
[cì wei]
The next genus of the family Hypsinaceae
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Hedgehog (scientific name: Erinaceus )It is the next genus of the hedgehog family of the hedgehog order, commonly known as the hedgehog, also known as the thorn ball, the prickly pig, and the hedgehog mouse [36 ] Hedgehogs are famous for their protective spines covering their backs. When threatened, they will roll themselves into a ball to protect themselves [12] [24] The genus includes four species: Northeast hedgehog, Eastern European hedgehog, European hedgehog and northern white breasted hedgehog. There are 8 subspecies of these species [1] The hedgehog is about 15~30cm long and weighs about 600~1500g. Generally, the male is smaller, and the female is slightly larger than the male [36 ] Hedgehogs have various body colors, usually brown, black, white, cream or a mixture of the above colors [28] Its thorns are non-toxic, and its claws are curved and sharp, with 4-5 toes [6] [36 ]
Hedgehog species are widely distributed, mainly in Europe, the Mediterranean and East Asia [6] [12] Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals, afraid of light and fond of darkness [7] [10] [29] , mainly inhabits temperate land environment, such as deciduous coniferous mixed forest, and also often inhabits human settlements and suburbs [6] [36 ] Hedgehog has the habit of hibernation, and the hibernation period is about 6 months [36 ] Hedgehogs are considered as beneficial animals for agriculture and forestry [33 ] , the number of invertebrates can be controlled [13 ] And promote the spread of seeds [6] Hedgehogs have certain medicinal and economic values, but China prohibits the breeding of hedgehogs for edible purposes and only allows them to be used for non edible purposes such as medicine, display, scientific research, etc [35 ]
Habitat degradation and loss, over hunting, agricultural pollution and other factors led to the decline of hedgehog population [18] In 2016, all species of the genus Erinaceus were listed in the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species and rated as non endangered (LC) species [7-10] By 2022, the Northeast Hedgehog and the European Hedgehog have been listed in the List of Terrestrial Wildlife with Important Ecological, Scientific and Social Values (Exposure Draft) and the List of Terrestrial Wildlife with National Protection Benefits or Important Economic and Scientific Research Values issued by the State Forestry and Grassland Administration of China respectively [14-15]
Chinese name
Foreign name
woodland hedgehogs
Prickly mass [36 ] hedgehog [36 ] Prickly pig [36 ]
Latin name
Erinaceus [1]
Animal kingdom (Animalia) [1]
Chordate (Chordata) [1]
Mammalia (Mammalia) [1]
Erinaceomorpha (Erinaceomorpha) [1]
Erinaceidae (Erinaceidae) [1]
Erinaceus Erinaceus [1]
Distribution area
Hedgehogs are widely distributed, mainly in Europe, the Mediterranean region and East Asia [6] [12]
Named by and date
Linnaeus,1758 [1]
Body length
15~30cm [6]
600 to 1500 g
Habitat environment
It mainly inhabits temperate land environment, such as deciduous coniferous mixed forest, grassland, hilly and mountainous areas and shrubs [6] [36 ]
Feeding habits
It is mainly manifested as insectivorous [6] [24] And occasionally eat carrion, bird eggs, small vertebrates and fruits [7] [23]
Reproductive time
The breeding time of hedgehogs depends on the environment in different regions, usually before the hibernation season, that is, from April to September [25]
Natural enemy
Hedgehog's natural enemies include the eagle owl( Bubo bubo ), Badger( Meles meles )And Red Fox( Vulpes )Etc; In urban areas, domestic dogs also pose a threat to hedgehogs [6]
National protection level of China
European hedgehogs are listed in China's List of Terrestrial Wild Animals under National Protection that are Beneficial or of Important Economic and Scientific Research Value [14] Northeast hedgehog was listed in the adjusted China's List of Terrestrial Wildlife with Important Ecological, Scientific and Social Values [15]
IUCN Endangered
All species are listed in the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species, with a rating of LC [7-10]
Key values
After artificial feeding, different pet breeds can be bred as domestic animals. Because of their feeding habits, the population of invertebrates can be controlled quantitatively; The sharp spines on its back can also promote seed transmission [6] [17] [24]
Main hazards
It carries many different parasites and salmonella and other bacterial diseases, which will lead to lethargy, hibernation disorder or death, tick borne encephalitis and other viruses. These infections and diseases can also be transmitted to humans, other wild animals and domestic pets such as dogs and cats [6] [24]
Population quantity
The quantity tends to be stable [7-10]

