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Classification order

The level at which a common range is determined by taxonomy
classification Order element (taxonomic category) is Biotaxonomy Determine the level of common scope. modern Biological classification Seven necessary orders are adopted: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species.
Chinese name
Classification order
Foreign name
taxonomic category
Determine the level of common scope
Order system
species genus section order Outline door circles

Basic knowledge

classification system yes Order system It usually includes 7 main levels: species, genus, family, order, class, phylum and kingdom. Species (species) are the basic units. Related species belong to genera, related genera belong to families, families belong to orders, orders belong to classes, classes belong to phyla, and phyla belong to boundaries. With the development of research, the classification level is increasing, and secondary units can be added up and down the unit, such as the total class (superclass) Subclass , sub program superorder (hypermesh) Suborder , sub item General Section (super science) subfamily wait. In addition, new units can be added, such as unit, group, tribe, group, etc., of which the most permanent is tribe, between subfamily and genus. Usually subspecies are classified, and only subspecies units are set for animals.
Species are basic Order element Similar, with Common origin Species, aggregated into genera; A similar genus of common origin grouped into families. To create a genus, you must Mode species Based on Type genus Both genera and families morphology and ecology The uniqueness of. The order above is the most stable, and there is little doubt about their common range. [1]


The animals living on the earth have been described and named about 1.5 million species, and more than 10000 new species are recorded every year. To study such a large number of animal species, we must applied science Of classification method First, distinguish, identify and name the animals, and summarize them into appropriate Classification order (i.e. classification grade), establish a classification system. So that we can identify species and clarify the genetic relationship And the systematic development of the animal kingdom.
Classification order
Taxonomy uses different grades to classify animals step by step according to the morphological similarities and differences between species and the closeness of evolutionary relations. In the animal classification system, the most basic order is species. Species is objective existence And occupies a certain space, including one with similar origin, basically similar in morphology and physiology, and male and female mating can produce offspring that are similar to their parents Animal population The general name of. Species are separated from each other in reproduction, that is, species cannot mate and reproduce, and even if they can mate and reproduce, their offspring are sterile. For example, if a horse and a donkey cross to produce a mule, the mule cannot have offspring, so the horse and the donkey are two different species. Therefore, species have relatively stable and clear boundaries and can be distinguished from other species. Species are also evolutionary. In the process of development and evolution, there are many intraspecific individuals variation When the variation increases to the characteristics of breakthrough species, new species may be formed.
In the classification system, the higher order of the species is the genus. Genus is a collection of species with common characteristics. The following genera form families, families form orders, orders form classes, and finally classes form phylum and phylum form boundary. Therefore, in the classification system, from large to small, there are several important classification levels: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. Subphyla, subclass, suborder, subfamily Subgenus And subspecies; On the basis of all levels, general classes, general orders, general families, etc. are established. [2]

give an example

Classification order insect The ownership of, including the classification location and Phylogeny They all have clear concepts. with striped rice borer For example:
Boundary: Animal kingdom Animalia
Doors: Arthropoda Arthropoda
Class: Insecta Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Department: Pyridae Pyralidae
Genus: Chilo
Species: striped rice borer Chilo suppressalis(Walker)
"Sub" can be set from boundary to species, such as Yamen (Subphylum)、 Suborder Suborder, subfamily, etc. Sometimes "Super" can be added to orders and families, such as Superorder and Superfamily. Between subfamily and genus, sometimes at Tribe level. In some taxonomy In his works, he once used the rank of "Cohort", some of which were between classes and orders, and some were between suborders and superfamily.

