Celtic mythology

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Celtic mythology is a classical myth widely spread in Europe MYTHOS and NORRON Side by side. Early Celts It has maintained the polytheism and its own religious structure, and later many fairy tales have been Ancient Rome And Christian influence. nowadays Celts Most of their descendants live on the west coast of Europe, and they mainly live in Welsh Scotland Ireland Brittany Cornwall and Isle of Man (Isle of Man)。 For a long time, Celtic mythology could only be passed down orally, so there were many versions of a story, and many Celtic works were written because Imperium Romanum Destroy and lose a lot of wonderful content. One of the most well-known is King Arthur And Knights of the Round Table The story of.
Chinese name
Celtic mythology
Foreign name
Celtic mythology
Main distribution
Welsh Scotland Ireland etc.

historical origin

Celts were once widely distributed in Continental Europe In 278 BC, a branch even wandered to Asia Minor And named his territory Galatia. Until the rise of Rome, they were still a stream that could not be underestimated military force
The Celts sacked Rome in 385 BC. This painful history has always been remembered by the Romans, 59-49 BC Julius Caesar Celtic talents who defeated Gaul can get rid of their former shame. Although the Celts were gradually Imperium Romanum However, when the whole empire formally accepted Christianity, they still worshipped their gods and gods.

Related works

These legends first existed in oral form. It was a long time before people began to record them in written form in order to keep them. This early stage Irish Literature Many have been lost. However, there are still some well preserved manuscripts (many of which have not yet been translated into English). They are:
The Book of the Dun Cow (11th century)
The Book of Leinster (12th century)
The Book of Ballymote&The Yellow Book of Lecan (14th century)
The Book of the Dean of Lismore (15th century)
These legends can be divided into four sets of stories: Mythological stories, Fenian or Ossianic stories, Ultonian stories, and Historical stories. Here we will mainly summarize the first three stories.
famous Ireland Myth Story
In Ireland, poets enjoy a special reputation. It may be that in the pre Christian period, there was a clear distinction between poets and druids, and the emerging monk group dared to record ancient documents without fear Paganism Of the crime. Legends are regarded as eternal existence, so poets Saint Patrick For a long time after Ireland converted to Christianity and drove away snakes, it still recited the long past. People even believe that Irish folklore itself has magic power. When singing heroes in the room, the devil cannot enter the door. Irish mythology is mainly Gaelic stories, of which the three most famous stories are:
1. Tuatha D é Danann against Fomorii,
2. Cuchulainn and other Ulster heroes,
3. Fionn mac Cumhaill and Fianna

Myth and legend

There are many stories of Celtic mythology, and there are many different versions of a story because they are handed down orally. The Celtic mythology is most famous for Irish legends. These are the main story systems.

Invasion and the Gods

Great invasion ”Leabhar Fahala is the center of "Mythological", which was compiled by monks in the 12th century AD [1] , mainly about the gods and the five invasions of Ireland in ancient times [2]
Legend first started《 Bible 》The apocalyptic flood after Genesis.
The leader of the first group of invaders is said to be Bis (Bith), he is one of Noah's sons (this person does not appear in the Bible), but he failed to ascend his father's Ark So Bess and her daughter followed God's instructions and built another ark. Another person named Feitan (Fitan) and more than 50 women.
They have been adrift at sea for seven years [1] And finally arrived in Ireland. Before long, Bis and his wife died successively, while Feitan married Bis's daughter. Later big flood Having swept away everyone except Feitan, Feitan, who survived alone, began to live and wander around Ireland. He incarnated into a variety of animals and continued to live for 5500 years [1] During this period, he mastered knowledge that no one can match.
Four Provinces of Ancient Ireland
The second group of invaders are Pasuron (Partholon) and 48 people under his leadership [1] They came to the empty and desolate Ireland from the east. It is said that the civilization was brought to this place by Pasulung and his followers. After they landed, Pasuron and his companions reclaimed barren mountains, planted crops, and built houses to have children. Pasuron divided Ireland into five regions: Ulster Ulster Connaught Connacht Lenst (Leinster), the one in the south is called Munster (Munster), and the Mies (Meath) [1] Mies was later removed from the division.
Their people have settled in Ireland for three hundred years. During this period, they and a group of people called Vermore (Fomoria) monsters fight. Deep sea giant Vermore Ugly and cruel, their most famous leader is the "evil eye demon" Barol (Balor)。 The clansmen and giants of Pasulun launched a campaign against Ireland Dominion In the end, the clansmen of Pasulang defeated the deep-sea giants and drove them to an overseas island.
Later, the people of Pasulung plague But it disappeared mysteriously. Only Tuan survived. He experienced many different incarnations, and finally was caught and eaten by a woman when he turned into a fish. She gave birth to a baby boy, who was Tuan's reincarnation [1]
The third group of invaders are descendants of Noah Nemead (Nemed), it is said that he arrived in Ireland 30 years later than Pazuran and others. At first, his fleet lost its way at sea. He and nine surviving companions drifted to Ireland and established a tribe. His tribe finally reached more than 8000 [2] Nemead defeated the Vermeer three times, but after his death, Vermeer harassed Ireland again and retaliated. His tribe resisted and killed a leader of the Vermeer. This victory also paid a heavy price. Only 30 people of 8000 ethnic groups survived [2] These 30 people left Ireland to search for a new home on the sea.
One of them came to Greece Thrace Later they became slaves. Because they have to carry heavy bags, they are called "baggers" by local people, that is Feinberg (Forbolg)。 Later, they took the opportunity to escape from Greece and return to Ireland, after which they became the new rulers of Ireland. Dr Rees thinks they may be Irish Indigenous peoples Is also the most likely ethnic group to actually exist.
Danu Protoss (Tuatha D é Danann), also the descendant of the goddess Danu. from Great leader "Silver Hand" Nuada (Nuada), the last protoss to rule Ireland. It is said that they came from the sky ("high air"), and they brought four treasures from four mysterious cities [2] , i.e., Farr's stone Nuadaic Divine Sword Helios Lugar spear Brionac Brionac )Dagda Magic pot [3] They fought and defeated the Fermors in Magh Tuireadh. But the Danu Protoss also paid a price. Their leader, Nuada, lost an arm in this battle, so he had to use a silver hand instead.
As Nuada lost his arm, he had to give way to Bres, but Bres' cruelty soon attracted strong dissatisfaction from the gods, so Nuada asked the son of the god of medicine Diankete to create a hand with flesh and blood for him [4] He soon regained the throne from Brice. But Brice was put into prison by Rug, who became the new leader after Nuada died. He was saved from death because he had led the way for the Danu Protoss. Later, he and his wife were worshipped as the god of agriculture [4]
The king of Furmore, the deep-sea giant, "the evil eye demon" Barol (Balor) was predicted by a druid that he would die in his own offspring. In order to avoid bad luck, Balor imprisoned his daughter Enthlinn in a crystal tower. With the help of a female druid, Cian, the secondary god of the Danu, entered the crystal tower and slept with Enya and gave birth to three children.
Barol was very angry when he learned that he threw the three children into the sea to drown them, but the attendants secretly carried them out, but one of them fell out He did not have. It was found that this child was picked up by the craft god Haboer, who was the new leader of the Danu Protoss later Ruger (Lugh)。
In the second Tuatha D é Danann againstFomorii war, Barol killed everything he saw with his magic eye, and even killed Nuada, the leader of the Danu. Rug, the new leader of the Danu Protoss, challenges the enemy. He uses rainbow and Milky Way sling , throwing a light bullet (Tathlum) through Barol's magic eye and using the "secret treasure" Brionac homicidal death From then on, the Danu Protoss began to rule Ireland, and the deep-sea giants were driven out of Ireland forever.
The "Father of the Gods" of the Danu Protoss dagda (Dagda), he is Goddess of War Morrigan's Lover [5] , Eros Angus (Aengus, Aengus Mac Og )His father is also important for being wise, wise and skillful Deity [5] It is said that he has a strange giant staff in his hand. One end can kill the enemy while the other end has the power to bring the dead back to life. Dagda has a son named Midier (Midir), after the death of Dagda, he was at odds with the new leader of the Danu Protoss, whose contradiction greatly weakened the power of the Danu Protoss, and was eventually Melisian (Milesius) was overthrown, and the rest sank into the sea [3]
Although Rug was credited with defeating the Deep Sea Giant, Dagda also won people's respect. Even later, when the Danu Protoss was overthrown by Misir, his position did not waver. Among the Celtic people, almost everyone knows about the Danu Protoss. Later, the arrival of Christianity did not make it completely disappear on this land [3]