History of Zoology


Origin of naming

The hedgehog was first discovered and named by Swedish naturalist Linnaeus in 1758 [1] , in its Latin name“ Erinaceus ”Originating from the Latin root "e ris", "e r" means "hedgehog", and the Latin word "aceus" means "similar, belonging to" [6] Secondly, the English name "hedgehog" derives from the Middle English word "hey ghost" The first half "heyg/hegge It means "hedge", from hedgehogs often haunt hedgerows; Posterior“ hoge/hogge ”It means "pig", which comes from the shape of hedgehog's nose; In addition, hedgehogs are also called "urchins" because of their spiky appearance. Before they were called hedgehogs, they were also called "hedgepigs" or "furze pigs" [6] [28] The Irish language of hedgehog is "gainneog", which is translated as "ugly little thing" [23]

history of evolution

Scientists found that the earliest ancestors of hedgehogs originated from the Paleocene, 65.5 million to 56 million years ago, through fossils found in Canada, Montana and Wyoming in the United States Litolestes Genus and Leipsanolestes Genus species, and possibly Oncocherus Genus Cedrocherus Genus and Phomophora( Deinogalerix )And other species. The size and teeth size of these ancestors are similar to those of the existing hedgehog species, but different from each other. For example, about 55.8 million to 58.7 million years ago Oncocherus It is a species fossil with premolar teeth similar to those of the hedgehog family, however Cedrocherus The teeth of genera are relatively small; The genus Phomophorus, about 11.6 million to 5.3 million years ago( Deinogalerix )The species is 1-2 feet long and covered with hair instead of needles [27]

Taxonomic history

Hedgehog species have overlapping distribution characteristics, but European hedgehogs( E.europaeus )And Northern White breasted Hedgehog( E.roumanicus )There is almost no gene flow between the two [26] Therefore, the northern white breasted hedgehog can be distinguished from all other species in the genus Erigeron [9] However, northern white breasted hedgehogs were once classified as subspecies of European hedgehogs, and later as Eastern European hedgehogs( E.concolor )Medium [6] E. amurensis was also classified into European hedgehogs [18]
According to the classification standard of the International Integrated Taxonomy Information System (ITIS), as of 2023, the genus of Erigeron includes four species: European hedgehog, Eastern European hedgehog, Northeast hedgehog and Northern white breasted hedgehog [1]
Species name
Latin name [1]
English name
Erinaceus europaeus
Erinaceus europaeus (Linnaeus,1758)
Amur Hedgehog [2] 、Manchurian Hedgehog [7]
Erinaceus chinensis Erinaceus dealbatus Erinaceus hanensis、Erinaceus koreanus、Erinaceus koreensis、Erinaceus kreyenbergi、Erinaceus orientalis、Erinaceus tschifuensis、Erinaceus ussuriensis [7]
Erinaceus concolor
Erinaceus concolor (Martin,1838)
Southern White-Breasted Hedgehog、eastern European hedgehog [3]
Northeast hedgehog
Erinaceus amurensis (Schrenk,1859)
West European Hedgehog、western European hedgehog [4] Northern Hedgehog、Western Hedgehog [8] 、European hedgehog [24]
Northern white breasted hedgehog
Erinaceus roumanicus (Barrett-Hamilton,1900)
Northern White-Breasted Hedgehog [5]

morphological character



The hedgehog is about 15~30cm long and weighs about 600~1500g. The size of hedgehogs varies with seasons and resource availability. For example, before and after hibernation, the weight of hedgehogs may increase or decrease by about 35% of their average weight [6] [12] Generally, male hedgehogs are smaller, while female hedgehogs are slightly larger than male hedgehogs [36 ]

