Former general

[qián jiāng jūn]
Names of ancient military officials
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Former general, the name of an important military official in ancient times. The Warring States Period has. Qin is responsible for it. Han people don't often buy it. Gold printed purple ribbon, ranking first. The position may be to represent the capital's army and guard, or to garrison troops at the border. After the end of the Han Dynasty, there were many names of generals, such as simple before, after, left and right, which were gradually abandoned. three countries A senior general who is often appointed. Be responsible for the capital's military guard and border garrison police. Generally higher than Miscellaneous General Three Kingdoms Period Wei , set Jiupin Zhongzheng , the grade is set as the third grade. The government has a long history of governing Sima Engaged in Zhonglang Etc.
Chinese name
Former general
Foreign name
Former general
qián jiāng jūn
Official Title
Set Period
the warring states
Be responsible for the military guard of the capital and the border garrison police
Rank: Shangqing

Western Han Dynasty

In the Western Han Dynasty, famous former generals were Zhao Xin Li Guang Han Zeng Xiao Wangzhi He Wu wait forsomeone. [1]

Eastern Han Dynasty

The generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty were also an important part of the central government title of cavalry general title of a commanding general , General Wei Former general Rear General General Zuo Right General The general is on the top of Sangong, and the general of hussars, the general of chariots, and the general of Wei are under Sangong. The former, the latter, the left and the right generals, ranking first in rank, do not often set up. After the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the empress dowager was called by the imperial court, and the foreign relatives were in power with a great general. Together with the Taifu Sangong, they were called the five prefectures.
All of the above generals have opened their government offices, and their subordinates have a long history Sima One for each, two for Zhonglang, twenty-nine for Pupeh, and thirty-one for Shi Yu. The general led the army with his own number, and each had his own tribe and colonel. There's something else Miscellaneous General , set up temporary affairs, and withdraw at the end of the matter. only General Duliao Since the Southern Huns had civil strife at times, they had established a permanent post since the eighth year of Yongping (65 years). Emperor Hanling set up Xiyuan Eighth Colonel The eunuch led the garrison troops in Luoyang, which is the beginning of the eunuch led troops in later generations. [2]

Three Kingdoms Period


Former General of the Han Dynasty

In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, brutal militarist who dictated policy in declining years of the Han dynasty Gongsun Zan They were former generals of the Han Dynasty.
full name
Year of appointment
terminal year
Year 188
In 192 (moving to Situ)
1. Dong Zhuo (? - May 22, 192) Zhong Ying Longxi County Lintao County (Gansu today Minxian County )People. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the emperor was offered, warlords, powerful ministers, officials and grand masters were appointed, and Meil Marquis was granted. Dong Zhuo grew up in Liangzhou To make friends with Qiang people. Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty At the end of the year, Dong Zhuo was recruited as Yu Linlang and later as military officer in charge of the security of the royal palace Part II of Zhang Huan's Department Military Sima In the crusade against the Qiang people in Hanyang, Dong Zhuo fought rough and resourceful, and built up his military achievements. Former post Former general , and successively participated in the suppression Huangjin Uprising Liangzhou Rebellion And so on. In the sixth year of Zhongping (189), he was appointed as a general He Jin Sili Xiaowei Yuan Shao was summoned to lead an army to Beijing to crusade against ten regular attendants. Soon, there was turmoil in Beijing, and Dong Zhuo was Beimang He made great contributions to rescue and came to power after returning to Beijing. Recruit Lvbu Kill Ding Yuan , and soon annexed the forces of two nearby warlords. Then Dong Zhuo abolished the Young Emperor and established Liu Xie He ascended the throne (for Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty), and killed Emperor Shaodi and Empress Dowager He , arbitrary government. Possession arsenal A soldier, a national treasure, has a great power in the world. Initial leveling In 1923, Dong Zhuo was killed by his trusted follower Lv Bu.
two Zhao Qian (?~192), Eastern Han Dynasty Consecrate the emperor Minister of the time. Ziyanxin, Shujun Chengdu (now Chengdu, Sichuan). Zhao Qianwei in the first year of Zhongping, Emperor Ling (184) Runan The Imperial Guard was defeated by the Yellow Scarf Army in Runan. In the first year of Emperor Xiandi's Chuping (190) Guangluxun by Taiwei The next year, Emperor Xian moved his capital to Chang'an title of a commanding general , is the front. Stop being ill. He is also a senior lieutenant of Sili Former general , suppressed the Baibo peasant uprising, and granted Pi marquis due to his merits. June Dynasty in the third year of Chuping (192) Wang Yun For Situ, I will be sick in August and pay homage soon Shangshu Decree He died in the same year. The posthumous title is Zhonghou.
3. Gongsun Zan (? - 199), Western Liaoning Lingzhi (now Hebei Qian'an )People, military generals and warlords in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Heroes at the end of Han Dynasty one of. Gongsun Zan was born into a noble family. Because her mother was in a low position, she became a petty official in the county. Because of his beautiful appearance, loud voice, and resourcefulness, he got Zhuojun The prefect appreciated him and betrothed his daughter to him. Later, he gradually became a Zhonglang general and fought against the north with a strong attitude nomadic people , fighting bravely and imposing on the frontier. In the fourth year of Chuping (193), Gongsun Zan became Former general He was granted the title of Yi Hou and was authorized by the Governor General of the four northern states. He competed with Yuan Shao for many times, and at the beginning, he had the advantage, but in the Dragon Gather Battle Later, Gongsun Zan's determination was reduced and he adopted a self preservation strategy. He gradually lost the trust of his subordinates and was defeated by Yuan Shao. Finally trapped in a tall building, he set himself on fire.