The Legend of Ulster

"Ulster story ”The Ulster Cycle takes the conflict between the king of Ulster in the northern Ireland and the queen of Connacht in the western Ireland and their allies as the main line, integrating myth and folklore [6] Tain Bo Cuailgne is one of the most famous stories, in which some famous characters, such as lancer (Cuchulainn)、 Fergus (Fergus )、 Conchieber (Conchorbor )、 Mayv (Medb) etc.
In the Legend of Ulster, there are many descriptions of soldiers who are crazy about bloodthirsty, drunken and promiscuous [7] Although these were omitted or simplified in some later translations, some unavoidable massacres were also mentioned. (In the "Six Circle Massacre", angry lancer In addition to killing countless soldiers, he also killed countless women, children and war horses [8] )。 At the age of seven, he killed the vicious hound of blacksmith Kuran with his bare hands. Later, he claimed to replace the hunting dog to protect Kuran, who lost his pet dog, so he was called Kuchulin (meaning "Kuran's fierce dog"). While people praise Kuchulin's great achievements, Kuchulin's rage, impulse, bloodlust and distortion also make him controversial.
Kuchulin Kills the Fierce Dog
The story starts with the goddess Macha (Macha) began to talk about the curse. A rich farmer in Ulster Kurandchu (Crundchu) found a beautiful mysterious woman in his house. He did not know her, but the woman did housework and farm work for him without saying a word and assumed the responsibility of hostess. From then on, Kurendchu lived with this woman, and they became husband and wife. This woman is a god. Her name is Macha. Soon after their marriage, Macha became pregnant.
One day, Kurendchu was going to attend a grand gathering held by the Ulster people. Their king Michael Nessa, Konkieber (Conchorbor mac Nessa) will also attend. Machar grabbed her husband and begged him not to go, but Kurendchu insisted on attending. However, Macha asked her husband to promise her that he would not mention himself at the meeting, otherwise they would not be able to get together, and Kurendchu promised her.
At the rally, King Kangqiebe's two war horses won the championship of all horse races. The audience cheered loudly, saying that nothing could be faster than these two horses. Kurandechu on the side said that his wife could beat them, and he forgot what Macha said. Hearing this, the king angrily detained Kurendchu, and then summoned Macha.
Macha was brought to the rally, and Kangqiebe ordered her to race against her own war horse. Macha said that she was about to give birth and begged the king and the audience to postpone the match, but no one paid any attention to her. The excited Konkieber threatened to cut her husband Kurendchu to pieces if she didn't play again [9] Macha had to take part in the competition. She ran a race with two war horses and overtook them To reach the destination She gave birth to twins with a loud cry. Marcha cursed the whole Ulster before he died.
"From this moment on, the humiliation you have given me will make every man in Ulster suffer the same severe pain for five days when foreign enemies invade him as when a woman gives birth. This curse will last for nine generations. [9]
This is the reason why Ulster men are weak and incompetent. It is said that Kuchulin, who was born later, escaped the curse because of his divine nature.
Nessa, the queen of Ulster, is a beautiful woman. She and a druid gave birth to Conall, the later great hero, and Conchorbor mac Nessa, the future monarch.
After the death of the former king, his half brother Fergus Mark Roy (Fergus Mac Roich) hopes to marry Queen Nessa, but Nessa's condition is to let her son Kangqiebe become the new king of Ulster, and Fergus agrees. In the next year, Kangqierbo became an excellent monarch loved by the people. Fergus loved recreation and entertainment. He didn't want to be king again, so he accepted the young new king calmly.
However, it was not long before Konkieber began to exercise tyranny Dildre (Deirde) The young beauty coveted everything, and designed to kill her husband, Nixi. Even Fergus' son Fiocha was killed by him, which became the source of Ulster's grief. With the growing tyranny of Kangqieber, Fergus led hundreds of excellent Ulster warriors to leave their hometown and go to Connacht in the west of Ireland. In anger, Kangqiebe killed all the people Fergus left in Ulster. His departure brought huge casualties to the soldiers of Ulster in the future.
C ú Chulainn, the young hero of Ulster, also returned from the mysterious kingdom of Isle of Skye. After returning to China, Kuchulin, who passed many trials in the Shadow Kingdom, became an important member of the Red Branch, including many famous warriors on the battlefield.
The war was fought by the Queen of Connaught, Ulster's neighbor Mayv (Maeve) and his husband, Ailill mac Mate, the son of Matt, were arguing on the pillow about who was richer between them. Meifu knows that her husband has a silver white god cow, so she hopes to win over her husband by obtaining Don Cualge, the Brown Bull of Cualge, the brown god cow of Dare, Fiachna's son.
