Analytical Psychology

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Analytical psychology was born in the early 20th century as a deep psychology to explore the original image of human mind. Its founder—— Switzerland Psychiatrist psychoanalysis Carl, the representative of· Jung Is in the Freud Based on the discovery of human unconsciousness, according to their own personal experience and a large number of observations and extensive research on clinical patients Religious mythology Later, he put forward a set of persuasive theories on the deep structure of human mind [1]
Chinese name
Analytical Psychology
Foreign name
Analytic psychology
Jungian psychology or archetypal psychology
Tradition school, development school, prototype school
Date of birth
Early 20th century

Professional Introduction

Analytical psychology was born in the early 20th century to explore the original image of the human mind. Its founder, Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and representative of psychoanalysis, was based on Freud's discovery of human unconsciousness, Based on my own experience and a large number of observations and extensive research on the religious myths of various ethnic groups, I put forward a set of persuasive theories on the deep structure of human mind. This theory outlines the original appearance of human mind, and builds a psychological bridge between the past and the modern, East and West. [1]

Theoretical framework

In the system of analytical psychology, the mind is regarded as the totality of personality, which includes all conscious and unconscious thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Jung believed that personality has inherent integrity. What human beings should do is to protect this integrity and avoid its fragmentation into various independent and conflicting structural systems; Further develop this inherent personality as a whole to achieve the greatest possible differentiation, integration and coordination, and achieve the ultimate sense of spiritual unity. Jung's view is related to his discovery of the structure of human mind. Jung believes that the mind as a whole consists of three levels: consciousness Individual unconsciousness and Collective unconsciousness They have their own meanings and functions.
Individual unconsciousness contains all kinds of mental activities and accidental experiences that are inconsistent with the individualized function of consciousness. It represents an autonomous structure—— complex It has its own internal drive, just like a small personality structure that exists independently in the overall personality, and has a very strong influence on controlling our thoughts and behaviors.
Collective unconsciousness is composed of instinct and prototype. In the deepest part of human soul, it is a common base that transcends all cultures and consciousness. All conscious and unconscious phenomena originate from collective unconsciousness. [1]


The essence of consciousness is to distinguish between self and non self, subject and object, affirmation and negation, etc; Produce a value standard to measure good and bad, to make people get rid of the original state and have human dignity.
Consciousness is the only part of the mind that can be directly perceived by individuals. Jung believed that it appeared in the early life, even before birth. "The whole essence of consciousness is to distinguish between self and non self, subject and object, affirmation and negation, etc. The separation of things into opposites is entirely due to the differentiation of consciousness. Only consciousness can recognize appropriate things and distinguish them from inappropriate and worthless things." [2] This separation of opposites produces a value standard to measure good and bad, and to make people get rid of the original state and have special human dignity. Therefore, where there is no consciousness, there is still the prevalence of purely unconscious instinctive life, where there is no reflection, no approval and opposition, no separation; There are only simple events, self instinctive adjustment and status quo reconciliation.
For human beings, consciousness has a symbolic light. Its full development and differentiation lead to the production of individual consciousness and self, giving consistency and continuity to personality, so that people will feel that I am the same person today as I was yesterday. The process of human's individual growth is the development of consciousness. As more unknown things are discovered and mastered by consciousness, individuals become more and more independent and perfect. If a person is indifferent to himself and the world around him, he cannot reach a higher degree of individualization. Another important value of the lightness of consciousness is related to human efforts to recognize and assimilate the unconscious. It is a creative process for the unconscious to become conscious. Jung believed that from ancient times, the creative significance of this process was the theme of the hero myth. These heroes have extraordinary qualities and fight against and defeat the dark forces who are trying to destroy themselves. The symbolic meaning of its action is that, driven by the desire for spiritual regeneration, human beings are engaged in a hard and risky campaign to conquer the unconscious fatal attraction and realize a new life and new brightness. Jung said that the sublimation of heroes means the renewal of light, so it shows that consciousness gets rebirth from darkness (that is, returning to unconsciousness). [3]
In terms of practice, consciousness, as the existence of brightness in the process of human spirit, is indispensable for both education and psychotherapy. Only by learning and expanding the scope of consciousness can individuals achieve full development; Only through their own discrimination can patients eliminate symptoms. Finally, in the process of psychoanalysis, consciousness is always the decisive factor.

