Trinity College, Cambridge University

College in Cambridge University
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Trinity College, Cambridge University of Cambridge One of the largest, richest and most prestigious colleges in China, with about 600 college students, 300 graduate students and 180 professors. The college was founded by King of England Henry VIII It was built in 1546, and its predecessor is Michael house established in 1324 and King's Academy established in 1317. The oldest building still preserved in the college can be traced back to the clock tower of the college used by the King's Academy in the Middle Ages, which still tells the time for the college.
The church of Trinity College of Cambridge University is the daughter of Henry VIII Mary Tudor It was built in 1554, although the interior decoration of the whole church could not be completed until the 18th century. In the front hall of the church, there are jade statues of famous graduates from Trinity College, including Newton Bacon Tennyson wait forsomeone.
Chinese name
Trinity College, Cambridge University
Foreign name
Trinity College, Cambridge
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Secondary college
competent department
University of Cambridge
School motto
Virtus Vera Nobilitas

College Features

school badge
The old Trinity College still has many complicated traditional custom For example, before a formal dinner, all teachers and students must eat after praying.
Another interesting tradition is to let new students try at noon on the day of the school party bell tower When the bell rings, run around the Grand Court. Students must run the 367 meter long courtyard within the time when the clock tower strikes all the bells (about 43 seconds) Athletics Athletes are also challenging. Trinity College's May dance in summer is the second largest famous dance in Britain.
If the Hall of Fame of Trinity College highlights its supreme academic achievements Wren Library What makes people read is the tradition of Trinity College that has spanned nearly 500 years.

Experienced deeds

Trinity College of Cambridge University - Newton's Gravitational Apple Tree
Barrow He was Newton's teacher. In 1673, when he was the dean of Trinity College, he built Trinity College for hundreds of years and was the United Nations Rated as World Cultural Heritage Ryan Library.
Four stone sculptures designed by Gabriel stand on the roof of the library, symbolizing the four oldest disciplines: theology Law , medicine and mathematics.
Another architect, Ryan, designed the overall structure of the library. Now we see the simple and ingenious bookshelves, desks and Bookcase It all comes from his idea, and the library is named for him.
Trinity College Wren Library Not only Ancient Egypt Of mummy And the letters and manuscripts of St. Paul's believers in the Middle Ages Socrates And dozens of statues of great western thinkers. Paradise Lost 》Milton, the author of University of Cambridge Therefore, his manuscript has naturally become the new favorite of the library.

Strict school rules

Byron In 1805, he entered Trinity College as an aristocrat, but soon he was tired of the college life.
He is casual and elegant, and is keen on wine and sex. In order to tease the rules of "No Dogs", he raised a bear and became the most rebellious student in the history of Trinity College. But the generation that shocked the world Poet saint But I can't look back.
After his death, his friend wanted to put a jade statue of him in Westminster Abbey The church was rejected on the grounds that the man was immoral. Finally, Trinity College read the past and accepted it again Byron , and place it in Wren Library The most eye-catching part of.

architectural style

Trinity College Garden, Cambridge University
There is a fountain in the middle of the Grand Court of Trinity College.
The whole building complex of Trinity College was renovated on a large scale at the beginning of the 17th century, which was designed and presided over by Thomas Neville, the dean at that time. The whole grand architectural design plan includes moving the old clock tower 20 yards to make enough space for the construction of the grand courtyard( The Great Court) - one Gothic style The courtyard. In addition, a Neville's Court was also designed between the Grand Court and the Jianhe River, but the whole style of this courtyard was not completed until the end of the 17th century by the architect Sir Christopher Wren )The designed library is not complete until it is erected.
Four stone statues stand on the roof of the library named after the designer, representing the four oldest disciplines: theology Law , medicine and mathematics. The bookshelves, tables, chairs and other exquisite furniture in the museum are also designed by Ryan himself.
The library's collection is not rich, but it is very valuable, including Sao Paulo Of“ Apostle Epistles ”The Epistles of St. Paul, Newton's first edition of Principles of Nature, Milton's poetry manuscripts, and A. A. Milne's《 Winnie the Pooh 》(Winnie the Pooh) manuscript Byron Full body jade statue, even including one Ancient Egypt Of mummy
The academic achievements of Trinity College are Cambridge The top of all colleges is also famous for its many famous graduates Coculture 32 Nobel Prize Winners, famous graduates include Newton Bacon Byron Whitehead Russell Wittgenstein wait forsomeone.

famous alumni

Francis Bacon , a famous philosopher
Isaac Newton , great physical scientist Mathematician astronomer
Byron , Poet
Edward Fitzgerald, poet
James Clerk Maxwell , a famous physicist
Alfred Whitehead, philosopher
G. H. Hardy , mathematician
A. A. Milner, writer
Ludwig Wittgenstein , philosopher
Bertrand Russell , philosopher
Nehru, India's first prime minister politician
Charles III, King of England [1]
eddie redmayne , Oscar winner
Michael Atiyah mathematician

Characteristic landscape

There are Henry VIII The majestic king holds a golden ball symbolizing the throne with a cross on the top in his left hand, but holds a chair leg in his right hand. It is said that Henry VIII's right hand originally held a golden root symbolizing royal power Crutch , soon after the statue was completed, I don't know what it is Mischief The students quietly climbed up and pulled out their crutches. This chair leg took its place. Strangely, no one has cared about it for hundreds of years. Cambridge people not only let nature take its course, but also constantly introduce this "wonderful" story to freshmen and tourists with relish.
In the middle of the green lawn on the right side of the gate, there is a leafy Apple It is said that several hundred years ago, an apple from the distant ancestor of this tree fell on Newton's head, which inspired him to discover Law of universal gravitation
The college has a spacious atrium (the Great Court), beautiful school buildings and ancient buildings, built in 1567 church (the Chapel) Statues of alumni with live person ratio, such as Newton's statue and Bacon's statue; The characteristics of the atrium are the elizabethan age The fountain built here was once the main water supply place of the college.

tourist guide



Located in the center of the city, walking from Cambridge Bus Terminal Tour Bus It only takes 10 minutes to get to the college.

admission ticket

Adult 3 pounds/person,
1.3 pounds per person for children and the elderly;
Local residents and University of Cambridge Students and alumni are free,
Visitors are free from December 26 to March 12 of the next year.

Opening Hours

10:00~17:00 every day.
The following periods are closed to tourists - June 17 to June 23; June 30; October 1~October 4; Christmas Day.


Sany College adjacent to Jianhe River can participate in the punting tour of Jianhe River, 8 pounds per hour, deposit 30 pounds per ship, but must return to the departure point before 17:00 p.m. Only students of our school can rent a ship to stay out for the night.

Admission requirements

undergraduate IELTS 7 points for each subject, with an average score of 7.5 points (may also be based on Interview English Not required for the situation)
Graduate IELTS 7 points