Body color

Hedgehogs have various body colors, with slightly different coat colors in different regions and subspecies [16] Hedgehog's thorns will gradually fall off and be replaced by new ones, but their body color usually remains unchanged. Common body colors include brown, black, white, cream or a mixture of the above colors [28]


Hedgehog's mouth is sharp and long, with separate incisors and square molars [31 ] Hedgehogs have 36~44 teeth, which are sharp and easy to prey on insects [11] Hedgehog's nose and eyes are black, and their eyes and ears are relatively small [6] [36 ] , but not more than the length of the surrounding thorns. The head of a hedgehog is covered with long white hair from top to the snout, cheeks, ear circumference and face [31 ] And the abdomen is covered with coarse brown or cream hair [6]
Head of Northeast Hedgehog
Tooth skeleton of European hedgehog


Hedgehog's thorns grow from hair follicles on the body surface, which is a variant form of hair. They are mainly distributed on the top and back, with a quantity of about 50002.5 cm. They are hard and hollow inside. The lateral support structure inside the thorn makes it both light and tough. Each thorn is 1.9~2.5 cm long, hard and hollow, because of its horizontal support structure, it is light and tough, and the thorn is non-toxic [28-29] Hedgehog's thorns are non-toxic. Compared with the thorns on the back, the hair on the belly of the hedgehog is soft and thin [32 ]


When a hedgehog curls up into a ball, its head and limbs are invisible [11] The front paw of the hedgehog has five toes, which are non retractable and dirty white; The hind paw has 4 toes and is light brown [31 ] , the hind paw is longer and narrower than the front paw, and the paw will continue to grow [6] Hedgehog's claws are curved and sharp, suitable for digging [36 ] Hedgehog has short limbs and tail [31 ]
Forelimbs of Eastern European Hedgehog
The hind limbs of the Eastern European hedgehog

Species differences

Eastern European hedgehog( E. concolor )And European hedgehog( E. europaeus )Is darker than other species [6] European hedgehog has a deeper body color and a white hair on its chest [24] The tip and base of its thorns are white, and brown and black stripes appear alternately [12]
The Spike Color of European Hedgehog

Habitat environment

Hedgehog species have a variety of habitats, and their habitat selection mainly depends on the availability of food, nesting materials and other resources. Hedgehogs mainly inhabit temperate land environments, such as deciduous coniferous mixed forests, grasslands, hilly mountains and shrubs, especially in plains and hilly areas. In the breeding season, hedgehogs need to find food and mates, so they prefer shrubs and marginal habitats at the edge of forests and grasslands, because these areas have a wider range of activities and are easier to meet [6] [36 ]
Hedgehogs also often live in human settlements and suburbs, such as gardens, farmland, orchards, vineyards and other artificial habitats, because these places are rich in food resources, can provide safe shelter, and lack the threat of natural enemies [6]

Distribution range


World distribution

Hedgehog species are widely distributed, but there is obvious regional distribution among different species [7-10] , mainly distributed in Europe and Asia. European hedgehogs and Eastern European hedgehogs are mainly distributed in Europe, while Northeast hedgehogs, northern white breasted hedgehogs and some European hedgehogs are mainly distributed in Asia [6]
Northern white breasted hedgehogs are mainly distributed in Europe and Russia [6] , such as Italy, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, etc [9] Northeast hedgehogs are mainly distributed in the Russian Far East, North Korea, South Korea and China [7] [18] European hedgehogs originate from parts of Western Europe and Northern Europe [24] , mainly distributed in Europe and Central Asia [12] , such as Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Russia, China, etc [8] [12] [17] Hedgehogs in Eastern Europe are distributed in the Mediterranean [6] , such as Greece, Turkey, Israel, Syria and Lebanon [10]

