
Principality of Liechtenstein
zero Useful+1
Principality of Liechtenstein( German : F ü rstentum Liechtenstein), referred to as "Liechtenstein", located in The Alps A landlocked country in central China and the Rhine Valley. Switzerland to the west and Switzerland to the east Austria It covers an area of 160 square kilometers. The climate is mild, with an average temperature of 1.1 ℃ in January and 19.9 ℃ in July. Liechtenstein divides the country into 11 districts (all of which are first level administrative regions), and the capital is Vaduz In December 2022, Liechtenstein has a population of 39680. [2]
The territory of Liechtenstein was once Imperium Romanum Rhaetia (Raetia) part of a province. In January 1719, the Holy Roman Emperor charles vi Combine the Schneileberg Manor and Vaduz County to form an independent small principality, named Liechtenstein; During the Napoleonic War from 1800 to 1815, Liechtenstein was the First French Empire and Russian Empire Aggression; In 1806, Liechtenstein became Sovereign state And gained independence in 1866. [2]
Liechtenstein was originally a poor agricultural country. Most people were engaged in animal husbandry, but only small-scale industries such as textiles and ceramics. After the war, it gradually developed into a developed industrial country. Industry is the pillar of the national economy, and more than 95% of industrial products are exported. The financial industry is developed, with 14 banks. In 2019, the net income was 350 million Swiss francs, and the amount of funds managed by banks was 174.2 billion Swiss francs. Since the issuance of stamps in 1912, stamps in various countries are famous and also one of the important sources of national finance. In 2020, GDP: 5.7 billion Swiss francs. [2]
Chinese name
Principality of Liechtenstein [2]
Foreign name
Principality of Liechtenstein
Vaduz [2]
major city
Shane Trison Aishen Maolun Trisenberg Ruggell Gamblin etc. [2]
National Day
August 15th [2]
National anthem
On the young Rhine
Country code
official language
German [2]
Time zone
Political system
Constitutional monarchy [2]
National leaders
Hans Adam II [2] Duke Adrian Hassler (Prime Minister)
population size
39680 persons [1-2] [28-29] (December 2022)
Population density
238.4 persons/km2 [1] [23] (2020)
Major ethnic groups
Major religions
Catholicism [2]
land area
160 km² [2]
Water area rate
International telephone area code
four hundred and twenty-three
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
National flower
Crotalaria pallida
National Motto
"For God, the Prince and the motherland"
Featured products
Major universities
University of Liechtenstein
gross domestic product
CHF 5.7 billion (2020)

Historical evolution



The territory of Liechtenstein was once Imperium Romanum Part of the Riyadh Province. Later, Liechtenstein was successively Horne Ames The manor of the Earl (Hohenems). Liechtenstein is a descendant of the Alemanni people, who settled in the area about 500 years ago.
The name of Liechtenstein originated in the early 18th century. John Adam, the archduke of Liechtenstein from Vienna, Austria, bought two pieces Manor Schnellerberg (1699) and Vaduz (1713), and became a member of the Holy Roman Empire.
On January 23, 1719, the Holy Roman Emperor charles vi (Karl VI) merged the Schneileberg Manor and Vaduz County to form an independent small principality, which was named Liechtenstein.

