Primary market

One of the stock issuing markets
zero Useful+1
synonym Primary market (Primary market) generally refers to the primary market
The primary market, also known as the issuance market or the primary market, is the market formed when capital demanders sell securities to the public for the first time. It is new securities and notes financial instruments The market for buying and selling. The main operators of this market are investment bank , brokers and Securities dealers (In China, these three businesses are unified in securities companies.). They undertake new securities issued by governments and companies, as well as the purchase or distribution of shares. Investment banks usually adopt Off take underwriting After the end of the underwriting period, the remaining issuers can obtain all the scheduled funds. [1]
In the financial market, the primary market (Primary Market/New Issue Market) is the company or government institution that raises funds to transfer its newly issued stocks and bonds, etc Sale of securities To the original purchaser Of financial market
Chinese name
Primary market
Foreign name
primary market
Primary market
Stock Issuance market

financial market



The primary market is not well known to the public, Because the securities are sold to the original purchaser The process is not public. investment bank (investment bank) is an important financial institution assisting in the first sale of securities in the primary market. The practice of investment banks is underwriting( underwriting )Securities, i.e. they ensure that Corporate Securities The securities can be sold at a certain price and then sold to the public.
The primary stock market refers to the primary stock market, that is, the issuance market, in which investors can subscribe for shares issued by the company. Through the primary market, the issuer raised the funds needed by the company, while the investors bought the company's shares and became shareholders of the company, realizing the process of converting savings into capital.
stay the West The primary market is also called the securities issuance market, the primary market financial market Or the original financial market. In the primary market, demanders can obtain funds by issuing stocks and bonds. In the process of issuance, the issuer generally does not directly trade with the buyer holding the currency, but needs an intermediary, that is, a securities broker. So the primary market is also a securities broker market.
major function : Provide financing channels for fund demanders; Provide investment opportunities for fund suppliers and realize the transformation from savings to investment; Form the income oriented mechanism of capital flow and promote the continuous optimization of resource allocation.

main features

(1) The issuance market is an abstract market, and its trading activities are not limited to a fixed place.
(2) Issuance is a one-time act, and its price is determined by the issuing company and approved by relevant departments. Investors buy shares at the same price.
The issuance mode of the primary stock market:
The way stocks are issued is the way stocks are sold. Due to different financial market regulations in different countries Architecture And finance market structure Different, Issue of shares The way is also different. If according to the method and object of issuance and subscription, stock issuance can be divided into public issuance and Private offering If there is an intermediary( securities underwriter )Assisted, stock issuance can also be divided into direct issuance and indirect issuance (or called Entrusted issuance ); According to different issuing purposes, stock issuance can also be classified as paid Capital increase issuance And free capital increase issuance.
Public offering, also known as public offering, refers to the public promotion of stocks to the broad masses of investors in the society without identifying specific issuing objects in advance.
Private placement, also known as private placement, means that the issuing company only sells stocks to specific issuing objects. Non public offering is mainly adopted in the following cases: 1. To establish a company by means of promotion; 2. Internal allotment; 3、 Private placement , also known as third party allocation.
Direct issuance is also called direct offering, or issuing company Self issued Means that the joint-stock company undertakes all the affairs and risks of the stock issue and directly sells the shares to the subscribers.
Indirect issuance, also called entrusted issuance, refers to the issuer's entrustment Securities issuance The way in which an underwriting intermediary sells shares. The way of indirect issuance of shares, like the way of indirect issuance of bonds, is also divided into Distribution on a commission basis , assisted distribution and exclusive distribution.
Paid capital increase issuance means that subscribers must Issue price Only by paying cash can new shares be issued. Generally issued shares and Private placement in Targeted issuance % of the shares are issued in the form of paid capital increase.
The issue of capital increase without compensation means that a joint-stock company transfers the surplus balance of the company accumulation fund and Asset revaluation Gain transfer in Capital fund equity At the same time, the corresponding new shares will be issued and distributed to the original shareholders of the company. The original shareholders do not need to pay subscription Share capital Section.