It is said that this cow can give birth to 50 babies in one day calf It can seat 50 children and hide 100 soldiers behind it. So Maifu sent messengers to borrow cattle from Dare, hoping to borrow them for a year and make a big reward. The messenger found Dare to explain his intention, and Dare accepted happily. Dare held a banquet for the envoy that night. After drinking a few glasses of wine, the envoy began to speak out wildly, saying that if the cow failed to become Maifu, he would send a large army to crusade. Dare listened quite well be in a bad temper Because the etiquette didn't break out immediately, he drove the messenger away before dawn the next day, and the borrowing of cattle was dismissed.
After listening to the messenger's report, Maifu did not blame the messenger, but united two other countries to form a three country coalition army to kill Ulster, so the war for a cow began.
In those days, before the war, druids or bards should be invited to worship the heaven and the earth, and then set out on a good day. One night when Maifu was walking outside, she met the prophetess Fedelm. She predicted to Maifu that the trip would be very difficult, because the hero, Kuchulin, would block her.
Meifu doesn't believe it, because the other side's combat power is totally inferior to hers, so she thinks it's just nonsense.
But on the march, Kuchulin often sneaks into the army alone, taking the lives of hundreds of soldiers every time he shows up. Maifu's army is frightened, and the army stops or detours several times. Meifu couldn't help but try to buy Kuchulin and betroth her daughter to him. Kuchulin laughed and asked her emissary to return his reply: "Send one person to fight with me every day, so that I won't block your march again." Meifu had no choice but to promise. Later on, she sent one or several soldiers to fight with Kuchulin every day. Of course, Basically, there is no return.
There is a man called Loch (Loch), the son of Mofebis, needs special mention. When Kuchulin knew that the warrior might fight with him, he deliberately blackened his chin, because he knew that if Loch knew that his opponent was a hairy boy, he would probably refuse to fight. When the two men fought, Morigan turned into various animals to make trouble. Loch hit Kuchulin many times, and even one time he could end the fight. Kuchulin used Gabolga at the last moment Spearthorn Losing his body, his heart was split in two. Loch asked Couchulin to help him up. He didn't want to face the Irish people because he felt ashamed. Kuchulin praised Loch and agreed to his request.
Kuchulin, seriously injured, needs rest and treatment. It is said that every night when he fell asleep, his father Luge would come to help him heal his wounds. He made Kuchulin sleep for three days and three nights, and when he woke up, he would be able to fight vigorously.
Of course, Ulster also made great sacrifice, and Ulster's youth elite group was completely wiped out by Connaught.
In the later battle, the heavily armed Kuchulin and his loyal driver warrior Rigg (Leag) Driving two giant war horses Two wheeled chariot Thousands of Connaught soldiers were crushed and killed on the battlefield, and countless soldiers died in this way. During this period, they created several appalling massacres (later called "Six Circle Massacre"). It is said that Kuchulin and Rigg killed more than 100 kings of small countries, countless women, children and war horses in these massacres [8]
Although Kuchulin fought bravely, the brown Kuli cattle were finally taken away by the Connaught army led by Maifu.
The end of this cow is very ironic. When it met the silver white divine cow of Ailil, the king of Connaught, the two cows began to attack each other. They dueled all day, and finally the white divine cow was killed. When the brown Kuli reached the border of Ulster, it howled several times and vomited a pile of dirt, then exhausted its strength and fell to the ground to die.
After the death of the god cow, Connaught and Ulster lived in peace for 7 years, and Ulster's Kuchulin returned with glory. Here《 The Long March to Capture Cattle 》The story of Kuchulin told by Li is over, but the war is only over.
Compared with the ancient epic "The Battle of the Ox", the "The Long March of the Ox" now spliced together omits many negative paragraphs and contents about Kuqiulin. Kuchulin once claimed that he "didn't kill women", but he killed hundreds of women and children in six rounds of massacres, and killed them when he proposed to Aiwei Isen , although he once caught Maifu and released her, he still killed two maids of Maifu. The follow-up story not mentioned in "The Battle of the Bull" Kuroy "In, Kuchulin was defeated by Kuroy in the process of robbing a girl named Bulji, and then how he treacherously killed Kuroy [10]
Kuchulin finally died in the second massacre in the Musni Plain, and he was killed by Calatin and others. After his death, the enemy cut off his head and sword hand. Later, Konor, the hero of Ulster, launched a bloody revenge on the enemy. He killed all the enemies who had killed Kuchulin, even Meff's allies, including the King of Konot, Ariel Mike Matt. At this time, the son of King Kangqiebe Phoebe (Forbai) Hidden in Gallor, used when Queen Maiv came here to take a bath Catapult Shoot her.
As Mav said at the end, Ireland lost almost everything due to the fight for selfish desires.

