Pre Qin

One of the historical dynasties in China
zero Useful+1
The former Qin Dynasty (351-394) was Di nationality establish The Sixteen Kingdoms of Wuhu One of the political powers of the period was also the most powerful country among the sixteen countries. There were six emperors (including eight emperors of the sixth generation) in the fifth generation of the pre Qin calendar, who enjoyed the country for forty-four years. It was forty-six years since Fuhong became king. [1-4] [70-71]
At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, the people were displaced, and Fu Hong was promoted as the leader of the alliance by the powerful forces in the west of Kansai. In the last years of the Later Zhao Dynasty, the Three Qin Kings Fu Hong Defeat Qiang leaders Yao Xiang , intended to capture Guanzhong, but was Ma Qiu Poisonous in the dark. 350 years, Fu Jian Occupy Guanzhong, ascended the throne the next year, and established Chang'an as the capital. Fu Jian and widely practiced the policy of virtue, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Eastern Jin Dynasty general Yin Hao Huanwen Xie Shang Sima Xun The crusade against the former Qin Dynasty was defeated by Fu Jian, and the national power gradually consolidated. after Fu Sheng Successive and unrestrained, Fu Jian Kill and replace it. Fu Jian worships Confucianism, rewards culture and education, and knows people well Wang Meng People assisted in the administration, and the central government was centralized, and the country was prosperous, which was known as "Guanlong Qingyan, and the people were happy" in history. The Fu family aims at unifying the world, sending Wang Meng Deng Qiang Kill the former swallow. 371, Fuya Kill Chou Chi, capture Yang Juan Tuyuhun Attachment. In 373, Liang and Yi prefectures were captured, general name of the tribes in Guizhou All fall. 376 Precooling generation Country, Houping Western Regions Countries. At this time, the former Qin Dynasty was bordered by the sea to the east, Han River to the south, Qiuci to the west, and the desert to the north, facing the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and its territory became the most powerful of the five stringed Chinese hoods. [5-6] [81 ]
The former Qin Dynasty advocated Confucianism, set up schools and trained ruling talents. pay attention to Agricultural mulberry , building water conservancy, building Tingyi And develop industry and commerce. And implemented the policy of moving people Xianbei Wuhuan Ding Ling One hundred thousand households moved to Guanzhong to enrich the Kinki for easy control; In addition, 150000 families of the Di nationality in Guanxi were moved to the east of Guandong and placed in key towns to strengthen control over the newly conquered areas. At this time in the former Qin Dynasty, the politics was clear, the society was stable, and the national strength reached its peak. However, since the defeat in Feishui, the former Qin Dynasty has gone into decline and disintegration, and northern China is once again trapped in division. [19 ]
The sinicization reform of the former Qin Dynasty effectively alleviated National estrangement , promoting the continuation of civilization and Ethnic integration , and Later Qin Dynasty Northern Dynasties Lay the foundation for the reform of Chinese culture. [31-33]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Pre Qin Dynasty
Fu Qin, Qian Qin, Huang Qin [69]
time frame
Chang'an Jinyang
official language
Ancient Chinese
Round money
Political system
Absolute monarchy
National leaders
Fu Jian Fu Sheng Fu Jian Fu Pi Fu Deng Fu Chong
population size
About 20 million
Major religions
Taoism Confucianism Buddhism
land area
3580000 km²

Country number

The name of the former Qin Dynasty first appeared in《 Spring and Autumn Period of the Sixteen Kingdoms 》Later, it was used to distinguish itself from other regimes that took "Qin" as their national title. The former Qin Dynasty believed that the five behaviors were moral, Later Qin Dynasty The rulers also inherited the virtues of the former Qin Dynasty Hou Zhao Water virtue is called Mu Qin. Southern and Northern Dynasties Period, Northern Wei Dynasty Prime Minister Gao Lu People believed that the former Qin Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty came down in one continuous line, advocating that Fu Qin was fire virtue, and Yuan Wei inherited Fu Qin as soil virtue, so it was also called Fire Qin [7] [37] [84]
The country's name is "Qin", which originates from the name of the region. "Qin" plus "Qian" is called "Qian Qin", which is different from“ western qin ”"Later Qin Dynasty". Spring and Autumn Period of the Sixteen Kingdoms 》It is the first time to record the history of Fu's regime under the title of "Records of the Former Qin Dynasty". Fu Qin is another name for the State of the former Qin. The former Qin was built by Fu Family, so it is another name“ Fu Qin ”It is different from "Ying Qin", "Yao Qin" and "Qiu Fu Qin". [75]



Former Qin Liguo

Western Jin Dynasty At the end of the year, when the dynasty was overthrown, Lueyang Di nationality Launch aristocrats Fu Hong Is the leader. Former Zhao main Liu Yao He became emperor in Chang'an and appointed Fuhong as the King of Di. later Hou Zhao main Shiller Before the destruction of Zhao, Fu Hong fell to Shile.
333, Stone tiger Heroes moving to Guanzhong and Qiang Rong To the east of the Shanhaiguan Pass, Fuhong was appointed as the refugee governor, who lived in Fang Tou After Shi Hu died, Fu Hong sent envoys to Jin to accept officials of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.
350 years, Fu Hong Claiming to be in Fangtou dadudu , General Big single in The Third King of Qin , and was soon defeated by former general Zhao Shihu Ma Qiu Poisoned, his son Fu Jian Unify the masses from generation to generation. Fu Jian made his head to the west, and Di and Qiang people in Guanzhong responded one after another. In October, the Fu family entered Chang'an and took over Guanlong.
In 351, the Fu family implemented a benevolent policy in Guanlong, and made three agreements with the people to abolish it Hou Zhao During the period of tyranny, the people in Guanzhong were very fond of Fu Family. Fu Jian was called the King of the Qin Dynasty and Da Danyu. A year later, he was officially proclaimed emperor, with the name of Daqin, the capital of Chang'an, and a hundred civil and military officials. He was also known as Fu Qin and Qian Qin in history. [6]
Encyclopedia x ignorance: an illustration of the sixteen countries of the Wuhu
at first Fu Jian Knowing that the people in the Central Plains "think of Jin", when Fangtou, he called on the Grand General of the State of Jin to invade the west, the governor of all military forces in Guanzhong, and the governor of Yongzhou; When he arrived in Guanzhong, he sent envoys to the Eastern Jin Dynasty to appease the contradictions in Guanzhong. He did not break off relations with the Eastern Jin Dynasty until he formally became emperor.
354, Eastern Jin Dynasty A powerful minister Huanwen Led a large army of 40000 to attack the former Qin Dynasty, attacked the Central Shaanxi Plain all the way, and was finally Fu Jian Fu Xiong He led the army to turn defeat into victory, and adopted the policy of sticking to the wall and clearing the wilderness. When the Jin army encountered difficulties in supplies, Huan Wen had to lead the defeated army to retreat. [83]
Former Qin Emperor Fu Jian We made three agreements with the people in Kansai to reduce taxes and corvee, to be diligent in government affairs, to give preferential treatment to the elderly, and to advocate Confucianism. Under the governance of the former Qin Fu family, Kansai finally regained its vitality. [85]
In 355, Fu Jian died, his posthumous title was Ming, his temple was Shizong, and his son Fu Sheng He succeeded to the throne because of excessive killing. In 357, Fu Jiandi Fu Xiong Son of Fu Jian Kill Fu Sheng, who stood on his own feet and was called the King of the Qin Dynasty, and change Fu Jian's posthumous title to Jingming and the temple name to Gaozu. [1] [6]