Former General of Shuhan

full name
Year of appointment
terminal year
220 years
226 years
230 (moved to the general of the cavalry)
230 years
In the year of 234 (moved to the Western Grand General)
234 years
243 years
255 (moved to the west of the town)
1. Guan Yu (160? - 220 years) Yunchang This word Changsheng, Hedong Xie County (Today's Shanxi Yuncheng )People, famous generals of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Liu Bei Guan Yu followed Liu Bei when he launched the army. He was loyal and trusted by Liu Bei. Liu Bei Zhuge Liang After entering Sichuan, Guan Yu guarded Jingzhou and Liu Bei captured it Hanzhong Later, Feng Guanyu Former general , Guan Yu took advantage of his power to fight the Northern Expedition of Cao Wei, Zeng Wei Xiangfan , Arrest under arrest, cut Pound , Megatron China, central plains Shock, but Soochow Sneak attack on Jingzhou, Guan Yu Defeated and murdered. After his death, Guan Yu was gradually deified and honored as "Guan Gong" by the people; There were many praises from the imperial courts in the past dynasties. In the Qing Dynasty, it was regarded as the "Great Emperor of Loyalty, Deity, Martial Spirit, Benevolence, Courage, and Magnificence", honored as the "Sage of Martial Arts", and“ great writer Confucius Equal popularity [3]
2. Li Yan (? - 234), later renamed Li Ping , square character, Nanyang (now Nanyang, Henan). Three Kingdoms Period Shuhan Important officials, and Zhuge Liang be otherwise similar Liu Bei A minister who was on his deathbed. In 226, he was appointed Former general In 231, Shu Army During the Northern Expedition, Li Yan delayed the escort of grain and grass, and blocked Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition in order to shirk his responsibility. Zhuge Liang had to retreat, so he was condemned, abandoned as a civilian, and moved to Zitong County (Governing Sichuan today) Zitong )。 In 234 AD, Zhuge Liang died of illness, Li Yan After learning this news, I thought that no one would be able to use me in the future, so I became angry and died of illness. [4]
three Yuan Yuan (? - about 238 years), unknown, Yingchuan (Today Henan province Yuzhou City), the general of Shuhan in the Three Kingdoms Period. Jianxing Years (223-237) Former general The King's General , Fengdu Tinghou.
four Deng Zhi (? - 251), words Bomiao , Han nationality, Yiyang Newfield (Now Xinye, Henan), an important courtier of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms Period. Originally defected Brazilian Taishou Pang Xi , was soon called by Liu Bei Pixian County Dige Governor , later served as county magistrate of Pixian, Guanghan Prefecture Chief , Shangshu. Once served as an envoy Wu kingdom , making the two countries re align and deeply influenced king of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Era Love. Successive posts Central Supervisory Army General Yang Wu Former Military Division Former general Yizhou Assassin, Marquis of Yangwuting. stay Yanxi He was appointed as a riding general for six years and was awarded a tally used in ancient times as credentials or a warrant In the 11th year of Yanxi's reign, he led troops to Fuling to fight against rebellion and win. Yan Xi died in the 14th year. [5]
five Hu Ji (The year of birth and death is unknown), named Weidu, is a general of Shu during the Three Kingdoms Period. Used to be Zhuge Liang The main book of trust, loyal and responsible, has repeatedly proposed to Zhuge Liang Remonstrance Zhuge Liang especially compared him with Cui Zhouping Xu Shu and Dong He Comparatively speaking, they think that they are good friends who can timely advise their own mistakes. After Zhuge Liang died play a leading role Wang Ping After his death, he supervised Hanzhong military and served successively Former general Zhenxi Grand General , right title of cavalry general However, due to a missed deadline Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition The army suffered a crushing defeat. [6]

