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[zhì zào chǎng]
Production and processing enterprises
Manufacturer, also known as Production factory It is a production and processing enterprise for production. Generally, manpower and auxiliary production machines and equipment are used to complete the product Manufacturing The division of labor in large manufacturing plants is more detailed, and a process often needs assembly line operation to complete.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Production factory
Production and processing enterprises for production
Throughout the industry
Porcelain, smelting and papermaking

brief introduction

A manufacturing factory, also called a production factory, is a production and processing enterprise used for production.


Aircraft manufacturer
It is generally believed that manufacturing plants first appeared in ancient China. According to the Book of Rites of the Zhou Dynasty, official and private workshops, workshops and small manufacturing plants appeared in the Zhou Dynasty (771-221 BC). To the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD), Commodity circulation Further development even led to the emergence of the world's first paper currency. In order to meet the needs of the commodity market, more private small factories have emerged, such as professional manufacturers of porcelain, smelting, paper making, printing, shipbuilding, etc. And the weapons factories run by the officials of the Song Dynasty, such as the Bow and crossbow factory and the arrow factory in the early Northern Song Dynasty, each had more than 1000 craftsmen.
Organizations under the Ministry of Cleaning. It is in charge of collecting, storing and manufacturing various palace articles. It belongs to silver work, loose work, leather work, rust work, nail work, curtain warehouse, door god warehouse, etc. The items made include the treasures, carriages, guards of honor, sacrificial vessels, and palace gold and iron ornaments, curtains, brown felt, drums and doors hung in the New Year. There are two doctors and one doctor in Han, all of whom are selected from the staff of the Ministry of Works. In the 32nd year of Guangxu's reign (1906), it was changed into an internal affairs office.


Although in the history of Europe Roman times There have been organizations like factories, but the time and place where the English word "factory" really appeared was in the shipyard in Venice, Italy, in 1104. The factory appeared hundreds of years earlier than the Industrial Revolution. In the shipyard, ships are assembled from components on the production line in the form of assembly lines. A ship takes about a day to build, and the factory had more than 16000 employees in its heyday.
Soho Factory (1761-1990) in Birmingham, England, is recognized as the first modern manufacturing plant in the world.

Manufacturer management

The production process of the manufacturer requires very high management technology, which makes many management theories come into being. Generally speaking, the management of manufacturing plants involves the hierarchical management of low, medium and high skilled workers, supervisors, managers and other personnel.