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Ley, current currency, is Romania Of currency Ley's Fractional currency by Barney , 1 Ley=100 Barney.
Chinese name
active Currency in circulation
1 Ley=100 Barney

exchange rate

1 euro ≈ 4.66 lei; One dollar ≈ 4.07 lei. [1]

Currency Overview

Romanian Ley (Romanian: Leu românesc complex Lei româ nesc, ISO 4217 code: RON , numeric code: nine hundred and forty-six ), is the official currency of Romania, and the fractional currency is called Bani( bani ), 1 Ley=100 Barney.


In the 17th century, it was popular in Romania Netherlands Gold coins, because these gold coins lion (lei) is the pattern, so Romanian residents generally call these coins "lei".
After the independence of Romania in 1867, Ley was determined as the official currency name, which stipulated that one Ley was worth 83.5% of 5 grams silver Or 0.29032g gold

Development history

Romanian lei coins
In modern 1878, the more robust Russian Ruble It gradually pushed Ley out of Romania's circulation channels. In order to change this situation, Romania accepted gold standard , and join Latin Monetary Union , Provisions silver coin The nominal value shall not exceed 50 lei.
In 1914, Romania gave up gold standard , which led to Ley's rapid depreciation
On February 7, 1929, the Romanian government announced that Ley and dollar The exchange rate is 1 US dollar to 167.20 lei. After that, the Romanian government devalued the Ley twice.
Romanian Ley (2005)
World War II the Second World War During this period, the Romanian government announced that Ley was changed to Deutschmark It was stipulated that 1 mark was converted into 49.50 lei, and then devalued to 59.5 lei.
postwar, Soviet Union The occupation of Romania stipulated that one rouble should be exchanged for 100 lei. After the withdrawal of the Soviet army, Ley depreciated sharply.
In the socialist period 1947, the Romanian government announced the release of the new Ley, which stipulated that New Ley Equal to 20000 Old Ley , between the new Ley and the US dollar exchange rate It is specified as 150:1.
In 1952, Romania issued the third version of Ley, which stipulated that deposits, cash, debts, etc. must be converted into new Ley at different exchange rates from 20:1 to 400:1.
In 1970, the Romanian government announced that the Ley was not convertible.
Romanian Ley (2005)
From then on until Eastern European upheaval Previously, Ley could only convert into foreign currency at the official exchange rate, which directly led to Romania's disastrous money supply Deficiency.
In 1989, after the drastic changes in Eastern Europe, Nicola Ceausescu After the collapse of the regime, Ley returned to Convertible currency , resulting in severe malignancy inflation From the initial exchange rate of one dollar for eight leis to the exchange rate of one euro for 40000 leis in September 2003. Only then did inflation be brought under control.
In July 2005, Romania issued the fourth edition of Ley, which stipulated that 10000 old Leies should be exchanged for 1 new Ley. In 2007, the old Ley officially withdrew Circulation field
Romania joined in 2007 european union , but has not joined the euro zone. [2]