General Cao Weiqian

full name
Year of appointment
terminal year
220 (moved to the Grand General)
220 years
222 years (death)
224 years
230 years (General Qianzheng East)
241 years
249 years
255 years (defecting from the State of Wu)
263 years
265 (Jin Dynasty and Wei Dynasty)
one Xiahou Dun (? - June 13, 220), words Yuan concession , Pei Guoqiao (now Anhui Bozhou )People. Famous general of the Cao and Wei Dynasties in the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms Period, the founding father of the Western Han Dynasty Marquis de Xia Descendants of. As a boy, he was famous for his courage in the countryside. Cao Cao Xia Houdun was one of its earliest generals. At one time, he was taken hostage when he fought with Lvbu Army. Was again Gaoshun He was defeated by others and shot his left eye blind. He has guarded the rear area for Cao Cao for many times, and led the army and the people to block the Taishou River and build ponds to irrigate farmland, benefiting the people and making outstanding contributions.
two Zhang Liao (169-222), words Wenyuan , Yanmen Mayi (Today's Shanxi Shuozhou )People. During the Three Kingdoms Period, the famous general of the Cao and Wei Dynasties Former general Young Yanmen County And subordinate to Ding Yuan He Jin brutal militarist who dictated policy in declining years of the Han dynasty Lvbu And the fall of Lv Bu, Cao Cao. Zhang Liao followed Cao Cao everywhere and made numerous achievements. Descend to the East China Sea and attack Yuan Shang In Hebei, cut karasuma Only on Slaughter to Battle of White Wolf Mountain , and deportation Liaodong Senior General Liu Yi , pacify Mei Cheng Chen Lan Wait for Huainan warlords. Post Zhang Liaoshou Hefei With a crowd of seven thousand to defeat the 100000 troops of Sun Quan. After this battle, Zhang Liao was shocked Jiangdong "Zhang Liao stopped crying" has also become an ancient allusion. In the third year of the Yellow River, Zhang Liao died of a serious illness Jiangdu , posthumous title: Gang Hou. He died at the age of 54 [7]
three Full of favor (170-242), known as Boning, Shanyang Changyi (today's Shandong Province Weishan )People. Three Kingdoms Period Wei Famous general, officer to captain. Originally worked under Cao Cao Xuxian County County magistrate, in charge of justice, is famous for strict law enforcement; He was transferred to Runan Prefecture Chief and began to participate in the military Battle of Chibi Houguan Yu Besieges Fancheng , full of help Cao Ren Defend the city, dissuade the plan of abandoning the city and escaping, and successfully persist until the arrival of reinforcements. Cao Pi During his reign, Man Chong once held the post Former general , stationed in Xinye, responsible for the Jingzhou side of the war against Wu. Cao Rui During his reign, Man Chong transferred to Yangzhou to take over Cao Xiu He was responsible for fighting against Wu in the east, and he made many contributions. Later, he was transferred back to the central government as the first lieutenant due to his old age, and died several years later. [8]
four Guo Huai (? - 255), the word Boji, Taiyuan Yangqu (now Taiyuan, Shanxi). During the Three Kingdoms Period, the famous general of the State of Wei General , Fengyangqu Marquis. During the Jian'an period, he promoted filial piety and honesty, and successively served as the prime minister of Pingyuan Prefecture and the prime minister soldier Cao Yiling Xia Houyuan Sima. When Xia Houyuan died in the war, Guo Huai collected the remaining soldiers and pushed Zhang He It will stabilize the situation for the Lord. After Cao Pi became emperor, he granted Guo Huai the title of Guannei Marquis , Zhenxi has a long history. Zhuge Liang During the attack on Wei, Guo Huai accurately predicted the enemy and made great contributions. Beginning In the first year, Guo Huai fought back Jiang Wei , promotion General Zuo Former general Jiaping was promoted to title of a commanding general , Fengyangqu Marquis. [9]
five Wen Qin (? - 257), the word Zhongruo, Qiaojun (Now Bozhou, Anhui), son of Wen Ji, a general of Cao Cao's Ministry. Wenyang Wenhu Father. Wen Qin was an official in Wei Dynasty Former general , Bye Yangzhou Governor cover Horse Master Waste Cao Fang In the second year of Wei Zhengyuan (255) Don't be frugal Wenyang and Wenhu went to fight against Sima Division, and after defeat, they defected to the State of Wu, which was awarded by the State of Wu Youzhou Pasture , Feng Qiao Hou, Zhenbei General The second year of Wei Ganlu (257) Zhuge's birthday Wenqin went from the Wu army to support the rebellion against Wei, but the next year when the military situation was urgent, he was executed by Zhuge on suspicion of treason because of different views of the army. Wenyang and Wenhu, the two sons, returned to the State of Wei. [10]
six Li Fu (The year of birth and death is unknown), Three Kingdoms Period the Wei state of the Three-Kingdoms Period general. This is Menda A confidant. Sima Yi When leading the army to besiege Shangyong, he and nephew Da Deng Xian After decapitation, Kaicheng surrendered. Attended the Battle of Wei Destroying Shu in 263 Former general Zhong Hui After entering Hanzhong, he was ordered to lead 10000 troops to attack the Shuhan Supervisor Wang Han The Lecheng is guarded by 5000 troops.