The boundary of biology and the position of animals in it

Biological boundary
The substances in nature are divided into biological and Abiotic Two categories. The former has metabolism Self replication Reproduction Growth and development genetic variation Inductivity And adaptability, etc Life phenomenon Therefore, Biological world Also called Vivicum. There are many kinds of creatures in various forms, about 2 million of which have been identified. As time goes by, the newly discovered species will increase year by year. Some people (R.C. Brusca et al., 1990) estimated that there are about 20 million to 50 million species to be discovered and named. In order to research and use such Rich and colorful In the biological world, people classify it into several different kingdoms. [3]
With the development of science, the demarcation of biology is deepening. In the Linnai era, creatures were mainly distinguished by the characteristics that could be observed with the naked eye. Carl von Linn é (1735) explicitly proposed the animal kingdom (Anim á lia) and Flora (Plantae) Two bound system This system was still adopted by most textbooks until the 1950s. After the microscope was widely used, many Unicellular organism Both animal and plant characteristics (such as Euglena Etc.), this Intermediate type The organism of is the evidence of evolution, but it is a difficult problem of classification. Therefore, J. Hogg (1860) and E.H. Haeckel (1866) will Protozoa (including bacteria algae , fungi and protozoan )Set up another boundary and propose protista (Protesta), plant kingdom, animal kingdom Triple bound system This view did not become popular until the 1960s and was adopted by some textbooks. [3]
Biological boundary
electron microscope The development of technology makes it possible for biologists to reveal bacteria blue-green algae The fine structure of cells, and found that it was significantly different from other organisms, so he proposed prokaryote (Prokaryote) and Eukaryote (Eukaryote). H.F. Copeland (1938) established prokaryotes as another boundary and proposed four boundary systems, namely Prokaryote (Monera), Protocosta (including Unicellular algae , simple multicellular Algae Myxomycetes , fungi and protozoa), Metaphyta and Metazoan Metazoa. With the improvement and wide application of electron microscopy technology and the accumulation of biochemical knowledge, the idea of setting prokaryotes as a world has gained widespread acceptance and become a modern organism System classification The foundation of. In 1969, R.H. Whittaker Cellular structure The complexity and nutrition mode of Five bound system He separated fungi from the plant kingdom and established another kingdom, namely the prokaryotic kingdom protista Fungal kingdom (Fungi), flora and fauna. This system was gradually widely adopted, and some textbooks were still in use until the 1990s (Xu Tu-1, 2, 3). [3]
Biological boundary
The evolutionary history of life has gone through several important stages, and the initial life is a non cellular form, that is, a non cellular stage. From non cell to cell is the second stage of biological development. The initial cells are Prokaryotic cell , by Prokaryote Organisms composed of cells are called prokaryotes (bacteria, cyanobacteria), from prokaryotes to Eukaryote It is the third stage of biological development, and the fourth stage of biological development is from single-cell eukaryotes to multicellular eukaryotes. The five boundaries system reflects Biological evolution And multicellular organism The three branches of the stage, namely, prokaryotes represent the primary stage of cells, protozoa represent the single-cell stage of eukaryotes (the advanced stage of cell structure), and then evolve to the eukaryotic multicellular stage, namely, plant kingdom, fungus kingdom and animal kingdom. Plants, fungi and animals represent three directions of evolution, namely autotrophic Saprophytic and Heterotrophic [3]
Biological boundary [3]
The five boundaries system does not reflect Acellular organism Phase. Famous entomologist in China Chen Shixiang (1979) proposed three general boundaries Six bound system , that is, the total non cellular boundary (including Viruses Boundary), the former nuclear total boundary (including Bacterial kingdom and Cyanophyceae ), Eukaryotic kingdom (including plant kingdom, fungus kingdom and animal kingdom) (Xu Biao-1). Some scholars think it is unnecessary protista The algae and protozoa are divided into the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom, forming a relatively compact four kingdom system. Other scholars advocate expanding the kingdom of protozoa to include fungi as another four kingdom system. Since virus is a kind of non cellular organism, it is still uncertain whether it is the original type or the secondary type. Therefore, scholars still have controversy about the view that virus is included as one of the original life types.
In recent years, some scholars have proposed a six world system different from the above six worlds (such as R.C. Brusca et al., 1990), which will Archaea Another boundary, namely Prokaryote Biosphere Palaeobacteria (Archaebateria, also translated as Protobacteria , including anaerobic Methanogenic bacteria Etc.), protozoa, fungi, plants and animals. Another scholar (T. Ca valier Smith, 1989) proposed an eight kingdom system, which divided prokaryotes into archaea Eubacteria Eubacteria, which divides eukaryotes into two super realms: paleoeukaryote and metakaryota. The former super realm contains only one realm, namely Archezoa, while the latter super realm includes protozoa and Chromista, which includes Cryptophyte Cryptophyta and Chromophyta Subrealm ), plant kingdom, fungus kingdom, animal kingdom. Some scholars believe that this boundary system is more reasonable and clear. [3]
To sum up, we can see that there is no unified opinion on the biological boundary. But anyway, from 3 billion years ancient extinct life Of Fossil record Or the current living conditions on the earth; From morphological comparison, physiological and biochemical examples, it reveals the evolutionary direction of organisms from prokaryotic to eukaryotic, from simple to complex, from low to high. The biological boundary shows the development process of life history. [3]
The relationship between organisms is complex, but their basic requirements for survival are nothing more than taking food to obtain energy, occupying a certain space and reproducing offspring. There are many ways for biology to solve these problems. In terms of access to nutrition carbon dioxide inorganic salt And the food needed for energy synthesis Autotroph Green plants and Purple bacterium They are autotrophs. Therefore, plants are the producers of food, and the food connection between organisms starts from this. Animals must obtain nutrition from autotrophs Phytophagous Animals eat, and the latter is Carnivorous animal Therefore, animals belong to the heterotrophic type of predatory feeding, and are food consumers in the biological world. Fungi are decomposing and absorbing nutrients, and they are in the status of reducers. All these show that the three kingdoms of life are the most basic, and they are interrelated in terms of nutrition during evolution and development entirety And systematic, and biological ecosystem In coordination with each other Material cycle And energy flow process. [3]