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Force line

Imaginary line in force field
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Force lines refer to some imaginary lines in the force field. The tangent line of any point on these lines points to the direction of the field at that point, and the number of lines passing through the unit area perpendicular to the field represents the strength of the field.
Chinese name
Force line
Foreign name
Lines of force
It refers to some imaginary lines in the force field
Power line

English name

Lines of force

Introduction to force line

When dealing with electric or magnetic fields, the concept of force lines is perhaps the most commonly used.

power line

These are lines drawn in the space around a charged object to represent or describe the electric field. These lines are very helpful for visualizing and quantifying the electric field. At any point power line The direction is drawn parallel to the direction of electric field intensity E at the point. It is specified quantitatively that the number of power lines passing through an imaginary unit area surface perpendicular to the field should be equal to field strength E。
According to the provisions of this certain amount, and using the rationalized m · kg · s unit system, then from positive charge q ( Coulomb )The source power line has q/.. Bar, but terminates at the same size negative charge The number of power lines on one q is the same. Here on the second 8 85XI。 One "coulomb 2/Newton meter, is Vacuum permittivity See“ electric field ”(eleetrie field).

Magnetic line of force

The magnetic field with the strength of magnetic line of force H can also be represented by a line called magnetic line of force. The number of force lines perpendicular to the unit area of H is numerically equal to the value of H. The magnetic force lines generated by the current are some closed curves, Magnetic induction line The same is true. from magnet The magnetic line of force generated outside the magnet originates from the North Pole and ends at the South Pole. See“ magnetic field ”。