Merchandise distribution

For example, the regions, prefectures and counties where you are a general agent in Yunnan are called primary markets, and the regions, prefectures and counties are called secondary market , direct Sales outlets (Retail) End market
The above is mainly about regional agents.
For example, if I am a XX factory, my primary market refers to the regional general agent above, and the secondary market refers to the subordinate agent (primary market) of the regional general agent.
For example: Yunnan takes Kunming as the general agent of products (the first level), which is affiliated to Yunnan( Honghe Prefecture Xishuangbanna Chuxiong Regional and other online sales stores) are called secondary markets, and those that directly retail are called terminal markets (home appliance supermarkets Department Store , exclusive stores, etc.).
The place where the manufacturer is located is the General Marketing Office. The province level where the products are circulated is called the primary market (Yunnan, Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei, etc.). The secondary market refers to the primary market of the primary market.

stock market

Securities issuance market
The securities issuance market is a market where issuers sell securities to investors. The securities issuing market usually Unfixed Place is an invisible market. The role of the securities issuance market is mainly reflected in the following three aspects:
1. For Fund demander Provide channels for raising funds. Securities issuance The market has a large number of mature securities for issuers to choose from Income level Right to participate Liquidity Risk degree Issuance cost According to their own needs and possibilities, and relation between supply and demand and price level Determine the quantity and price of securities issued( Yield )。 There are also many issuers in the distribution market agency They can accept the entrustment of the issuer and use their own credit, capital, talents, technology, outlets and other resources to sell securities to the public, which helps the issuer raise the required funds in time. A large issuance market can also break through regional restrictions, expand the scope and target of financing for issuers, issue securities and raise funds for various investors at home or abroad, and market competition Gradually make Financing cost Rationalization.
2. Provide investment opportunities for fund suppliers and realize the transformation from savings to investment. Governments, enterprises and individuals economic activity There may be temporarily idle Monetary capital , Securities Issuance Market supply A variety of investment opportunity And transform social savings into investment. When saving is converted into investment social reproduction Smooth going necessary condition
3. Form the income oriented mechanism of capital flow and promote the continuous optimization of resource allocation. In modern economic activities, production factors All follow the flow of funds. Only when the optimal allocation of monetary funds is realized, can it be realized social resources Optimized configuration of. Through the securities issuance market market mechanism Select the main body to issue securities, which has a good industrial prospect operating performance Excellent and with development potential 's enterprises are more likely to stock market Raise the funds needed so that the funds can flow into the industries and enterprises that can produce the most benefits Optimized allocation of resources The purpose of.
Classification of securities issuance
According to different issuing objects and whether there is intermediary intervention Securities issuance The most basic and common classification method , also issued Main body selection Way of securities issuance First thing to consider.

Distribution object classification

(1) Public offering , also known as“ public offering ”, is that the issuer The public The issuance of securities by investors. In the form of public offering, any legal investor can subscribe for the securities to be issued. The advantage of adopting public offering is that it targets many investors, has a large number of securities issues, and has great potential to raise funds; A large range of investors can avoid the issue of securities being too concentrated or manipulated by a few people; Public offering can enhance the liquidity of securities and improve the social reputation of issuers. But public offering Issuance conditions It is relatively strict, the issuance procedure is complex, the registration and approval time is long, and the issuance cost is high. Public offering is the most common and basic way of securities issuance, which is suitable for securities Number of issues An issuer with large amount of funds raised and preparing to apply for securities listing.
(2) private placement , also known as“ Private offering ”Or "private distribution"“ restricted publication ”, refers to the specific investors Investment object Issuance of. There are two types of private offerings, one is the company's old shareholders or the issuer's employees, and the other is investment funds social insurance fund , insurance companies, commercial banks and other financial institutions as well as enterprises with close relations with the issuer institutional investor Private placement has certain investors, and the issuance procedures are simple, which can save the issuance time and cost. However, the limited number of investors and poor liquidity of securities are not conducive to improving the social reputation of the issuer.

Whether there is intermediary classification

(1) Direct issue That is, the issuer directly sells securities to investors. This issuance method can save the money paid to the issuing intermediary Service Charge And reduce the issuance cost. However, if the issuance amount is large, due to the lack of professionals and distribution outlets, the issuer itself has to bear a large issuance risk. This method is only applicable to securities with established issuing objects or issuers with high popularity, small number of issues and low risk.
(2) Indirect issuance , which is entrusted by the issuing company to securities companies, etc Securities intermediary The issuance of securities for sale as an agent. For the issuer, indirect issuance can raise the required funds in a relatively short period of time, and the issuance risk is small; However, it needs to pay a certain commission, and the issuance cost is high. In general, indirect issuance is a basic and common way, especially public offering, which mostly adopts indirect issuance; Private placement is dominated by direct issuance.