Unify the North

Fu Jian heard about it before he ascended the throne Wang Meng The reputation of Lvpo Tower With the help of, we met Wang Meng and talked very well. That is, the emperor, Ren Wangmeng Wang You Deng Qiang And other Han ministers. The former Qin Dynasty adopted political reform, strengthened centralization, restrained the development of aristocratic forces to strengthen the central power, and built Guanzhong Water Conservancy. The national strength of the former Qin Dynasty gradually increased.
In 370, General Qin Wang Meng Kill the former Yan and capture it Murong Wei
In 371, Marquis of Qinxi County Fuya Extinguish Qiegu Chi State
In 376, General Qin Power on Extinguish Precooling Zhang Tianxi Fall; In the same year, Fu Jiancheng On behalf of the state Dispatch Deng Qiang Fuluo Enter the army to destroy the modern country. [65-68]
In 382, Fu Jianming Lvguang The conquest of the Western Regions is from Western Jin Dynasty In the following decades, the Central Plains regime once again occupied Western Regions Since then, the former Qin Dynasty has basically unified the north, and the surrounding countries have sent envoys. [8-11]
When unifying the north, Fu Jian also began to attack Eastern Jin Dynasty , in 373, on assignment Zhu 肜 Xu Cheng They captured Liang and Yi prefectures in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Consolidate rule

374 (Pre Qin Dynasty establish the first month of the calendar year or of a new era Ten years), Zhang Yu Calling himself the King of Shu, and Yang Guang More than 20000 soldiers joined forces with Zhang Chong and Yin Wan, the chiefs of Ba Liao, to encircle Chengdu, which was owned by the former Qin Dynasty. Emperor Xuanzhao Fu Jian Send the town army general Deng Qiang Zhang Yu sent envoys to the Eastern Jin Dynasty to ask for reinforcements. Zhu Yao, the governor of Yizhou and General Weiyuan of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Huan Shiqian Lead 30000 troops to attack Dianjiang and defeat Yao Chang. In June, Zhang Yu changed into Black Dragon. In July, Zhang Yu, Zhang Chong and others fought for power and fought among themselves. Pre Qin Yang An Deng Qiang Defeat Zhang Yu and Yang Guang and retreat to Mianzhu. In August, Deng Qiang defeated the Jin army in Fuxi. In September, Yang An defeated Zhang Chong and Yin Wan south of Chengdu, beheaded 23000 soldiers and killed Zhang Chong. On the other hand, Zhang Yu and Yang Guang were attacked and killed by Deng Qiang in Mianzhu, and Yizhou was owned by the former Qin Dynasty. [12]
In September 382, Wang Mixuan and Xiumi, the king of Shanshan in front of the chariot division, came to the Qin Dynasty and asked to be a guide for the former Qin Dynasty to crusade against those who refused to obey in the Western Regions and reopen the Silk Road in the Western Regions. Emperor Xuanzhao Fujian as a cavalry general Lvguang In order to make Zhijie and Dudu conquer all the military forces in the Western Regions, he was ordered to lead General Ling Jiang Jiang Fei , Light Vehicle General Peng Huang , General Du Jin Kangsheng A total of 100000 troops and 5000 cavalries were deployed to fight the Western Regions.
In the first month of 383, Emperor Xuanzhao Fu Jianming ordered Lvguang Send troops from Chang'an to the Western Regions, guided by Xiumi, the king of Shanshan, and Wang Mixuan, the head of the chariot division.

Surrounding Xiangyang

In 378, the former Grand General of the Qin Dynasty invaded the South Fu Pi And led 70000 cavalry to attack the eastern Jin Dynasty Xiangyang , Governor of Liangzhou in the Eastern Jin Dynasty Zhu Xu The city fell and was captured after nearly a year of death.
In 379, former Qin Youjun Maodang , General Qiang Nu Wang Xian , led 20000 people from Xiangyang, followed by the general All difficult , Yanzhou Governor Peng Chao They joined forces and attacked cities south of the Huaihe River in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, captured Xuyi and surrounded San'a. Governor of Yanzhou in the Eastern Jin Dynasty Xie Xuan They sent troops to rescue and defeated the Qin army four times. It was difficult for Peng Chao to escape northward and only saved his life. However, the Maodang Headquarters defeated the Jin Army with less to win more, and the troops arrived directly Tang Yi [13] [39]