Former General of the Eastern Wu Dynasty

full name
Year of appointment
terminal year
222 years
228 (moved to Dasima)
229 years
238 years (death)
252 years
267 years
270 years (down to Shanxi)
one Lv Fan (? - 228), Zi Heng, Runan Xiyang people, during the Three Kingdoms period Soochow Famous general Former general Yangzhou Animal Husbandry , holiday. Huang Wu Seven years (228 years), Lv Fan was worshipped as Dasima Before the ribbons came down, they died. Sun Quan was so sad that he sent envoys to give Da Sima Yinshou as a posthumous gift. After Sun Quan returned to the capital and established his career, he sacrificed Lv Fan with Tailao ritual [11]
two Zhu Huan (177-238), Wujun Wuxian County (Today's Jiangsu Suzhou )People. A famous general of the State of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Period Former general Qingzhou Animal Husbandry On the holiday, he was granted the title of Marquis of Jiaxing. Have a son Zhu Yi [12]
three Tang Zi (The year of birth and death is unknown), from Licheng (now west of Ganyu, Jiangsu). Emperor Wei Wen Huang junior high school is against Licheng County, mainly pushing Tang Zi. Later, it was defeated by the Wei army, and then it was killed by the Wu and the official Former general , honoring marquis and holding integrity. Afteraid Zhuge's birthday Rejected Wei, defeated and captured. To appease Wu kingdom Soldiers and civilians, Lord Wei worshipped Tang Zi as General Anyuan.
four Sun Xiu (? - 301 or 302), Yan Cai, the imperial family of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, king of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Era Brother Sun Kuang Grandson. First became Wu Former general Xiakou Governor, later demoted to Jin, officer title of cavalry general The instrument is the same as the third company.

board role-playing games

Use Zhang Liao to win 100 identity mode victories under the condition of completing the battle feat of "hiding from the enemy".