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Molecular Genetics Research

Molecular Genetics Theory
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Molecular genetics research refers to the study of genetic However, the genetic genes related to the general intellectual development of normal healthy people are still unclear. 300 known genes and Mental retardation About, based on more than 200 published research reports, about 50 basic flashes are related to the development of cognitive ability. Although it has been 14 years of research, it is still unclear which gene is responsible for the variation of cognitive function and its changes with age. [1]
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Molecular Genetics Research
Although general intelligence has high heritability, the genetic genes related to general intelligence development of normal healthy people are still unclear
In 1998, a research group led by psychologist Plomin at the London Institute of Psychiatry reported the molecular biological basis of general intelligence on the sixth pair of human chromosomes. He carried out DNA analysis on 51 children with IQ 103 and 51 children with IQ 136, examined 37 molecular markers, and found that a special base sequence in the DNA structure was related to IQ. He named it IGTF2R, whose structure was similar to the receptor gene of insulin like growth factors. Almost all subjects have 1-2 alleles 4 and 5, but the number of people with allele 5 in half of the high IQ people is more than twice the average of all subjects. In another group of 102 subjects, half of them have an IQ of 160, and most of them have allele 5. [1]