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Secretory type

Blood group substance
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Secretory type SecretorABO blood group substances, like blood, can be secreted in saliva, semen, gastric juice and other secretions by some individuals, while almost not by others. The former is called secretory (Se) type, and the latter is called non secretory (se) type.
Chinese name
Secretory type
Foreign name
Like blood
Secreted in
Saliva, semen, gastric juice and other secretions
Secretory type It can be divided into secretory (Se) type and non secretory (se) type. The occurrence rate of the two types is about 8 ∶ 2, which is constant in every individual and obeys Mendel's law. The Se type gene is dominant inheritance, while the se type gene is recessive inheritance. The difference between the Se type and the se type can be regarded as a blood type, so it is specially called the Se type. Like other blood types, this blood type can not only be used for personal identification and genetic relationship prediction in forensic medicine, but also can be used to predict blood type according to the Se type of secretion in clinic, so it is widely used. To determine Se and se blood groups, it is necessary to compare ABO blood group substances in red blood cells and secretions. Therefore, if conditions permit, it is easier to use the precipitation reaction caused by anti A, anti B and anti H precipitin. However, under the condition that the precipitation reaction is not clear, the so-called agglutination blocking test needs to be carried out. That is to add secretions to specific antiserum, and check whether anti A, anti B or H agglutinin in antiserum is absorbed and removed by antigen antibody reaction to type A, B or O red blood cells.