Fiona's Warriors

Fenian Cyle (the Fenian Cyle) is also called“ Zedoary phase "Ossian Cycle", which is very famous in ancient Ireland Gaelic The collection of stories and ballads is one of the four legendary stories in ancient Ireland. It tells the story of a great hero Finn McCool (Finn mac Cumhaill) and his elite battle group the Fianna (the Fianna), also translated as the heroic and tragic legendary adventure story of "the Fenian".
In Ireland, the story of "The Legend of Finnia" has the same status as that of India《 Ramayana 》, Slav and Germanic The great epics of [11] Almost all the existing stories have been handed down orally. If all the stories were printed and published, there would be 25 volumes of thick books, each with at least 300000 words [12]
Finn McCool
the Fianna It is also translated as "the Fenian" One of Ireland's most famous elite battle groups in mythology. Legend has it that the Irish king fought in the 3rd century Cormac mac Airt (Cormac mac Air) was at its heyday in power [13] Kangmak is known as "Solomon of Ireland" by later generations. During his 39 years in power, he has been wise and powerful. His reputation even made the Danu Protoss pay homage to him. The Danu Protoss invited him to visit the "other world" and gave him many magical gifts, including golden apples that can cure all diseases.
In the "Finnia" story, people have rarely seen the serious self sacrifice and individualistic heroism The fighting plot is more adventure and romantic material. Warriors love free and happy outdoor life more, and express their joy for beautiful scenery, nature and adventure in fairyland [12] The numerous legendary adventure stories contained in The Legend of Finnia are still the most important and popular parts of Irish folklore. After the 12th century, these stories were most widely spread.
Finn McCool (Fionn mac Cumhail), the most famous leader and legendary hero of Fiona. The most important person in the Gaelic story Fenian Cyle. He is divine because of his mother.
Finn got the wisdom salmon (the salmon of knowledge) and has superhuman wisdom and talent, and led Fiona to complete many pioneering deeds. He and the devil from the deep sea Scotland 's giant has fought and led the Warriors Group to defeat the overseas enemies who were ready to bring Ireland to the brink of disaster for many times, and even entered fairyland and alien world for many times to take wonderful adventures [1]
Zedoary phase Ossian is Ossian described by Macpherson, a Scottish poet in the 18th century. It is said that he was a famous poet and warrior in ancient Ireland, the son of Finn and Sadhbh, and the father of Oscar, the hero. As the leader of the Warriors Group, the famous' Ossianic Ballads' is about a series of his poems, and his name has also spread throughout Europe.
In the legend, he married the sea god Manannán mac Lir (Manann á n mac Lir) and went to the Land of Youth overseas. When he returned again, everything had changed. This story is the famous Ossian's 300 year journey to fairyland. Returning to Ireland, he was already a helpless disabled old man. In desperation, he passed the time by telling young people about his past adventures every day. Time passed. Later, he met St. Patrick who came to Ireland to preach, told him the legendary stories of Fiona warriors, and told him the good times of the past.
Dilmed O Delian (Diarmait O'Duibhne), namely Diarmuid Ua Duibhne , one of the most famous figures in the Fiona Group, and also Finn's most valuable friend. God of love and youth Aengus Mac Og (Aengus). He is the Gaelic Adoini, the hero of many love stories, and an excellent soldier with great charm. He is the most popular member of the Warrior Corps, and one of the few elites in the Warrior Corps.
Many strange stories revolve around this young hero. For example, in the adventure of Mount Benny, the most famous magical pig in the Finnia legend appeared, and Dilmed was cursed and would die under the attack of this huge magical pig. After becoming a member of the Warriors' Regiment, he saved Finn and the Warriors' Regiment in distress many times. In one battle in Wonderland, he alone destroyed nearly 4000 powerful soldiers from the King of Miracle Plain who came to fight. The story of his tragic elopement with Finn's beautiful fiancee, Princess Grainne ni Cormaic, is a famous classical legend in Ireland. This story is considered to be the blueprint of some famous love tragedies later [12]
Oscar( Oscar), Zedoary's son, Finn's grandson, the most ferocious Fiona soldier. In the war between the royal army and Fiona, they defeated the army of King Kelby in Gabiha, but they also died of serious injuries.
Kart Ronan (Ca í lte mac R ó n á in), Finn's right-hand man and popular singer at that time, he was the inheritor of many stories, and told the descendants of Fiona's heroic achievements orally. Between him and Saint Patrick (St. Patrick) in his great conversation, he praised Fiona's virtue to him. He was one of the few surviving members of the final battle between Fiona and the Royal Army.
Gore Mona (Goll mac Morna), one of the leaders of Fiona and the leader of Clan Morna, one of the two major forces. Gore was once ordered to kill Finn's father Cumhall in the past, but later he was forgiven by Finn for his meritorious service. From then on, he followed Finn and married a daughter of Finn. But in the war between Fiona and the royal army, he chose to support the royal army against Fiona.
Conan Mona (Conan Mac Morna), known as "bald Conan", is the most vivid and lasting character in Fiona's story. Although he is the younger brother of Goyle, Finn's father killing enemy, he and Dilumdor are good friends and the joy of the Warriors.
Access to Fiona often requires strict selection, some of which are as follows:
one They must be able to leap over the one person tall stick and quickly jump from the knee high stick RIH IN He used a fingertip to pull out a thorn in his foot - and all this must be done in a fast run.
two , first on the ground Upcut A waist deep hole, and then stand inside. Nine samurai shot at him with nine spears at a distance of 10 plough widths, and the wounded could not join Fiona.
three . Braid your hair and let the Fiona Warrior chase you through the forest. Do not step on the dead branches in the forest. Do not be chased. Do not let your hair be disordered. Do not let your arms tremble.
four . Be familiar with the twelve books of poetry, and be able to create and recite by oneself Rhyme Do not get dowry from your wife, or humiliate the weak and women.
In addition, every qualified warrior must swear to be loyal to and follow their leader when entering Fiona, and must make four vows: Do not plunder livestock; Refusing a request not for money; Don't shrink back, even if the number of opponents is ten times larger; Do not take personal revenge for family members. They must swear to give up their personal family for their career. When the companions of the Warrior Corps call for the battle cry, they must respond as soon as they hear it.
Fiona is nominally the guardian of the Kingdom of Ireland, but it is the head of Fiona's knights, not the king himself, who swore allegiance to the group. It protects the king, but it is not the royal army itself.
along with time lapse There is also a growing rift between Finn and King Comac Mai Yat. His daughter Granny and Finn have failed to make peace. In addition, Fiona's strength is becoming stronger and stronger. The Supreme King believes that this force has posed a huge threat to the throne.
Finn led the Fiona Knights to the house of Deke, the son of Donata, for dinner, but soon someone surrounded the house and kept throwing torches into the house to burn Finn and others in the house. The leader was Kabuli, the son of King Kangmak (known as Liffey River Maybe because the area around the Lifei River is his fief. The Liffey River still flows through the center of Dublin today), but this plot was carried out by Finn's subordinates Diarmuid Ua Duibhne Frustrated, the assassins were also killed by Dilumdor.
After taking the throne, the prince led the army to fight against Fiona Warriors again. His followers included people from Tara, Blegia Plain, Mis Province, and Kaman. Tara Needless to say, the capital at that time; Blegia Great Plains go across Mise County , extending to Dublin; Mis County and West Mis County in Mis Province; Kaman Renst north, Kildare south.
The two sides were defeated and eventually both died. The whole Fiona was almost annihilated, and all the elites of the Warriors Group, such as Oscar, were killed. Only Zedoary and Kart survived.
The destruction of the Fiona Knights was not only due to the attack of the royal army, but also due to the internal division. Fiona is divided into three battle groups in peacetime and seven in wartime. The heads of each battle group are the clan chiefs of a tribe. Maybe it is more accurate to call them chiefs. Although Fiona members come from various tribes, there are actually only two major factions: the Baisen or Baskin tribes led by Finn and the Mona tribes led by Gore. It is expected that the two factions will fight for power, not to mention that Heil is Finn's father killing enemy. Byzanian Sphere of influence It's from Leinster and southern Ireland Munster , the Mona tribe's sphere of influence is the northern province of Connet, the king's throne Although he was in Mies, which separated from North Renster, his ancestral home was also Connet. Later, when Fiona faced the king, the Mona tribe chose to support the king and betrayed Fiona.
There are many legends about Finn's death. The death of Dilumdor made Finn lose his prestige in the whole army, and he was forced to leave there, and finally was Water monster Attack and drown [14] Another version is "Finn is not dead", and King Arthur Like the legendary king in the legend, many people believe that the Irish hero sleeps in the cave under Dublin, and other surviving Fiona knight Sleep around him. Once Ireland is in trouble, they will wake up and fight for their motherland.

