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Irritant effect

The process in which stimulus factors in the external environment act on and affect the organism
Stimulation refers to the stimulation of internal and external environment on Organism , the process of influencing the organism. If the stimulation comes from the activities of members of the same species, it is called social stimulation. Specific manifestations: (1) The changes of environmental factors act on the body's receptors in a certain form of energy (usually physical or chemical energy), and the receptors transform it into biological energy, triggering the process of nerve impulses; (2) The process by which an organism produces specific behavioral responses under the influence of internal and external environmental stimuli. In classical conditioning, Unconditioned stimulus As a reward for conditional response, it has a strengthening function. [1]
Chinese name
Irritant effect
Foreign name
Terminology in biological science
The effect of sound and other factors on stimulating human spirit

Type of stimulation

The intensity and duration of stimulation are different. Some sudden things will be more stimulating, such as horn A sound or a loud cry can make people jump. In some cases, it is more exciting because it is too complicated, just like hearing four pairs of people talking at the same time plus music at a party.

a stimulus

It refers to anything that wakes up the nervous system. It enables the nervous system to focus on it and let these nerves emit a group of small charges to conduct stimulation. Usually we think that stimulation comes from the outside world, but of course it can also come from the inside of the body, such as pain, muscle tension, hunger, thirst, and sexual sensation. It can also be a memory, a fleeting fantasy or idea, or a plan.


Usually we can slowly adapt to stimuli, but sometimes we think we are used to these stimuli, but we don't think they are boring. However, when we suddenly feel exhausted, we realize that we have been consciously enduring some things, and it is these things that consume our energy. Even if highly sensitive people are only subjected to some moderate stimulation they are accustomed to, such as a day's work, they will need to stay quietly for a night and can no longer withstand any small stimulation.
Stimulation is actually very complicated, because the same stimulus has different meanings for different people. During Christmas, a crowded commercial street may remind some people of a happy family shopping time and make them feel the warm holiday atmosphere. But some people may be forced to buy gifts along with others, but they don't have a few coins in their pockets, and they don't know what to buy. They still have fresh memories of the past festivals, so they go Christmas Their streets will only make them feel miserable.
When we can't control the stimulus, it will make people feel more uneasy. If you add the thought that you are the victim, it will only make you more upset. This is a general rule. For example, the concert we play ourselves makes us feel comfortable, but if the music comes from the neighbor's stereo, it sounds annoying. And if we had asked them to turn down their voices in advance, then the voices that came from them would be almost hostile Violations In fact, reading this book may even increase your troubles, because you begin to understand that you are a member of the minority, while others always ignore your right to reduce stimulation.
Obviously, if we get enlightenment and get rid of all these associations, nothing can stimulate us, which will be very helpful to us. Therefore, it is no wonder that so many highly sensitive people are interested in various religious approaches.