Individual unconsciousness

The individual unconscious is a container that contains and accommodates all mental activities and all kinds of once temporary conscious experiences that are inconsistent with the individualized function of consciousness, including the content that has been suppressed or ignored for various reasons, such as painful thoughts, pending problems, interpersonal conflicts and moral anxiety. There are also some experiences that are irrelevant or insignificant to people. Because their own strength is too weak, when people experience them, they cannot reach the level of consciousness or remain in consciousness, so they are stored in the individual unconscious. All these constitute the content of the individual unconscious. When needed, these contents usually reach the consciousness level easily. Jung found through word association test that there were various ethnic groups related to emotion, thinking and memory in the unconscious, which he called complex. Any word that touches these complexes will cause an involuntary delay reaction, indicating that complex is an autonomous structure with its own internal drive, just like a smaller personality structure that exists independently in the overall personality. These complexes have a very powerful influence on controlling our thoughts and behaviors. For Jung, the ego constitutes the core of the field of consciousness, and is the subject of all conscious behaviors of individuals, showing a high degree of continuity and identity. But the ego is not the whole personality, it is just a kind of conceptual complex, which is parallel to other complexes. They are related to each other and relatively independent. Some complexes even do not connect with the ego at all, or this connection is extremely rare. [4] The spirit of self complex closely interweaves to ensure the unity of personality, thus maintaining human mental health. As long as the conscious self is in harmony with the unconscious background formed by other complexes, it will continue to maintain its personality centered characteristics and play a role. However, if the self-conscious complex is separated from the unconscious foundation, the result will be the development of one or more split complexes. In other words, the ego complex is no longer the center of personality, and there are another or more complex centers in parallel with it. They act independently, pursue their own goals, compete with the intention of the ego complex, hinder the realization of self goals and objects, and interfere with the development of self. At this time, Neurosis or Schizophrenia The symptoms of will appear. [5] In this sense, splitting tendency is actually a universal mental nature, which may occur in both healthy people and patients.
Therefore, the so-called inherent unity of personality means that this unity, as an image (i.e. self prototype), is only latent in the human spirit, and it is not fully realized from the beginning of life, rather it is the goal of individual development. Jung later found that complex also has a more positive meaning Mental trauma As well as other personal life experiences that lead to complex, they can be used as favorable conditions to deepen personal knowledge, make it more sober and enrich personality. Complex is often the source of human inspiration and internal drive. For great artists, these inspiration and drive are indispensable in order to achieve brilliant achievements. Van Gogh Picasso Crazy for the realm of painting, Shakespeare Guo Moruo Fascinated by the beauty of literature, great works of art are all inspired by the artist's inner complex.

Collective unconsciousness

In the deepest part of the human soul, there is a common base that transcends all cultures and consciousness. This base is the collective unconscious. All conscious and unconscious phenomena arise from the collective unconscious. The content of collective unconsciousness is not composed of the experience I once felt like the individual unconsciousness, and they have never been perceived in the whole life process of an individual. Then, what is the basis for proposing collective unconsciousness?
Jung said that collective unconsciousness is an instinctive thing deeper than experience for individuals, and its existence is as old as the existence of human physiological structure. Jung disagreed with limiting the scope of instinct to several physiological functions of the human body. He believed that "instinct is a typical mode of behavior. Whenever we are faced with universally consistent, recurring behavior and response patterns, we are dealing with instinct, regardless of whether it is associated with conscious motivation". [6] Just as bees build highly complex and perfect honeycombs by virtue of instinct, instinct often plays a role behind many complex human behaviors, although people do not know it. With the expansion of the scope of instinct definition, Jung found a universal law, that is, instinct activities will bring about self perception - that is intuition. Instinct is regarded as "the impulse for purpose when executing a highly complex action", while intuition is its "unconscious and purposeful understanding of highly complex situations". [6] Therefore, intuition is the other side of instinct. It belongs to a dynamic activity process with instinct, and there is no order: they are two sides of the same process.
Jung also found that there are some innate "intuitive" forms of human beings, namely the prototype of perception and understanding, or primitive images. They "are the decisive factors that all psychological processes must have in advance". Just as instinct forces a person into a specific survival mode, they "force human perception and understanding into a specific human paradigm". These archetypes are instinctive self portraits and typical modes of understanding. Whenever we encounter a universally consistent and recurring pattern of insight, we are dealing with archetypes. [6] "In the deepest depths, instinct and prototype determine each other." Each instinct has a prototype corresponding to it, and instinct and prototype together constitute the collective unconscious.
From the physiological basis, the phenomenon of human consciousness corresponds to the physical central nervous system And motor nerve, collective unconscious corresponds to autonomous Autonomic nervous system The autonomic nervous system includes sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Their functions are not controlled by consciousness, and they regulate the basic physiological activities of the human viscera, such as breathing, heartbeat, etc., which is the most basic instinct to maintain life. Jung said that the collective "unconscious is the spirit that goes deep into what has long been called the sympathetic nervous system". "Although it does not use the assistance of the senses to perform its functions, it still maintains the balance of life, and provides us with the knowledge of others' inner life through the mysterious path of sympathetic nerve excitement, while exerting internal influence on them" [7] In other words, the life activities of human instinct will actually generate a corresponding intuitive perception prototype through sympathetic nerve excitation, which exists in the human spiritual world and affects the human psychological process.
Therefore, Jung proposed that the content of collective unconsciousness includes all the life experiences of human beings in the past years and the long course of biological evolution. He said that the individual layer of the spirit ended in the infant's earliest memory, while its collective layer contained the pre infant period, that is, the remnants of the ancestral life. [8] As a store of ancestral life. The individual experiences of fathers, mothers, children, men and wives hidden by the collective unconscious, as well as the whole spiritual traces produced under the influence of instinct (especially hunger and sexual desire), are pre formed in the brain and nervous system as primitive images and instincts, and become the basis and channel of individual existence. In this regard, collective unconsciousness is not only the store of human experience, but also the innate condition of this experience; It is not only the source of drive and instinct, but also the source of the basic form of human thoughts and feelings that combines creative impulse and collective original image. Their manifestation is the collective unconscious prototype. In the religions, myths, fairy tales and legends of all nations in the world, Jung found a large number of such archetypes, including birth archetypes, regeneration archetypes, death archetypes, child archetypes, hero archetypes, liar archetypes, god archetypes, devil archetypes, sage archetypes, earth archetypes, mother archetypes, giant archetypes, natural object archetypes (such as forest, sun) Artifacts prototype (such as circle, weapon), etc., each prototype has universal consistency for all people, like a magnet, attracting various life experiences related to it, forming a complex that affects personal development, and then showing it in life.