The Adventures of Melton

M á el D ú in, translated as Maeldun in English, is known as one of the greatest navigators in ancient Ireland. The story of his adventures with the warriors has become a classic in myths and legends.
Merton's father was the leader of Ellen Island, and his mother was an Irish nun. When his father led troops to attack Ireland, he ransacked a local church and raped the nuns here, but he was killed by a group of pirates on his way home. Soon, the nun gave birth to a boy, who was raised by the sister of the local officer Eoganacht's wife.
Melton quickly grew into an excellent soldier. He excelled in all competitions and trials, and he was also attractive. However, some young people were very jealous of Merton and taunted that Merton was not born by the officer's wife, so he learned his own life experience. He asked his "mother" and learned about his biological mother and father. So he started his revenge plan. Nuca built a big ship for him and chose a lucky day for him to sail. Then Merton, his brother and 17 warriors formed a fleet and embarked on a long revenge adventure.
Merton and his party first reached the place where the enemy lived, but they did not find the real murderer, so they chose to continue the voyage.
In the boundless sea, Merton found himself farther and farther away from Ireland. They hadn't found any land for weeks. Soon, some sailors saw a strange island far away. Some of them were excited to land on the shore, but soon they ran back in fear. It turned out that this place was“ Giant ant The island is full of Giant Ant They are so huge that they can almost swallow all the crew members. The ship left here at once. Then they came to the "Flying Bird Country" and the "Giant Horse Demon Country". In the "Giant Horse Demon Island", they saw countless strange animals and huge flying horses, which were big, ugly and irritable.
A few days later, they found a floating house on the sea, so the curious crew walked in. The house was empty, but it was full of food and drink, and even comfortable beds. The sailors enjoyed a delicious meal here.
After they left, Melton found a huge silver pillar sticking into the sky on the sea. The net made of silver fell from the pillar into the sea. When Melton's crew passed the silver net, each of them peeled off a piece of it as a souvenir.
But the crisis reappeared quickly. Soon they landed on a bloody island, where animals were biting each other, and they also saw that they would change colors flock of sheep With a giant cat sleeping on the endless plain, a crew member wanted to get closer and have a look. The cat suddenly woke up and swallowed him.
After that, Melton and his party passed many islands and saw many strange things, such as salmon rain, wells overflowing with milk and wine, endless horrible laughter, lonely giant blacksmiths, glass oceans, and strange people with flames.
At last, Melton found the real murderer, but he let them live.

