Phoenix Mountain

Chaoyang National 4A Tourist Attraction, Liaoning Province
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Phoenix Mountain, ancient name Longshan Helongshan , on Liaoning Province Chaoyang City , Yes National forest parks and country AAAA level scenic spot [6] The highest peak is 660m above sea level.
Chaoyang Fenghuang Mountain Tourist Attraction is located in the east of Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, close to the central city. Covering an area of 67.84 square kilometers, it is bounded by the village road at the east foot of Fenghuang Mountain in the east, Sunjiawan in the south, East Ring Road of Lingfeng Street in the west, and Changbaoyingzi in the north natural landscape and cultural relics and historic sites places of historic figures and cultural heritage As one. [6]
Phoenix Mountain is Western Liaoning A famous mountain is a famous tourist attraction in Chaoyang City. [1] Existing in Phoenix Mountain“ Lingxiao Tower ”、“ Moyun Tower ”、“ Big pagoda ”Three ancient pagodas, as well as "Yanshou Temple", "Tianqing Temple"“ Yunjie Temple ”, "Huayan Temple" and other four temples. Phoenix Mountain also worships Sakyamuni Buddha and Dingguang Buddha Genuine relic , respectively excavated from Chaoyang North Tower and Chaoyang South Tower The two Buddhist relics are located on the same mountain, which makes the Phoenix Mountain, a Buddhist holy place, more sacred and more spiritual.
Chinese name
Phoenix Mountain
geographical position
Puti Road, Shuangta District, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province
climatic conditions
Temperate monsoon climate
Opening Hours
May 1-September 30, daylight saving time: 06:00-18:00 from Monday to Sunday; October 1-April 30, winter time: 07:00-17:00 Monday to Sunday
Scenic spot level
Grade AAAA [6]
Ticket Price
80.00 yuan
Famous scenic spot
Yunjie Temple Pagoda Big pagoda Yunjie Temple Phoenix Mountain Burial Cave [8] Buddhist pagoda The Heavenly Southern Gate
Liaoning Province Chaoyang City
Recommended travel time
6-8 hours
Suitable travel season
April October

Historical evolution

Phoenix Mountain is not only Western Liaoning Historic mountain, also Three Swallows The famous Buddhist holy land in the Liao and Jin dynasties. It is known as the "famous Buddhist mountain in Northeast China". Fenghuang Mountain Scenic Area has a long history of Buddhism《 Jin Shu 》And《 Supplement to the Spring and Autumn Annals of the Sixteen Kingdoms 》Record, Jin Xiankang In the seventh year (341 AD), King Yan Murong Jiandu Longcheng , at Liucheng To the north, Longshan To the west, it is called the land of ford. since then Chaoyang City And opened it Ancient Capital of Sanyan Nearly a hundred years of history. As Longshan, its long history began at this time and gradually became brilliant. [6]
Three Yan Period: as early as 1660 years ago, the former King of Yan Murong It was built on the mountain Northeast China First seen in historical records buddhist temple —— Longxiang Buddhist Temple [2] Longxiang Buddhist Temple in Phoenix Mountain has become the first Buddhist temple in Northeast China, Eminent Monk of Longxiang Buddhist Temple Releasing the Epiphyllum Endlessly Lead 25 people to go Tianzhu Learn from experience and succeed in obtaining《 Guanyin Bodhisattva's Sutra 》He became one of the earliest monks who went west to seek Dharma in Chinese history, earlier than Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty in 207 Phoenix Mountain has therefore become a Buddhist in Northeast China“ Zuting ”。 Experienced Qianyan Hind swallow Beiyan The rise and fall of Phoenix Mountain Buddhism has already laid the foundation. [6]
Sui Dynasty Period: According to the records in Zizhi Tongjian Suiji III, "In the 16th year of Emperor Wen (AD 596), he ordered the northern town to Yingzhou Longshan Establish a temple. " In the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Zeng ordered Yingzhou (Today Chaoyang) Longshan Erect a temple [3] , sacrificing to Beizhen Mountain Doctor Wulu At this time, the basic buildings of Phoenix Mountain had begun to take shape.
Tang Dynasty: Buddhism was spreading day by day, believers and tourists gathered, pagodas and temples rose, and Phoenix Mountain entered a stable development stage after the first prosperous period.
Liao Dynasty: Fenghuang Mountain flourished again. Shangsizhi Lingxiao Tower , Zhongsi Moyun Tower , Beigou Big pagoda They were built in the Liao Dynasty, and Huayan Temple, Tianqing Temple, Daozuo Guanyin Cave and Guanyin Hall were also built, And engraved with Jade Avalokitesvara Verse Stele. [9] [10-11 ] Sincerity can be said to be building in a big way. At this time, Phoenix Mountain is also called Helongshan , whose name originates from the legend of Black and White Two Dragons. [6]
Yuan Dynasty: great painter of the Yuan Dynasty Zhao Mengfu Once wrote poetry《 Xingzhong Mansion's Jianshan Tower [5] Praise the Phoenix Mountain, namely the Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties Xingzhong Mansion Xingzhong Prefecture "Helong Mountain" [4] The main peak of Phoenix Mountain was also called "Tianzhu Gufeng" in the Yuan Dynasty. [4]
Qing Dynasty: According to legend, Emperor Qianlong《 The Book of Songs 》The poem "The phoenix is singing in the other high mountain; the plane tree is born in the other rising sun" in the Chinese poem changed the name of Longshan Mountain to Phoenix Mountain, and the name of Longcheng was changed to Chaoyang in the meaning of "the phoenix is singing in the rising sun" in the poem. [6] There are poems written by Emperor Qianlong today《 Passing Chaoyang County 》Spread [7]