Modern times

1800-1815 Napoleonic Wars During this period, Liechtenstein was the First French Empire and Russian Empire Aggression; Controlled by Napoleon from 1805 to 1814“ Rhine League ”Members.
In 1806, Liechtenstein became a sovereign country.
In 1815, he joined“ German Confederation ”。
In 1866, Liechtenstein declared independence and has remained neutral ever since.
In 1852, Liechtenstein and Austro Hungarian Empire The tariff treaty was signed and ended with the collapse of the Austro Hungarian Empire in 1919.
In 1919, Liechtenstein appointed Switzerland as the sole agent of the country's foreign relations (national defense and foreign affairs), forming a neutral alliance.
In 1923, Liechtenstein and Switzerland A tariff treaty was signed, the border between the two countries was opened, a common economic zone was established, and a unified currency was used—— CHF
In 1938, Duke FranzJosef II came into power and became the first Duke of the country.
In September 1988, China It has established direct diplomatic relations with Liechtenstein.
In 1993, Liechtenstein passed the vote of no confidence in the new Prime Minister, the Parliament was dissolved, and a new government was elected.
In 1990, Liechtenstein joined the United Nations
Since August 1995, the Duke has held constitutional negotiation with the Parliament on the distribution of power among the Duke, the government and the parliament.
In March 2003, the constitutional amendment proposed by Duke Hans Adam II was passed by referendum; The new Constitution came into force on August 14 of the same year.
In 2013, the new government of Liechtenstein was established, which is jointly composed of the Radical Public Democratic Party and the Motherland Alliance. The policy of the next four years is based on the cooperation agreement between the two parties. [2-3]

geographical environment


Regional location

Liechtenstein is one of the few small countries in Europe, with a total land area of only 160.5 square kilometers. It is located in The Alps Central and Central Europe Rhine Landlocked countries on the upstream east coast; To the west Switzerland , bounded by the Rhine River to the east Austria National capital Vaduz The central point is located at 47 ° 09 'north latitude and 9 ° 31' east longitude, covering an area of 160 square kilometers. [2]

topographic features

The west of Liechtenstein is a long and narrow alluvial plain, accounting for about 40% of the total area. The rest is mountainous. The highest point in the country is Grauspitz (2599m) in the southern Retia Mountains. The lowest elevation in Liechtenstein is RuggellerRiet, 430 meters above sea level. [4]

Climatic characteristics

Liechtenstein has a temperate continental climate, with a mild climate. The average temperature is 1.1 ℃ in January, 19.9 ℃ in July, and - 2.2 ℃ in some regions in January. Liechtenstein has a mild and humid climate, with an annual precipitation of about 1000 mm. The precipitation in February is the lowest time of the year, about 95 mm; It can reach 181mm in July, which is the time when the precipitation is the most in the whole year.


The main rivers in Liechtenstein are Rhine The only natural lake is the GambrinerSeele Lake caused by the erosion of the flooded Rhine River in 1927. The lake is 435 meters above sea level, with a surface area of 2.6 hectares, an average depth of 3 meters and the deepest depth of 6 meters. [5-6]

natural resources

mineral resources
Liechtenstein is short of mineral resources and has a certain number of marble mines. [7]
Forest resources
In 2010, Liechtenstein's forest area was 70 square kilometers, with a forest coverage rate of 43.8%. [7]
land resource
In 2005, the arable land area of Liechtenstein was about 40 square kilometers, accounting for 25% of the country's total land area. [7]

administrative division


Zoning Details

Map of the Principality of Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein divides the country into 11 districts (all of which are first level administrative districts), most of which actually only contain a single town.
Liechtenstein First Administrative Region: Vaduz (Vaduz)、 Shane (Schaan)、 Barthes (Balzers)、 Trison (Triesen)、 Aishen (Eschen)、 Maolun (Mauren)、 Trisenberg (Triesenberg)、 Ruggell (Ruggell)、 Gamblin (Gambrin), Schellenberg, Planken.

Introduction to the Capital

Vaduz Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein, the political, economic and cultural center of the country, and the largest city and tourist center in the country. Population 5229 (2021) It is located on the east bank of the Rhine River, in a basin surrounded by mountains. There are no high-rise buildings in the city. There are various shops, hotels, post offices, museums and hospitals.