The Legend of Britain

brief introduction
Mabinojian 》It includes eleven prose stories from Wales in the middle ages, but its name "Mabinogion" came from the misunderstanding of the first English translator. The current "Mabinogian" contains four of the most mythical stories, known as "The Four Branches" (of the Mabinogi), and at the end of these four branch stories, there will be a concluding word: "This is the end of Mabinogi's branch story" "Ac y uelly teruyna y getting hon yma Mabinogi", So Lady Charlotte Guest, the first translator to translate this collection of essays into English Welsh Mabynogyon is regarded as the plural of mabinogi, and With For this story collection, there are eleven stories called "Mabinogion" and "Mabinogion".
However, in fact, Mabinogi should only refer to the Four Branches of Mabinogion, but the name "Mabinogion" is still used today and is regarded as a synonym for the whole story set. There are different opinions on the origin of the word "mabinogi". It is generally believed that mabinogi should be derived from Welsh The Mab "boy, son" of the Celtic language and culture expert Eric P. Hamp believes that the word Mabinogi is related to the name of a Celtic god "Maponos" (the word is the same as the Welsh Mab "son" Gaulish Mapos "young boy" and ancient Irish The macc "son" of Proto-Indo-European * makwos); On the other hand, some people think that mabinogi is derived from mabinog, which means "pursuing the glory of bards".
background of times
The story of Mabinogion appears in two medieval Welsh Among the manuscripts, they are: the White book of Rhydderch, written in about 1350, Welsh : Llyfr Gwyn Rhydederch), and the Red Book of Hergest (written in English:. Although some parts of these stories are preserved in some manuscripts in the early 13th century, scholars agree that these stories themselves are older than existing manuscripts, but there are still different opinions about how old they are. According to the argument of linguistics and history, Sir Ifor Williams identified the age as early as 1100, but later Saunders Lewis' argument identified the age between 1170 and 1190; T. In a letter sent to the Honorable Society of Cymmrodorion, M. Charles Edwards discussed the advantages and disadvantages of both views, and criticized the scholars who held two different views. He noted that the language used in these stories most suited the period between 1000 and 1100, although there was still more research work to be done.
The age of "Mabinojian" is very important. If it can be shown that its writing age is earlier than Geoffrey of Monmouth's "Historia Regum Britanniae", the value of these stories is that they can be used as evidence to strengthen the existence of early Welsh culture folklore.
The four branches of Mabinojian
The most mythical story collection contained in the story of Mabinogion is entitled "The Four Branches of the Mabinogi"
Piwel, son of Devard The first branch, Pwyll, son of Devard, Prince of Dyfed), It shows that Prince Pwyll and Anwn of Dyfed and Arawn, the ruler of the underground world, spent a year Internal exchange Territory, defeat the enemy Hafgan of Arawn, and on his way back, he meets a girl Rhiannon who has a horse that no one else can catch. In Gwawl's sacrifice, he managed to win her applause. Gwawl is Rhiannon's fiance, and she gave birth to a child for Gwawl, but This child After he was born, he quickly disappeared. Rhiannon was accused of killing his child, and was forced to carry the guest on her back as a punishment. The child was taken away by a monster and saved by the Teyrnon couple. The couple brought him up and regarded him as their own, and named him Gwri according to his golden hair until his similarity with Pwyll became obvious. They returned him to his biological parents, so Rhiannon was liberated from her punishment and renamed the child Pryderi.
Llyr's daughter Branwen In the second branch, England Branwen, the sister of Bendigeidfran (aka Bran the Blessed), is going to marry Matholwch, the King of Ireland. Branwen's half brother Efnisien disabled him horse To humiliate Matholwch, but Bendigeidfran gave him a new horse and treasure, including a pot that can bring people back to life in compensation. Matholwch and Branwen had a son named Gwern, but Matholwch began to mistreat Branwen, beating her and making her do hard work. Branwen trained a bird to send messages to Bendigeidfran to fight with Matholwch. His ship crossed the sea Irish Sea But Bendigeidfran was too big to wade through. Ireland proposed reconciliation and built a house to entertain Benedigeidfran, but they hung hundreds of large bags inside. When Efnisien learned that they contained flour, he learned that soldiers were actually hidden inside. Efnisien killed the soldiers by squeezing the bags. Later, at the banquet, Efnisien threw Gwern on the fire and the battle broke out. Seeing that the Irish used the pot to revive their dead, Efnisien hid behind the corpse and destroyed the pot, even though this effort made him sacrifice his life. Only seven Welshmen survived the battle, including Pryderi, Manawyddan and Bendigeidfran, who was fatally struck by a poisonous spear. Bendigeidfran asked his companion to cut off his head and take it back to Britain. Branwen died of grief when he returned home. Five pregnant women survived and recovered the Irish population with their children
Lloyd's son Manawyddan Pryderi and Manawyddan returned to Devord, where Pryderi married Cigfa and Manawyddan married Rhiannon. However, a cloud of fog fell on the land, leaving the whole area empty and desolate. In order to help each other, the four men first hunted, and then they went to England, where they asked a living man to make saddles, shields and shoes that local craftsmen could not make, and then took them from town to town. Finally, they returned to Devord and became hunters again. While hunting, a white boar led them to a strange fortress. Pryderi did not listen to Manawyddan's advice and went in, but did not return. Rhiannon investigated and found that he held a bowl tightly and could not speak. This unfortunate fate also fell on her, and then the castle disappeared. Manawyddan and Cigfa returned to England as shoemakers, but again, the locals drove them out and they returned to Dyfed. They planted three fields of wheat but it was destroyed before the first one could be harvested. The second field was destroyed the next day. Manawyddan kept watch on the third field, and when he saw that it was destroyed by rats, he caught their leader and decided to hang it. A scholar, a priest and a bishop will give him gifts in turn If he The mouse was pardoned, but he refused. When asked what he wanted so that the mouse could be returned, he asked for the release of Pryderi and Rhiannon and the disappearance of the magic power that enveloped Devod. The Bishop agreed, because the mouse was actually his wife. The Bishop launched a magical war against Devord because he was a good friend of Gwadl, who was the man Praderi's father, Pwyll, humiliated.
