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Books written by British philosopher Berkeley, G
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The Analyst [1] Western modern mathematical philosophy works, written by British bishop and philosopher Berkeley (G.). In the early period, due to the loose logic foundation of calculus, especially the confusion in the use of infinitesimal concept, people began to doubt and criticize. The most influential attack came from Berkeley's pamphlet "The Analyst" published in 1734 The subtitle of The Analyst is "To a Mathematician Who Does Not Believe in God". The so-called "Mathematician Who Does Not Believe in God" refers to C-Ia11ey, E, G. W.). Although Berkeley's attack on calculus was motivated by religion, many criticisms hit the nail on the head, It objectively stimulated the great efforts made by mathematicians in the 18th and 19th centuries to rigorize the basis of analysis. The main points are summarized as follows: "Stream number method is a universal key, and contemporary mathematicians use it to solve geometric and ultimately natural mysteries... However, whether this method is clear, whether there is no contradiction and can be proved, or on the contrary, it is just a vague, offensive and unreliable method? I will challenge it in the most just way."
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The Analyst
The Analyst [1] Western modern mathematical philosophy works, written by British bishop and philosopher Berkeley (G.). In the early period, due to the loose logic foundation of calculus, especially the confusion in the use of infinitesimal concept, people began to doubt and criticize. The most influential attack came from Berkeley's pamphlet "The Analyst" published in 1734 The subtitle of The Analyst is "To a Mathematician Who Does Not Believe in God". The so-called "Mathematician Who Does Not Believe in God" refers to C-Ia11ey, E, G. W.). Although Berkeley's attack on calculus was motivated by religion, many criticisms hit the nail on the head, It objectively stimulated the great efforts made by mathematicians in the 18th and 19th centuries to rigorize the basis of analysis. The main points are summarized as follows: "Stream number method is a universal key, and contemporary mathematicians use it to solve geometric and ultimately natural mysteries... However, whether this method is clear, whether there is no contradiction and can be proved, or on the contrary, it is just a vague, offensive and unreliable method? I will challenge it in the most just way."