red dates and remove the stones. Put them into the stew cup together. Add a small amount of water and stew until the pig skin is cooked and rotten. It has the effect of tonifying spleen and blood, increasing skin luster and elasticity. Applicable to treatment Spleen asthenia type Metrorrhagia And physical weakness.
Rice Wine and Mussel Soup with Ginger Sauce Ginger juice 3ml~5ml, rice wine 20ml~30ml, clam meat 150g~200g, edible oil and refined salt in proper amount. Clean the mussel meat, stir fry it with peanut oil, add rice wine, ginger juice and some water, and cook it together. After the meat is cooked, add refined salt to taste it. have Nourishing yin and blood It has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, moisturizing and rejuvenating. Applicable to menorrhagia and Infirmity
Second, fresh juice. fresh Lotus root knot , fresh ternip 500g each. Wash the above materials and mash them. Wrap the juice with clean gauze and add some rock sugar to drink. have Clearing away heat and cooling blood It can stop bleeding, firm menstruation and whiten skin. Applicable to menorrhagia