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Creation process

The activity process of artists creating artistic works
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Creative process refers to the activity process of artists to create literary and artistic works. It includes the following stages: (1) Preparation stage. (2) Conception stage. This stage may be short, or it may last for several years. (3) The insight stage (4) is the improvement and verification stage, also known as the performance stage. [1]
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Creation process
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creative process
The activity process of artists creating artistic works
The process in which artists create artistic works. It includes the following stages: (1) Preparation stage. Artists collect materials through consulting, observation, interview and other means; Form a concept and prepare for creative activities purposefully and systematically. (2) Conception stage. This stage may be short, or it may last for several years. In this stage, the artist did not have any visible explicit creative activities. (3) Epiphany stage. At this stage, artists often "suddenly realized", as if all parts of the idea were in place at once, and a new relationship was suddenly perceived. This stage is often related to psychological activities such as inspiration and intuition. (4) Improvement and verification stage, also known as performance stage. Artists externalize ideas in their minds, write them on paper, draw them on paper, or make models, including a series of modification and polishing activities.