National symbol


national flag

Liechtenstein national flag
Liechtenstein national flag It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 5:3. It is composed of two parallel and equal horizontal rectangles, blue at the top and red at the bottom. There is a golden crown on the upper left corner. Liechtenstein is a hereditary constitutional monarchy. The blue and red colors on the national flag come from the colors of the prince's flag of the Principality. Blue symbolizes the blue sky, and red symbolizes the fire on the ground at night. The crown on the flag is Holy Roman Empire The crown was added in 1937 to distinguish it from the national flag of Haiti. The crown is also the symbol of the Holy Roman Empire, because Liechtenstein was once the manor of the royal princes of the Holy Roman Empire in history.

national emblem

Liechtenstein National Emblem
Liechtenstein National Emblem It is cape type. The top of the cloak is a crown of the Holy Roman Empire, and the inside of the cloak is the coat of arms. There are six groups of patterns on the shield: an eagle with a crown on the upper left corner, symbolizing Silesia; In the upper right corner is the crown ornament, which symbolizes the Kueringer family (an Austrian family, and the Liechtenstein family is the successor); The lower left corner is a small red and white shield, symbolizing the principality of Tropao; At the lower right corner is an eagle wearing a crown and disguised as a human face, symbolizing Ritterberg; The small shield in the center of the shield face is composed of yellow and red, symbolizing the Liechtenstein family; The blue bottom at the lower end of the small shield is painted with a gold horn, symbolizing the principality of Hunter Village. The whole shield pattern records the historical process of the royal family of the Principality from generation to generation.

national anthem

Liechtenstein National Anthem《 On the young Rhine 》The melody of British National Anthem God bless the Queen 》。 "God Bless the Queen" was written in 1745, and it was originally a tribute to the British Queen; Because of the extensive colonial scope of Britain and the strong nationalistic color of this song, it has been filled with different words as the national anthem of many countries. [8]
Lyrics of On the Young Rhine: Lying on the bank of the Rhine, with its back against the Alps, Liechtenstein. This beloved hometown, this beloved hometown, God has chosen this blessed place for us. This beloved hometown, this beloved hometown, God has chosen this cave for us. [9]

national flower

The national flower of Liechtenstein
The national flower of Liechtenstein is Crotalaria pallida Yellow lily, also known as wild lily, bell jar, mountain lily, medicinal lily and domestic lily, is a perennial bulbous herbaceous flower with a plant height of 40-60cm, and its stem is upright and unbranched. There are bulbs underground. The bulbs are wide ovate or lanceolate, white or light yellow. The diameter of the bulbs is 6-8 cm, and the fleshy scales form a ball. There is a membranous layer outside. Most fibrous roots originate at the base of the bulb. The flowers grow on the top of the stem in clusters or single racemes. The corolla is large, the tube is long, and it is funnel shaped and trumpet shaped. It has six lobes without sepals. Because the stem is thin and the flowers are large, they often droop or stretch when opening; The decor is yellow. [10]


In December 2022, Liechtenstein has a population of 39680, of which 34.4% are foreigners, mainly from Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Italy. [2] [27] The ethnic groups in Liechtenstein are mainly Germanic nationality




The constitutional monarchy of parliamentary democracy is implemented, and the duke has the highest power. The people exercise their political rights by electing members of parliament, taking initiatives and participating in referendums. In 2021, a new government was established, which was jointly composed of the Radical Public Democratic Party and the Motherland Alliance.


Liechtenstein Parliament Building
The Liechtenstein Parliament has a unicameral system. The people directly elect the parliament. The speaker is the highest representative of the people. The parliament participates in legislation and concludes national treaties, takes charge of finance, and supervises the government. The term of office of the Parliament is four years. The Speaker is re elected once a year. The current Speaker, Albert Frick. The Speaker and Members are part-time. The current parliament will be formed in February 2021, with 25 members, 10 members from the Radical Public Democratic Party, 10 members from the Motherland Alliance, 3 members from the Freedom List, and 2 members from the Independent Party.


Government of Liechtenstein It is composed of five members, appointed by the Duke on the recommendation of Parliament, and has a term of office of four years. The current government will be formed in March 2021. Daniel Risch, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Sabine Monauni, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Economy and Environment, Graziella Marok Wachter, Government Member and Minister of Infrastructure and Justice, Government Member and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dominique Hasler, Minister of Education and Sports (female), Manuel Frick, member of the government and Minister of Society and Culture.