cultural relics and historic sites

There are many cultural relics in Fenghuang Mountain Scenic Area. According to the archaeological survey, there are Hongshan culture Xiajiadian culture Cultural sites 27 and 18 cultural relics and scenic spots. Most of them are Buddhist architecture
Buildings such as temples and pagodas in Phoenix Mountain natural landscape It is integrated, undulating, simple, generous, solemn and elegant. Fenghuang Mountain has formed a niche through the construction of three Yan, Sui, Liao, Qing and other dynasties Phoenix Mountain Burial Cave -Cliff Buddha Niche) [8] , two holes( Reclining Buddha Ancient Cave, Inverted Guanyin Cave), Three Towers( Lingxiao Tower Moyun Tower Big pagoda ), four temples (Yanshou Temple, Tianqing Temple Yunjie Temple Huayan Temple) and the Buddhist architectural communities such as the Eighteenth Fragrance Falling Plate, Haichang Tomb Tower, and Holy Water Ancient Well. In addition, there are a number of modern buildings, such as the gate archway, the Nine Phoenix Wall, the Sun and Moon Pavilion, the Dream Stream Pavilion, the Wind and Rain Pavilion, the Statue of Goddess, and the open-air Avalokitesvara Landscape architecture There are many ancient temples. The morning bell and evening drum witnessed the 1600 year old Buddhist cultural inheritance of Phoenix Mountain, the thousand year old Buddha finger cypress and the 500 year old Buddha finger cypress bodhi tree It also adds a bit of magic and spirituality to the Buddhist Holy Land Phoenix Mountain. [6]
Phoenix Mountain is still enshrined Sakyamuni Buddha He Ding Guang Buddha( Ancient Buddha Burning a Lamp )Two Buddhas Genuine relic Sakyamuni Buddhist relics Unearthed in Chaoyang North Tower It is one of the most famous Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Sacrificial burial of Sakyamuni Buddha's flesh and blood relics. Ding Guang Buddhist relics unearthed from Chaoyang South Tower It is also the first discovery in the world. The two Buddhist relics are located on the same mountain, which makes the Phoenix Mountain, a Buddhist holy place, more sacred and more spiritual. [6]