Battle of Feishui

Battle of Feishui
Extinction of the Pre Qin Dynasty Precooling After the invasion of the Western Regions, the separatist dynasties in East Asia were basically destroyed. At that time, East Jin, Koguryo, Silla and Baekje were the only ones left in East Asia, Fu Jian Relying on their strength, they constantly fought with the Eastern Jin Dynasty, mainly in the eastern Xuzhou area and the western Xiangyang area. In 379, the Qin Dynasty captured Xiangyang, a strategic town in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but the attack on Huainan was blocked, and the troops attacking Jiangling were also repulsed. Fu Jian then decided to redeploy and launch an attack against the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In October 382, Fu Jian called together officials in the Tai Chi Hall and proposed to lead a million troops to destroy Jin at one stroke. sabir Murong Chui With Qiang people Yao Chang All try their best to support, but Fu Jian's younger brother Fu Rong Shiyue Other ministers strongly objected. This is because Fujian moved Zhu Hu into the Guanzhong area for control, and put the Di nationality force at the key point of the country to consolidate its power, which made the capital empty. Moreover, he was generous. The emperor and his officials who had lost their country and the generals of the enemy countries were all granted high officials. He was allowed to lead the old army, which caused hidden worries.
In 383, Emperor Xuanzhao Fujian attacked the Eastern Jin Dynasty in an all-round way Fu Rong As the forward governor, he led a 250 thousand foot ride first. In September, Fu Jian's pro military infantry was more than 600000 and cavalry was 270000. Qin troops from Yizhou, Liangzhou, Hebei and other places also dispatched. At this time, the Eastern Jin Dynasty Xie An When the country is in charge, life Xie Shi For the purpose of collecting Dadu Xie Xuan As the forward governor, he led 80000 soldiers to meet the enemy. In October, the two armies met in Feishui.
When the Eastern Jin Dynasty was under the pressure of powerful enemies and faced with the critical moment of life and death, the main battle group headed by Xie Xuan, nephew of the Prime Minister Xie An, was determined to rise up and resist. On the recommendation of Xie An, Emperor Xiaowu of the Jin Dynasty Appoint Xie An's younger brother Xie Shi Xie Xuan was the vanguard of the expedition against the Dadu Governor. After seven years of training“ Northern Fubing ”Eighty thousand people went west along the Huaihe River to meet the main force of the Qin army, sent Hu Bin to lead the navy to reinforce Shouyang, a strategic place, and appointed Huanchong As the governor of Jiangzhou, he led 100000 Jin troops to control the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and prevent Qin, Ba and Shu troops from going east along the river.
Yang Pinggong, October 18, 383 Fu Rong He led the vanguard troops to capture Shouyang and captured the garrison general Xu Yuanxi. At the same time, the Murong Troop of the Qin Army captured Yun City. Hu Bin, who was ordered to lead the navy to rescue Shouyang, learned that Shouyang had been attacked by Fu Rong on the way, so he retreated to Xiashi and waited to meet Xie Shi and Xie Xuan's army. Fu Rong led the army to attack Xiashi. Fu Rong's general Liang Cheng Lead 50000 troops to attack Luojian , cut off the Huaihe River traffic and blocked Hu Bin's retreat. Hu Bin was trapped in Xiashi, and ran out of food and grass to support him. He wrote to Xie Shi for emergency, but the Jin soldier who sent the letter was caught by Qin soldiers, and this letter fell into Fu Rong's hands. Fu Rong immediately reported to Fu Jian about the shortage of soldiers and the lack of food and grass in the Jin Dynasty. He suggested that the troops should be mobilized quickly to prevent the Jin army from escaping. Fu Jian gets a reward, leaving the army behind Xiang Cheng , leading 8000 cavalry to Shouyang.
As soon as Fujian arrived in Shouyang, he immediately sent Zhu Xu, the former guard general of Xiangyang in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, to the Jin army camp to persuade him to surrender. Zhu Xu After arriving at the Jin camp, instead of persuading Xie Shi to surrender, he provided Xie Shi with information about the Qin army. He said: "Although there are millions of Qin troops, they are still in the process of marching. If the forces are concentrated, it will be difficult for the Jin army to resist. Now the situation is different. We should take advantage of the opportunity when the Qin army is not able to reach all, and quickly launch an attack. As long as we can defeat its vanguard forces and defeat their morale, we can defeat the millions of Qin army." Xie Shi thought that the Qin army was strong at first and planned to stick to it, When the enemy was exhausted, he waited for an opportunity to counter attack. After hearing Zhu Xu's words, he thought it was reasonable, so he changed his operational policy and decided to turn the defensive into an attack and attack on his own initiative. [15]
In November, Xie Xuan Send brave generals Liu Chenzhi Led five thousand elite soldiers to attack Luojian, opening the prelude to the battle in Feishui. Qin General Liang Cheng led 50000 troops to fight on the edge of Luojian. Liu Jianzhi divided his troops and circuitously returned to the Qin army array, cutting off his way back; He led his troops to cross Luoshui and stormed Qin's array. The Qin army panicked, barely withstood for a while, and then collapsed Liang Cheng And his brother Liang Yun More than ten thousand people died when officers and soldiers rushed across the Huaihe River to escape. The victory in Luojian greatly encouraged the morale of the Jin army.
As the Qin army was close to the west bank of the Feishui River, the Jin army could not cross the river and had to face off across the bank. Xie Xuan He sent an envoy to see him Fu Rong He said to him with a method of provoking generals: "You hang your army deep and set up an array to press the water. This is a long-term plan, not a quick fight. If you move the array less, it will enable Jin soldiers to cross the river, which will be a good way to win or lose." All the generals of the Qin army objected, but Fu Rong thought that you can play it by ear and let the army back a little. When the Jin army is halfway across the river, you can use cavalry to kill it, so that you can win, [16] So Fu Rong commanded the Qin army to retreat. However, the morale of Qin soldiers was low. As a result, once they retreated, they lost control and the battle was in chaos. Xie Xuan led eight thousand cavalry to seize the opportunity to cross the Feishui River and attack the Qin army. Zhu Xu yelled at the back of the Qin army formation: "Qin soldiers are defeated!" Qin soldiers believed it, so they turned around and ran away. Seeing that the situation was bad, Fu Rong hurriedly rode to stop it in order to stabilize his position. Unexpectedly, the horses were rushed down by disorderly soldiers and killed by Jin soldiers. The Qin soldiers who lost their main general became more and more confused. The vanguard's rout caused the subsequent troops to panic, and then fled, forming a chain reaction. As a result, the whole army retreated northward. The Qin army did not dare to stop along the way when they were routed. When they heard the news of panic, they thought it was the Jin army that was chasing them. The Jin army pursued the victory to Qinggang near Shouyang. The Qin soldiers died when they stepped on each other. The mountains and plains were full of rivers. The scattered Qin army was hungry and cold, and died in seven out of ten. Fujian was wounded by an arrow, and fled to Huaibei in a hurry. He collected the remaining soldiers along the way. When he arrived in Luoyang, there were only more than 100000. [15]
The Jin army recovered Shouyang, Xie Shi and Xie Xuan Send Pegasus to Jiankang to report the victory. at that time Xie An Playing chess with the guests at home. After reading the good news delivered by Xie Shi, he put the good news aside and played chess. Knowing that it was the war report from the front, the guest couldn't help asking Xie An: "How is the war going?" Xie An said slowly: "The children defeated the Qin people in the end." [17] The guest was so happy that he didn't want to play chess again. He wanted to tell others the good news quickly, so he said goodbye and left. Xie An saw the guest off and went back to the inner house. His excitement could no longer be contained. When he crossed the threshold, he staggered and broke the teeth of the wooden clogs on his feet. This is the origin of the famous allusion "folding clogs and teeth". [18]
At the end of 383, Fujian collected defeated soldiers. By the time he arrived in Luoyang, there were more than 100000 people, and all the officials and military equipment were well prepared. [11] [56]

Northern division

Battle of Feishui Later, the rule of the former Qin Dynasty collapsed, and other nationalities that had previously belonged to the former Qin Dynasty took the opportunity to become independent, and the north of the Yellow River fell into a state of division again. [19 ]
In 383, Murong Tui, the former general of Yan and the champion general of the Xianbei nationality, was ordered to attack the Dingling tribal leader who started fighting in Xin'an Zhai Bin , but killed the deputy general on the way Fu Feilong And a thousand troops. In 384, Murong Chui rebelled in Guandong and called himself the "King of Yan". He changed the 20th year of Jianyuan of the former Qin Dynasty to the first year of Yan and established Hind swallow Regime and offensive garrison Yecheng The former Qin Changle Gong Fu Pi. Long History of Northern Qin Dynasty Murong Hong Hearing the news that uncle Murong Chui attacked Yecheng, he went to Guandong to gather thousands of Xianbei people, claiming to be the general and the king of Jibei Western Yan Regime. [20]
Fu Jian Sect's Son Julu Gong Fu Rui As commander, Qiang general Yao Chang Ren staff officer sent troops to fight against him. He was defeated in Huaze and Fu Rui was killed. Fujian was so angry that Yao Chang fled to the north of Weihe River for fear of guilt and was promoted as the leader of the alliance by his clansmen. Yao Changsui claimed to be a great general, a great Danyu, and a king of Qin in ten thousand years Later Qin Dynasty Regime. [21]