There are 4 main political parties:
(1) Fortschrittliche B ü rgerpartei, founded in 1918. Rainer Gopp, Chairman.
(2) Vaterl ä ndische Union, founded in 1936. Chairman Thomas Zwiefelhofer.
(3) The Free List, founded in 1986, is composed of young intellectuals and environmentalists. He entered Parliament for the first time in 1993. The presidium is composed of five members.
(4) The Independent Party (Die Unabh ä ngigen), established to participate in the 2013 general election, is composed of 10 independent candidates. It won 4 seats when it entered the parliament for the first time. Harry Quaderer, the party chairman.


Duke Hans Adam II
Duke Hans Adam II: Head of State. Born in February 1945. He studied in Vienna and St. Gallen, Switzerland, and received vocational training in a bank in London. Received a bachelor's degree in economics. In August 1984, his father Franz Joseph II delegated most of his powers to him, and he was responsible for government affairs. Joseph II died on November 13, 1989. On the same day, Hans Adam announced his succession and named him Hans Adam II. He has expertise in finance and economy and advocates active participation in international affairs. After taking office, he successively joined the United Nations, the European Free Trade Association and the European Economic Area. Married with 4 children.
Regent Prince Alois: Born in June 1968. In 1987, he went to study at the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, England, and served in Hong Kong and London. Received a Master of Law degree from the University of Salzburg, Austria. From 1993 to 1996, he worked in an economic evaluation company in London. On August 15, 1990, he was sworn in as heir to the Duke. Regent since August 15, 2004. Married, with three sons and one daughter.


The Constitution stipulates that the national system of government is constitutional monarchy, and the head of state is hereditary. The old constitution was enacted on October 5, 1921. Since September 1995, the Duke and the Parliament have been engaged in constitutional amendment negotiations on the distribution of power among the Duke, the government and the Parliament. After hard bargaining, in March 2003, the constitutional amendment proposed by Duke Hans Adam II was passed by referendum. The new Constitution came into force on August 14, 2003.


There are three levels of courts in Liechtenstein: the District Court, the Intermediate Court and the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has five judges, who are appointed by the Duke according to the recommendation of the Parliament. The term of office is four years, and the president is Hubertus Schumacher. [2]




Originally a poor agricultural country, most people engaged in animal husbandry, only small-scale textile and ceramics industries. After the war, it gradually developed into a developed industrial country. Industry is the pillar of the national economy, and more than 95% of industrial products are exported. The financial industry is developed, with 12 banks. The net income in 2021 will be 238 million Swiss francs, and the amount of funds managed by banks will be 2006 billion Swiss francs. Since the issuance of stamps in 1912, stamps in various countries are famous and also one of the important sources of national finance. The main economic data are as follows:
GDP: 6.6 billion Swiss francs (2021)
Per capita GDP: 145000 Swiss francs
GDP growth rate:+9.2% (2021)
Currency name: Swiss franc, 1 Swiss franc=100 children
Inflation rate: 2.8% (2022)
Unemployment rate: 1.3% (2022) [30]


Liechtenstein has developed industries, mainly including metal processing, machinery, instrument manufacturing, ceramics, chemical industry, medicine, electronics, textile and food processing. Vacuum coating products, nail guns used in shipbuilding and construction industries, drilling machines and denture products enjoy international reputation. Industrial products are of high quality and competitive, and are mainly exported to European and American countries. [2]


The agricultural land area is 35.9 square kilometers, accounting for 22.4% of the total land area. It mainly grows potatoes, corn and grapes. 45% of agricultural gross output value comes from the milk industry.


The service industry is developed, mainly including tourism, finance and insurance. [26] In 2010, there were 12321 employees, accounting for 58.6% of the total. In 2011, the output value reached 3.83 billion Swiss francs, accounting for 71.27% of GDP. [11]


Liechtenstein It is located in the north-south traffic artery of Europe, with beautiful natural scenery, the unique charm of the "pocket country", the royal collection exhibition and alpine ski resort, which create favorable conditions for the development of tourism.


