Liu Rengong

Local vassal generals in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties
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Liu Rengong (?~914), Shenzhou (today Hebei Shenzhou City), the son of Liu Sheng, the general of Lulong Town, the leader of the local separatist regime in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties.
Bold and unrestrained, resourceful and ambitious. This is Lu Long Festival Envoy Li Keju Subordinate generals. Illumination In the first year (885), Yizhou was attacked with the army, and the city was broken by digging a tunnel into the city, known as "Liu Kutou". To seek refuge with the King of Jin Li Keyong Later, the table shows the inspector general and Lu Longjun's envoy. Later, he became hostile to the State of Jin and took refuge in Bianzhou Festival Envoy Zhu Wen , and become the envoy. Annexation of Yichang Jiedu envoy Lu Yanwei , who tried to secede from Heshuo, was attacked by Zhu Wen, the Liang King Liu Shouguang Take the position and stand on your own.
In the fourth year of Qianhua in the Later Liang Dynasty (914), Zhuangzong in the Later Tang Dynasty Li Cunxu When you pacify Youzhou, your father and son will be captured and executed.
According to the epitaph of his great grandchildren Liu Yujie and Liu Yuyi, Liu Rengong's posthumous title was King Yan Zhao, his title of King Yan was granted or self granted, and his posthumous title was granted by the Liao Dynasty or later generations' private posthumous title, which remains to be examined. [1]
Liu Kutou
Ethnic groups
the han people
one's native heath
Date of death
Key achievements
Became the envoy of Lu Long's army and became a separatist
True name
Liu Rengong

Character's Life


Asking for help and seizing land

Liu Rengong's father was Liu Sheng, who stayed in Fan Yang and was the town general of Li Keju, the envoy of Lulong Festival, so Liu Rengong also served in front of Li Keju's army at that time. He followed Li Quanzhong to attack Yizhou, and was called "Cave Head" by others. Soon after, he was promoted to Bu School. [2] Liu Rengong was straightforward, unrestrained, resourceful and ambitious. He once said that he dreamed that he would be noble when he was forty-nine years old. So Li Kuangwei, the Lu Long Festival envoy at that time, hated him very much. He was released as the King City Order. [3] At that time, riots broke out in Yingzhou, and the guards were killed. Liu Rengong recruited more than 1000 heroes to quell the riots. So Li Kuangwei asked him to lead the army and defend Weizhou. [4]
In the second year of Jingfu (893), Li Converse For his younger brother Li Kuangchi It happened that Liu Rengong's Yuzhou troops had not returned after the date of rotation. The soldiers, thinking of their hometown, launched a mutiny and returned to attack with Liu Rengong as the leader Youzhou (Today's Beijing), however, was defeated by Li Kuang's army, so he fled to Taiyuan to be attached to the Hedong envoy Li Keyong , Li Keyong treated him very well. He rewarded the land and luxury houses and worshipped him as the general of Shouyang Town. [5]
After Liu Rengong arrived in Hedong, he constantly used his brain trust through Li Ke Gaiyu Lobbying Li Ke to attack Lu Long. He asked Shuai to lead ten thousand people to attack Youzhou eastward and said he could be a guide. Li Ke really sent troops to attack Li Kuangchi. In the first year of Qianning (894), Li Keyong captured Youzhou and Li Kuangchi fled. Liu Rengong and Fu Cun entered Youzhou and sealed the treasury for Li Keyong. Li Keyong was very happy. [6] In the second year of Qianning (895), Li Ke attacked Wang Xingyu, a vassal town in Guanzhong, representing Liu Rengong as the inspector general and Lu Longjun as the governor.

Hate Hedong

In the third year of Qianning (896), Li Ke attacked Weizhou and wanted to recruit Lu Long's troops. Liu Rengong did not send troops because he was on guard against Khitan. [7] In the fourth year of Qianning (897), Li Keyong launched another army to save Zhu Xuan Liu Rengong did not respond to the call for troops from Liu Rengong. Li Keyong's envoy for asking for troops made more than a dozen contacts, but Liu Rengong never sent troops. Li Keyong wrote a letter to Liu Rengong in person. Liu Rengong abused Li Keyong and detained all messengers and Taiyuan people in Youzhou. [8]
Then Liu Rengong lured Li Ke to use his officers with huge profits, and Li Ke used most of his men to turn to Liu Rengong. In anger, Li Ke led Hedong's troops to fight in Youzhou. They were unexpectedly defeated, and their division lost more than half of its life. Liu Rengong therefore got rid of Hedong's control. Liu Rengong gave all the soldiers' heads in Hedong to Zhu Wen, and Zhu Wen showed Liu Rengong to settle matters with the middle school secretary. [9]