The disaster of Xinping

establish the first month of the calendar year or of a new era In July of the 21st year (385), Yao Chang sent a cavalry general Wu Zhong Lead cavalry to surround Fujian. Fu Jian looks confident and waits for Wu Zhong safely. Wu Zhong sent Fu Jian and others to Xinping for house arrest. Yao Chang sent someone to ask Fu Jian to pass the national seal, and Fu Jian scolded. Yao Chang sent Yousima again Yin Wei Go to Fujian and ask for abdication. Fujian said, "What should Yao Chang do in order to avoid Yao Chang insulting his two daughters Fu Bao and Fu brocade , so he killed them first. crown prince Fuhong Princess Shunyang Led the clan to surrender to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In August, Yao Chang ordered people to kill Fu Jian, who was 48 years old, Mrs Zhang And young children Meter Suicide is a disaster for Xinping. Yao Chang In order to cover up his killing of Fujian, he deliberately posthumously titled Fujian as the Heroic Heavenly King. Although Fu Jian died, the former Qin Dynasty still controlled the real power of Bingzhou, Hedong, Qinzhou, South Qinzhou, Hezhou, South Qinzhou and other places, and his power in Hebei, Shanxi, and Guanlong lasted for ten years. [22]
Guarding Yecheng Fu Pi Suffered Murong Chui After a long siege, he led more than 60000 soldiers and civilians in Jizhou to withdraw to Bingzhou. After Fu Jian died, Fu Pi became emperor, and a year later, he was led by the general of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Feng Gai Kill. Guanlong Di people support Fujian Sun Fu Deng He was proclaimed emperor, and Fudeng pursued Fu Pi as Aiping Emperor. [62]

Rebellion in Northwest China

establish the first month of the calendar year or of a new era September, 385, Lvguang Yihe, the former governor of Liangzhou in the former Qin Dynasty Liang Xi Close the border and refuse. Yang Han, the governor of Gaochang, said, "Lv Guang has broken through the Western Regions. He is strong and energetic. When he hears of the chaos in the Central Plains, he must have a strange plan. He is over ten thousand miles across the Hexi River with a hundred thousand armour, which is enough to protect himself. If Lv Guang comes out of quicksand, his situation will be difficult to defeat. Gaowu Valley Mouth is a dangerous place, so we should first send troops to guard the mouth of the valley and seize its water source. He is poor and thirsty, so he can sit down. If he thinks it is far away, Yiwu Pass can also resist the enemy. To overcome these two difficulties, although Zhang Liang's plan has been adopted, it cannot be used! " Liang Xi refused to listen again. [61]
Water Beauty Order Zhang Tong yes Liang Xi Liang Xi said, "Now there is chaos in Guanzhong, and the survival of the capital is unknown. Lv Guang's ambition is unpredictable when he comes here. How does the general plan to resist?" Liang Xi said, "I'm worried. I don't know what to do." Zhang Tong said:“ Lvguang With superior intelligence and resourcefulness, we have people who want to return. It is not easy to be the front when we win. This is the day when the general, who has received great kindness, has been loyal for a long time and made great contributions to the royal family. Xingtang Duke Fuluo He is the cousin of His Majesty. He is brave for a while. For the general's consideration, it is better to honor him as the leader of the alliance to meet the public's expectations and promote loyalty and righteousness to lead the heroes. Even if Lv Guang came to Liangzhou, he would not dare to have any dissent. With its elite Maoxing , Union Wang Tong Yang Bi It is also an act of Huan and Wen to unite the people of the four states and sweep away evil and rebellion. " Liang Xi refused to listen and killed Fu Luo in the West Sea.
Hearing Yang Han's plan, Lv Guang was afraid to move forward. Du Jin Say to Lv Guang:“ Liang Xi I am too gentle to learn from others. I can't adopt Yang Han's plan. I hope I can't worry about it. If you hear that they are different from each other, you should speed up and then be defeated. Please accept the criticism. " Lv Guang follows it. When he reached Gaochang, Yang Han surrendered. To Yumen, Liang Xi moved to scold Lv Guang for giving back his master and taking his son Liang Yin General Yingyang, with General Zhenwei, Yao Hao of Nan An, and Marshal Biejia Weihan, refused to honor him Jiuquan Dunhuang Prefecture Chief Yao Jing 、 Jinchang Taishou Li Chun Light falls from the county. So all the barbarians in Liangzhou were attached to the light. Wu Wei Imperial Guard Peng Ji After seizing Liang Xi, Lv Guang kills him.
Lv Guang went to Guzang and took charge of the governor of Liangzhou himself. Du Jin was appointed as the chief of Wu Wei, and he was appointed as a general. All counties and counties in Liangzhou were surrendered to Lvguang, but Jiuquan Prefecture Chief Song Hao , West County Chief Executive Zopam They refused to surrender. Later, Lv Guang captured Suo Pan alive and said to him, "I was ordered to pacify the Western Regions, but Liang Xi refused to return. Why did you attach to the sinners of the imperial court?" Suo Pan said, "The general was ordered to pacify the Western Regions, but he was ordered to disturb Liangzhou. What's the crime of Liang Gong and the general killed him? I hate my lack of ability to report to my father( Fu Jian )How can the enemy rebel against the wind as against the Di Pengji! It is the custom of propriety and justice for the Lord to destroy his ministers. " So Lu Guang killed Suo Pan and Song Hao. [63]
September 385, Qi Fu Guoren He said to his subordinates, "Fu is trapped in a mob with a lofty attitude( Yao Chang Murong Chong )It can be called heaven. If a man keeps his luck, he will be ashamed first; It is a heroic act to act on the occasion. Although I am weak in virtue, how can I see the fortune coming from time to time and not do it? " In the 10th year of the reign of Emperor Xiaowu in the Yuan Dynasty, he called himself Dadu Governor, Grand General, Dadanyu, Lingqin and Hezhou Pastoral, and changed the Yuan Dynasty to build righteousness. appointment Yi Zhan Yin Left phase, Roof branch Right phase, Dugu Horseshoe Left auxiliary, Warriors It is right auxiliary, Begging for revenge I am a general. Twelve prefectures including Wucheng, Wuyang, Angu, Wushi, Hanyang, Tianshui, Lueyang, Haochuan, Gansong, Kuangpeng, Baima and Yuanchuan were set up to build Warrior City as the capital. [23] [64]
October 385, Murong Chong Dispatching Minister Order High cover Lead 50000 people in the expedition Later Qin Dynasty The two armies launched a fierce battle in the south of Xinping, which resulted in the defeat of Xiyan, Yang Ding Escape to Longyou and gather in the old department again. Yang Ding is Qiu Chidi, Fu Jian Marry his daughter to him. [24-25]
In November 385 (the 21st year of the Jianyuan era of the former Qin Dynasty, the first year of the Tai'an era of the former Qin Dynasty), Yang Ding lived in Licheng and called himself the General of Longxiang and the Duke of Qiu Chi, and sent envoys to Fu Pi. Later, Yang Ding repeatedly defeated the Later Qin Dynasty, and led his troops to recover Tianshui, Lueyang and other places for the former Qin Dynasty. The former Qin Dynasty granted him the title of the Stabbing History of Qinzhou and the King of Longxi. [86]
In September 386, the news of Fujian's murder reached Liangzhou. When Lv Guang heard the bad news, he ordered his headquarters to wear mourning for Fujian. In October, Lu Guang announced the reform of Tai'an. In December, Lv Guang claimed to be an envoy to the military, general, Liangzhou Mu, Jiuquan Gong Aftercooling [13]