The fiscal revenue and expenditure of the government in recent years are as follows: (Unit: 100 million Swiss francs) [2]
two thousand and eighteen
two thousand and nineteen
two thousand and twenty
two thousand and twenty-one
seventeen point five one
eighteen point one six
twenty-three point two nine
sixteen point six three
fifteen point five one
fifteen point seven two
eighteen point eight three
fourteen point eight six
two point four four
four point four six
one point seven seven
Source: Liechtenstein Bureau of Statistics [29]

foreign trade

two In 021, the total import and export volume was 5.35 billion Swiss francs (excluding trade with Switzerland), of which the import volume was 1.85 billion Swiss francs, up 12.6% year on year, and the export volume was 3.5 billion Swiss francs, up 22.9% year on year. The main trading partners are Switzerland, Germany and the United States.


Liechtenstein began printing stamps in 1912. Facing the economic depression after World War II, Liechtenstein decided to activate the national economy by issuing stamps. It is famous for issuing beautiful stamps. The stamp industry plays an important role in Liechtenstein's national economy, accounting for about 10% of the fiscal revenue. As of 2012, Liechtenstein has 30000 stamp collectors worldwide. [12-13]




The common language in Liechtenstein is German Although the standard German is taught and written in schools, the spoken language is Alemannic dialect. This dialect is somewhat similar to Swiss, and people in other German speaking countries sound laborious. The speeches of one village are different from those of another. Tiesenberg Mountain Tribe was founded by the residents of southwest Switzerland in the 13th century, so their descendants still speak Walser dialect. The foreign languages taught in foreign schools are English and French. [14]


Liechtenstein regards many Catholic holidays as public holidays: Epiphany Day on January 6, Candle Day on February 2, STJoseph on March 19, Easter, Ascension, Whitmonday, Corpus Christi, Nativity of our lady Day on September 8, All saints Day on November 1, Immaculate Concept Day on December 8, and Christmas Day on December 24-26. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year in the country. During Christmas, the whole family gathered under the Christmas tree to give gifts to each other. People revel at Christmas and visit relatives and friends on December 26. In addition to religious festivals, New Year's Day and May Day are also public holidays. August 15 is the National Day. The second Sunday in May is Mother's Day. Many ancient folk festivals are preserved, such as Funkasuntig and Fasnacht. [14]

Clothes & Accessories

Liechtenstein people generally dress well and neatly. They prefer European fashions, which are more colorful than American ones. Slovenly appearance and casual clothes are not welcome here. The traditional national costume is only worn on specific occasions, and women are the majority. The typical women's national costume consists of a combination coat, a long skirt, an apron and a scarf. Men's ethnic costumes include breeches, horse clips and flat black hats. [14]


Liechtenstein people usually have lunch at noon and dinner from 6:00 to 7:00. Dining out is usually at 8:00 p.m. The way of eating is the way of the European continent, with a fork in the left hand and a knife in the right hand. Soft foods such as potatoes and fish are usually served with forks. It is often considered impolite to eat leftovers. If you want another after eating, it means that you praise the chef's skill. After use, place the tableware on the plate one by one. When you eat in a restaurant, you don't take the leftovers home. Many people drink mineral water, white wine or beer when eating. However, rice is not usually served when soft drinks are drunk. [14]
Breakfast is usually composed of bread, jam and coffee. There are many kinds of bread. Chinese food is usually a soup or salad, a main dish, and some desserts. The dinner is often a cream sandwich and meat. Dinner is more abundant when holding a dinner party or dining in a restaurant. Riebel is a national dish. It is made by mixing cornmeal with beef, water and salt and frying them in a frying pan. Other representative national dishes include KTISKNOPFLE, Rosti, etc. [14]


