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Manufacturer brand

Brands created by manufacturers
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The manufacturer brand is created by the manufacturer to ensure that customers treat the manufacturer as their product when purchasing. For example, Haier home appliances and Gree air conditioners are manufacturer brands. The manufacturer brand has long dominated the retail industry. Manufacturers who create this brand need to participate distribution , promotion and pricing decisions. Manufacturers can improve customer loyalty of their products through promotion, quality control, quality assurance and other measures. For manufacturers, this brand is a valuable asset. Manufacturers should make efforts to stimulate product demand to encourage dealers to sell their products. [1]
Chinese name
Manufacturer brand
Foreign name
Manufacturer Brand

historical background

Like some brands we are familiar with, such as Coca Cola Kodak IBM They are all manufacturer brands. Although many companies in the IT industry produce product parts or even all manufacturing activities outsource , but these companies are still the owners of the brand and responsible for Administration
Manufacturer brand has always been the leading role in the industrial and commercial stage. Most manufacturers create their own brand In addition, some reputable manufacturers Famous trademark Rent to others for use, and charge a certain royalty (because registered trademarks are also a kind of industrial property )。


In some large foreign retail enterprises, the proportion of private brands is relatively high enterprise Even just use Private brand For example, the British Lion Group only sells its own brand product This situation gives people a misunderstanding. It seems that private brand commodity The more the better, actually not. London Business School Professor Quelchi believes that the development of private brands does not mean that manufacturers' brands can be excluded. First, the manufacturer's brand will increase retailer Attraction to customers. When a store lacks famous manufacturer brands, consumer Will lose interest in shopping in this store and switch to other stores; Second, use one store name to cover multiple categories commodity , will cause brand image Ambiguous, many consumers will not believe that one store can provide all high quality Products of.

Brand decision-making

Manufacturer brand decision-making strategy is also called producer brand and national brand. Most manufacturers create their own brands and use their own brand organizations Product sales Those reputable manufacturers can also rent their famous brands to others for use and charge a certain percentage of royalties.
How to determine brand ownership
Manufacturers have three options:
1. Adopt its own manufacturer's brand (also known as national brand)
2. Sell products to middleman And middlemen put on their own brand, which is called private brand (also called Dealer brand Intermediary brand or distribution brand
3. Some use manufacturer's brands, and some use private brands.
manufacturer You can pay for "renting" famous brands, and pay trademark and patent fees Brand name Paid trademark After the patent fee, you can use the name or logo established in advance by other manufacturers, or the name of a well-known celebrity, or the characters created in popular movies and books. Any of the above can be provided with a ready and popular brand name for the manufacturer's products. In general, manufacturers selling children's toys, game equipment, food and other products will rent popular brands or patterns extensively.