Heshuo Expansion

In the fifth year of Qianning (898), Liu Rengong defeated Lu Yanwei, the envoy of Yichang, annexed his jurisdiction, and Liu Shouwen As an envoy of Yichang Festival, he rose the ambition of annexing the three towns of Heshuo.
In the sixth year of Guanghua (899), he was defeated by Xuanwu Zhu Quanzhong Wei Bo Luo Shaowei The allied forces suffered from their own strength. Later, Liu Rengong rebelled against Zhu Quanzhong and Li Keyong. However, with the expansion of Zhu Quanzhong's power, only Hedong Li Keyong and Lu Long Liu Rengong could protect themselves in North China.
Emperor Ai of the Tang Dynasty God bless Three years ago (906), Zhu Quanzhong attacked Lu Long on a large scale. When Liu Rengong was in danger, Li Keyong, based on the principle of "death of lips and teeth", still ignored the past suspicion to rescue him.
However, Liu Rengong himself is very proud of the fact that he was able to dominate the Central Plains because of the troubled times. Increasingly proud and extravagant, profligate. He built a palace on Da'an Mountain in Youzhou, which was magnificent and selected many beautiful women to live in; He also refined pills with Taoists in order to live forever; He ordered the people to hand over the copper coins and hide them in the mountains, but the people had to make money from earth.
In the third year of Qianhua in the Later Liang Dynasty (913), Li Keyong, the son of Li Keyong, King of Jin, crusaded Liu Shouguang, the Yan Emperor, and captured Youzhou. Liu Rengong and Liu Shouguang were also captured by the Jin army. In the fourth year of Qianhua in the Later Liang Dynasty (914), Liu's father and son were offered to the Imperial Temple of the Jin State by Li Cunxu. Liu Rengong was later escorted to Daizhou (today's Daixian County in Shanxi Province), where he would stab the blood flowing from his heart to commemorate Li Keyong's tomb, and then beheaded.

Anecdotes and allusions


Niujiu Meeting

The "Bull Wine Club" got its name from《 History of the Old Five Dynasties · Xiao Han Biography is an event that greatly defeated the Khitans during the period when Liu Rengong divided Youzhou at the end of the Tang Dynasty. In this incident, the Khitan prince was captured, and the Khitans were forced to beg for bribes and redeem the prince, so they did not dare to invade Youzhou for many years.
History of the Old Five Dynasties: Biography of Xiao Han
Xiao Han It is also the leader of the Khitan ministries. My father said Aba. Liu Rengong was in Youzhou. Aba led many people to invade Pingzhou. Rengong sent Liu Yanlang and his son Shouguang to lead 500 cavalries to defend their state. Aba was sent by the county people without knowing it, but was captured by Shouguang for going to the cattle wine meeting. Please redeem the Khitan, and Ren Gong will allow him to return.

An evil son seizes the throne

Liu Shouguang, the son of Liu Rengong, broke off his father son relationship after being beaten by Liu Rengong for adultery with his beloved concubine Luo Shi. In the fourth year of Tianyou (907), Xuanwu General Li Si'an When attacking Youzhou, Liu Rengong was still enjoying himself in Da'an Mountain, and there was no alert in the city. After Liu Shouguang led an army outside the city to defeat Li Si'an, he immediately claimed to be the envoy of Lu Long and sent troops to attack Da'an Mountain. Liu Rengong was captured, and Liu Shouguang soon imprisoned him.

interpersonal relationship

full name
brief introduction
Liu Sheng
Xinxing Town will [12]
Wives and concubines
Roche [11]
Single accessible [13]
Liu Shouguang
Emperor Jie Yan [12]
Liu Shouwen
Yichang Festival Envoy [12]
Liu Shouqi
After the extermination of Jie Yan, he turned to Liao Jie Yan [12]

Historical records

New Tang Dynasty Book ·Volume 212 · Biography 130 [10]