● Say hello
Greeting and shaking hands is a common way of greeting in Liechtenstein. Waving or nodding with people on the roadside is also an acceptable way of greeting. Verbal greetings are also common on the street or in shops. Greeting strangers is usually in Swiss German Grilezi or Austrian German Griiss Gott, both of which mean welcome. Hoi is usually used to greet friends and acquaintances. People often use surnames to address each other, and young people use their first names directly, but this is only suitable for addressing local residents rather than foreigners. Duke is called Ihu} chlaucht, and other language titles are also accepted; Keeping silent is considered impolite. English, French and Italian are generally acceptable. [14]
● Behaviour
Liechtenstein people try not to gesture when they are behaving and talking, but it is impolite to put their hands in their pockets when talking. Take off gloves before shaking hands. It is a contemptuous gesture to point the forefinger at someone's head. Personal hygiene, such as nail cutting, should be avoided in public. Be sure to cover your mouth when yawning. Cross your legs when sitting. People in all countries often drink alcoholic drinks. Whether at home or in a restaurant, a toast is essential. It is extremely impolite to start drinking before the host makes a toast. Only when all the guests' glasses are filled can the host start toasting. After the first toast, all guests can drink and toast freely. [14]
● Visit
Liechtenstein people believe that punctuality is very important for business gatherings. Guests invited to the banquet should not exceed a quarter of an hour at the latest. When visiting, they usually bring flowers, candy or a bottle of wine. When presenting flowers to the hostess, the flowers must be unpacked, except for other small gifts. Red roses are only suitable for romantic occasions. In formal occasions, guests can only sit down after being invited. Even for a short visit, the host should prepare coffee, beer, white wine or mineral water for the guests. It is necessary to say hello before visiting. Only neighbors, relatives and friends can become uninvited guests. Those invited to dinner can stay at night, and the time of day visit should not be too long. [14]


Liechtenstein's Constitution provides for citizens' freedom of religious belief. 88% of the country's residents believe in Roman Catholicism. The Catholic Church is a national church. Pastors are employed by the community. About 12% of the residents believe in other religions or not. Religion has some influence on daily life. But since the end of the 20th century, people have become more and more free from religious constraints. [14]


Liechtenstein National Police Badge
The army was abolished in 1868. According to the Constitution, in an emergency, "every citizen (under 60 years of age) with armed capacity" has the obligation to defend the motherland. In 1933, the "Liechtenstein Security Corps" was established, and now there are more than 120 policemen. [2]


Liechtenstein Highway
Liechtenstein has a well-developed road network, and private cars are the main means of transportation. There is only one railway in the country, which is operated by the Austrian Federal Railway Corporation. The channels connecting with the world are Swiss railway station and Autobahn highway. The nearest international airport is Zurich Airport in Switzerland. [14]




There are mainly three newspapers in Liechtenstein: Liechtenstein People's Daily, Liechtenstein Motherland Daily and Liechtenstein Weekly. The first private radio station was established in 1955. In March 1998, the establishment of the first private television station was approved. [2]


2 years in kindergarten, 5 years in primary school, 4 years in junior high school and 4 years in senior high school. Most middle school graduates go to Switzerland and Austria for college. In 2000, Liechtenstein University of Humanities and Sciences, the first institution of higher learning, was officially established, with two disciplines of psychology and neurology. Cooperate with Switzerland in vocational education. There is a music school. In 2020/2021, there will be about 881 college students, 4728 students in primary and secondary schools and "special schools", and about 765 teachers.


Liechtenstein has a long tradition of sports, especially in winter sports. Teshoup He is a Liechtenstein Marathon athlete and participated in many competitions such as the 2007 Osaka World Athletics Championships. In 1936, Liechtenstein participated in the 11th Summer Olympic Games. Since then, Liechtenstein has participated in all Olympic Games except the Moscow Olympic Games; In the 1980 Winter Olympic Games, Liechtenstein won two gold medals, and surpassed Norway, Germany, Italy and other traditional powers to enter the top six medal table. The country sent two representatives to participate in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. [15-17]

medical care

There are many private doctors in Liechtenstein, which provide medical security for the people of the country. There is a small hospital in the countries. At the same time, the countries have signed a bed security agreement with the neighboring hospitals in Switzerland and Austria. [14]