Personality Structure Theory

Jung Analytic psychology is also a whole Personality Structure Theory He called the whole personality as the soul, and thought that the soul is not only a complex and changeable organic whole, but also a hierarchical and interactive personality structure. It consists of three levels: self-awareness personal unconscious Collective subconsciousness.
Self awareness is the only part of the human mind that can be directly perceived by individuals. Jung believes that the process of human consciousness development is the process of human "individuality", which plays a very important role in human psychological development. Its purpose is to maximize the awareness of oneself or "self". The ego is the core of consciousness, which is composed of various senses, memories, thoughts and emotions. The role of consciousness is similar to the role of a gatekeeper. He screens and eliminates various materials entering the mind, so that the individual's personality structure maintains identity and continuity. At the same time, it is constantly enriching, improving and shaping a new self.
The individual unconscious, Jung believes that the biggest influence on personality and its development is the unconscious, which includes the individual unconscious and collective unconscious. Individual unconsciousness is the surface layer of unconsciousness, which contains all forgotten memories, perceptions and repressed experiences. It is called individual unconsciousness because it is the psychological content that occurs in individuals and is associated with individual experience.
An important aspect of individual unconsciousness is expressed in the form of "complex", which determines many aspects of individual personality. When we say that someone has a certain complex, such as Inferiority complex The complex of sex, money, etc. means that his mind is strongly occupied by some "psychological problem", making him unable to think about anything else, but he is not aware of it. Jung believes that psychotherapy The purpose of "Complex" is to help patients untie their complex and liberate people from the bondage of complex, but Jung later found that complex does not only play a negative role, in fact, it is often the source of inspiration and creativity. In particular, a strong complex will drive people to create exquisite works. Jung early believed that complex originated from individual childhood experience, and later he found that the deepest root of complex was collective unconsciousness.
Collective unconsciousness is Jung's greatest discovery, and it is also the most profound and controversial theoretical issue. Integrating different definitions of Jung, it refers to the experience of human ancestors accumulated from generation to generation in the long historical evolution process, and it is the innate genetic tendency that human beings must make specific response to certain events. It only adds a few variations in each century, which is the psychological content that individuals are always unaware of (but it does exist and actually affects people's psychological activities).
The main content of the collective unconscious is the prototype, which is a model of the original, and other kinds of existence are formed according to this prototype. They are deeply embedded in the mind, so when they cannot be expressed in consciousness, they will be expressed in the form of archetypes and symbols in dreams, fantasies, hallucinations and neurosis. Jung spent most of his life studying archetypes. He has identified and described dozens of different archetypes, but the main archetypes are Personality mask Anima and Animus , shadow and self. They play different roles in the personality structure.

Main prototypes

Persona refers to the aspect of personality that people show in public, and its purpose is to show a good image of themselves in order to gain social recognition. Good communication with one's own personality mask can reduce the intensity of social anxiety.
Anima Anima and animus, also known as sexual intention. Anima refers to the female element or image in the male mind; Animes refers to the male element or image in the female mind. This is the experience gained from the interaction between men and women over a long period of time. Good communication with your anima or animus can safely get through the midlife crisis.
Shadow is the darkest and deepest evil tendency inherited from human mind. It seeks to project outward, but its nature is the source of vitality, spontaneity and creativity. Good communication with your shadow can release more creativity.
Self is the core of collective unconsciousness. Its role is to coordinate the various components of personality to achieve integration and unity, that is, self realization. Jung believes that this is the highest goal of human nature. However, it believes that few people can achieve this goal.

Midlife crisis

In the 1960s, Jung proposed“ Midlife crisis ”Say. He believes that people generally reach the peak of crisis at the age of 35 to 40. Later, another Mr. Davidy said that it was difficult to live between 40 and 50 years old.
Jung specialized in treating middle-aged patients in his later years. He found that most of his patients were able to adapt to the society and had outstanding achievements. The reason for the "midlife crisis" is the lack of internal integration. Generally speaking, it is lack of personality, so it is still unavoidable to feel the emptiness of life. Jung proposed a therapeutic solution that is to communicate well with his anima or animus.


Freud put Libido Jung's libido is a universal vitality, "the strength of a psychological process, its psychological value." Later, Jung used Psychological energy It replaces libido.