profit margin

Ratio of residual value to total prepaid capital
zero Useful+1
The profit margin is surplus value And all Prepaid capital The profit rate is Residual value ratio The transformation form of Residual value Another ratio calculated by different methods. If p ` represents the profit rate and C represents the total prepaid capital (c+v), then the profit rate p `=m/C=m/(c+v). The profit rate reflects the profit level of the enterprise in a certain period Relative indicators Profit rate indicator can be used to assess enterprises Profit plan And can also compare the Operation management Level, improve economic performance cost-profit ratio =Profit ÷ cost × 100%, Sales profit margin =Profit ÷ sales × 100%.
Chinese name
profit margin

Distinctive relationship

profit margin
The profit rate is Residual value ratio Transformation form of
2. Both change in the same direction
3. The profit rate is always less than the residual value rate
4. The relationship reflected by the two is different


Profit rate
profit margin
Profit ÷ cost × 100%=profit rate
Common profit rate percentage express.
Cost profit rate=profit ÷ cost × 100%
Sales profit margin =Profit ÷ income × 100%


stay capitalist society , refers to Residual value The ratio to the total amount of capital prepaid. yes Residual value ratio Transformation form of, representing Capital appreciation That is, the extent to which the capitalists make profits.
The purpose of the capitalist to produce goods is to make money. He invests in turnover with a certain amount of value to obtain a greater value. this Value added yes Variable capital That is, by employing workers Gratuitous labour Created surplus value But for capitalists, Prepaid capital All components of are equally important to the production of surplus value. No matter where the surplus value comes from, it always exceeds Cost price The above balance is also the balance that exceeds the total prepaid capital. This balance is the same as the total amount of prepayment Capital maintenance A ratio is the profit rate. If p 'represents the profit rate, m represents the residual value, and c represents the Constant capital , v represents variable capital, its Calculation formula Marx said: "The ratio of surplus value calculated by variable capital is called Residual value ratio The ratio of residual value calculated by total capital is called profit margin. These are two different calculation methods for the same quantity. Due to different calculation standards, they represent different ratios or relationships of the same quantity. "(《 Complete Works of Marx and Engels 》Vol. 25, p. 51). For every capitalist, what he often cares about is the profit rate. The prediction of the change of profit rate becomes his production Business decision The most important basis of. Residual value ratio Variable capital The degree of proliferation, or industrial capitalist The degree of exploitation of employed workers, which reflects the New value What is the ratio of distribution between capitalists and workers, thus reflecting capitalism Exploitative relationship. And the profit margin represents Residual value The ratio to the total prepaid capital, that is, the degree of capital increase, or the degree of capitalist profitability, is due to the total capital value There is no inherent and inevitable connection with surplus value, so the profit rate covers the capital Wage labour The nature of exploitation Capital relations Mysterized.
Since the profit rate is Residual value ratio Therefore, the factors affecting the change of profit rate first depend on the level of residual value rate. Assuming other conditions remain unchanged, the profit rate is directly proportional to the residual value rate and inversely proportional to the total prepaid capital value. The profit rate also depends on the following three factors: ① Organic composition of capital Under the condition that the residual value rate is fixed, the profit rate is inversely proportional to the level of the organic composition of capital, that is, the lower the organic composition of capital, a certain amount of capital is absorbed labor spent in production The more, the more Residual value The more, the higher the profit rate; Otherwise, the opposite is true. ② Capital turnover speed The profit margin is generally calculated by one year. Assuming that other conditions (organic composition of capital, residual value rate, and length of working days) are the same, the annual profit rate is proportional to the speed of capital turnover Capital turnover time The length of is inversely proportional. The faster the capital turnover, the same amount Variable capital In one year, more live labor can be promoted, so as to extract more surplus value and improve the profit margin; And vice versa. ③ Constant capital Saving in use. Such as at the expense of the health of the employed workers working conditions The savings of can reduce the expenditure of constant capital, thus improving the profit margin; adopt technical progress and labour productivity The improvement of Excreta (waste residue, waste water, waste gas, etc.) reduction and comprehensive utilization can not only reduce the expenditure of constant capital, but also increase income, thus improving the profit margin; social labor productivity The change in the price of raw materials will also pass the change in the components of the constant capital, especially the change in the price of raw materials relation between supply and demand And promote capital growth or depreciation (the same as Monetary value And has a direct impact on the profit margin. If other conditions remain unchanged, the profit rate is inversely proportional to the price of raw materials.
As a result of capital flowing in different departments in pursuit of profit rate, the profit rate tends to average, forming Average profit rate With the progress of science and technology Production mechanization Degree of automation Improvement, Organic composition of capital Generally improved, General profit margin There is a downward trend. The law that average profit rate tends to decline The role of capitalist society The inherent contradiction tends to sharpen.