International Relations


foreign policy

Permanent neutrality, attachment to Switzerland, and active participation in international activities according to the possibility and national interests are the three pillars of foreign policy. It is a member of the United Nations, the European Commission, the European Free Trade Association and the European Economic Area. [30]

external relations

● Overview
Liechtenstein is a member of the United Nations, the European Commission, the European Free Trade Association and the European Economic Area, and has established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level with 70 countries. In 2003, Lebanon was active in diplomacy Switzerland Austria The traditional relations and close contacts with neighboring countries such as Cuba and Cuba have also been strengthened through high-level exchanges of visits Panama Costa Rica And other developing countries. To further strengthen relations with European Union countries, in the second half of 2003, the rotating presidency of the European Economic Area presided over the expansion negotiations of the European Economic Area and the 20th Ministerial Council of the European Economic Area. His Government also provided humanitarian assistance to the International Red Cross, the United Nations Population Fund, Iraqi civilians, Austrian aid organizations, the Czech Government, etc. And further strengthen relations with the United States. [18]
On January 1, 2023, Liechtenstein will serve as a member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council for one year. [25]
● Relations with Switzerland
Liechtenstein has very close relations with Switzerland. It only has an embassy in Switzerland, and its foreign affairs and interests abroad are represented by Swiss officials. Since 1919, Swiss agencies abroad have represented interests abroad; In 1924, Lie entered into a customs union with Switzerland, and from then on, tariffs were managed by Switzerland. [19-20]
● Relations with China
According to the agreement signed between the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Swiss Confederation in 1919 and the exchange of letters between the Swiss Embassy in China and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in 1951, when China and Switzerland established diplomatic relations on September 14, 1950, the two countries established diplomatic relations at the same time.
In September 1988, China appointed its first consul general to a foreign country (concurrently served by the Chinese consul general in Zurich).
In 1988, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhou Nan visited Lebanon.
In October 1990, Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen met with Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Blonhart of various countries at the UN General Assembly.
In 1997, Vice Foreign Minister Wang Yingfan paid a visit to Lebanon.
In September 1995, Foreign Minister Andrea Villy came to China to attend the Fourth World Conference on Women.
In September 2000, on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Lebanon, President Jiang Zemin exchanged congratulatory messages with the head of state and Duke Hans Adam II of Lebanon, as well as Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and Foreign Minister Andrea Willi.
In October 2002, Hans Adam II, Duke of Lie, paid a private visit to Shanghai.
In September 2005, the delegation of the State Postal Administration of China visited Lebanon and was received by Crown Prince Alois.
In February 2006, Wen Jiabao The Premier sent a letter to Crown Prince Alois, inviting him to participate in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.
At the end of October 2007, at the invitation of Yuan Longping, director of the National Hybrid Rice Engineering Technology Research Center, Duke Hans Adam II, head of state of Liechtenstein, paid a private visit to Guilin, Changsha, Xi'an and Beijing.
In January 2008, Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan visited and was welcomed by government officials during his attendance at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos.
In April 2008, the Shanghai World Expo delegation visited Liechtenstein; In June, Liechtenstein published two sets of stamps with the theme of Beijing Olympic Games; In August, Princess Nora of Liechtenstein came to China as a member of the International Olympic Committee to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games; In November, the Malaysian government decided to participate in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, and officially confirmed its participation in May 2009; In September, Duke Hans Adam II again paid an informal visit to China at the invitation of Yuan Longping.
In May 2010, Frick, a member of the government and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Culture and Justice of the Republic of China, came to China to participate in the "Global Women's Summit" and attend the Shanghai World Expo. Fu met in Beijing with Fu Ying, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wen, Vice Minister of Culture, and Zhang Sujun, Vice Minister of Justice; In September, Lieutenant Crown Prince Alois and Prime Minister Qutzer jointly came to China to attend the Liechtenstein National Pavilion Day at the Shanghai World Expo.
In June 2011, Vice Foreign Minister of China Fu Ying Train visit.
In October 2012, Ying, Director of National Hybrid Rice Engineering Technology Research Center Yuan Longping Invitation, Head of State of Liechtenstein Hans Adam II The Duke made a private visit to Hunan.
In November 2013, Liechtenstein Regent Prince Alois and Foreign Minister Frick came to China to attend the opening ceremony of the exhibition of royal treasures.
In September 2014, Liechtenstein Regent Prince Alois cut the ribbon for the opening of China Pavilion, the guest of honor of the 20th Liechtenstein Industrial, Commercial and Handicraft Expo. [21]
China Lebanon trade relations began in the 1950s. In recent years, bilateral economic and trade relations have developed steadily. The China Switzerland Free Trade Agreement, which came into force on July 1, 2014, is automatically applicable to the field of goods trade between China and Lebanon, effectively promoting trade between the two countries. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Lebanon will be 250 million US dollars, down 1.4% year on year. Among them, China's export was 40 million US dollars, down 35.6% year on year; Imports reached 210 million US dollars, up 9.9% year on year. By the end of 2021, China has approved a total of 40 investment projects in China by Liechtenstein enterprises, with the actual investment of 98 million US dollars. By the end of 2022, China has invested 27 million US dollars in direct investment, and the cumulative amount of self listed technology introduction is 160 million US dollars, with 102 projects.
Cultural exchanges between China and Lebanon began in the 1980s. Chinese literary, sports and other delegations have visited Lebanon, and painters of the two countries have also exchanged visits and exchanges. In May 1996 and August 1997, the two countries held stamp exhibitions in each other's countries. In September 2000, China National Philatelic Corporation and stamp bureaus of all countries jointly issued a commemorative cover commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Liechtenstein. In June 2004, China and Switzerland signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation of Tourism Destination Countries (including the list). In September 2004, the list officially became an outbound tourism destination for Chinese citizens. In May 2005, China and Liechtenstein jointly issued stamps. In June 2008, Lie published two sets of stamps with the theme of Beijing Olympic Games. In 2010, Lie published commemorative stamps with the theme of World Expo. From November 2013 to February 2014, the exhibition of royal treasures was held in Beijing and Shanghai. In September 2015, the Liechtenstein National Post Office issued commemorative stamps and covers for the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Liechtenstein to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two sides. In December 2019, the China National Art Museum and the Liechtenstein National Museum signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement. In September 2020, China National Philatelic Corporation issued commemorative stamps and envelopes for the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Liechtenstein, and the Liechtenstein National Post Office issued commemorative stamps and envelopes for the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Liechtenstein. [31]
● Relations with Belarus
On April 8, 2022, Liechtenstein was Belarus The government has been included in the "list of countries that have taken unfriendly actions against Belarusian legal entities and individuals". [24]