Differentiation method


secondary market

secondary market (Secondary market) Yes securities The trading place of. The secondary market is securities Circulation market It is the place where issued securities are traded.


The secondary market is to provide liquidity for securities. To maintain the liquidity of securities holder You can sell your securities at any time to realize them. (If the securities holder cannot realize the securities in his hands at any time, no one will buy the securities.) It is precisely because it provides a way for the realization of the securities, so the secondary market can also provide a way for the Securities pricing , to indicate to the securities holder market price

major function

(1) Promote the transformation of short-term idle funds into long-term construction funds;
(2) Adjust the supply and demand of funds and guide money flow , the financing channel to communicate savings and investment;
(3) The stock price changes in the secondary market can reflect the economic situation of the whole society, which is conducive to the transfer labour productivity and Emerging industries The rise of;
(4) Maintaining stock Reasonable price Free transaction, well-informed information and careful management ensure that the interests of both parties are closely protected. Once the issued shares are listed, they will enter the secondary market. Investors buy and sell stocks according to their own judgment and needs. The transaction price is determined by the buyer and the seller. The price of stocks bought by investors on the same day is different.

Connection between the two

The secondary market is closely related to the primary market, which is interdependent and mutually restrictive. The types, quantities and methods of securities provided by the primary market and issued by it determine the quality of securities in the secondary market Negotiable securities The secondary market, as a place for securities trading, plays a positive role in promoting the primary market. The secondary market, which is well organized, well managed and well served, quickly and effectively distributes and transfers the securities issued in the primary market to other investors who are more in need and more appropriate, and provides a realistic possibility for the realization of securities. In addition, the supply and demand situation and price level of securities in the secondary market will strongly affect the issuance of securities in the primary market. Therefore, without the secondary market, securities issuance cannot go on smoothly, the primary market cannot sustain itself, and the expansion of issuance is even more impossible.