Distribution in China

In China, Hedgehog is mainly distributed in Northeast, Central, East and South China. Because hedgehogs have high requirements for climate and food conditions, the number of hedgehogs in the south is usually more than that in the north[ [36 ] Hedgehogs in Northeast China are mainly distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Beijing and Tianjin; European hedgehogs are distributed in Northeast, North and East China, such as Zhejiang and Fujian [16-17]

Life habits


Foraging behavior

Hedgehogs mainly feed on insects, digging and foraging through their forepaws [6] [24] Their food is mainly composed of terrestrial invertebrates, such as beetles, caterpillars, earthworms, slugs, millipedes and earwigs, and occasionally they also eat carrion, bird eggs, small vertebrates and fruits [7] [23] A hedgehog can eat up to 160 grams of invertebrates every day. Older hedgehogs tend to choose a single type of prey, and often show seasonal food conversion [24] In the gardens or parks of human settlements, hedgehogs sometimes eat crops, fruits, vegetables and pet food [23]
The metabolism of hedgehogs is relatively slow, which is affected by temperature and food. Hedgehogs need to consume about 90~150 calories of food every day to survive. The specific amount of food they need depends on their size. Before entering hibernation, hedgehogs need to accumulate enough fat reserves, usually weighing at least 450 grams [6]

rhythm behavior

Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals. They are photophobic and prefer darkness. About 80% of their time is spent at night, with an activity range of about 1-2 kilometers [7] [10] [29] In the daytime, hedgehogs usually hide in hay or fallen leaves to rest [25] The activity time of hedgehogs is also affected by temperature. In cold regions, hedgehogs have a longer dormancy time; In warm areas, the dormancy time is shorter [18]
Hedgehogs are heterothermic animals with hibernation habits [36 ] [37] , hedgehogs usually hibernate between September and May of the next year, and the hibernation period is about 6 months [36 ] Male hedgehogs wake up from hibernation earlier than female hedgehogs, or enter hibernation earlier, which may be to expand the range of activities and increase the chance to find a mate [24] Hedgehogs accumulate fat to resist the cold winter and provide energy reserves for occasional awakening during hibernation. However, under captive conditions, hedgehogs usually do not hibernate if there is enough food [12] The survival rate of hedgehogs during hibernation is 60%~100%, but in harsh or unusually warm winter, the mortality rate may be as high as 80% [6] [29]

Dig a hole to build a nest

Hedgehogs usually dig holes in low-lying areas, under tree roots, in stone crevices, and at the edge of broad-leaved forests or mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests. These caves have large space and multiple entrances and exits. The interior is divided into multiple spaces, which are connected by channels [36 ] Suitable nests usually have good thermal insulation performance, and can maintain stable temperature and humidity through thick deciduous layer and supporting structure. Hedgehogs can build many types of nests [6]
One is short-term daily nest: hedgehogs use temporary nests during non hibernation days, usually only for a few days. The sun nest is mostly built in thorny or dense vegetation, such as thorns and nettles. After use, it will be abandoned and rebuilt. [6]
The second is breeding nest: a nest built by female hedgehogs after childbirth to protect and feed their young. Female hedgehogs will take care of their young in the breeding nest until they grow up and become independent. [6]
The third is the hibernation nest: the nest built by hedgehogs before hibernation for winter. Hedgehogs may move between different hibernating nests during hibernation for up to 4 times and stay for up to 6 months. [6]

Communication perception

Most hedgehogs are solitary animals, and only a few will choose to live in groups. Except for mating season, hedgehogs seldom communicate with each other, and there is no obvious hierarchy between species. With sufficient resources, multiple hedgehog individuals can live together in the same area until death. In the mating season, male hedgehogs have a larger range of activities and move faster; At the end of summer, female hedgehogs will become more active and expand their range of activities after their young are weaned [6] [30]
Hedgehogs have poor eyesight, but their hearing and smell are very sensitive. When looking for food and moving, hedgehogs mainly rely on their sense of smell to track prey and avoid predators [6]