Math, Mathhowy's son Right under Pryderi south wales When Dai Fude, North Wales Gwynedd is being ruled by Math, son of Mathlowy. He must be supported by virgins, except when he is in war. Math's nephew, Gilfaethwy, is in love with Goewin, the foothold of Math. Then Gilfaethwy's brother, Gwydion, teases Math, making Math and Pryderi fight, so Gilfaethwy can approach her. Gwydion killed Pryderi in a fight, and Gilfaethwy raped Goewin Math and Goewin marry to protect her from humiliation, and exile Gwydion and Gilfaethwy, turning them into a pair of breeding deer, then pigs, then wolves. Three years later they became human and came back. Math needs a new foothold, and Gwydion provides his sister, Arianrhod, but when Math tests her with magic Chastity She gave birth to two children, one of whom, Dylan, was immediately taken to the sea. The other child was still supported by Gwydion, but Arianrhod told him that the child would not have a name and arms unless she gave them to the child. She refused to do so, but Gwydion teased her to name the child as Lloyd Lloyd Gyffes and gave him arms. She told him that the child would not have a wife of any race living on the earth, so Gwydion and Math gave him a flower wife named Blodeuwedd. But Blodewedd fell in love with a hunter named Gronw Pebyr, and they planned to kill Llew. Blodewedd teased Llew to expose the middle part that could kill him. But when Gronw tried to do this, Llew escaped and became an eagle. Gwydion found Llew and transformed him back into a human being, then Blodewedd became owl Gronw proposed to compensate Llew, but Llew supervisor returned the bowl that attacked him. He killed Gronw with his spear, and Llew threw the spear with considerable force, so the spear passed through the stone where Gronw hid
The story of King Arthur is one of the most famous legends in the branch of Celtic mythology, King Arthur (King Arthur) and his followers Knights of the Round Table (Knights of the Round Table) Western Europe It is widely spread in the region. Because these stories have a strong Christian color, they were accepted and spread in medieval Europe in a very short time.
King Arthur and the Holy Sword
it's said that, King Arthur (King Arthur) Arthur Pendragon [named Artorius in Rome] was his father bastard Later, his father listened to the great mage Mei Lin( Merlin )He suggested that he should foster Atollis in the home of ordinary nobles. After growing up, he pulled out the sword in the stone to select the king( Caliburn )And was elected the new king. Later, he got the holy sword called "King's Sword" from the Fairy of the Lake Excalibur
Since the first century AD, Britain has been Imperium Romanum Under the pressure of. Around 500 AD, the Saxons, a branch of the Germanic people, invaded, burned, killed and looted, King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table He led the British people to rise up and fight back the Saxon invasion from the north through 12 campaigns. Finally, in the battle of Patton Mountain, the enemy troops were defeated at one fell swoop, and all foreign invaders were expelled from Britain.
period, Knights of the Round Table (Knights of the Round Table) became an important part of the kingdom. It is said that the number of knights of King Arthur at most once reached 150. The knights fought in the battlefield and discussed domestic affairs at the round table. Although they may also form some factions because of their political opinions, there is no difference in status and between monarchs and ministers only on the round table, and everyone is allowed to speak freely. There are many legends on this legendary round table, including the search for the Holy Grail.
Later, King Arthur married Queen Guinevere, but she and her excellent Knights of the Round Table Lancelot (SirLancelot) has developed love. After that, the queen was about to be Cremation He was rescued by Lancelot and fled to France.
King Arthur was already bitter about the disgrace of the Queen's abduction Gao Wen Encouraged, decided to lead the army to fight in person. But during the expedition, his knights Mordred (Mordred) Rebellion. After hearing the news, King Arthur hurried back to Britain. When the two sides were talking about countermeasures, a snake crept onto a knight. The knight pulled out his sword to cut off the snake, which confirmed the outbreak of a bloody war.
In the Battle of Camlan, the armies of both sides were bloodied and defeated. King Arthur finally killed Mordred with Excalibur (also known as Rhon Gomyniad), and he himself was also hit by Mordred with a fatal blow.
In making his last knight Bediver Throw the sword back Holy Lake Later, Arthur died. However, according to more documents about the legend of King Arthur, it is said that the dying King Arthur was carried to Avalon Avalon )It is said that he was finally buried there, and people believed that King Arthur was not dead, and he would come back again to save the world.
The Legend of Searching for the Holy Grail
In other branches of Celtic mythology, Wales and England In the popular legend of King Arthur, with the rise of Christianity in the real world, it has also become a key element in the story. The search for the Holy Grail is the best example.
It is also a sacred container. In the more ancient Celtic legend, we only see the magic cauldron King Arthur It has been used for the last dinner and served Christ on the Cross The cup of blood instead. Legend has it that the Holy Grail was brought by Joseph of Arimathea Britain Later, it was lost and became a treasure sought by the Knights of the Round Table, which evolved the story of The Maimed King or Fisher King Bron/Bran and many knights.
Over time, King Arthur's territory has been expanding. Legend has it that he ruled France and then finally defeated the declining Imperium Romanum To receive the coronation of a bishop in the Roman Cathedral Arthurian legend The most brilliant period of my life. After that, King Arthur's interest began to shift to finding the legendary treasure. His knights left the capital Carmelo one after another to look for the holy grail of legend, either out of order or out of their own free will. These people never came back. In this way, there were fewer and fewer knights on the round table, and the powerful empire began to decline.
At the end of the legend of the "Holy Grail", three of the Round Table Knights finally found the Holy Grail: the most secular Bors, the simplest Percivale and the most pure son of Lancelot Galahad (Galahad), but only Galahad was able to hold it - "His hands are like holding the Holy Body of Christ". When he held the Holy Grail, countless brilliant angels came to welcome his soul to heaven.