Go to ruin

In July of 394, the former Qin emperor Fu Deng Follow the Emperor of the Later Qin Dynasty south of Mount Ma Mao Yao Xing The war was fought by the Later Qin Dynasty Yin Wei Defeated, beheaded after being captured alive, prince Fu Chong Defection Huangzhong Be crowned emperor. In October, Fu Chong was honored by the leader of the Western Qin Dynasty Begging for shelter and returning Expulsion and defection to Longxi King Yang Ding , two men fought together to attack the Western Qin Dynasty, and was assassinated by the governor of Liangzhou in the Western Qin Dynasty Qifuke Bullet The former Qin Dynasty was officially destroyed by killing. After the demise of the former Qin Dynasty, the imperial clan of Fu Qin was not slaughtered by other countries Later Chou Chi State Mainly.


The former Qin Dynasty once had the largest territory in the northern regime, which was known as "the East Polar Sea, the west side of Qiuci, the south side of Xiangyang, and the north side of the desert". All countries in the Northeast and Western Regions sent envoys to establish diplomatic relations with the former Qin Dynasty, and only the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the southeast corner confronted him Eastern Jin Dynasty Is the boundary. [13] The territory is far beyond Former Zhao Hou Zhao , later Northern Wei Dynasty Northern Zhou Dynasty Our territory is not so vast.
according to Qing Dynasty period Hong Liangji Territory Annals of Sixteen Countries 》It is recorded that there were 22 prefectures, 135 counties, 8 guards and 734 counties in the heyday of the Pre Qin Dynasty.



Hu Han co governance

Under Fu Jian's rule, Han scholars from Kansai and Hedong regions were given priority, Wang Meng Deng Qiang Power wing Xue Zan Zhu 肜 Any group Han Yin Huangfu Fu Fu Huangfudian Pei measure They all held important positions in the court, and implemented the policy of restraining the aristocratic power of all ethnic groups and expanding the imperial power. A series of measures have been taken to consolidate the rule in politics and economy. Fu Jian also restored his scholar status in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and admitted that gentry Privilege, absorbing Han scholars to participate in the political power, and expanding the class basis of Hu Han joint rule.
In the Fujian period, the Han nationality's prefectures in the imperial court Jingzhao Weishi , Lueyang Quan, Tianshui Jiang Anding Huangfu Longxi Li Family Qinghe Fang Hedong Pei Family Mainly. The prefects, town generals, and Han aides of dukes and provincial governors of Yanjun County Qinghe Cui Family , Dunhuang Soxhlet Bohai Gaoshi , Wei Jun Shen, Lueyang Yuan Tianshui Zhao , Hanoi Chang, Wuwei Jakob Mainly. [40-55] [76]

Gradual sinicization

The Sanqi tribal system implemented after the destruction of the former Qin Dynasty and this measure taken by Fu Jian is very clever. It makes the nomadic people who originally lived by plundering gradually evolve into a semi agricultural and semi pastoral people. It educates and guides the Xianbei people in Mobei, mainly Tuoba tribe, to learn farming and livelihood methods, and implements the practice of taking one out of three and two out of five, which can not only ensure the environment and the people, It can also enable every household in the country to engage in production. Since then, the culture and living standards of the Xianbei nationality in Mobei have been significantly improved, which has played a positive role in national integration and laid the foundation for the later Northern Wei Dynasty's sinicization. This policy was also later adopted by Emperor Daowu Rubbings The system of disbandment of tribes was formed through continuous inheritance and transformation. Since then, Northern Dynasties During the period, the north was no longer in a state of division on a large scale. See details Li Ping Works《 Pingcheng Period of Northern Wei Dynasty 》。 [36]

Declare law and discipline

Near Gyeonggi Shiping County There are many nobles returning from Fangtou, who are lawless and tyrannical. The public security in Shiping was also in a mess, and the people suffered unspeakably. Fu Jian wisely appointed Wang Meng as the first order to govern the local government. Wang Meng Upon arrival, he declared law and discipline, distinguished good from evil, and suppressed local lawlessness. These heroes have been colluding with local officials for a long time and are used to being overbearing. How can they take Wang Meng seriously and act recklessly as usual. When Wang spoke out suddenly, he immediately whipped and killed an evil official who committed crimes. Seeing this, these powerful families urged the evil official's friends to write a "grievance". Soon, Fujian Sect Wang Meng Deng Qiang The two men investigated the evil deeds of the powerful and powerful, and more than 20 powerful and powerful people were found out and executed. They felt that the employment of people was related to the rise and fall of government affairs, so they dismissed Cheng Zhuo, the incompetent minister Zuo Cheng, and replaced Wang Meng as minister Zuo Cheng. The internal history of Xianyang assisted him in handling the government affairs. [26] [80 ]