Defensive characteristic

Hedgehogs are docile and usually do not take the initiative to attack other animals. When threatened, hedgehogs' main defense is to use the thorns on their back. By contracting the special muscles of the back (bristles), hedgehogs can roll themselves into a ball to protect vulnerable parts such as the abdomen and face, making it difficult for predators to attack and escape danger [12] [24] [36 ] In addition, hedgehogs will also curl up into a ball by "jumping" to draw the distance from the threat, bow their heads and arch their backs at the same time, and exhale from the nose to make a warning sound, such as gasping, snoring or hissing, to scare off potential predators or peers [6] [29]
Hedgehog thorns are usually earth colored, which helps them camouflage in the natural environment. The thorn can also absorb water, discharge sweat, and absorb the impact force generated by impact, thus minimizing the damage to hedgehogs [6]
When hedgehogs encounter a new smell or taste, they will show a special defensive behavior, called "oiling". Hedgehogs will lick and bite some materials, and then apply the generated saliva foam on their thorns and side of their bodies. These saliva foams may have a pungent smell, which can poison or scare off predators [28-29] Hedgehogs have strong resistance to toxins, and there is an anti bleeding factor in their bodies, which can resist some biological toxins [32 ] Therefore, hedgehogs are also resistant to snake venom [28-29]
European hedgehog curls up into a ball

Growth and reproduction


growth characteristics

Hedgehogs reach sexual maturity when they are 9-11 months old on average [30] The average life span of wild hedgehogs is 3-5 years, but some records show that the individual life span can reach 8 years. Hedgehogs can live for up to 10 years in captivity [6] [24]

Reproductive mode

Male hedgehogs actively seek mates before or after hibernation [24] [36 ] When male hedgehogs find suitable female hedgehogs, they will send out mating signals such as hissing and grunting around female hedgehogs. Because hedgehogs are covered with thorns, male hedgehogs need to overcome these obstacles to approach females. If the female hedgehog accepts the male, it will relax the thorns on its back and crouch on the ground, allowing the male hedgehog to climb onto its back for mating. The male hedgehog will bite the female hedgehog's shoulder with his teeth to maintain stability. After mating, the male and female hedgehogs will separate. If the female hedgehog does not accept the male, it will erect a thorn to prevent the male from approaching. In this case, the male hedgehog will eventually leave, looking for other females to mate with [6] [12] Female hedgehogs have multiple continuous estrus cycles in the breeding season, and can mate with more than 5 male hedgehogs in the same cycle [24]
Reproduction and fecundity
The breeding time of hedgehogs depends on the environment in different regions, usually before the hibernation season, that is, from April to September [25] The gestation period of hedgehogs is about 4-5 weeks. In each breeding season, hedgehogs can produce up to 2 litters, with an average of 4-5 per litter. Since there is no time to develop and learn important skills before winter, the survival rate of the second child is usually low, and it is rare to successfully raise three or more offspring. Females no longer experience estrus after childbirth [6] Eastern European hedgehogs and European hedgehogs breed 1-2 times a year, with a gestation period of 34-37 days and a litter size of 3-7 [17]
If the breeding nest is disturbed by predators or other threats, female hedgehogs may kill or abandon their young. If the cubs are already large, female hedgehogs may choose to move them to a new nest instead of killing or abandoning them [6]
Growth and development
The baby's birth weight is 8~25g, and the newborn has about 100 thorns. After 2-3 days, the muscle tissue of the cub develops enough to keep the thorns upright. These white soft spines were replaced by harder spines as defense weapons about 1.5 days later [12] The baby's eyes will open after 12-15 days and learn how to roll into a ball for defense. After the baby's baby teeth fall off for about 4 months, the permanent teeth will grow in 7~9 weeks [29] The weaning period is about 5~6 weeks. At the age of 3-5 weeks, the cubs will accompany their mothers to seek food outside the breeding nest, and imitate their mothers to learn the behavior of foraging and nesting. The cubs are usually completely independent at 4-6 weeks of age, when their weight reaches 250 grams or more [6]
European hedgehog cubs
The body surface of European hedgehog cubs
European hedgehog and its cubs