Form of expression

profit margin
Enterprise profit rate The main forms are:
Total sales profit and Total sales revenue Ratio of. It indicates the unit sales revenue The profit obtained reflects the relationship between sales revenue and profit.
Total sales profit and Cost of sales Ratio of total amount. It indicates the profit obtained per unit cost of sales and reflects the relationship between cost and profit.
③ Profit rate of output value.
Total sales profit and total output value The ratio indicates the profit obtained per unit output value and reflects the relationship between output value and profit.
The ratio between the total sales profit and the average amount of funds used in a certain period. It indicates the sales profit obtained by unit capital, reflecting Enterprise funds The utilization effect of.
Net profit Rate.
Periodic Net profit Profit after tax )And Net sales Ratio of. It indicates the ability of unit sales revenue to obtain after tax profit, and reflects the relationship between sales revenue and net profit.

major factor

profit margin
The profit margin is surplus value Into profits, Residual value ratio It turns into profit rate. The profit rate is the residual value and the total Prepaid capital Ratio of. Profit rate and residual value rate are the same Residual value Different ratios compared with different amounts of capital. The profit rate indicates the appreciation degree of all prepaid capital, and is always smaller than the residual value rate in quantity, thus concealing capitalism Degree of exploitation. The profit rate changes frequently. The main factors that determine and affect the profit rate are:
★ First, residual value rate. Under the same other conditions, if the residual value rate is high, the profit rate will be high; On the contrary, the surplus value rate is low, and the profit rate is also low. Therefore, any method that can improve the residual value rate will increase the profit rate accordingly.
★ Second, Organic composition of capital High organic composition of capital and low profit rate; The organic composition of capital is low and the profit rate is high.
★ Third, the speed of capital turnover. Capital turnover speed Accelerate and improve rate of annual surplus value And thus improve the annual profit margin. The annual profit rate of capital changes in the same direction as the speed of capital turnover.
★ Fourth, Constant capital Savings. stay Residual value ratio Residual value Under certain circumstances, saving constant capital can reduce Prepaid capital So as to improve the profit margin.

problem analysis

profit margin
Under the capitalist system, the profit rate has a trend of decreasing. This is because, with capitalism The development of large industry, Organic composition of capital It is constantly improving, which will inevitably lead to the decline of profit margin. However, this is only one aspect of the problem. In addition, we must also see that a series of factors are hindering and delaying the decline of profit margin. For example, with the development of capitalism, capitalists are increasingly exploiting workers; because labour productivity The value of the means of production such as machines, equipment and raw materials is also declining. In addition, capitalist country Through foreign trade Unequal exchange Can also improve their profit margins. Therefore, Marx said: "Generally speaking, we have seen that the same reasons that cause the decline of general profit rate will have the opposite effect, hinder its decline, mitigate its decline, and make it weak in part... Therefore, this law only works as a tendency; Its role can only be clearly shown under certain circumstances and over a long period of time. "
It can be seen that although the profit rate has a downward trend, this is not equal to what the capitalist has gained Profit volume Less and less does not mean that the situation of workers can be improved more and more. This is by no means the case. It is precisely because of the law of declining profit rate that capital increasingly exploits wage labor, and capitalist society Inherent Antagonistic contradiction Increasingly sharp.