Talent selection

In order to encourage students to study, Fu Jian vigorously pursued the traditional measure of "learning to become an official". According to the Records of Fu Jian in the Book of Jin, "Jian came to the Imperial College to test the merits and demerits of the students' classics. If you ask questions about the Five Classics, you can't be right if there are many doctors". At the beginning, "I came to Imperial College on the third day of every month" was changed to "I came to Imperial College on the first day of every month". establish the first month of the calendar year or of a new era In the first year (365), "Yongzhou scholar" Duan Keng The first countermeasure is to worship the local officials. More than ten people, who are filial, honest and knowledgeable, all worship the leader ". In March of the eighth year of Jianyuan (372), Fu Jian issued an imperial edict: "People in Guandong who have learned a lesson and become an artist should be given a gift. Those who have not learned a lesson and become an artist should not be sent back to the people if they have not learned a lesson and become an artist." In the same year, "it was often heard of the restoration of the scholar status in Wei and Jin dynasties. All non orthodox and classical studies should be banned. Eighty three people who have firmly entered the Imperial College, tested the students' classics, and promoted to the third place.". [82 ]
Fu Jian respected Confucianism and set up schools not only for the sake of flattery or fame, but also for the purpose of cultivating qualified ruling talents for the regime. During the reign of Fujian, not only the bureaucrat children of the Di and Han nationalities, but also the upper class members of other ethnic groups could receive education in the Imperial College. According to the Records of Fu Jian in the Book of Jin, after Fu Jian's demise, "he strengthened the customs with his wings, but did not participate in benevolence and righteousness, so that he was admitted to the imperial palace to learn etiquette". Later, Fujian asked Yijian: "Are you eager to learn?" He replied: "If you are not eager to learn, what will your majesty do with your ministers?" Fujian was very satisfied with this answer. It is also recorded in the "Zizhi Tongjian Volume 103" that in the eighth year of the Jianyuan era (372) of Fujian, Fu Rong Dai Wang rushed out of the town of Jizhou and built a school palace in the city Gaotai Think this can be done with Millet Lu Zhi Pangong put on a par with. Jizhou Qianyan In the old place, Fu Rong built a school here, and the children of Xianbei aristocrats should also be enrolled for education. [34]
The system of recommendation, reward and punishment and the new standard of selecting officials changed the situation that the aristocratic families monopolized the imperial court at that time. The favorable and talented and virtuous poor men and the political life of the country also denied that since the Western Jin Dynasty Yongjia Rebellion Since then, many Hu warlord rulers have been superstitious about force and despised the backward concept of cultural knowledge, which has effectively improved the intellectual quality of the bureaucrats at all levels in the Pre Qin Dynasty. A new situation of "making the best use of their talents, and the officials call their posts" has been taking shape day by day, and the social atmosphere and public order have also changed.



Prohibition system

In the former Qin Dynasty, there were leading generals, Chinese generals, escort generals, left-wing and right-wing guards, and military guards. These officials had the function of guard. At the beginning of the establishment of the former Qin Dynasty, Fu Jian Then appoint Fu Jing It is the General Wei and the Duke of Pingchang. It is used to lodge in the Second Palace of Wei, ranking second among the courtiers. It can be seen that the General Wei was the highest level commander of the imperial guard in the former Qin Dynasty. [77 ] In the Fujian period of the former Qin Dynasty, there were also four armies, five schools, Xiao You, Zhonglei, Qiang crossbow and other posts. [78 ] The front, rear, left and right four forbidden generals had their own characteristics in the system of military guards in the former Qin Dynasty. [79 ]
After the fall of the former Qin Dynasty, Later Qin Dynasty The system of guards and military officers in, western qin The political system of the regime also has its own characteristics, but it is more inherited from the pre-qin system. [60 ]

Eight Guards

The eight escort systems of the former Qin Dynasty have a great influence on later generations. As we all know, Later Qin Dynasty There is a military town system, Northern Wei Dynasty At the beginning of the year Senior General of Zhendu And later defended Pingcheng Of Six towns The emergence of this kind of organizational system has a historical relationship with the military protection system of the former Qin Dynasty, and can even be said to be its evolution and development. See details Jiang Fuya Works《 Pre Qin History 》。 [35]




For economic recovery, the founding emperor of the former Qin Dynasty Fu Jian Pay particular attention. He abolished Hou Zhao It advocates hard work and frugality to reduce the burden of the people. In case of famine, people will be exempted from taxes, and they will also cut their meals, expressing their willingness to share the famine with the people. [57-58]
The economy in Guanzhong is dilapidated due to the long war, Fu Jian After assuming the throne, facing this situation, he formulated a series of measures to ensure the production and living activities of the people, strengthen agricultural production and increase national wealth. Improve the agricultural production environment and develop agricultural production by digging mountains and levees, dredging ditches, building terraces, transforming saline alkali land, recruiting refugees, reducing rent and taxes, and rewarding cultivation. Through these means, the economy of Guanzhong Plain was restored and developed, the national treasury of the former Qin Dynasty was enriched, and the national strength of the former Qin Dynasty was greatly enhanced.
In case of drought, Fujian not only ordered frugality and the sharing of resources with the people, but also supervised the people to cultivate Queen Gou Sericulture in person to show the importance of agriculture. [80 ]
In 377, Fu Jian started Jing canal The people depend on it to open the water source of the Jing River, dig mountains and raise levees, open canals and dredge the land. The excavation of the Jing Canal and the implementation of the regional planting method in Fujian of the former Qin Dynasty greatly contributed to the development of the Chinese national agriculture and made important contributions to the later generations of the people in Guanzhong.
After more than ten years of operation, the former Qin Dynasty has been "people are trying to persuade and encourage, call for more teachers, stop thieves, ask for help, repair Tian Chou, collect plenty of money, and have no idea of laws and regulations". destroy Qianyan Later, Fu Jian still attached great importance to production. He once "taught people how to breed early in the country", that is Overflow and conquer The regional farmland method of. He also said, "From time to time, the floods and droughts in the central part of the Shaanxi Plain, according to the stories of Zheng and Bai, 30000 people under the princes and the rich families were sent to open the water source of the Jing River, dig the mountains and levees, open the canals and dredge the dirt, so as to irrigate the fields of hills and brine. In spring, the people relied on it for their benefit.". [14 ]


Pre Qin and Hou Zhao It is different to plunder people wantonly. Fu Jian, Emperor Jingming of the former Qin Dynasty, did not like large-scale palace buildings. Instead, he reduced taxes and tried to increase people's income through border trade. Fu Jian, taking advantage of the geographical advantages of the junction of Qin and Jin dynasties and the convenient access to Danshui and Luohe River, set up Jingzhou in Fengyang to attract unique goods from South China and paint wax for bows and poles. [57-58] Emperor Xuanzhao and Fujian continued to implement Fujian's policy of "clearing the customs and coming to distant places for business" without restrictions. In The Book of Jin · Records of Fu Jian, there is a passage describing the situation in Guanlong: "The people in Guanlong are happy with a clear feast. From Chang'an to the various states, all of them are sandwiched along the road with locust trees and willows, 20 li for a pavilion, and 40 li for a post. Travelers take them on the road, and businessmen and merchants sell them on the road. The people's song says: 'Chang'an Avenue, sandwiched with poplar trees, goes down to Zhu Lun, and there are phoenix roosting on it, and there are many heroes gathering here, teaching me to sprout." This is totally different from that when the Western Jin Dynasty perished, "in Chang'an, the households were not rich, the walls were decadent, and the wormwood and thorns became forests". A bucket of rice was worth two taels of gold. The economy of Guanlong area has developed on the basis of recovery. [14 ]


The former Qin Dynasty paid attention to education construction, Culture and education and rites and music They are among the top 16 countries, and have emerged from all walks of life, such as Wang Jia Sutong Liu Xiang Zhao Zheng Guo Yu Communist Party of Liang Liang Xi Law and Su Hui Fu Rong Fu Lang Wang Huan Shi Dao'an Xuan Wenjun Sangha Deva Lezun Monk Tanmo is hard to mention wait forsomeone.

