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Liulaozhuang Town

Towns under the jurisdiction of Huaiyin District, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province
synonym Liu Laozhuang (Liulaozhuang) generally refers to Liulaozhuang Town
Liulaozhuang Town, belonging to Jiangsu Province Huai'an City Huaiyin District Located 28 kilometers northwest of Huai'an City, it is the place where 82 martyrs of the New Fourth Army died. To the east Lianshui County Chengji Town , south Dingji Town Huaigao Town, west Xuyou Town , North and Shuyang County Zhangwei Township Bordering.
Liulaozhuang Town has an administrative area of 96.09 square kilometers, a population of 46600, and jurisdiction over 18 village committee [1]
Chinese name
Liulaozhuang Town
Administrative Region Category
96.09 km²
Government residence
No. 85, Xuzhang Road
Area Code
population size
46600 people
train station
Huai'an Station
License plate code
Su H

Construction history

It was named after the two surnames Liu and Pi in the Qing Dynasty.
Liupi Township in 1950. In 1958, it was renamed Cemetery Commune to commemorate the 82 martyrs of Liu Laozhuang. It was renamed Liulaozhuang Commune in 1964 and Liulaozhuang Township in 1983. In 1996, with an area of 40 square kilometers and a population of 23000, it has jurisdiction over 13 towns including Liulaozhuang, Liupi, Liuhetou, Zhengzhuang, Jienan, Nanying, Yin Songlin, Mawan, Jiangzhuang, Jiashu, Longwotang, Yangzhuang and Xiaowei Administrative village [2]
2018, withdrawn Liulaozhuang Township Guzhai Township Liulaozhuang Town was established. The area under the jurisdiction of the former Liulaozhuang Township and Guzhai Township is the administrative region of Liulaozhuang Town. The People's Government of Liulaozhuang Town is located in Liupi Village Committee, with the office address at No. 85, Xuzhang Road. Liulaozhuang Town has an administrative area of 96.09 square kilometers, a population of 46600, and jurisdiction over 18 village committees. (SZF [2018] No. 48) [1]

administrative division

It governs 18 villages.
Liupi Village, Nanying Village, Liulaozhuang Village, Zhenghe Village, Jiashu Village, Jiangzhuang Village, Hongxing Village, Yangzhuang Village, Shuangzhuang Village, Tongxin Village [2]
Guzhai Village, Jiufang Village, Yinmao Village, Duikou Village, Xingong Village, Erxu Village, Guxi Village, Houhe Village [3]


In December 2019, Liulaozhuang Town was selected as "2016 – 2018 Civilized Towns in Jiangsu Province". [4]
In January 2022, the Party Committee of Liulaozhuang Town, Huaiyin District, Huai'an City was selected into the list of advanced collectives to be commended for rural revitalization in the province. [5]