Profit maximization

Request maximum profit
zero Useful+1
The purpose of manufacturers to produce or sell goods is to earn profits. Profit maximization is a way for manufacturers to maximize profits by using various sales methods. If the total income is greater than total cost There will be surplus, which is profit. It is worth noting that the profit mentioned here does not include Normal profit The normal profit is included in the total cost. The profit here refers to Excess profit If Total revenue It is equal to the total cost. The manufacturer only gains normal profit without loss. If the total profit is less than the total cost, the manufacturer will suffer a loss.
Chinese name
Profit maximization
To make a profit
Request maximum profit
Principle derivation


Manufacturers engaged in the production or sale of goods require not only profits, but also maximum profits Principle of profit maximization Is the output Marginal revenue Equal to the principle of marginal cost. Marginal revenue is the revenue increased by the final increase of one unit of sales volume, and marginal cost is the cost increased by the final increase of one unit of production. If the marginal revenue of a unit of output is greater than the marginal cost, it means that the total profit can be increased by increasing the output, so the manufacturer will continue to increase the output to achieve the goal of maximum profit. If the marginal revenue of the final increase of one unit of output is less than the marginal cost, it means that the increase of output will not increase profits, but will lead to losses. In this case, in order to achieve the goal of maximum profits, manufacturers will not increase output but reduce output. Only when the marginal revenue equals to the marginal cost can the total profit of the manufacturer reach maximum value Therefore, MR=MC becomes the condition of profit maximization, which is applicable to all types of market structures.
The ultimate goal of an enterprise is to maximize profits. There are many factors that affect it. One is to expand product revenue. Profits are generated by revenue. Without the guarantee of revenue, profits are No way to start Of. Second, strict Control costs and Expenses As profits increase, the less costs and expenses are spent, the greater profits will be.

Principle derivation

For MR=MC Principle of profit maximization , which can be proved by mathematical derivation:
Let π be profit and Q be manufacturer's output, TR Manufacturer Total revenue TC Manufacturer total cost , then
profit Maximization Of necessary condition Is π versus Q First derivative Is zero.
The first derivative of TR to Q is Marginal revenue MR , again, that is marginal cost MC。 Therefore, when MR=MC, that is Marginal revenue When it is equal to the marginal cost, the profit is great.
Profit maximizing sufficient condition We also need to find π Second derivative Is a negative number, that is, it means that the slope of the marginal cost function is greater than the margin to maximize profit Income function The slope of. Generally speaking, in different market structure Middle, marginal cost function The slope of is positive, while the slope of marginal return function is Perfectly competitive market Zero in Imperfect competitive market Negative value in.