Advocate Confucianism

Fu Jian Defeat Huanwen Later, he made three agreements with the people in Guanlong, practiced Confucianism, and implemented the policy of sinicization. Under the governance of Fu Jian, the culture and education of the Pre Qin Dynasty also flourished. [59]
Fu Jian The order was given to recruit students widely. As long as the students of the prefecture knew the classics or above, they would be appointed. They also commended the talented and hardworking people, which made people expect the imperial court to encourage them, advocate honesty and integrity, and have abundant materials. Fu Jiangeng visited the Imperial College every month to test the students, and after eliminating the former Yan, he sacrificed in Chang'an Confucius And so on. and Wang Meng Fu Rong Xuan Wenjun They also helped to consolidate customs and make schools across the country prosper. Under Fu Jian's rule, the Guanlong area was prosperous and stable, the area recovered order, and industry and commerce flourished. Later, after Wang Meng died, Fu Jian still respected Confucianism, and not only ordered the prince, dukes and officials, but also the four prohibitions at home and abroad [27 ] Second Guard and Fourth Military Commander [28] All the officers and soldiers of the palace had to learn, and the concubines in the harem had also set up classical learning to teach eunuchs and maidservants in the palace.
It is also strictly prohibited the Daoist school of philosophy as well as Augury Theory. Later, Fujian worshipped Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty when Dawan of the Western Regions offered horses, so he followed suit Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty The Qianlima who returned the tribute was sent to the Western Regions with more than 400 people to write a poem to stop the horse.
During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, especially in the late Jin Dynasty Yongjia Rebellion Since then, wars have been frequent, Confucian scholars have rarely existed, and most Confucian classics have been lost. It was like Doctor Wang Shi The saying goes: "Liu and Shi disturbed the surrounding area of China, and Erdu Ju was luxuriant grass. Confucianism was rare or existed. The graves were destroyed, but no discipline was observed. After being reduced to learning, it was abandoned, and it was almost like the Qin Emperor." However, this situation changed greatly in the pre-qin period, because Fu Jian, the core figure of the pre-qin regime Wang Meng Fu Rong Fu Lang Zhu 肜 People all advocate Confucianism, so the famous Confucian scholars at that time Wang Huan Gongsun Yong Guo Yu , Hu Deb Sutong Liu Xiang They were recruited by courtesy, and many of them were recruited to Chang'an or Luoyang. For example, Wang Huan, a native of Leling, who is content with poverty and eager to learn, especially good at the Book of Songs, is a well-known Tongru in Guandong, and has served as a former doctor of Yan and the son of Guozi. After Fujian destroyed Yan, he used Anche Pulun to levy on Wang Huan as a sacrifice for the son of his country (Book of Jin, Vol. 93, Confucian Scholars, Biography of Wang Huan, Book of Jin, Records of Fujian). Like Xiangping people Gongsun Yong Fu Jian wanted to "prepare for the ceremony" and sent envoys to pay tribute, considering that he had a long way to go. After the death of Gongsun Yong, he had a special posthumous title of "Mr. Chongxu" ("Book of Jin", Volume 94, "Recluse · Gongsun Yongzhuan"). Since the Yongjia Rebellion, Liangzhou has stayed in a corner and is relatively stable. Scholars in the Central Plains have moved westward to avoid the chaos, and Confucian classics have flourished because of it. After the unification of Liangzhou in the former Qin Dynasty, special attention was paid to the courtesy of famous Confucians in Liangzhou. Dunhuang people Guo Yu "Proficient in Scripture, Elegant Debate, Versatility, Good at Literature"《 Spring and Autumn Ink Theory 》And "Filial Piety Sutra and Wrong Latitude" and other books, with more than 1000 disciples recorded. Fu Jian prepared to recruit Guo Yu to Beijing by Anthea and Pulun, and participated in the formulation of the etiquette system. It was just when Guo Yu's father died and was in mourning, so he had to order the imperial guard Xin Zhang to send 300 scholars to accept jobs (Book of Jin, Vol. 94, Reclusive · Biography of Guo Yu). According to the Record of Yao Xing in the Book of Jin: "At the end of Fu Jian's reign, Hu Bian in Liangzhou moved to Luoyang to teach more than a thousand disciples, and more people went to the Guanzhong area to apply for jobs." It can be seen that the number of famous scholars in Liangzhou who were recruited by Fu Jian to the Guanzhong area at that time was not too small.
While widely recruiting Confucian scholars, Fu Jian also attached great importance to collecting and sorting out various Confucian classics. According to the ninth volume of the Book of Jin, "Biography of the Song Family of Lienv Wei's Mother", Fu Jian "had a taste of his imperial school and asked his doctor about his classics, but he felt pity for the lack of rites and music. When Lu Guan, the doctor, said to him," The school has been abandoned for a long time, and the book has been scattered. This year, it was written in a rough collection of formal classics, but there was no teacher in the official ceremony notes of Zhou. I found Taichang secretly Wei Xuan Her mother is a genealogist of the Song family. She passed on her father's work and got the "Voice and Meaning of Zhou Guan". This year, 80 years ago, there was no lack of audio and visual skills. Without her mother, there was no way to teach later generations. ' So they set up a lecture hall for the Song family, and set up one hundred and twenty students to receive jobs across the red gauze curtain Xuan Wenjun And ten maidservants. The study of "Zhou Guan" was repeated in the world, and was called "Wei's mother of Song" at that time. According to《 Taiping Imperial Survey 》Volume II, III and VI quoted "Records of the Sixteen Kingdoms in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Former Qin Dynasty". Fu Jian learned that Sutong and Liu Xiang Proficient in《 The Book of Rites 》And《 etiquette 》There are two special offerings, Ren Sutong offering offerings for the Book of Rites and Liu Xiang offering offerings for the Book of Rites, which are placed in the east and west respectively. "Every Shuodan leads a hundred officials to give a speech in person.". Due to Fu Jian's concern and support, although the cause of Confucianism in the Pre Qin Dynasty started from the situation of "Confucian scholars are rare or exist, the graves are destroyed, but discipline is lost, and learning is abandoned after degradation", after several years of efforts, the cause of Confucianism in the Pre Qin Dynasty finally became "serious and rough", and "elites gather". The prosperity of its Confucian classics was also one of the few in the Sixteen Kingdoms Period. Chang'an once again became the cultural center of the north at that time. [34]


