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assistant counsel

A non leading position for civil servants
synonym Associate Counsel (Deputy inspector) generally refers to assistant inspector
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Assistant Inspector is one kind of civil servants in China nonleading position , level equivalent to Leadership Deputy Director of( Deputy Director )。
Chinese name
assistant counsel

Position relationship

Zheng Xin, Assistant Inspector of the National Department of Small and Medium Enterprises, delivers a speech
Leadership and nonleading position Correspondence of
Leadership position - non leadership position
Head of Division (Office) - Inspector Deputy Head of Division (Office) - Assistant Inspector
Division (County) Head - Investigator
Deputy Chief (County)—— assistant consultant
Section (Township) Head - Chief Section Member
Deputy Chief (Township)—— Deputy director
The non leadership position is the same as the leadership position Qualifications The conditions are strictly limited in amount.

Career grade

Leadership post Premier 1 1
Vice Premier State Councilor2 2-3
Li Lanqi, Assistant Inspector of the Construction Management Department of the Ministry of Water Resources, inspected
Ministerial leader chief position at the provincial level 3 3-4 Deputy ministerial level deputy provincial level deputy
Division level leaders and department level leaders 5 5-7
Division level Deputy Director level Deputy Director 6 6-8
Division level leaders and county level leaders 7 7-10
Division level deputy deputy county level deputy
Section level leaders and township level leaders 9 9-12
Section level deputy post Township level deputy post 10 9-13
nonleading position Inspector 5 5-7
Assistant Inspector 6 6-8
Investigator 7 7-10
Chief staff 9 9-12
Deputy Chief Staff 10 9-13
Section staff 11 9-14
Clerk 12 10-15


Attachment: Execution civil service system And Reference management The corresponding relationship between the posts and levels of the staff of the Party organs is:
First level General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee;
Members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at the second to third levels Alternate member , Secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee, Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection;
Ministers in charge of central departments at the third to fourth levels, secretary of provincial (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government) committees, deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection;
Speech by Comrade Wang Yongsheng, Assistant Inspector of Beijing Local Taxation Bureau
Vice ministers of central departments at four to five levels, deputy secretaries and standing members of provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) committees, standing members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission Directors of central departments at the fifth to seventh levels, ministers of provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) committees, secretaries of prefectural (prefecture, league, and municipality directly under the Central Government) committees, deputy secretaries of provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) discipline inspection commissions, and inspectors;
Deputy directors of central departments at the sixth to eighth levels, deputy ministers of provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) commissions, deputy secretaries of prefectural (municipal, prefectural, league, and municipality directly under the Central Government) commissions, standing members of provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) discipline inspection commissions, and assistant inspectors;
Director of the seventh to tenth level, director of each department of prefectural (municipal, prefectural, league, and directly administered municipal) committees, county (city, banner Provincial cities Secretary of the District) Committee of the Communist Party of China, investigator;
Deputy directors at the eighth to eleventh levels, deputy ministers of all departments of prefectural (municipal, prefectural, league, and municipality directly under the Central Government) committees, deputy secretaries of county (municipal, banner, and district of city directly under the province) committees, assistant consultant
Section chiefs at the ninth to twelfth levels, secretary of the township (town) party committee, and chief section staff;
Deputy section chief from the ninth to the thirteenth level, deputy secretary of the township (town) party committee, deputy chief section member;
Section staff and secretaries at levels 9-14;
Clerks from level 10 to 15
other Refer to the administrative authority Correspondence between the position and level of Implementation plan Implementation of the provisions of.