System characteristics

geis It is a common thing in Celtic mythology. It can also be spelled as gems/geiss/ges. The plural form of geasa is translated into strange taboos, prohibitions or vows.
It plays an important role in Celtic mythology, but it is also the most secret part.
The geis is the sacred pledge of Celtic soldiers. Whether it is made voluntarily or by other people using magic or vows, it is basically inviolable. It is a taboo or fatal weakness of mythical heroes that is usually unknown.
Compared with the curse of death, it is more like the strict principle of "Don't/shouldn't/can't not do something in XX" Code of conduct When heroes and warriors join a sacred group or receive supernatural gifts, they usually have restrictions imposed on them. It has both a blessing and a restriction. Compliance benefits while violation harms. The more geis are imposed on people, the more complicated it is to comply with them, because the oath prohibition often requires the person who is imposed to use one prohibition to make up for another.
Geis is a kind of ban with magical power, which is usually only known and issued by the druids. This kind of decree has supernatural binding nature, so it is equated with magic or incantation in early folklore. How the whole related system works is unknown now, but one thing is certain: the higher the status of the person under restraint, the stronger its binding force.
There are countless heroes who gain strength because of geis but are killed by geis. Geis even influenced later generations English literature Shakespeare One of the four tragedies《 Macbeth 》It is a tragedy that was backfired by geis, although Shakespeare did not use the word geis. Macbeth, the hero of Macbeth, is the younger brother of King Duncan of Scotland. He was once helped by a witch. With the help of the ability similar to geis provided by the witch, he knew his future and believed that no living man or woman could harm Macbeth. But the "hero" who finally overthrew the king became a tyrant. He was abandoned not only by the witch, but also by his own people. The lethality of geis can be seen.
The "Other World" in Myth
In Celtic mythology“ otherworld ”Otherworld is a magical place. There are gods, fairies and fairies, as well as ugly and scary giants and monsters Reincarnation of soul The paradise where I used to live temporarily. The Celtic world is different from the "underworld" in Greek and Roman myths and legends. It is not a dark world where the dead live. They are usually located in the holy lake, islands, forests and mountains, and are the paradise where the souls temporarily live before reincarnation. Some of these places are as resplendent as heaven, but some are as gloomy as hell.
The "present world" of mankind is only one step away from the "other world". Prophets and bards can freely shuttle between them. There are also some heroes who have acquired extraordinary skills and powerful martial arts skills, such as omniscient Finn McCool (Fionn mac Cumhal), the fearless explorer Maeldun, etc.
Some of the kingdoms in the "other world" are hidden in the deep forest or sea, the golden and resplendent underground paradise, and some are dark and gloomy purgatory. Many heroes think that they can get there by water and small bridges.
Celtic warriors will pick up a stone representing themselves before going to war and stack it together on the edge of the battlefield to form a hill. When the battle was over, they each took back their stones, and the rest remained in place, gathering like a small grave bag. They believe that those soldiers who are sacrificial are the sacrifices taken by Morrigan, the goddess of war.
"Prophet" and "Sage"
Wizards and Prophets
In Celtic mythology, saints and wizards are often prophets and prophets. They are also bridges between the living and the dead, between the "other world" and the "present world." In addition, many druids are also military advisers and prophets of the tribal leaders in Celtic mythology. " The special group of "Druids" is the soul of ancient Celtic politics and spirit. As prophets, they are also moral and legal instructors.
The famous ones are Merlin in the legend of King Arthur, Cathbad in the legend of Ulster, and Finegas in the legend of Fiona.
Merlin was King Arthur's mentor, and also a wise prophet. His reputation and skills were unparalleled by ordinary druids. His assistant government made many great achievements during the reign of King Arthur. Kaspa was the military adviser of Conchorbor mac Nessa, the king of Ulster in the northern country. He predicted the fate of the great hero Kuchulin. Vangus was the mentor of the legendary hero Finn McCool. He passed on his powerful martial arts skills to this hero, and at the same time he gave him salmon with all the wisdom in the world.
Most of them are kind to others, but some of them use their strange power to do evil in the world and destroy lives. Such as Morgan and Carradine in the legend of King Arthur.
"Magic" and "Witchcraft"
Celtic mythology is full of magic. " The wonders and mysteries of the "other world" permeate among the lakes and forests, or are manifested in the magic rings and magic swords of the gods. On earth, bards, druids and some great heroes all have magic power, and they have to face the threat of monsters, giants and demons, which often make them turn the corner.
The singing of bards is also a powerful weapon, which can wake up the enemies and make them restless, or make them sleep; Druids can turn themselves or others into any kind of animal or plant, or summon strange animals.
In addition, powerful weapons with magic often appear in myths and legends.
The bards did not divide the legend into different parts. All the stories are collected under the following headings: birth, elopement, adventure, travel, war, feast, courtship, fantasy, surprise attack, invasion, destruction, slaughter, invasion, love, expedition, cave, death, siege, fanaticism. And the recitation of these stories should be appropriate.
Peter Pehrson
In folktales, Balor and her daughter Enya's name is like others Mythological figure It was also saved, but Lugh's father's pronunciation seems to be MacKineely; Lugh's own name has been forgotten, and Balor's death is inconsistent with the ancient myth to some extent. In this rewritten story, the ancient names and mythological outlines are preserved, but some are added from the folklore as needed, but the modern features that contradict the ancient myths are omitted. He is a very important part of the myth.
The name Epona is derived from the Celtic word horse. She is a Celtic female horse god whose image is related to horses. Many proprietary images are Roman times In the whole Celtic world. She was especially Gaul (France and Belgium )And the Rhine region. In addition, she also appeared in Britain Yugoslavia North Africa And Rome. Here he had a festival on December 18, so she was officially accepted by the capital of the empire. Special interest in the worship of Epona appears in her image. In fact, she is always represented by her horse's kind. Epona's portrait painting is mainly divided into two types: the most important is the description of the goddess riding on the female horse. In other main descriptions, she is between two horses. It symbolizes harvest and richness.
Amergin and Druids
The first druid, Amergin, came from the coast of ancient Spain. On the Irish Sea
After landing, he recited a poem and song‘ La Sonadora ’The lyrics of
It is based on this poem.
According to ancient Ireland chronicle The origin of Druids can be traced back to the earliest Colonist They belong to the Japhet tribe.
One of the most important is the Irish. According to legend, these people also belong to the Japhet tribe, from Scythia to Greece and then to Egypt Spain finally arrived in Ireland from Spain in 1530 BC after Tuatha De Danann ruled for 200 years. In all the sea migration, druids have a very important core. Caicher is considered the most important It is said that he has foreseen that Erinn (the old name of Ireland) is their final destination.
When they arrived in Ireland, the leaders of Milesian were Uar, Eitherar and Amergin. Amergin is a Milesian friar named Glungel. He is a poet and judge in the expedition. Although he is not full-time, he is a very famous druid. Although he is not the only druid that Ireland knows, "Leabhar Gabhala" (also known as "History of Aggression") believes that Amergin is the first druid among Irish Gaels.
The first group of immigrants landed at Kerry and soon marched to Tara Mountain, where the Irish kings were located. At that time, Tuatha De Danann occupied them, which showed his supreme right over Ireland. The other kings reasoned that they did not know about the invasion, and if they did, they would stop it. In this way, they provide opportunities for Amergin.
In a 15th century Welsh In the manuscript, we found a similar poem by the bard Taliesin, who was called Merlin in the famous Legend of King Arthur. Merlin can be said to be one of the most familiar magicians and the teacher of King Arthur.
The Queen of the Iceni, who led the British resistance Roman army When she saw her 80000 troops defeated and slaughtered, in order to avoid falling into the hands of Roman generals, she took poison and killed herself bravely.
Midir and Etain
This fairy tale is about the love story between King Midir and the beautiful Princess Etain. There are great love, jealousy, secrets and patience in the story. Etain is exiled to a pond and becomes a butterfly.
She was not born an immortal. She will die 1012 years after her birth.

Later influence

However, the historical origins are not limited, and the times have changed, Celts The religion and mythology of the ancient gods and heroes have gradually declined. Only in some places do people still vaguely remember the ancient gods and heroes. Even in remote Ireland, that area has never been Imperium Romanum The land under control soon felt the power of Christianity. However, in Ireland, converting to Christianity does not mean abandoning the Celtic heritage, which can be seen from the fact that monks have been committed to recording the ancient Celtic legend since the fifth century.
Many Celtic myths we know owe their efforts to the monks. Because apart from Welsh Only a few stories are recorded, and in many cases, writing is not allowed. Celts often destroyed books and records, and they were more inclined to rely on oral reports and well-trained memories.