geographical environment

Phoenix Mountain is located in North temperate zone In the continental monsoon climate zone, although the southeast is affected by ocean warm and humid air Mongolian Plateau Drying of cold air It often intrudes, forming a semi dry, semi humid and easily dry area with four distinct seasons, Rain heat In the same season, there is sufficient sunshine, large daily temperature difference and less precipitation.
Local year-round Average temperature 5.4℃~8.7℃; Annual average Sunshine hours 2850~2950 hours; Annual precipitation 450~580mm; The frost free period is 120~155 days. It is windy and drought prone in spring and autumn, and the wind force is generally 2-3, prevailing in winter northwest wind , strong wind. After 2000, due to Liaoning The policy of "three north forests" and "returning farmland to forests" has obviously controlled sandstorms and a pleasant climate.
Fenghuang Mountain Scenic Area is rich in ecological resources. With 1334 hectares of forest land, the flora belongs to the North China series and extends to Inner Mongolia Formation There are a lot of flora and vegetation resources in the transition zone. There are as many as 790 plant species investigated, of which angiosperm 763 kinds, Gymnosperms 12 kinds, Fern 15 species, national level II key protection Wild plant Juglans mandshurica Yellow pineapple Tilia amurensis jute Grass Astragalus membranaceus Anise And other scenic spots all over the mountain forest coverage 85%, known as the plant treasure house of western Liaoning. Tilia is natural in large area secondary forest With an area of 4000 mu, it is the largest in western Liaoning; The millet produced in the Qilin Mountain Basin tastes very good. It is a tribute to the emperor through the ages.
In the scenic spot wild animal There are many species, up to 330, of which the national key protected wild animals are Golden Eagle bustard Long eared Owl Black Stork Etc; Liaoning Provincial key protected wild animals include Stone pheasant Grey dove Pheasant Roe deer fox Badgers Etc. [6]

Main landscape

The natural landscape of Phoenix Mountain Scenic Area is magnificent. The natural landscape in the scenic spot is strange and precipitous, with both shape and spirit. Everything sprouts and grows luxuriantly in spring; In summer, all kinds of flowers are in full bloom; In autumn, the red leaves are all over the mountain, which is colorful; Winter is covered with snow. Climbing on Fengguan and looking far, with a wide view and magnificent scenery, it is a unique tourist destination. [6]
Natural landscapes mainly include: "Natural Giant Buddha", "Hua Tuo worships Maitreya", "Golden Camel Watches the Moon", "Elephant Trunk Mountain", "Lotus Heart Cave", "Chessboard Stone", "Phoenix Top", etc.
Cultural landscape mainly includes: Yunjie Temple Pagoda Big pagoda , Buddha Pagoda Cliff Buddha niche( Phoenix Mountain Burial Cave [8] , Nantianmen, 18 plates of incense, etc.
Fenghuang Mountain is a national endangered rare bird with luxuriant trees, overlapping mountains and rolling hills on the surface Black Stork Important habitat. The Longshan Scenic Area of Phoenix Mountain has steep mountains and steep walls, narrow valleys and steep valleys. It is either a solitary peak, or a cluster of mountains, or a dragon in the shape of a cloud, or a monster in the shape of a mountain. Because of its beautiful scenery, Phoenix Mountain has been designated as a national forest park and a national AAAA level scenic spot It is a good place for Chinese and foreign tourists to visit.

Tourism information


geographical position

Fenghuang Mountain is located in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province Twin tower area Bodhi Road.

Chaoyang Fenghuang Mountain Tourist Attraction

Puti Road, Shuangta District, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province


Traffic information

Taxi: It's about 5 kilometers from Zhuanpan Street (Chaoyang Street Xinhua Road Cross) to Fenghuang Mountain, and the taxi fare is about 10 yuan.
Bus: Take bus No.10, No.14 or No.15 to Phoenix Mountain Scenic Area, and the fare is 2 yuan. [12]