Fu Jian has made great efforts to promote Buddhism, which is world-famous Mogao Grottoes It was in the Pre Qin Dynasty establish the first month of the calendar year or of a new era During the reign of Emperor Qianqin Lezun Monk First cut.
372, Fu Jian Send an eminent monk to Goguryeo The Buddhist scriptures and statues were sent to Koguryo and other countries. Since then, Buddhism has been introduced to Koguryo and the King of Small Animal Forest has taken Buddhism as the national religion. Koguryo people call this "the beginning of Buddhism in the East Sea". besides, Small Animal Forest King Under the influence of Fu Jian of the former Qin Dynasty, he promoted Confucianism and built Taixue extensively. Fu Jian made important contributions to the development of Buddhism and Han culture on the Korean Peninsula.
382, Anopheles paliurus In Chang'an, the capital of the former Qin Dynasty, holding the Sanskrit version, together with Buddha protection and Huijin, he translated into Chinese one of the "Great Prajna Sutra", called "Mahabala Paramita Sutra Copy", which was presented by the national teacher Kumarabhati in front of Cheshi, and a total of five volumes. [38]
In 384, Secretary Lang of the former Qin Dynasty Zhao Zheng please Shi Dao'an And others, recruit learned monks in Chang'an City, and ask Tanmo Nanti to translate the "Central Ahan Sutra"《 Zengyi Ahan Sutra 》There are also 106 volumes of sutras, such as "Pitan Heart" and "Three Dharma Degrees", which were translated previously. It was translated by Buddha Nian and recorded by Hui Song. After two years of hard work, it was finally completed. During this period, Fu Jian led the people to resist Western Yan Later Qin Dynasty Rebels, to gain valuable time for people to translate books.

strengthen education

The former Qin Dynasty paid attention to education and educating the people in order to cultivate talents and improve the social atmosphere. After the Yongjia Rebellion, the Central Plains fell into a war. During the troubled times, no one attached importance to educational moralization, so that the Imperial College was razed to ruins, and the original education system was abandoned in the Central Plains for a long time. Fu Jian was deeply aware of the truth that "you can win the world at once, but you can't rule the world". Fu Jian restored the Imperial College and local schools at all levels, repaired the school buildings, invited famous scholars to teach Confucianism, and asked Gongqing's descendants to study in the Imperial College. Fu Jian, who was well versed in Confucianism, decided to visit the Imperial College three times a month to examine the classics of all students, evaluate their merits, and talk with instructors such as doctors to supervise school education and expand their appeal and influence. In addition to setting up education, the former Qin Dynasty also "worshipped hundreds of gods, praised integrity, and succeeded the peerless", promoted virtue, and educated the people. Through these measures, the social atmosphere was new, and the atmosphere of competing for learning was also growing.


The former Qin Dynasty was a feudal country composed of many nationalities. Fu Jian made many integration measures after taking the throne. Like the leader of Xianbei in Longxi Qifu Shifan After surrendering, he moved from Xianbei in Longxi to Chang'an, such as Qifusifan; The Murong royal family of Xianbei people in the former Yan and some of the powerful families in Guandong were moved outside Guanzhong area, and the Dingling people who originally lived in Zhongshan were also moved to Xin'an; eliminate On behalf of the state Later, Fujian was led by the Xiongnu people in the north on behalf of the national heritage. After the Fuluo rebellion was quelled, Fujian divided 150000 households from the Di people who originally concentrated in Guanzhong to better manage the ethnic groups in Guandong and other regions, and each one was led out of the town by their relatives, governing the place like an ancient feudal lord. [29] Although this move has scattered the national strength of the Di nationality and affected its military influence in various regions, it has set an example for the ethnic minorities who migrated to Guanzhong, making the people in Guanzhong have a ballad saying: "Chang'an Avenue is verdant with Yang Huai; get off the galloping car and sit on the phoenix; and the talents gather to teach our people." [30]
The Fu regime of the former Qin Dynasty advocated Confucianism and inherited the traditional rites and music culture. In the process of the integration of the northern ethnic groups during the Sixteen Kingdoms Period, it was not an accidental phenomenon of Fu Jian's personal will, but an irresistible historical trend. In fact, the five Hu countries in the north at that time were basically imbued with the wind of Confucianism, and based on this idea, they realized the historical and cultural identity and national integration between the Hu and Han nationalities. Because of this, once the young Di leaders represented by Fu Jian stepped onto the political stage, they would take the initiative to undertake the historical mission of "changing the barbarians from Xia". [34]
Former Qin Dynasty lords( Fu Hong Fu Jian Fu Xiong Fu Jian The migration and development from Longyou to Guanzhong and the Central Plains, as well as the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture by his family, the reference of western Buddhist culture, and the acceptance of new metaphysical thoughts the Sixteen Kingdoms The period is exemplary. Although for various reasons, the Fu family failed to realize the dream of unifying China. However, the enterprising spirit of the Fu family, its compatibility with multi cultures, and its objective effect of promoting the integration of multiple cultures have a great impact on the later Tuoba family( Northern Wei Dynasty ), Yuwen( Northern Zhou Dynasty )The rise of the Sui and Tang dynasties and the integration of multiple cultures had a far-reaching impact. [87]

Imperial lineage

Adorable ancestors
Temple name
Posthumous title
full name
Former title and posthumous title
Date of birth, death and tenure
Tai Zu (Fu Jian Pursue veneration
Emperor Huiwu (posthumous title of Fu Jian) [72]
The Third King of Qin
285-350 years
Fu Jianfu
Emperor Wenhuan (posthumous title of Fu Jian) [73]
Yuan Cai
King of Wei, posthumous title Jingwu
Fu Jianfu
Pre Qin System Table (351-394)
Temple name
Posthumous title
full name
Birth and death
In office time
Year and service time
Gao Zu
Emperor Jingming
351 (positive) - 355 (six)
The King of Yue "Li"
355 (VI) - 357 (VI)
Emperor Xuanzhao
remain secure forever
357 (VI) - 385 (VIII)
365-385 years
Emperor Aiping
Uncle Yong
?— 386 years
385 (VIII) - 386 (XI)
"High" Emperor
Wen Gao
386 (11) - 394 (7)
?— 394 years
394 (7) - 394 (10)
394 years
?— 399 years
three hundred and ninety-nine
399 years
1. According to the Book of Jin, he was twenty-three years old and reigned for two years, with a pseudoposthumous title of King Li.
2. Although Fu Jian had the posthumous title of "Emperor", he did not become emperor before his death, and was called the King of the Qin Dynasty (like the Emperor Zhou).
3. "(Yonghe) The first month of the spring of the seventh year (February 13 March 13, 351), Ding You, the sun has eroded. Xin Chou (February 17, 351), Xianbei Segment niche Come down with Qingzhou, Fu Jian arrogates to the throne, and the country is called Qin. " It can be seen that Fu Jian said that the King of Heaven of the Qin Dynasty and the State Title were both in the first month of the seventh year of Yonghe, that is, the first month of the year 351.
4. About Fu Jian《 Jin Shu 》For "Jianye"《 Wei Shu 》"World Construction".
In 5.399, Fu Deng's younger brother Fu Guang Restore the country briefly and defeat Nanyan general Murong Zhong , but was finally killed by Murong De.
Other forces in the area ruled by the former Qin Dynasty
Starting and ending time
Usage time
352 (positive) - (5)
5 months
Black Dragon
374 (6) - (9)
4 months