Main tourist attractions in Liechtenstein
brief introduction
Liechtenstein National Museum
The Liechtenstein National Museum is beautifully designed, where you can see the growth history of the Principality. Opening Hours: 10:00-17:00 from Tuesday, Thursday to Sunday; 10:00-20:00 on Wednesday.
Liechtenstein National Museum
The Stamp Museum displays all the stamps issued in Liechtenstein since 1912. The stamps printed in Liechtenstein are very exquisite and are one of the famous industries in the country. Opening Hours: 10:00-noon&13:00-17:00.
Stamp Museum
The Walzer Museum is located in the village of Trisenberg on the southeast mountain of Vaduz, and exhibits the migration history of Waldorian sects from the state of Valle, Switzerland. There is also a beautiful onion top church nearby. Opening Hours: 7:45-11:45&13:30-17:45 from Monday to Friday; Saturday 7:45-11:00&13:30-17:00.
Walzer Museum
Marburn is the only ski resort in Liechtenstein, at an altitude of about 1600 meters, at the end of the mountain winding road. The mountains around Marbon are called "the Alps of Liechtenstein".
The main collection of the Liechtenstein Museum of Art is local art, most of which are not long ago. Opening Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday to Sunday 10:00-17:00; 10:00-20:00 on Thursday.
Liechtenstein Museum of Art
Reference source: [22]