Subspecies differentiation

Eastern European hedgehog and northern white breasted hedgehog contain 3 and 5 subspecies respectively [1]
Species name
Latin name [1]
Celebrities and ages [1]
Number of subspecies differentiation
Subspecies name
Northeast hedgehog [11] [22]
Erinaceus amurensis
zero [2]
Erinaceus concolor
Erinaceus concolor
three [3]
Erinaceus concolor concolor (Martin,1838) Erinaceus concolor rhodius (Festa,1914) Erinaceus concolor transcaucasicus (Satunin,1905)
Erinaceus europaeus [12]
Erinaceus europaeus
zero [4]
Northern white breasted hedgehog
Erinaceus roumanicus
five [5]
Erinaceus roumanicus bolkayi(V. Martino,1930)Erinaceus roumanicus drozdovskii(V.andE. Martino,1933)Erinaceus roumanicus nesiotes(Bate,1906)Erinaceus roumanicus pallidus(Stroganov,1957)Erinaceus roumanicus roumanicus(Barrett-Hamilton,1900)

Protection status


Protection level

In 2016, all the species of hedgehog were listed in the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species, ranking as non endangered (LC) species [7-10]

Population status

Due to climate change, expansion of agriculture and infrastructure, and predator European badger( Meles meles )With the increase of population, the habitat of hedgehogs is threatened by fragmentation [6] Since 2000, the number of hedgehogs in urban areas has decreased by about one third, while the number of hedgehogs in rural areas has decreased by more than half [23]
Species name
IUCN assessment of population status
Northeast hedgehog( Erinaceus amurensis
Stable quantity [7]
European hedgehog( Erinaceus europaeus
Stable quantity [8]
Northern white breasted hedgehog( Erinaceus roumanicus
Stable quantity [9]
Erinaceus concolor (Erinaceus concolor)
unknown [10]

Endangered causes

Hedgehogs are endangered mainly due to human activities, over hunting, agricultural pollution and interspecific parasitic infection. Among them, people use pesticides in gardens and farmland, resulting in the loss of food and habitat for this species; Cars on the road also cause thousands of hedgehogs to be crushed to death every year. The degradation and loss of habitat make badgers and other species easier to prey on hedgehogs [18] [23] Although adult hedgehogs are usually immune to most predatory events because of their thorns, hedgehog pups are more vulnerable and often hunted by predators [6] , resulting in a rapid decline in the population.

protective measures

In order to protect hedgehogs, many countries have taken measures such as establishing protected areas and formulating relevant laws and regulations [6]
Some reserves are dedicated to protecting northern white breasted hedgehogs and European hedgehogs, such as the Lattigra National Park in Honduras [6] [19] Elferdija National Park in Tunisia [20] Harbin National Forest Park in Heilongjiang Province, China [21]
Relevant regulations mainly include the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981, the Under Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act of 2006 and the Wild Mammals Protection Act of 1996 The Species of Principal Importance, the Biodiversity Action Plan (priority specifications), etc [6]
China has listed some hedgehog species on the national protection list. In 2000, European hedgehogs were listed in the List of Terrestrial Wild Animals under National Protection that are Beneficial or of Important Economic and Scientific Value [14] In 2023, the Northeast hedgehog was included in the revised List of Terrestrial Wildlife with Important Ecological, Scientific and Social Values [15]