Securities issuance

There are mainly two kinds of securities issuance systems: one is Registration system , represented by the United States; Second Approval system , represented by European countries.
1. Registration system. Securities issuance registration system Open Management principles , which is essentially a kind of Financial disclosure System. It requires the issuer to provide all information about the securities issuance itself and related to the securities issuance. The Issuer shall not only fully disclose relevant information without major omission, but also bear the responsibility for the authenticity, integrity and reliability of the information provided legal responsibility Securities regulator incorrect Securities issuance And the securities themselves value judgment , Yes Public information The review of "" only involves criminal matters, not any substantive conditions of issuance. As long as the issuer has fully disclosed the relevant information as required, the regulatory authority shall not Financial position Reject its issuance if it fails to meet certain standards. After the materials related to securities issuance are reported to the securities regulatory authority, one will generally take effect Waiting period During this period, the securities regulatory authority shall Formal review After the expiration of the waiting period for the registration to become effective, if the securities regulatory authority does not raise any objection to the declaration, Securities Issuance Registration Effective, the issuer can issue securities. However, if the securities regulatory authority believes that the submitted documents have defects, it will indicate the defects of the documents and require correction or formal rejection, or prevent the issuance from taking effect. Australia Brazil Canada , Germany, France Italy Netherlands the Philippines Singapore , the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries adopt the registration system in securities issuance.
2. Approval system. The approval system refers to that the issuer applies for issuing securities, which requires not only public disclosure of information related to the issuance of securities, but also company law and Securities Law And requires the issuer to submit the issuance application to the securities regulatory authority for decision. Securities issuance approval system implement Substantive management principle That is, the securities issuer must not only take the full disclosure of the true situation as the condition, but also meet a number of substantive conditions suitable for issuance designated by the securities regulatory authority. Only qualified issuers can issue securities in the securities market with the approval of the securities regulatory authority. The purpose of implementing the approval system is that the securities regulatory authority can perform the functions entrusted by law to make the issued securities conform to public interest and Stable securities market Development needs.
3. China's securities issuance system. Listed in China's securities market financial instruments Including stocks, bonds securities investment funds , warrants, etc. According to the Securities Law, the Company Law, etc laws and regulations Provisions of, Public offering of shares , Convertible Corporate bonds Corporate bonds and other securities recognized by the State Council according to law must be reported to the CSRC for approval according to law.
(1) Securities issuance approval system In China, the approval system for securities issuance refers to the application for issuance submitted by the securities issuer, Sponsor ( Lead underwriter )Recommend to the CSRC, and the CSRC will submit it to the issuance review committee for review after the preliminary compliance review, and finally issue after the approval of the CSRC. The approval system not only emphasizes the company information disclosure It also requires that certain Substantive Conditions, such as Enterprise profitability corporate governance Level, etc. The core of the approval system is that the regulatory authorities conduct compliance audits, strengthen the responsibilities of intermediaries, strengthen the behavioral constraints of market participants, and reduce Issuance of new shares In administrative intervention
(2) Issuance and listing of securities sponsorship system The recommendation system of securities issuance and listing refers to that the recommendation institution and its recommendation representative are responsible for the recommendation and guidance of the issuer's securities issuance and listing, responsible investigation Verify the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the company's issuance documents, and assist the issuer to establish a strict Information disclosure system It mainly includes the following contents: ① the issuer applies for IPO and listing, listed companies issue new shares, convertible corporate bonds or laws on public issuance Administrative regulations Where it is prescribed to implement the recommendation system and other securities, an institution with recommendation qualification shall be employed as the recommendation institution. China Securities Regulatory Commission or stock exchange Only the issuance or listing application documents recommended by the sponsor will be accepted. ② The recommendation institution and the recommendation representative shall conduct due diligence, prudently check the application documents and information disclosure materials of the issuer, issue recommendation opinions to the CSRC and the stock exchange, and check the authenticity accuracy And integrity Be jointly and severally liable 。③ The recommendation institution and its recommendation representative shall be responsible for Continuous supervision Obligation, and the company's Normative behavior Take responsibility. ④ The sponsor should establish a complete internal management system 。⑤ The CSRC shall continuously supervise the recommendation institutions.
(3) Issuance review committee system The issuance review committee system is an important part of the securities issuance approval system. The Securities Law stipulates that the State Council Securities regulatory authority The Issuance Review Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Issuance Review Committee) is established. The IEC reviews the issuer Issue of shares Applications and applications for issuance of convertible corporate bonds and other securities recognized by the CSRC. The main responsibilities of the IEC are: to examine whether the application for stock issuance meets the relevant conditions in accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the CSRC; Review recommendation institutions and assets Rating agencies etc. Securities service institutions And relevant materials and opinions issued by relevant personnel for stock issuance; Examine the preliminary examination report issued by the relevant functional departments of the CSRC; To independently vote on the application for stock issuance and put forward review opinions on the application for stock issuance according to law. The CSRC shall, in accordance with the statutory conditions and legal procedures Make a decision to approve or disapprove the application for share issuance, and issue relevant documents. The establishment and improvement of the IEC system is to continuously improve the degree of specialization and transparency of issuance audit social supervision And important measures to improve the efficiency of issuance.

securities underwriting

Securities issuance The ultimate goal of the securities is to sell them to investors. There are two ways for issuers to promote securities: one is self selling, which is called "self selling"; The second is to entrust others to sell, which is called "underwriting". Normally, public offering Mainly underwriting. Underwriting is to Sale of securities Delegate business to special Securities business organization underwriter )Sales. According to the assumption of issuance risk, the allocation of funds raised and Service Charge There are two kinds of underwriting methods: exclusive sale and agency sale.
1. Underwriting. Underwriting of securities Means securities underwriter The underwriting method of purchasing all the issuer's securities according to the agreement, or purchasing all the remaining after-sales securities by oneself at the end of the savings period. Underwriting can be divided into traditional underwriting and Balance underwriting Two.
(1) traditional underwriting An underwriting method in which the underwriter first purchases the issuer's securities in full and then sells them to investors, and the underwriter bears all the risks.
(2) Balance underwriting Refers to the amount of issue and Issuance conditions , sell securities to investors within the agreed period, and if the total amount actually subscribed by investors is less than the expected total amount of issuance, the unsold securities shall be subscribed by the underwriter, and pay all securities funds to the issuer at the agreed time.
2. Consignment. Consignment refers to the underwriting method in which an underwriter sells securities on behalf of the issuer and returns all unsold securities to the issuer at the end of the underwriting period.