Artificial feeding

With the decrease of wild hedgehog resources and the increase of market demand, artificial breeding hedgehogs have great potential in medicine, scientific research, etc [36 ] In 2020, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration of China issued the Notice on Regulating the Scope of Classified Management of Fasting Wild Animals, which proposed classified management requirements for 64 kinds of wild animals in breeding and forbidden to eat, such as hedgehogs and badgers. It stipulated that breeding activities for food purposes are prohibited, but it is allowed to be used for non edible purposes such as medicine, display and scientific research [35 ]

Environmental management

Hedgehog breeding grounds should be well ventilated, well lit, quiet and clean, and away from noise and pollution sources. The temperature should be kept above 10~15 ℃ in winter to prevent hedgehogs from hibernating. In order to simulate the wild environment, we can lay fine soil and straw in the feedlot. Hedgehogs will dig their own caves and hibernate in them [36 ]


In the oestrus period of female hedgehogs, healthy male hedgehogs should be selected for mating to ensure the pregnancy rate of female hedgehogs and the health of their offspring. After mating, the male and female hedgehogs should be fed separately. During pregnancy, lactation and young growth, feeding management should be strengthened to provide nutritious and high-quality feed [36 ]

disease control

The daily disease prevention and control work of hedgehogs mainly includes keeping the breeding grounds and utensils clean, regular disinfection, regular replacement of padding, attention to ventilation, heatstroke prevention and cold prevention, etc [36 ]
Hedgehogs have strong adaptability. As long as the breeding management and health measures are appropriate, hedgehogs rarely get sick. Its common diseases include gastroenteritis, ascariasis, etc. Hedgehogs with gastroenteritis have lusterless bristles, weakness in walking, diarrhea, and refusal to eat. At this time, the amount of feed should be reduced and appropriate drugs should be taken in time [36 ]

Interspecific relationship

In the wild, the natural enemies of hedgehogs include the eagle owl( Bubo bubo ), Badger( Meles meles )And Red Fox( Vulpes )Etc; In urban areas, domestic dogs also pose a threat to hedgehogs. Although adult hedgehogs are usually immune to most predatory events because of their thorns, hedgehog pups are more vulnerable and often hunted by predators [6]

Key values


ecological value

Hedgehog belongs to agricultural and forestry animals [33 ] , because of its feeding habits, the population of invertebrates can be controlled quantitatively [13 ] Because of the sharp spines on its back, it can also promote seed transmission. Many researchers use the presence of hedgehogs as an indicator of whether the habitat is healthy: if hedgehogs exist locally, it indicates that the habitat is healthy; If they do not exist or are scarce, there may be imbalance in the ecosystem [6]
In the urban environment, hedgehogs are considered as an important contributor to pest control in gardens and even large farmland. They are used to control rats, slugs, snails or pests in urban living environments, and have been introduced to many countries, such as New Zealand [6] [17] Therefore, hedgehogs are of great benefit to agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry [34 ]

economic value

However, in China, wild hedgehogs are protected by the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife as "three national protected animals" and are prohibited from excessive subsidies and private breeding [14] [38] However, different pet breeds can be bred as domestic animals after artificial breeding [6] [17]

Species hazards

Hedgehog is the host of a variety of parasites and pathogens, including ticks, fungi, bacteria and viruses, which may pose a health risk to hedgehogs themselves and other animals (including humans) in contact with them. Common parasites of hedgehogs include Ixodes hexagonis( Ixodes hexagonus )Ixodes castor( Ixodes ricinus )They can spread diseases, such as Lyme disease and tick borne encephalitis, by sucking the blood of hedgehogs. Hedgehogs may also be infected with fungi, such as trichophyton( Trichophyton mentagrophytes ), leading to skin diseases. In addition, hedgehogs may also carry Salmonella( Salmonella enterica )And other bacteria, leading to intestinal infection. These pathogens can be transmitted through direct contact with hedgehogs or their excreta, or through intermediate hosts, such as earthworms, to other animals, including humans, wild animals, and domestic pets, such as dogs and cats [6] [24]